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New Dev Blog: The passing of the torch: The future of EVE

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Daedra Blue
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2012-01-03 11:44:07 UTC
While you are up there could you pick up my PI? :))
Caldari State
#142 - 2012-01-03 15:06:38 UTC  |  Edited by: oldbutfeelingyoung
PinkKnife wrote:
CCP Unifex wrote:
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
I don't mean to be rude, but CCP Unifex? what kind of cruddy name is that? It sounds like a brand of sticky tape or window spray...

I didn't like what CCP Zulu achieved much but at least he got a decent name.... Pah. P

Oh and War as a theme? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Come on, it's a great, Sci-Fi, very non-cuddly name ;-)

I call dibs on CCP Tribbles

Lors Dornick wrote:

In other words.

The door will open there's something useful behind it.

Which I for one find quite reasonable.

If we could step through it now, we'd only get our out-of-pod bodies biomassed since there's nothing there except some remaining toxic corporate dream gas ;)

And when, exactly do you see that happening, if ever? Do I expect CCP to come out and say, oh yeah, CQ is dead, no.

Do I expect CQ to sit in atrophy and limbo for the next 4 years doing absolutely nothing/waiting for the right moment to blossom, aside from maybe the occasional new clothing set, or a change to the AUR system, definitely.

I'd say prove me wrong, but CCP's own history of leaving things unfinished kind of already proves my case.

Also, for those hoping for FW revamps in the war themed expansion, sorry to dissapoint, but the new expansion is going to revolve heavily around the launch of Dust 514, and it's integration. Hence their tag line "one universe, one war".

Lol that should give a a lot tears and rage here .
Can,t wait

Edit : i am not a consolecrap player


Nyla Skin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#143 - 2012-01-04 09:19:25 UTC
Emperor Salazar wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
We solo players?

Because MMOs put solo players as a top priority.

They often do, these days actually.

Bye Zulu, hi new guy.

In after the lock :P   - CCP Falcon

#144 - 2012-01-04 10:11:42 UTC
So CCP is going to kill off all the little people,the small idependent industrial corporations and probably most medium size industrial s all in favor of griefers and nullsec , and if the griefing can actually hurt in RL aswell even better

Well done CCP

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Caldari State
#145 - 2012-01-04 13:45:44 UTC
seems that FW gets some love in this new theme,congrats FW people


Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#146 - 2012-01-08 09:09:18 UTC
pussnheels wrote:
So CCP is going to kill off all the little people,the small idependent industrial corporations and probably most medium size industrial s all in favor of griefers and nullsec , and if the griefing can actually hurt in RL aswell even better

Well done CCP

This but unironically

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Siren's calll
#147 - 2012-01-09 05:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: OSGOD
we only hope the future dosent involve changes like the latest to PI and the tier 3 epic failure as i have lost a corp meber becuase of the changes to PI ,he didnt leave corp he left game ,so for me crucible is jkust incarna version 2.

eve is game and as my corpy and me have said i done paty for this game just to log on and spend all my availiable eve time doing ******* PI, and as for the tier 3 ships ,well done HILMAR another **** the paying players up the ass rip of
Siren's calll
#148 - 2012-01-09 05:44:33 UTC
Elvis Preslie wrote:
Oh, so YOU"RE the reason ccp has started to get their act together, to hopefully become quality competition with other MMORPG games, in regard to overall graphics and less patches due to less bugs. Big smile

Crucible is the FIRST edition of eve that Ive seen have the least ammount of bugs on first release as well as the first Ive seen to address the graphics problems. your graphics were crap before cruicible; they were something an amateur studio would produce 12 years ago.

finally, eve is starting to become more realistic; can we, however, get a FULL realistic perspective, compared to direct x 11 games that are currently out. We need solar flares, planets orbiting but a way for people to still have "static" bookmarks in relation to customs offices and planets, etc. Ever heard of offsets for variables in the programming? Big smile

We need comets, shooting stars, supernovas along with a vast variety of other improvements.

little tip for you m8 i have been playing since JAN 2007 , THE TIP **** OF BACK TO WOW.
#149 - 2012-01-09 08:04:29 UTC
OSGOD wrote:
Elvis Preslie wrote:
Oh, so YOU"RE the reason ccp has started to get their act together, to hopefully become quality competition with other MMORPG games, in regard to overall graphics and less patches due to less bugs. Big smile

Crucible is the FIRST edition of eve that Ive seen have the least ammount of bugs on first release as well as the first Ive seen to address the graphics problems. your graphics were crap before cruicible; they were something an amateur studio would produce 12 years ago.

finally, eve is starting to become more realistic; can we, however, get a FULL realistic perspective, compared to direct x 11 games that are currently out. We need solar flares, planets orbiting but a way for people to still have "static" bookmarks in relation to customs offices and planets, etc. Ever heard of offsets for variables in the programming? Big smile

We need comets, shooting stars, supernovas along with a vast variety of other improvements.

little tip for you m8 i have been playing since JAN 2007 , THE TIP **** OF BACK TO WOW.

You are a complete moron lol. Apparently you have been carebearing since 2007 because most of the Tier three BC are fine as is. Just because the tier three BC is not a drake V2, or a hurricane V2 does not mean that they are not useful and good. The problem is Ti3 BC can not easily be adapted to carebearing roles, so GTFO and quit your bitching . They are fine for PVP and can't be good for carebearing, similar to an arazu or a curse.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#150 - 2012-01-10 05:05:38 UTC
I feel very comfortable in saying that Unifex is an awesome guy and really has his head on straight and a solid knowledge of the game. This year is really looking up! Also, I am EXTREMELY glad that Zulu is staying on - he's a bright enough guy and I can look back at his tenure in Eve and see some really solid progress made.

Well done to both of you guys.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#151 - 2012-01-12 01:53:09 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
PinkKnife wrote:
Kami3k wrote:
PinkKnife wrote:
So the captains Quarters is all but officially dead then? Glad all that time/effort was wasted. Sometimes I think CCP has dev ADHD.

What do you expect them to do? The engine can barely handle one person on the screen and you want them to do more?

I want them to finish the project they started and not leave features 1/3 of the way done for another 5 years. CQ as is has no purpose, give it one, and people will use it.

The engine for the tech isn't ready, the plans for WiS aren't ready and the playerbase is still hostile towards sinking any significant amount of resources to the project. I'm sorry you have such a hardon for it, but focusing on that now would have in the best case scenario been a huge gamble with a huge chance of failure and in the worst case it would have been a death sentence for CCP. It's a horribly bad bet and it's an irresponsible bet to take at this time.

@topic I'm glad to see significant changes being made, but I'm also glad to hear Zulu is still going to be part of the team. Not everyone hates him regardless of what his part or blame in the summer clusterfuck was. You do your best, but at times ****/mistakes happen and you try to learn what you can from them and move on. Hopefully everyone is a bit wiser from the experience and can go on to make EVE an even better game than it already is.


I love it when someone says something that indicates they know what all the player base thinks. As many in the player base are upset at the lack of at least some resources being put on ambulation. Most of the hostility was no about WiS in particular, it was about "golden ammo", resources on other games and some damaging internal communications being leaked.

CCP getting back to ambulation in a couple of years could very well be way too late. No telling what games might be available by then. The decision to not even hint at when ambulation might get on a burner again will create a continued lack of confidence in CCP being able to deliver on their promises. A broken promise in this case that we can be reminded of for years it would seem as we sit in our Captains Cells staring at a door that will never open.

As to the rest, fly safe Zulu! Welcome new guy!

If "war" means finishing what they abandoned with faction warfare, makes sense but don't you think miners, industrialist and traders are due for some luvin?


Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#152 - 2012-01-12 02:01:52 UTC
CCP Unifex wrote:
PinkKnife wrote:
So the captains Quarters is all but officially dead then? Glad all that time/effort was wasted. Sometimes I think CCP has dev ADHD.

Nope, not wasted.

Looking for the right way to blossom? Yes. We will make sure we do Avatars the right way for EVE and will make sure we do it in a way that doesn't detract from everything else we have already in game.

How do you think you have any credibility after such a long period of time promising aw3esome then delivering the only single player per instance MMO in the universe? Then going dark about future plans for ambulation for so long? Now we get "we just can't figure out anything fun to do with it".

You already have tons of suggestions and even showed of some concepts years ago as to how ambulation would make Eve better, what else are you waiting for? If you are somehow waiting for the average PC to be 50X better at graphics because of your base tech can't work on most PCs you had better get someone on staff that understands the actual trends in the PC industry because that path is failure.

If the delay in getting back to features is any indication your real plan is to just wait until we can all walk in space stations in RL. I expect to be able to do that before I can in Eve.

#153 - 2012-01-12 04:00:52 UTC
CCP Unifex wrote:
PinkKnife wrote:
So the captains Quarters is all but officially dead then? Glad all that time/effort was wasted. Sometimes I think CCP has dev ADHD.

Nope, not wasted.

Looking for the right way to blossom? Yes. We will make sure we do Avatars the right way for EVE and will make sure we do it in a way that doesn't detract from everything else we have already in game.

Err. What happened to booster trading in bars and players scanning for contraband? That actually sounded like a very cool way to link FiS and WiS.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#154 - 2012-01-12 04:50:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Che Biko
I have a similar sentiment as Issler above me. I feel betrayed and abandoned. I believe in the dream of building the ultimate sci-fi universe, but right now I feel like CCP lacks the courage to even say they still have that vision.

Some of us have been waiting for WiS a looooooong time, and just as we are about to get it, it gets postponed indefinetly. CCP has to realize how cruel that is for those of us who looked forward to WiS. We have to wait several months before we even get to hear that Incarna is put on ice in some off-site interview, and then several months more for someone to confirm it, all the while being at the mercy of trolls in a 120+ pages thread. And we don't even get an apology for the "cancelation" of Incarna and the poor communication.

At the same time, the CSM turns a deaf ear to us, with the chairman seemingly only interested in representing "his" constituents and writing stuff like "Just ignore the people you disagree with. This is a thread for me to discuss issues with actual constituents, not to have a slapfight with lunatics who have never used a jump bridge in their life." I get the impression that he is telling CCP that the people who want WiS is very small and that CCP believes him.
We are not represented by the CSM and CCP will hardly communicate with us, or acknowledge our existence.
CCP has poisoned the idea of WiS for a significant amount of people, that is true, but I believe that the people who are opposed to WiS is just a very loud minority.

2011 has not been a happy year for me, and I was really looking forward to 2011 before it started. I have not played Crucible yet, mainly because I had some big (unrelated) hardware problems, but I haven't been in a hurry to get back into EVE. CCP may think that it has deployed Incarna, but it hasn't. It's the most incomplete expansion to date, as far as "delivering what is promised" goes. I don't know how long my patience will last, but I fear that 2012 will not bring us any closer to seeing the full deployment of Incarna, and that might cause me to lose faith in the dream, the vision that caused me to play EVE almost 4 years ago. And then I would feel very silly for loving a game so much that it could actually hurt me.

In short: CCP, you owe those of us that have been waiting for WiS so long (several years) a big apology for snatching it away just as we could almost taste it. You should realize that, because you gave us a big apology for not delivering something else for "only" 18 months. And even that will not bring you one step closer to making it up to us, the disciples of your vision.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#155 - 2012-01-12 07:56:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
It is the grimmest of moods as my main account is about to expire and now it's official that there is no hope left for me in this whole year.

I am not really interested what's gonna be the future for CCP. I will keep an eye on the forums as i serve my time in EVE (this bloody account, I just had to pay it for 6 months in advance...), but i am at the lowest point since october 2008.

I will see the FanFest come and give no hope -and I will be overly sarcastical and cynical about anything that resembles a promise. Pre- incarna, I was thinking that 2012 would be the real deal, as was impossible to deliver Incarna in 2011. Now it comes that 2012 is going to be the year of the gameplay i haven't given a damn for three years.

When this account runs out in late April i will just leave EVE altogether. And I hate it as I am leaving burned out of doing the same things and hopeless about the future of EVE.

It's not that dramatic arterial wound in the forearm what kills you, but the silent bleeding of that broken rib under your lung. And CCP is looking at the wrong wound.
Coreward Pan-Galactic
#156 - 2012-01-16 03:31:00 UTC
Nice.... missed this blurb since I was gone over the holidays.....

Been saying this needed to happen since it was announced he took the chair.

Well.... one Zulu down.... one Hilmar to go.... as we press on for a better game where the PLAYERS actually get what they want.

Peace all.