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Player Owned Customs Office: Your feedback on the past month

First post
Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2012-01-09 10:34:41 UTC
If "small pos is unaffordable" you are not using the POS for anything productive.

Personally I more than cover the fuel bill of one small POS entirely through blueprint research and copying. Small POS costing about 90 mil to run per 30 days, a single battlecruiser blueprint being copied for BPCs (taking one copyslot of one laboratory) covers that much... granted, you first have to invest in a BPO and research it, but beyond that, it is fairly little effort to make ISK out of POS ownership.

Now if your POS is just a toy floating in space and it isn't doing anything that produces ISK, yeah, it is a drain on your wallet. Why keep such a POS around?
Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#82 - 2012-01-09 10:57:43 UTC
pussnheels wrote:
3-400k a day from a average of 150 to 200 k a day thats 100% increase
CCP devs are programmers not economist , did you had a look at fuel prices for a pos ?? no
together with the upcoming hukageddon even a small pos will be almost unaffordable

Fuel prices have gone up because of the increase in taxes and the stockpiling for fuel blocks. They are up anywhere from 15 to 30%, which more than compensates the tax increase, so PI is as profitable as ever. Why, then, do you say small corps are locked out?

Yes, towers have become a bit more expensive to run. But all of mine are still making a profit, buying fuel from the market.

By the way, it has to be one or the other. Either you are complaining about PI not being profitable, or fuel prices going up.

and not only that just the whole concept is horrible and smells to favoritism towards larger alliaces and the small independent corporations are left in the cold and unable to compete in industry with the bigger ones
Or are you one of those who is willing to sell your soul and give up everything you work for to join a larger alliance

Why are you unable to compete? People in large alliances are also paying taxes, to the alliance. Personally, my small, independent corporation, working together with a couple other small, independent corporations, is having a blast fighting over lowsec POCOs. For us, it has provided an entirely new aspect to lowsec gameplay.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

#83 - 2012-01-09 11:11:53 UTC
Jack Dant wrote:
pussnheels wrote:
3-400k a day from a average of 150 to 200 k a day thats 100% increase
CCP devs are programmers not economist , did you had a look at fuel prices for a pos ?? no
together with the upcoming hukageddon even a small pos will be almost unaffordable

Fuel prices have gone up because of the increase in taxes and the stockpiling for fuel blocks. They are up anywhere from 15 to 30%, which more than compensates the tax increase, so PI is as profitable as ever. Why, then, do you say small corps are locked out?

Yes, towers have become a bit more expensive to run. But all of mine are still making a profit, buying fuel from the market.

By the way, it has to be one or the other. Either you are complaining about PI not being profitable, or fuel prices going up.

and not only that just the whole concept is horrible and smells to favoritism towards larger alliaces and the small independent corporations are left in the cold and unable to compete in industry with the bigger ones
Or are you one of those who is willing to sell your soul and give up everything you work for to join a larger alliance

Why are you unable to compete? People in large alliances are also paying taxes, to the alliance. Personally, my small, independent corporation, working together with a couple other small, independent corporations, is having a blast fighting over lowsec POCOs. For us, it has provided an entirely new aspect to lowsec gameplay.

you made a good point tho i stick with my opinion and views , POCO was unwanted and there was no need for them

Next thing CCP is going to claim that they now added a whole new dimension to FW by making the POCO bpc available only in FW and concord LP shops

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Dragon E
Eastern Promises
#84 - 2012-01-09 12:21:58 UTC
1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?
- Raise the Taxes on Interbus and ad a fuel requirement for POCO's
- Make Re-Inforcement cycle Strongtium bases. No re-fueling, no new Re-Inforcement timer.
- Let people ad guns, for an additional fuel requirements.
- Interbus Office not used by any player for 30 days should selfdestruct. No need to have them around.

2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?
No. Because the POCO owner can run them remotely.

3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?
Yes. many do PI as an extra income.

4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?

5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?

Please ad destroyed/Reinforces POCOS to system wind where we also can see ships destroyd last 24 hours. This would ad attention and creaty more game dynamics.
Dragon E
Eastern Promises
#85 - 2012-01-09 12:34:05 UTC
Miiikka wrote:
Professor Alphane wrote:
Don't think there has really been enough time for everything to settle into a pattern yet.

What I would say is broken (well perhaps not broken but against the grain at least) is a couple of things.

1. You just handed on a gold plater null sec alliances a bonus 10% on there already larger share of PI profit.

2. Your system seems to try and encourage people to hold and defend property in low sec, something no-one is really going to undertake as the rest of the tools a null sec alliance have for these purposes aren't available. Discouraging people from taking that 'risk it for a biscuit route' and basically doing the oppossite of what you seem to have intended.

3. The overall effect therefore was a nerf to high sec ops and a buff for the already phenominally rich null sec alliances, plus added another complication for those who want to dip there toe in riskier ventures.

All in all a nice idea, when implemented doing almost the complete opposite of what was intended, pretty much par for the course really.

Just the way I see things of course your milage may vary.

/edit- thanks for asking though Lol

Pretty much this.

Most of the large Sov holding Alliances are tearing down the Interbus Offices and erecting their own, thus adding to their already substantial income stream.

The Offices in lowsec have had some activity surrounding them, but are for the most part untouched.

Small Corps who do not have the means to destroy/defend these offices are being shut out, by the added complication of increased charges for their members who carry out PI to offset the costs of towers etc.

So, as predicted another additional income stream for large Alliances, another blow for the small corps/individuals trying to make a little profit out of PI.

My 4 characters continued with PI for a week after this change was implimented to see how things went, but then I stopped them on all 20 planets. The higher initial charges, along with the reduced profit (which was not that much anyway) makes it not worth the time invested anymore.

Its a shame, but not entirely unexpected.

Miika wrote: Pretty much this.
Most of the large Sov holding Alliances are tearing down the Interbus Offices and erecting their own, thus adding to their already substantial income stream.

Have you looked at LOWSEC recently?? Nothing there support your theory. Tons of Interbus Offices ready to be replaced with POCOs.

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2012-01-09 13:50:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jarnis McPieksu
Indeed. In the lowsec systems that I use (for other purposes) all POCOs are still Interbus. This is a downer for me as I could do some small time PI on the side but not at 17% tax rate (so I do it at my highsec "home" system under CONCORD 10% tax). Not doing enough PI to care about replacing the POCOs myself (too much effort and too much ISK required) or to travel to other systems where I otherwise have no productive business going on.

But hey, if someone else did replace them and allow usage at a competitive tax rate, I'd probably shift my PI stuff over to those lowsec systems that I constantly visit anyway for other purposes. "Competitive rate" in this case would be 10% or below. I might even pay 11-12% if I get some kind of "spacehonour word" from the POCO owner that the rate is going to stay put and the POCO is being defended so I don't end up with bunch of PI structures on a planet with no POCO (or with a POCO set at ripoff tax rate). I would have no problem paying all that export tax to the owner of the POCO. FREE ISK PRINTER! Look! Here!

I say there is plenty of market available for "POCO landlords" in lowsec. The biggest hurdle is probably to find some way to set it all up and advertise it to potential PI "bears" without attracting the attention of a Bigger Fish that might drop some caps to blow up the POCOs for "teh lulz".

I guess at this point the only practical way is to just set up some POCOs, do some own PI (at 0% rate for yourself, naturally) and set up a competitive tax rate for others and see if the "PI bear honeypot" brings people to the planets with your POCOs. It also helps if you don't try to shoot their haulers... Big smile

Perhaps EVE needs some kind of "search for POCOs by tax rate" style in-game way to browse and search planetary infrastructure in the region / in the universe. A way to set up infrastructure for others to use without making forum posts or other "noise" that might attract evil people. Naturally this is something someone could do by setting up a web service or something where people can post their "available for public" lowsec POCOs with tax rates etc.
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#87 - 2012-01-09 14:33:02 UTC
I personally like the idea of POCO's as something else that pilots can build and run themselves. It adds something more to the the world of New Eden. Although it does seem to be another buff for the nul-sec community.

I am not in favour of the massive hike in PI taxes. We were deceived initially by CCP into thinking the tax was going to be doubled. If it had been openly explained at the offset that tax would be increased by hundreds of percent as they have been that would have been more honest. BUT then you would have had another furore on the scale of the NEX Store debacle. With the relatively puny amounts of material that can be obtained by doing PI in high-sec i would say doubling the PI tax would have been fairer than the present situation.

Also the current PI tax in high-sec will prevent new pilots in New Eden from getting involved in Planetary Interaction while they stay in high sec to learn the game.
Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2012-01-09 15:27:50 UTC
Celgar Thurn wrote:
We were deceived initially by CCP into thinking the tax was going to be doubled. If it had been openly explained at the offset that tax would be increased by hundreds of percent as they have been that would have been more honest.

This was CCP fail - they didn't realize that their initial plans would mean practical tax that was something like 1% - not worth setting up POCOs. So they at the last minute revised the taxable value of PI goods (while still doubling the taxes) and that caused bit of a double-whammy. It was unavoidable and needed - without it nobody would build POCOs as the benefit over the "17% interbus tax" would be in reality less than 2%.


Also the current PI tax in high-sec will prevent new pilots in New Eden from getting involved in Planetary Interaction while they stay in high sec to learn the game.

Nope. PI is still profitable even with the taxes. Do the math. In EVE you cannot avoid doing the math. Google Docs spreadsheets for the win.
Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#89 - 2012-01-09 15:28:54 UTC
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
Indeed. In the lowsec systems that I use (for other purposes) all POCOs are still Interbus. This is a downer for me as I could do some small time PI on the side but not at 17% tax rate (so I do it at my highsec "home" system under CONCORD 10% tax).

The Interbus COs are a big deterrent to deploying your own POCOs, especially in busy lowsec (where other people would notice them). Look at Amamake, where all COs are still Interbus. The same applies to other hotspots.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#90 - 2012-01-09 17:27:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
CCP Omen wrote:
Hello and a happy new year!

Here are a few questions if you need help to get started. Please remember that constructive feedback is more likely to lead anywhere.

1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?

2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?

3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?

4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?

5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?

Best regards
CCP Omen

1. I think over all it works pretty well. PI is still profitable in high sec but now much more appealing in low/null

2. I have not seen much PVP as a result of the POCO's. definitely more fleet ops to clear the way for alliances to put up there own POCO's but the only POCO's I have seen fall were pirate targets in active low sec area's. Why put one there in the first place.

3.not really. even with high taxes it takes forever for a POCO to repay the costs to put it up. definitely more of a benefit to large corps/alliances that are not burdened by the costs.

4. No. PI is a requirement as it is the only real source now for needed components for manufacturing. low/null POCO's definitely have an advantage over high sec PI which is as it should be. But PI demand is still controlled by manufacturing and POS fuel demands.

5. NO but I do believe they were a big step in the right direction.

On a side note it does seem we need something more to increase the appeal of putting up a POCO. the profits alone do not seem to be enough as it takes so long to repay the investment that you will possibly lose your POCO before you even break even.
Reducing the costs would not work as they would be even less worth defending. increasing the tax does not work as it would hurt the game economy to much.
I thought it would be cool to be able to upgrade the POCO's. Have an upgraded POCO give bonuses to command center power grid ,CPU, and link capacity, even storage silo capacity. This would make them far more valuable and worth defending (to protect upgrades) increasing related PVP and POCO value without drastically increasing cost or taxes.
Les Tueurs de Killer
#91 - 2012-01-09 19:02:47 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:
1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?

Taxes are too expensive, but oh well, they always are, right ? Anyway, having to pay a fixed tax on a variable price item sounds wrong.

CCP Omen wrote:
2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?

No idea. Probably significant in null sec since you can break your enemy's PI supply, or at least slow it down.

CCP Omen wrote:
3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?

Small (tiny) corps can't destroy Interbus CO. I tried on Sisi with a Rattlesnake with heavy T2 drones + Manticore with torps + 5 Med T2 drones from Orca, gave up after like 2 hours, shield was at like 40%...

CCP Omen wrote:
4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?

More revelant for big corps since they can put a POCO and have a tax free import/export for themselves.
For people like me running their PI+POS alone, we got doomed. I stopped all PI and gonna shutdown my POS.

CCP Omen wrote:
5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?

90% chances i'm gonna quit the game since my gameplay is ruined.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#92 - 2012-01-09 19:32:07 UTC
Posted this elsewhere, but its probably more relevant here :

We are a small corp and have so far put up 8 POCO's in 0.4 systems the oldest being around 4 weeks old, the newest 2 weeks.

The TOTAL income from all POCO's over that period of time has been 75m isk for an investment of close to 1 billion isk taking into account the time to take down the Interbus co's, ammo, replacing 2 destroyed co's and getting ganked while killing the Interbus co's.

All in all, its a pretty terrible return on investment.

Two suggestions :

- Some method of judging your income before you take down a CO.
- Some method of attracting players to your planet.

And to the poster above, our 3 man corp takes down CO's in around an 90 mins with 3 x T3 battlecruisers with t2 blasters.
Jas Dor
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#93 - 2012-01-09 19:36:39 UTC
pussnheels wrote:
CCP Omen wrote:
Hello and a happy new year!

We are getting back to work and this is high time to evaluate how the Player Owned Customs Office feature worked out and potentially address any rough edges. Needless to say, we have been monitoring the developments for any major issues, and several defects were fixed during the past month. With this thread we want to collect your impressions and learn how you are using the feature and how you believe it has impacted EVE.

Here are a few questions if you need help to get started. Please remember that constructive feedback is more likely to lead anywhere.

1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?

2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?

3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?

4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?

5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?

Best regards
CCP Omen

I remember when CCP published the first blog about POCO you asked for feedback

you had a 90 page or so thread feedback where the overwhelming majority of people spoke out against the idea
but you just didn't listen you just went ahead and introduced a very biased game mechanic that basicly locks out smaller corporations and newer players from PI
You told us that it would improve player co operation and friendship , i am still convinced that you know nothing about the game or even less about economics and what competition in industry actually means

If this is CCP first step into forcing high sec dwellers into nulsec , , don't bother just nerf whole high sec to death now effect will be the same only second will have faster results
end result is you CCP losing customers

I's just like to chime in on this. Low Sec mechanics actively discourage large scale player cooperation. Players who wish to develop the area cannot project force without sec hits eventually shutting them down (that and gate gun mechanics favor the aggressor not the defender). Pirate gangs don't generally care about their sec status, but also normally can't organize a large enough number of people to claim an area. The result of this is that you have the barbarians come through a blow up the POCOs looking for fights - and nobody rebuilds them. Eventually most low sec will have no COs and no POCO's making development there not worth it.

The benefits of POCO's go to players in WH and 0.0 space. I suppose organized infrastructure in low sec might arise from POCOs. I expect in the long term industry in low sec only makes sense as an exception, not a rule.
Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#94 - 2012-01-09 20:38:03 UTC
Jas Dor wrote:
I's just like to chime in on this. Low Sec mechanics actively discourage large scale player cooperation. Players who wish to develop the area cannot project force without sec hits eventually shutting them down (that and gate gun mechanics favor the aggressor not the defender). Pirate gangs don't generally care about their sec status, but also normally can't organize a large enough number of people to claim an area. The result of this is that you have the barbarians come through a blow up the POCOs looking for fights - and nobody rebuilds them. Eventually most low sec will have no COs and no POCO's making development there not worth it.

Are you speaking from experience or theorycrafting? Because everywhere I've looked, it was the pirates putting up the POCOs and defending them. The last POCO I anchored has already been reinforced twice, giving us 2b worth of kills from attackers. It's the best bait ship 100 mil can buy.

There's a risk your scenario will become true. But the only thing it takes to avoid it is a better ROI on POCOs. If they paid for themselves in a month, instead of three, more people would risk deploying and trying to defend them.

PS. You may want to check the link in my sig if sec status mechanics annoy you.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

Les Tueurs de Killer
#95 - 2012-01-10 13:26:14 UTC
ILeone wrote:
And to the poster above, our 3 man corp takes down CO's in around an 90 mins with 3 x T3 battlecruisers with t2 blasters.

I can't do this, i don't have skills for any T2 large gun. Can't fly a thanatos either.
Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2012-01-10 13:53:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jarnis McPieksu
Esunisen wrote:
ILeone wrote:
And to the poster above, our 3 man corp takes down CO's in around an 90 mins with 3 x T3 battlecruisers with t2 blasters.

I can't do this, i don't have skills for any T2 large gun. Can't fly a thanatos either.

It is true that Tech 2 guns and carriers have better DPS than Tech 1 noob thingys. You do know that you can fix this with the skill queue and some time, right?

If POCOs were any more fragile than they are now, they would be constantly shot at for fun by bored pirates. Structures have to have enough HP to make them unfeasible to take down with just 1-2 pilots.
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#97 - 2012-01-10 15:26:05 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:

1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?

2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?

3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?

4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?

5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?

1) yes, the entire player owned system is crap
2) i don't know - i refused to engage in PI after the new system came out
3) absolutely not, not even a chance. the big corps and alliances just come in and clear them out if they want
4) it's become a serious inflation pressure on the cost of tech 2 items
5) no, because POCOs are not awesome.

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2012-01-10 16:12:44 UTC
Jack Dant wrote:
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
Indeed. In the lowsec systems that I use (for other purposes) all POCOs are still Interbus. This is a downer for me as I could do some small time PI on the side but not at 17% tax rate (so I do it at my highsec "home" system under CONCORD 10% tax).

The Interbus COs are a big deterrent to deploying your own POCOs, especially in busy lowsec (where other people would notice them). Look at Amamake, where all COs are still Interbus. The same applies to other hotspots.

Yeah, the Interbus COs need to have their HP drastically reduced or just be outright removed by CCP. I mention them as my "something broken" much earlier in this thread. They were a solution for a problem which no longer exists (ensuring continued PI supply and market stability when POCOs were first introduced).

Even one jump from goonswarm's capital, there are still dozens of Interbus COs remaining unshot because of the sheer effort needed to POCO-ize a constellation. || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Les Tueurs de Killer
#99 - 2012-01-10 17:53:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Esunisen
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
It is true that Tech 2 guns and carriers have better DPS than Tech 1 noob thingys. You do know that you can fix this with the skill queue and some time, right?

I don't even have gunnery V, but i can use heavy T2 drones, i always use drone boats. DPS isn't enough to down the CO shield.

Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
If POCOs were any more fragile than they are now, they would be constantly shot at for fun by bored pirates. Structures have to have enough HP to make them unfeasible to take down with just 1-2 pilots.

True for POCO, but Interbus CO are too painfull to kill What?
Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#100 - 2012-01-10 18:25:23 UTC
Hmm, I do agree that it may be that Interbus thingies could be more fragile while player deployed POCOs could take bit more beating?