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CCP - End Highsec Incursions

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Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#1121 - 2015-11-20 14:36:20 UTC
can someone show me how i can make 200mil an hour carrier ratting in null please

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Streets of Fire
#1122 - 2015-11-20 14:38:28 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Valacus wrote:

So what? I can make more ISK carrier ratting than I do running Incursions easily, but it's boring as all hell. I can actually talk to people and interact with them if I run incursions. Carrier ratting only pays well when done solo. Same for virtually every type of ratting that takes place in the game. That's why incursions are not only good, but necessary. It's the only form of group PvE there is, and the only reason it works is because it's worth your time. Level 4 mission runners make just as much ISK, but again, you're playing the game by yourself.

Your self interest is not a reason to not fix something that is broken.

Also lol at Carrier Ratting. You just proved my point, you need a CAPITAL SHIP in SOV space (ie space you and a LOT of your friends have to either rent or capture) to match what you can make with a SUB-CAPITAL in high sec protected by CONCORD and an entire wing of logistics ships.

Nothing unbalanced about that at all... /sarcasm


And lol "camping null sec ratting systems should be cause for WAR". No, because you can camp in a cloaked ship that no one has a chance of scanning down. Null sec camping isn't a cause for war because null sec is still broken. People avoid it for a reason. You're trying to force people to rat in null sec because you want more easy kills, when there are still plenty of fights in null sec because people have enough ISK to buy toys to fight in. That's a good thing. And even in spite of all that, there are still at least 20 people ratting in the designated systems my alliance uses at any given time. I just choose not to because again, boring. You're just inflating problems that are harmless because you want null sec to be what you want it to be, when in reality even if they did affect your changes, nothing would change at all, except there'd be one less enjoyable activity to do in game.

Lol, the "it's good for null sec" argument.

No, it's not, It not only bad for null sec (for reason I explained), it's bad for high sec too.

High sec incursions being too good attracts null sec players. That means usually less skilled high sec player wait on wait lists to incursion while already rich null players isk it up in high sec. So rather than having high sec players funneled from unfun missions to group pve, you got them sitting on their thumbs doing nothing, because null sec guys who should be in null ratting (and thus providing content for other null players) are making isk in safety.

High sec incursions should only be really attractive to high sec players, they should not draw in everyone else and actually displace high sec players.

You are too short sighted to see that the imbalance is screwing you as much as it is everyone else.

No, because incursion runners are still the minority and they are just plain unrunnable without a minimum number of people in fleet. Well, the fleet spends more time missing people than it does with a wait list, and the wait list is fairly short so plenty of new people have the opportunity to get into incursion fleets. Just because you personally choose to run with the l33tist crowd because of the ISK/hour doesn't mean that's the only crowd in the game. There are other opportunities for people to get into incursions and other incursion fleets willing to sacrifice ISK/hour in order to get others into the fray. Just because you aren't willing to do so doesn't mean everyone is as cynical as you are.

And I never said Incursions were good for null sec, but they certainly aren't bad for it. Running Incursions cuts down on time spent doing things that aren't PvP, things that most people would rather not be doing. That means more time for fighting and funsies.

"Because null sec guys should be null sec ratting"

That's your personal opinion. It's neither true nor meaningful. Those who want to null sec rat already do, and those who don't won't no matter what you do, so step down off the soap box. You can't force people to be your easy pray. The only thing you want is remove an activity from the game that others enjoy so you can attempt(and fail) to make null sec what you want it to be. Well, that's a **** poor reason to remove something.
Mr Mieyli
#1123 - 2015-11-20 14:46:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Mieyli
Valacus wrote:
So what? I can make more ISK carrier ratting than I do running Incursions easily, but it's boring as all hell. I can actually talk to people and interact with them if I run incursions. Carrier ratting only pays well when done solo. Same for virtually every type of ratting that takes place in the game. That's why incursions are not only good, but necessary. It's the only form of group PvE there is, and the only reason it works is because it's worth your time. Level 4 mission runners make just as much ISK, but again, you're playing the game by yourself.

And lol "camping null sec ratting systems should be cause for WAR". No, because you can camp in a cloaked ship that no one has a chance of scanning down. Null sec camping isn't a cause for war because null sec is still broken. People avoid it for a reason. You're trying to force people to rat in null sec because you want more easy kills, when there are still plenty of fights in null sec because people have enough ISK to buy toys to fight in. That's a good thing. And even in spite of all that, there are still at least 20 people ratting in the designated systems my alliance uses at any given time. I just choose not to because again, boring. You're just inflating problems that are harmless because you want null sec to be what you want it to be, when in reality even if they did affect your changes, nothing would change at all, except there'd be one less enjoyable activity to do in game.

Let's try this from a different angle; it's clear you like highsec incursions as they are, and the reason why should be obvious both to you and to anyone else with a brain. You make good isk/hr out of them and you can use that ISK to enjoy the game, totally understandable and that's why so many null guys also have incursion alts. Also incursions offer the chance for drop-in drop-out group content that is accessible to (almost) anyone who can fly a battleship.

You say that incursions are the only group content available when this is just not true. Wormholes offer group content through sites and escalations; low and null don't offer much in the way of group PvE content as the most efficient way to do most sites is to solo but I'm sure many null players do group up for sites or DED complexes or whatever just for safety/ socialising's sake. I suspect that your biggest problem here isn't the lack of group content (nerfing incursion income doesnt nerf the content) but actually the loss of income. If incursions were pumping out less isk into the economy however then more activities would become competitive for isk-making and possibly prices of ships might even come down somewhat. It could also have the effect of getting more people flying cheaper T1 ships lowering the isk investment to PvP. In the end this would mean that you'll be flying fewer faction or pirate ships but not necessarily that you will be flying less period or that you will be farming more for the same equipment.

Valacus wrote:

"Because null sec guys should be null sec ratting"

That's your personal opinion.

Wrong, CCP wants people to live in their space.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Daniela Doran
#1124 - 2015-11-20 14:57:53 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
See above edit pls.

Removing content is not something I like to see happen. Toning down the isk you can earn from them is a better option in my book.

I don't run incursions atm, but if a certain big mouth keeps running her choppers off about making 200+ mill an hour blitzing hi-sec lev 4 missions then it may be only a matter of time before CCP decides to nerf Hi-Sec lev 4 missions. In case this happens I'd like to know that there is another casual (gameplay wise) alternative to making isk without playing with nullbears.

Rather than asking for Hi-Sec incursions income nerf, wouldn't it better to request CCP to add Drifter null sec incursions that allows Caps & Supers and that pays out much more than hi-sec incursions?
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1125 - 2015-11-20 15:01:12 UTC
Valacus wrote:

No, because incursion runners are still the minority and they are just plain unrunnable without a minimum number of people in fleet.

This is a lie.


And I never said Incursions were good for null sec, but they certainly aren't bad for it. Running Incursions cuts down on time spent doing things that aren't PvP, things that most people would rather not be doing. That means more time for fighting and funsies.

That time should be spent in null. If you want null level isk and 'funsies' , you should have to risk something. There is less risk in high sec.


"Because null sec guys should be null sec ratting"

That's your personal opinion. It's neither true nor meaningful. Those who want to null sec rat already do, and those who don't won't no matter what you do, so step down off the soap box. You can't force people to be your easy pray. The only thing you want is remove an activity from the game that others enjoy so you can attempt(and fail) to make null sec what you want it to be. Well, that's a **** poor reason to remove something.

Your ignorance of the issue isn't important. I've spent years doing PVE, and combat PVe is broken. You don't see it because you don't want to.

It's not about forcing anyone into null, it's about FREEING null people from high sec. It's about restoring a proper risk/reward balance. Slowly but surely, CCP is seeing the light here, which makes your opposition moot.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1126 - 2015-11-20 15:06:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Daniela Doran wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
See above edit pls.

Removing content is not something I like to see happen. Toning down the isk you can earn from them is a better option in my book.

I don't run incursions atm, but if a certain big mouth keeps running her choppers off about making 200+ mill an hour blitzing hi-sec lev 4 missions then it may be only a matter of time before CCP decides to nerf Hi-Sec lev 4 missions. In case this happens I'd like to know that there is another casual (gameplay wise) alternative to making isk without playing with nullbears.

lol, you just said "If Anize Oramara doesn't stop telling the truth about high sec burner mission blitzing, this unbalanced thing that should not exist but that I like might get nerfed".

Self interest is a hell of a drug. If you want null level isk, you shold have to play with (against) 'nullbears'.


Rather than asking for Hi-Sec incursions income nerf, wouldn't it better to request CCP to add Drifter null sec incursions that allows Caps & Supers and that pays out much more than hi-sec incursions?

Null sec is not high sec. You can't fly bling ships safely out there, and incursions in someone else's space means a fight, not isk.

Dodging the issue doesn't work. The issue is high sec incursions and a few other high sec pve issues. Two things need to happen: High sec high end pve income needs a nerf, and null sec income needs to not be afkable in ishtars anymore.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#1127 - 2015-11-20 15:11:20 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
See above edit pls.

Removing content is not something I like to see happen. Toning down the isk you can earn from them is a better option in my book.

I don't run incursions atm, but if a certain big mouth keeps running her choppers off about making 200+ mill an hour blitzing hi-sec lev 4 missions then it may be only a matter of time before CCP decides to nerf Hi-Sec lev 4 missions. In case this happens I'd like to know that there is another casual (gameplay wise) alternative to making isk without playing with nullbears.

Rather than asking for Hi-Sec incursions income nerf, wouldn't it better to request CCP to add Drifter null sec incursions that allows Caps & Supers and that pays out much more than hi-sec incursions?

because dropping supers anywhere without another 10 supers and subcap support is just stupid

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Anize Oramara
#1128 - 2015-11-20 15:18:23 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
See above edit pls.

Removing content is not something I like to see happen. Toning down the isk you can earn from them is a better option in my book.

I don't run incursions atm, but if a certain big mouth keeps running her choppers off about making 200+ mill an hour blitzing hi-sec lev 4 missions then it may be only a matter of time before CCP decides to nerf Hi-Sec lev 4 missions. In case this happens I'd like to know that there is another casual (gameplay wise) alternative to making isk without playing with nullbears.

Rather than asking for Hi-Sec incursions income nerf, wouldn't it better to request CCP to add Drifter null sec incursions that allows Caps & Supers and that pays out much more than hi-sec incursions?

If little old me makes a big enough impact for CCP to nerf Lv4s then I can quit eve a happy, happy person.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#1129 - 2015-11-20 16:01:46 UTC  |  Edited by: StuRyan
Mr Mieyli wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr Mieyli wrote:

What's wrong about me saying the stats say "any given day"? It is a big assumption to say that the same 1.5% of players run incursions each day. CCP even highlight it in the dev blog in italics.

Does it matter who the 1.5% is?

Its that this small segment of players is earning a massive sum of isk that is the issue here.

No it doesn't matter who the 1.5% are, my point was that you can earn a large amount of isk from even one day of running incursions. If it's different people each day then the total number running incursions would be a lot higher than 1.5% but as others have said without the full stats it's impossible to say either way. My opinion is based on my own experience of running incursions and other pve( and I've been all over eve), and not so much on the recently released stats from CCP.

Edit for clarity: my stance is that incursion income should be lowered substantially.

what you is saying is BS all other forms of PVE do not require the coordination of a HQ fleet, nothing. absoloutely NOTHING comes closs to it. Even the *easier* sites require a type of coordination not seen anywhere in Eve, not even PVP fleets have the same coordination.

Now, are you going to stop this constant whining? There is also part of blog that says that incursions balance themselves out due to being the biggest ISK sink in the game.

Not on my death bed are 450 people bringing null sec to it's knees.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1130 - 2015-11-20 16:03:55 UTC
Incursions can be balanced by just adding more of content in to them more spawns tougher ships spawn ranges/place changes....

Ignoring nerf em weeping for a second that is.

That way ppl that focus of those 1.5% can still got solid income and bigger chunk of those 1.5% will see drop in their wallet making curve.

Group pve content should stay in high sec and I dont rly care is it gonna be šansa incursions or not...but nerf ing them coz "mah bluesec" is sad really.

You have them there they pay more and more ppl can run them...but say,don't care deal with it you did not go to bluesec to farm in the first place now did ya?

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#1131 - 2015-11-20 16:11:59 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Incursions can be balanced by just adding more of content in to them more spawns tougher ships spawn ranges/place changes....

Ignoring nerf em weeping for a second that is.

That way ppl that focus of those 1.5% can still got solid income and bigger chunk of those 1.5% will see drop in their wallet making curve.

Group pve content should stay in high sec and I dont rly care is it gonna be šansa incursions or not...but nerf ing them coz "mah bluesec" is sad really.

You have them there they pay more and more ppl can run them...but say,don't care deal with it you did not go to bluesec to farm in the first place now did ya?

or just cut the income...

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#1132 - 2015-11-20 16:17:46 UTC  |  Edited by: StuRyan
Jenn aSide wrote:

Null sec is not high sec. You can't fly bling ships safely out there, and incursions in someone else's space means a fight, not isk.

Dodging the issue doesn't work. The issue is high sec incursions and a few other high sec pve issues. Two things need to happen: High sec high end pve income needs a nerf, and null sec income needs to not be afkable in ishtars anymore.

OMG that nearly made me fall off my seat.

You can't fly bling ships safely in null sec? DONT MAKE ME Laugh.

Intel channels, scouts, blobs, never mind the fact that null sec is the safest part of the game to sign in and make isk.

DOn't forget your smart bombing ratting carriers, and sniper rattlesnakes with 30-40m ticks...for a solo activity....REALLY?
Josef Djugashvilis
#1133 - 2015-11-20 16:20:05 UTC
There is always somebody ruining the game by doing something or other...

I have never taken part in an Incursion, nor do I wish to.

This is not a signature.

Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#1134 - 2015-11-20 16:20:47 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Incursions can be balanced by just adding more of content in to them more spawns tougher ships spawn ranges/place changes....

Ignoring nerf em weeping for a second that is.

That way ppl that focus of those 1.5% can still got solid income and bigger chunk of those 1.5% will see drop in their wallet making curve.

Group pve content should stay in high sec and I dont rly care is it gonna be šansa incursions or not...but nerf ing them coz "mah bluesec" is sad really.

You have them there they pay more and more ppl can run them...but say,don't care deal with it you did not go to bluesec to farm in the first place now did ya?

or just cut the income...

Income is fine the way it is. it is the reward for people playing the game the way CCP intend people to play the game, in a group. If more people ran HS incursions the income for single players would decrease.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#1135 - 2015-11-20 16:23:22 UTC
StuRyan wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Incursions can be balanced by just adding more of content in to them more spawns tougher ships spawn ranges/place changes....

Ignoring nerf em weeping for a second that is.

That way ppl that focus of those 1.5% can still got solid income and bigger chunk of those 1.5% will see drop in their wallet making curve.

Group pve content should stay in high sec and I dont rly care is it gonna be šansa incursions or not...but nerf ing them coz "mah bluesec" is sad really.

You have them there they pay more and more ppl can run them...but say,don't care deal with it you did not go to bluesec to farm in the first place now did ya?

or just cut the income...

Income is fine the way it is. it is the reward for people playing the game the way CCP intend people to play the game, in a group. If more people ran HS incursions the income for single players would decrease.

income would be fine if incursion runners could be contested, but they cant, with the joys of npc corps and concord you are too safe for the isk.

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#1136 - 2015-11-20 16:25:22 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
StuRyan wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Incursions can be balanced by just adding more of content in to them more spawns tougher ships spawn ranges/place changes....

Ignoring nerf em weeping for a second that is.

That way ppl that focus of those 1.5% can still got solid income and bigger chunk of those 1.5% will see drop in their wallet making curve.

Group pve content should stay in high sec and I dont rly care is it gonna be šansa incursions or not...but nerf ing them coz "mah bluesec" is sad really.

You have them there they pay more and more ppl can run them...but say,don't care deal with it you did not go to bluesec to farm in the first place now did ya?

or just cut the income...

Income is fine the way it is. it is the reward for people playing the game the way CCP intend people to play the game, in a group. If more people ran HS incursions the income for single players would decrease.

income would be fine if incursion runners could be contested, but they cant, with the joys of npc corps and concord you are too safe for the isk.

WTF? get a fleet up of your own and then contest...
Streets of Fire
#1137 - 2015-11-20 16:26:17 UTC
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Valacus wrote:
So what? I can make more ISK carrier ratting than I do running Incursions easily, but it's boring as all hell. I can actually talk to people and interact with them if I run incursions. Carrier ratting only pays well when done solo. Same for virtually every type of ratting that takes place in the game. That's why incursions are not only good, but necessary. It's the only form of group PvE there is, and the only reason it works is because it's worth your time. Level 4 mission runners make just as much ISK, but again, you're playing the game by yourself.

And lol "camping null sec ratting systems should be cause for WAR". No, because you can camp in a cloaked ship that no one has a chance of scanning down. Null sec camping isn't a cause for war because null sec is still broken. People avoid it for a reason. You're trying to force people to rat in null sec because you want more easy kills, when there are still plenty of fights in null sec because people have enough ISK to buy toys to fight in. That's a good thing. And even in spite of all that, there are still at least 20 people ratting in the designated systems my alliance uses at any given time. I just choose not to because again, boring. You're just inflating problems that are harmless because you want null sec to be what you want it to be, when in reality even if they did affect your changes, nothing would change at all, except there'd be one less enjoyable activity to do in game.

Let's try this from a different angle; it's clear you like highsec incursions as they are, and the reason why should be obvious both to you and to anyone else with a brain. You make good isk/hr out of them and you can use that ISK to enjoy the game, totally understandable and that's why so many null guys also have incursion alts. Also incursions offer the chance for drop-in drop-out group content that is accessible to (almost) anyone who can fly a battleship.

You say that incursions are the only group content available when this is just not true. Wormholes offer group content through sites and escalations; low and null don't offer much in the way of group PvE content as the most efficient way to do most sites is to solo but I'm sure many null players do group up for sites or DED complexes or whatever just for safety/ socialising's sake. I suspect that your biggest problem here isn't the lack of group content (nerfing incursion income doesnt nerf the content) but actually the loss of income. If incursions were pumping out less isk into the economy however then more activities would become competitive for isk-making and possibly prices of ships might even come down somewhat. It could also have the effect of getting more people flying cheaper T1 ships lowering the isk investment to PvP. In the end this would mean that you'll be flying fewer faction or pirate ships but not necessarily that you will be flying less period or that you will be farming more for the same equipment.

Valacus wrote:

"Because null sec guys should be null sec ratting"

That's your personal opinion.

Wrong, CCP wants people to live in their space.

You can solo wormholes just as well as you can solo any other type of non-Incursion PvE, and the wormhole population didn't go up or down when Incursions came out.

And CCP has been just as ineffective at forcing people into null sec as everyone else. Nerfing or removing incursions won't change that. Null sec itself needs to be changed. Removing everything but null sec will just lower the game population, it won't make null sec more popular.

You all are just ignoring the real issues and trying to force people into null sec by removing all other ISK making options, but no matter how hard you try, you can't force people to live somewhere and you can't force those that live there to make their ISK there. You have to make null sec desirable. Removing incursions does not make null sec any more or less desirable. It literally only does what it does, remove incursions. Even if incursions were no longer a thing, I still wouldn't rat in null sec. That's a lot head ache for a reward I can still get a decent portion of in high sec, only without the head ache. Congratulations, mission not accomplished. What are you going to whine about then? Level 4 missions? Oh yea, remove those. That won't dwindle the game population at all. Your proposed solution gets you nowhere. Null sec itself is the problem. It is poorly designed. Changing high sec doesn't fix that.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#1138 - 2015-11-20 16:29:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Lan Wang
I dont think anyone is trying to force anyone to nullsec, why buff a whole part of space to keep the 1.5% of an unbalanced activity happy when you can just nerf the problem.

ccp have clearly said sansha incursions cant last forever

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#1139 - 2015-11-20 16:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: StuRyan
Lan Wang wrote:
I dont think anyone is trying to force anyone to nullsec, why buff a whole part of space to keep the 1.5% of an unbalanced activity happy when you can just nerf the problem.

ccp have clearly said sansha incursions cant last forever

SHOCK, HORROR, Incursions pay more in null sec....

SHOCK, HORROR most Null sec incursions don't mobilize becuase the inhabitants are too lazy to coordinate their own fleet.

SHOCK, HORROR, its 3rd highest ink Faucet and the biggest ISK Sink in the game...
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1140 - 2015-11-20 16:40:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Lan Wang wrote:
I dont think anyone is trying to force anyone to nullsec, why buff a whole part of space to keep the 1.5% of an unbalanced activity happy when you can just nerf the problem.

ccp have clearly said sansha incursions cant last forever

Amen to that.

Valacus wrote:
Even if incursions were no longer a thing, I still wouldn't rat in null sec. That's a lot head ache for a reward I can still get a decent portion of in high sec, only without the head ache. Congratulations, mission not accomplished. What are you going to whine about then? Level 4 missions? Oh yea, remove those. That won't dwindle the game population at all. Your proposed solution gets you nowhere. Null sec itself is the problem. It is poorly designed. Changing high sec doesn't fix that.

This is the thing that comes up with every income balance discussion. The lie that it's some attempt to get someone to do somehting they don't want to.

No one cares what PVE you do. No one wants you to move to nullsec. The idea behind balancing the combat PVe rewards situation in EVE has nothing to do with you personally, or what you like to do. It's about what is good and right for the game, even if that means your (and my own) imaginary wallet takes a hit. I've funded whole accounts for months with high sec incursions (which saved me real life cash), in less time than it would have taken me in null.

The difference between me and you (and the reason I'm not and will never ask for a null sec income buff) is that I believe it's best to not be selfish when it comes to issues of importance like this. If I were as greedy and self interested as the high sec incursion running posters here are, I'd still be mad as hell about CCP fixing the high sec lvl 5 bug. Combat PVE rewards are important because they are drivers or activity and conflict in the game. When those rewards are broken, EVE is broken.

You can keep thinking it's some kind of ploy to get you to move man, it's a free world after all. But that's a lie, and you know it.