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What 3 things would you change about eve?

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Hilti Enaka
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#1 - 2015-11-26 17:00:40 UTC
The game has become very risk averse making it dull, boring and predictable. As much as that makes this sound like a rant, it's far from it. The question is what 3 things would you change of eve pvp?

I am PVP orientated so my three things are all aimed at trying to get people out of their comfort zones and away from being risk averse and get people looking for the GF's rather than the safe fights.

1. EWAR - needs a complete rethink, this contributes the biggest factor of risk aversion and is an "I WIN" button.

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

3. Neutral repping ships in wars; another contribution to the massive risk aversion.

I now wait the forum trolls to try to frame the my 3 points as fail. Before you do I want you to consider what the game used to be like before EWAR and Logi came into the game, that period of the game was the most enjoyable for me and many of the friends I made who unsubbed for the reasons of trying to make content but always competing against the game plays that roll out with the points above.
Pryce Caesar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-11-26 17:42:34 UTC
You mean to say that, because new elements of gameplay were added to diversify the PvP nature of EVE Online, it has become "risk aversive"?

EWAR and Logistics are meant to make the PvP aspect of EVE about more than "lock on, click, blow up target", and add another element of strategy to the game. The point is to out-think and out-plan your enemy. If you are complaining about stuff like EWAR and Logistics, then it seems like the complaint is about not being able to out-think the enemy. They are not "I WIN" buttons if you are a good enough to be able to coordinate your fleets to neutralize them.

I will ignore the Neutral repping point, because I am not entirely familiar with it.

Point being, you talk about "risk aversion" with EWAR and Logistics, but you also point towards them being "I WIN" buttons which, as I pointed out above, seems to point towards you having been blown out of the sky a number of times by Combat-EWAR/Combat-Logi ship pairs in the past. In other words, you just want your PvP to be "easier", and that seems to be true "risk aversion" - the removal of your target's means to out-match you.
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#3 - 2015-11-26 17:59:25 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:
The game has become very risk averse making it dull, boring and predictable. As much as that makes this sound like a rant, it's far from it. The question is what 3 things would you change of eve pvp?

I am PVP orientated so my three things are all aimed at trying to get people out of their comfort zones and away from being risk averse and get people looking for the GF's rather than the safe fights.

1. EWAR - needs a complete rethink, this contributes the biggest factor of risk aversion and is an "I WIN" button.

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

3. Neutral repping ships in wars; another contribution to the massive risk aversion.

I now wait the forum trolls to try to frame the my 3 points as fail. Before you do I want you to consider what the game used to be like before EWAR and Logi came into the game, that period of the game was the most enjoyable for me and many of the friends I made who unsubbed for the reasons of trying to make content but always competing against the game plays that roll out with the points above.

Pryce Caesar wrote:
You mean to say that, because new elements of gameplay were added to diversify the PvP nature of EVE Online, it has become "risk aversive"?

EWAR and Logistics are meant to make the PvP aspect of EVE about more than "lock on, click, blow up target", and add another element of strategy to the game. The point is to out-think and out-plan your enemy. If you are complaining about stuff like EWAR and Logistics, then it seems like the complaint is about not being able to out-think the enemy. They are not "I WIN" buttons if you are a good enough to be able to coordinate your fleets to neutralize them.

I will ignore the Neutral repping point, because I am not entirely familiar with it.

Point being, you talk about "risk aversion" with EWAR and Logistics, but you also point towards them being "I WIN" buttons which, as I pointed out above, seems to point towards you having been blown out of the sky a number of times by Combat-EWAR/Combat-Logi ship pairs in the past. In other words, you just want your PvP to be "easier", and that seems to be true "risk aversion" - the removal of your target's means to out-match you.

I have to agree with the OP. I think there is too much. too many unknowns and therefore people don't want to engage meaning yes risk aversion. I wouldn't call them I win buttons but I would go as far as saying EWAR and logi are fight spoilers with the team that can bring the most EWAR and logi being the out right winners.

To me my three things are:

1. Ewar and logi should be reworked.
2. more mission related to actual pvp content
3. somehow get the game to be less risk averse.
Gods Prophet
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-11-26 18:03:41 UTC
1. Come up with a new motivation for living and working in Null Sec. "Empire Building" just isn't cutting it anymore.
2. Completely rework the war dec mechanic so Wars are fun for both the decced and the deccer
3. Create a Bounty Hunter system that allows criminals in hi sec to be hunted in a way that is fun for the hunter and the criminal
ll Kuray ll
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#5 - 2015-11-26 18:20:53 UTC
1. Improve ways for people to asses the battlefield.

I have to agree:
2. EWAR rethink
3. Logi rethink

Eve isn't a game of skill anymore and I think this has contributed to the downfall of the game.
#6 - 2015-11-26 18:37:50 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:
The game has become very risk averse...

Perhaps you should stop flying cheap ships and then tell me it's risk averse.

I assure you if you're flying in something bigger and more expensive than an atron with T1 rigs you'll find the game a little more interesting. Try fitting up a couple of blingy cruisers or faction battleships, go do some pvp in low or nul and then come back and tell me how risk averse it is.

Kerensky Initiatives
#7 - 2015-11-26 18:46:33 UTC
It's called a 'comfort zone' for a reason.

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Otso Bakarti
#8 - 2015-11-26 19:06:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Otso Bakarti
I've said this for years, and a thin minority manages to shout it down, though the majority really wants it:

1.) Make piracy a crime against the sovereignty where it occurs.

2.) Make the pirate(s) criminals with that sovereignty in all its systems.

3.) Make the punishment fit the crime; hefty/hurtful fines, banishment from said sovereignty's systems till it's paid.

Make the back story, the underlying characters and events MEANINGFUL by bringing them into the IMMERSION in a real and meaningful way. Discourage penny ante fly by night vandals from trashing the game with pedestrian and tawdry antics. Make racial sovereignty REAL.

PS "Risk averse" is a slogan invented by the minority PvP-ers hoping it will force management to turn EVE (and other games, as well) into a strictly PvP game, even though these people comprise 20% (or so) of video gamers worldwide (www). When you see "risk averse" in a post, remember it's there to obfuscate and confuse, because the people who use it know they can't win by just being honest with their intentions and ambitions. So, they're resorting to a con job.

There just isn't anything that can be said!

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2015-11-26 19:34:56 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:
The game has become very risk averse making it dull, boring and predictable. As much as that makes this sound like a rant, it's far from it. The question is what 3 things would you change of eve pvp?

I am PVP orientated so my three things are all aimed at trying to get people out of their comfort zones and away from being risk averse and get people looking for the GF's rather than the safe fights.

1. EWAR - needs a complete rethink, this contributes the biggest factor of risk aversion and is an "I WIN" button.

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

3. Neutral repping ships in wars; another contribution to the massive risk aversion.

I now wait the forum trolls to try to frame the my 3 points as fail. Before you do I want you to consider what the game used to be like before EWAR and Logi came into the game, that period of the game was the most enjoyable for me and many of the friends I made who unsubbed for the reasons of trying to make content but always competing against the game plays that roll out with the points above.

1. Whiny people
2. Whiny people who refuse to GIT GUD
3. Whiny people who can't think their way out of a problem even if the solution is in their hands with instruction sheets on how to use the said solution

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

iforumizer Hamabu
#10 - 2015-11-26 19:48:53 UTC
1. undocking at 15km.
2. Cleaner UI. EVE is pretty, but the action is often burried behind too many windows
3. WIS
Paranoid Loyd
#11 - 2015-11-26 20:00:37 UTC
1) People who make new threads when all it is the same thing the last thread they opened said but slightly different.
2) People who use the term risk averse and then post with an alt they don't use in game.
3) People who whine about the things they should be figuring out how to use to their advantage instead of whining about them.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Horcrux Clone
#12 - 2015-11-26 20:13:01 UTC
1) Add split screen for 2 accounts

2) redo battleships

3) Walking in station gambling casino, strip bar, ship spinner speed control.
ll Kuray ll
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#13 - 2015-11-27 02:07:57 UTC
HeXxploiT, Yang Aurilen, Paranoid Loyd

You three have to be forum trolls really... no idea why you waste time writing criticism.

Game must be fine - i mean it's one of the lowest active users this evening... yeah thats right game is doing just fine.

Paul Pohl
blue media poetry
#14 - 2015-11-27 02:38:01 UTC
1) bounty system
2) salvage drones not stacking things neatly in the hold
3) the idea that mining is not free
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#15 - 2015-11-27 03:10:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
1. Sibyyl is in the wrong Corp. I would move her to The Vendunari
2. LAGL thread was overheating the servers so was closed. Give LAGL thread its own node like Jita and reopen the old one
3. I am a scrub at pvp. Make pvp easier for scrubs like me
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#16 - 2015-11-27 03:18:18 UTC
1) Make battleships fearsome
2) Split the screen, let me have my tactical, useful, info-full screen and then a pretty view of my ship while I die horribly. The immersion of zooming in makes fighting a lot more personal and fun, but obviously you die if you're not zoomed out with velocity stats filling the screen
3) Let me wear Jin-Mei clothes when I'm character customizing in a Jin-Mei station!

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#17 - 2015-11-27 04:11:15 UTC
1 Remove lvl 4 and incursions from high sec
2 diminish jump drive/bridge capabilities even further
3 remove off grid boosting
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#18 - 2015-11-27 04:25:52 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
3 remove off grid boosting

Might still be a bit off as development is concentrating on Citadels and Capitals, but it's coming.

As someone that trained up a max boosting alt, I can't wait for the change. Adapting to a new approach will be fun. I was hoping for a change a bit more creative than just on grid with AOE, but whatever CCP does will be fine.
Bruce Kemp
Best Kept Dunked
#19 - 2015-11-27 05:20:16 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

Logi is not OP i have solo engaged a oneros and a gila (in my gila) killed te logi and then killed the gila... Twisted
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#20 - 2015-11-27 05:24:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Bruce Kemp wrote:
Hilti Enaka wrote:

2. Logi ships - another contribution to the "I WIN" button, they tend to be the decision to go out and roam or not to go out and roam, as well as the decision to engage or not to engage, it always comes down to if your bringing 10 logi ships i am bringing 15.

Logi is not OP i have solo engaged a oneros and a gila (in my gila) killed te logi and then killed the gila... Twisted

Yeah no one really complains about it at the small gang level.

It's more an issue at the block level fleet engagements where the decision about fight or flight comes down to whether there is enough DPS to punch through the opposition logistic reps or not. The side with the best logistics has the upper hand.

Some the upcoming changes will hopefully rebalance the nullsec logistics without changing small gang use too much.
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