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Any news of a Faction Warfare change?

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#221 - 2015-10-27 00:44:21 UTC
Farming isnt such a problem since inferno was fixed.

No one expects anyone in FW to do anything. You choose what you want to do, and do it. remember to keep it realistic for fear of disappointing yourself.
Plus 10 NV
#222 - 2015-10-27 01:21:07 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Farming isnt such a problem since inferno was fixed.

The data says getting as many rabbit plexing alts as you can, is still the best way to win sov.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

No one expects anyone in FW to do anything. You choose what you want to do, and do it. remember to keep it realistic for fear of disappointing yourself.

Like I said some people are happy with the current mechanic where you get alts rabbit plexing to win sov. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But let's be clear what you are supporting when you constantly lobby against timer rollbacks and better intel tools. These changes would only hurt rabbit plexing for the win. Your position only helps rabbit plexing.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#223 - 2015-10-27 01:23:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Specialising in any activity is always the best way to complete that one activity. It is however to the detriment of other activities.

No farming alt is worth a single isk if there is a pvp toon opposing him.

What you are complaining about is like complaining that the game is broken because its faster to build a dominix with a maxed out industry toon than it is with a 30 day trial account.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
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#224 - 2015-10-27 01:24:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Templar Dane
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Farming isnt such a problem since inferno was fixed.

No one expects anyone in FW to do anything. You choose what you want to do, and do it. remember to keep it realistic for fear of disappointing yourself.

It's less of a problem but still a problem. These outsiders with plexing alts don't belong. The missions being too easy is being looked at, but plexing is even easier and defensive plexing stupidly easy.

Eve has this thing called a risk vs reward dichotomy. If it's difficult and risky, the reward should be high. If it's easy with no risk, the reward should be trivial.

What we have here is something easy with null risk that pays more than a lot of other pve activities in eve, and it pays well because it's supposed to be dangerous. Being in a stabbed cloaked ship that's pretty much unfitted otherwise, with a brand new character that's never going to train anything else.........makes no sense. Add the fact that it hurts the rest of the members in their OWN militia because of an over-saturation of items in the LP store and the OPPOSING militia because they get stuck in a lower tier they don't deserve.

Where's the content from the farmers?

The different militias fight each other, content for both sides.

The pirates add content.

The bears that try lowsec and get killed add content.

The farmers? A few worthless frigate kills that offer no challenge. They don't belong.

With the farmers gone and the missions fixed the LP would be worth something again, and it could attract new people into FW.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Specialising in any activity is always the best way to complete that one activity. It is however to the detriment of other activities.

No farming alt is worth a single isk if there is a pvp toon opposing him.

What you are complaining about is like complaining that the game is broken because its faster to build a dominix with a maxed out industry toon than it is with a 30 day trial account.

That farming alt will move on to a quieter system.
#225 - 2015-10-27 01:27:02 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:

A lot of pilots left because they didn't want to chase stabbed frigates all day long.

While you may be able to lock down an entire system yourself, we have 70 systems that need to be locked down and 100 pilots in our militia chat. 5 of those are me.

Expecting an entire militia to spread out and cover systems, a great number of which are quiet and aren't going to see any action, in order to counter a buttload of random untrained alts in worthless ships from random people that aren't coordinating (and don't need to be) is simply outrageous.

Well if you aren't willing to go out and lock down the system from the farmers then you need to stop whining about them. (oops might have you confused with Cearain)

The whole stabbed frig thing is really just an excuse. Most of the people I know that have left FW (and there have been a few I must admit) really left because they had been doing it for so long that they wanted to do something different.

The thing with FW is that everyone is in the militia not an organised driven single alliance. So everyone plays the way they want which is exactly the reason it appeals to people.
#226 - 2015-10-27 01:32:56 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:

These outsiders with plexing alts don't belong.

The missions being too easy is being looked at, but plexing is even easier and defensive plexing stupidly easy.

And there we go!

The crux of the matter is you are whining about people coming in and playing in 'your' sandpit in a way you don't like.

Yes there are mechanical issues that CCP is working around but the whole farmer thing is pretty much sorted out. A farmer is totally redundant when an active player turns up. This just the same argument that the null seccers use when they whine about random explorers running backwater null sites. The difference is most null seccers realise it's not a big thing and go back to sucking their space rocks but FW'ers think they are different and more entitled to have their own special area in space!!
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
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#227 - 2015-10-27 01:55:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Templar Dane
Madrax573 wrote:

Well if you aren't willing to go out and lock down the system from the farmers then you need to stop whining about them. (oops might have you confused with Cearain)

The whole stabbed frig thing is really just an excuse. Most of the people I know that have left FW (and there have been a few I must admit) really left because they had been doing it for so long that they wanted to do something different.

The thing with FW is that everyone is in the militia not an organised driven single alliance. So everyone plays the way they want which is exactly the reason it appeals to people.

Not talking about one system, I'm talking about the ENTIRE WARZONE.

The man-hours aren't there for the regular militia to make much of a difference. All we can do is hold onto our home systems.

This isn't about a different playstyle. The farmers hurt the real players by decreasing their income. Why keep your main in FW when you can just use a plexing alt or mission runner to fund your main in nulsec?

Madrax573 wrote:

And there we go!

The crux of the matter is you are whining about people coming in and playing in 'your' sandpit in a way you don't like.

Yes there are mechanical issues that CCP is working around but the whole farmer thing is pretty much sorted out. A farmer is totally redundant when an active player turns up. This just the same argument that the null seccers use when they whine about random explorers running backwater null sites. The difference is most null seccers realise it's not a big thing and go back to sucking their space rocks but FW'ers think they are different and more entitled to have their own special area in space!!

For every real pvper there are two farmers. The pvpers aren't going to chase rabbits all day, he's going to go and look for something that shoots back, something that is actually worth something.

As I have said, the farmers inundate the market with the LP store items and drive down the prices, which hurts EVERYONE in every militia.

Worthless LP. We're talking LP/isk conversions that are on par with highsec level 4 LP. The decline of FW has gone hand in hand with the rise of the farmers.

I doubt CCP's goal with the rewards for plexing was the end-game of stabbed plex farmers paying for supers used by neutrals.


I suppose with your entire FW career consisting of 2 kills I shouldn't have dignified your comments with a response.
#228 - 2015-10-27 02:19:14 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:


I suppose with your entire FW career consisting of 2 kills I shouldn't have dignified your comments with a response.

And if you rely on face value the age and activity on the forums then you assume too much. Twisted
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#229 - 2015-10-27 02:34:49 UTC
Madrax573 wrote:
Templar Dane wrote:


I suppose with your entire FW career consisting of 2 kills I shouldn't have dignified your comments with a response.

And if you rely on face value the age and activity on the forums then you assume too much. Twisted

Well if you're hiding behind an alt.......
#230 - 2015-10-27 03:09:03 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Madrax573 wrote:
Templar Dane wrote:


I suppose with your entire FW career consisting of 2 kills I shouldn't have dignified your comments with a response.

And if you rely on face value the age and activity on the forums then you assume too much. Twisted

Well if you're hiding behind an alt.......

Nah not hiding behind any alts. I sold my old toon when I left last year. Funnily enough one of the things that I found really annoying was the amount of whine coming from entitlement driven FW'ers Lol

Now I'm back with a new toon and back in FW for when I fancy some casual pvp while I explore other areas of eve.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#231 - 2015-10-27 03:49:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Templar Dane
Madrax573 wrote:

Nah not hiding behind any alts. I sold my old toon when I left last year. Funnily enough one of the things that I found really annoying was the amount of whine coming from entitlement driven FW'ers Lol

Now I'm back with a new toon and back in FW for when I fancy some casual pvp while I explore other areas of eve.

The only proof you have that you know anything about FW is 3 kills. You've dabbled, that's it. If you're fighting for farmer's rights that probably means you're running multiple farmer accounts and feel 'entitled' to that income.

The guys that have been living FW for years say something is wrong, that means something is wrong. Axing the farmers and the easy missions, the LP will be worth something again and it'll attract more people to come to the sandbox.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#232 - 2015-10-27 03:50:39 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Madrax573 wrote:

Well if you aren't willing to go out and lock down the system from the farmers then you need to stop whining about them. (oops might have you confused with Cearain)

The whole stabbed frig thing is really just an excuse. Most of the people I know that have left FW (and there have been a few I must admit) really left because they had been doing it for so long that they wanted to do something different.

The thing with FW is that everyone is in the militia not an organised driven single alliance. So everyone plays the way they want which is exactly the reason it appeals to people.

Not talking about one system, I'm talking about the ENTIRE WARZONE.

The man-hours aren't there for the regular militia to make much of a difference. All we can do is hold onto our home systems.

This isn't about a different playstyle. The farmers hurt the real players by decreasing their income. Why keep your main in FW when you can just use a plexing alt or mission runner to fund your main in nulsec?

Madrax573 wrote:

And there we go!

The crux of the matter is you are whining about people coming in and playing in 'your' sandpit in a way you don't like.

Yes there are mechanical issues that CCP is working around but the whole farmer thing is pretty much sorted out. A farmer is totally redundant when an active player turns up. This just the same argument that the null seccers use when they whine about random explorers running backwater null sites. The difference is most null seccers realise it's not a big thing and go back to sucking their space rocks but FW'ers think they are different and more entitled to have their own special area in space!!

For every real pvper there are two farmers. The pvpers aren't going to chase rabbits all day, he's going to go and look for something that shoots back, something that is actually worth something.

As I have said, the farmers inundate the market with the LP store items and drive down the prices, which hurts EVERYONE in every militia.

Worthless LP. We're talking LP/isk conversions that are on par with highsec level 4 LP. The decline of FW has gone hand in hand with the rise of the farmers.

I doubt CCP's goal with the rewards for plexing was the end-game of stabbed plex farmers paying for supers used by neutrals.


I suppose with your entire FW career consisting of 2 kills I shouldn't have dignified your comments with a response.

All I see is a self-entitled whine.

Your militia only has 100 active players? Sounds like someone should be recruiting.

Farmers devaluing YOUR LP? Sounds like a check and balance to the EVE market to me.

First you say farmers are stealing your LP and contaminating your warzone, but then you say a real PVPer isn't going to chase rabbits all day and will instead find something that is actually worth shooting. So I guess farmers aren't worth your effort and really don't matter, unless you can get someone else to fix it for you.

The whine is strong with this one.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
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#233 - 2015-10-27 04:02:03 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

All I see is a self-entitled whine.

Your militia only has 100 active players? Sounds like someone should be recruiting.

Farmers devaluing YOUR LP? Sounds like a check and balance to the EVE market to me.

First you say farmers are stealing your LP and contaminating your warzone, but then you say a real PVPer isn't going to chase rabbits all day and will instead find something that is actually worth shooting. So I guess farmers aren't worth your effort and really don't matter, unless you can get someone else to fix it for you.

The whine is strong with this one.

And I see another nobody in a non-FW npc corp defending farmer income. So how many farmer accounts you run?

Check and balance to the eve market? The lion's share of the LP earned in each militia is from farming and mission running. They aren't out for pvp, the income is all they want. They avoid any and all pvp, which adds nothing to the warzone in the way of content for others.

They are content black holes. Without them injecting all those LP store items into the market, the prices would be much higher. That would attract the right kinds of players into FW and we'd have things the way they used to be.


Hey, come join us in amarr militia!

What kind of perks are there?

Empty lowsec, devalued LP, worthless farmer frigates to chase, endless deplexing for pennies.

Okay then, I think I'll go join gallente militia.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#234 - 2015-10-27 04:14:57 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Madrax573 wrote:

Nah not hiding behind any alts. I sold my old toon when I left last year. Funnily enough one of the things that I found really annoying was the amount of whine coming from entitlement driven FW'ers Lol

Now I'm back with a new toon and back in FW for when I fancy some casual pvp while I explore other areas of eve.

The only proof you have that you know anything about FW is 3 kills. You've dabbled, that's it. If you're fighting for farmer's rights that probably means you're running multiple farmer accounts and feel 'entitled' to that income.

The guys that have been living FW for years say something is wrong, that means something is wrong. Axing the farmers and the easy missions, the LP will be worth something again and it'll attract more people to come to the sandbox.

Ive been living in FW for years, i say farmers are a nuisance. But nothing more. Easily dealt with. Remove stabs and cloakds from there fitting repertoire to make them more vulnerable. Though having lived for a time and observed trends in both warzones, i can appreciate that there are differences between your space and ours.

Perhaps its geographical, with complacent corps breeding a disregard for the houskeeping required in FW by living outside the warzone but still in a central location, something much harder in our space. Or just that the old guard of amarr militia are more interested in camping station undocks than fighting in plexes. Dunno.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#235 - 2015-10-27 04:27:23 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Ive been living in FW for years, i say farmers are a nuisance. But nothing more. Easily dealt with. Remove stabs and cloakds from there fitting repertoire to make them more vulnerable. Though having lived for a time and observed trends in both warzones, i can appreciate that there are differences between your space and ours.

Perhaps its geographical, with complacent corps breeding a disregard for the houskeeping required in FW by living outside the warzone but still in a central location, something much harder in our space. Or just that the old guard of amarr militia are more interested in camping station undocks than fighting in plexes. Dunno.

A nuisance in the home systems, but they are everywhere you are not, plexing. Every day, all day. Six of us keep two constellations safe, but we're a rarity. Most people in a militia don't bother because they're roaming looking for ganks, and the guys that do roam don't have two scrams fitted so they don't bother.

Pretty much all of 2014 we were chasing farmers and bombers all day long. Suffering from burnout, we got tired of it and went on a long campaign hitting the minmatar home systems, because that was the only way we could get fights.

For FW to be healthy again, like it used to be, something has to be done about the easy LP. Without the easy LP, the people who are all-in will have a much better income and it'll be an attractive incentive to join the militias.

Then we'll get the pew like we used to. As is, if you're in a militia you're a holdout or just in for the easy isk.
#236 - 2015-10-27 04:38:18 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:

A nuisance in the home systems, but they are everywhere you are not, plexing. Every day, all day. Six of us keep two constellations safe, but we're a rarity. Most people in a militia don't bother because they're roaming looking for ganks, and the guys that do roam don't have two scrams fitted so they don't bother.

Pretty much all of 2014 we were chasing farmers and bombers all day long. Suffering from burnout, we got tired of it and went on a long campaign hitting the minmatar home systems, because that was the only way we could get fights.

For FW to be healthy again, like it used to be, something has to be done about the easy LP. Without the easy LP, the people who are all-in will have a much better income and it'll be an attractive incentive to join the militias.

Then we'll get the pew like we used to. As is, if you're in a militia you're a holdout or just in for the easy isk.

So what you are saying is you want the good old days when being in FW didn't actually mean anything other than a free wardec.

Before most people never looked a FW because you had to literally grind the hell out of militia corp standing to be able to run FW lvl 4's as that was the only way to earn isk from LP because guess what you got NOTHING for being in FW before other than loot from enemies.

I too enjoyed my time in early FW but there is no way it would survive if it was reverted back to anything near that setup. I think you are suffering from super bitter vet syndrome...only cure is for you to remove the big giant stick from your backside chill out and go out and find fun in eve. P
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#237 - 2015-10-27 05:28:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
I remember the good old days, not a single fight ever happened inside a plex. You were inviting mockery to suggest such a thing. So good.

FW is awesome atm. Sorry it requires effort and a little commitment. Sorry there are people farming and making isk in systems that dont matter to you.

What i said earlier about being realistic kind of implies making the best of the situation, good or bad. I know it was worse for you guys during inferno since for so long you were beaten down to tier 1. As much as gallente come across as egotistical, its a fact that we did a lot worse during inferno than caldari did. With a single tier 5 cash out during the whole affair compaired to 6-7 caldari tier 5 cash outs. Which puts us, iirc, as the worst performing militia during inferno.

But now is nothing like that. So what if you hit tier 1. It doesnt matter, your LP inflates in value to compensate to some degree. The fights arrive on your doorstep. Perhaps a grand campaign decides to take your homesystem from you and you have to have a vicious fight where losing your home is a realistic proposition. Does it mean FW is broken? no. If you approach it correctly and give it your all, it can be fun, Its a game, is it awesome? It can be. Be realistic.
Iron Krosz
#238 - 2015-10-27 12:45:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Portmanteau
Templar Dane wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Ive been living in FW for years, i say farmers are a nuisance. But nothing more. Easily dealt with. Remove stabs and cloakds from there fitting repertoire to make them more vulnerable. Though having lived for a time and observed trends in both warzones, i can appreciate that there are differences between your space and ours.

Perhaps its geographical, with complacent corps breeding a disregard for the houskeeping required in FW by living outside the warzone but still in a central location, something much harder in our space. Or just that the old guard of amarr militia are more interested in camping station undocks than fighting in plexes. Dunno.

A nuisance in the home systems, but they are everywhere you are not, plexing. Every day, all day. Six of us keep two constellations safe, but we're a rarity. Most people in a militia don't bother because they're roaming looking for ganks, and the guys that do roam don't have two scrams fitted so they don't bother.

Pretty much all of 2014 we were chasing farmers and bombers all day long. Suffering from burnout, we got tired of it and went on a long campaign hitting the minmatar home systems, because that was the only way we could get fights.

For FW to be healthy again, like it used to be, something has to be done about the easy LP. Without the easy LP, the people who are all-in will have a much better income and it'll be an attractive incentive to join the militias.

Then we'll get the pew like we used to. As is, if you're in a militia you're a holdout or just in for the easy isk.

Having been a minnie militia pilot between 2009 and 2012 I have to say I was taken aback by the difference in the warzone when I returned as a neutral earlier this year. I saw literally zero pilots running Amarr missions and a few pilots running plexes. In contrast I saw many minmatar missions and plexes being run, the sheer number of them in comparison to Amarr stunned me. I think a combination of the ease of the minmatar missions and the natural convergence of farmers as a result to minnie militia has lead to a situation that is pretty much untenable for the Amarr. The vibrant and relatively balanced warzone I left is nowhere to be found and all that remains is 1 faction that has been hijacked and turned into an isk source and another that is trying continue to fight in spite of this.

The corp I flew with, CTRL-Q has now left minmatar space for Gallente and so have several others I remember from years ago, so the effects of farming have been felt by pvpers from both sides of what used to be an active and fun warzone. Old stalwart minmatar corps that remain seem to have become shadows of their former selves, mentioning no names in particular.

I find it incredible that old Amarr corps like PIE and AV are still there trying to slug it out in spite of these obstacles, fair play to you.
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#239 - 2015-10-27 14:40:29 UTC
Portmanteau wrote:
Templar Dane wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Ive been living in FW for years, i say farmers are a nuisance. But nothing more. Easily dealt with. Remove stabs and cloakds from there fitting repertoire to make them more vulnerable. Though having lived for a time and observed trends in both warzones, i can appreciate that there are differences between your space and ours.

Perhaps its geographical, with complacent corps breeding a disregard for the houskeeping required in FW by living outside the warzone but still in a central location, something much harder in our space. Or just that the old guard of amarr militia are more interested in camping station undocks than fighting in plexes. Dunno.

A nuisance in the home systems, but they are everywhere you are not, plexing. Every day, all day. Six of us keep two constellations safe, but we're a rarity. Most people in a militia don't bother because they're roaming looking for ganks, and the guys that do roam don't have two scrams fitted so they don't bother.

Pretty much all of 2014 we were chasing farmers and bombers all day long. Suffering from burnout, we got tired of it and went on a long campaign hitting the minmatar home systems, because that was the only way we could get fights.

For FW to be healthy again, like it used to be, something has to be done about the easy LP. Without the easy LP, the people who are all-in will have a much better income and it'll be an attractive incentive to join the militias.

Then we'll get the pew like we used to. As is, if you're in a militia you're a holdout or just in for the easy isk.

Having been a minnie militia pilot between 2009 and 2012 I have to say I was taken aback by the difference in the warzone when I returned as a neutral earlier this year. I saw literally zero pilots running Amarr missions and a few pilots running plexes. In contrast I saw many minmatar missions and plexes being run, the sheer number of them in comparison to Amarr stunned me. I think a combination of the ease of the minmatar missions and the natural convergence of farmers as a result to minnie militia has lead to a situation that is pretty much untenable for the Amarr. The vibrant and relatively balanced warzone I left is nowhere to be found and all that remains is 1 faction that has been hijacked and turned into an isk source and another that is trying continue to fight in spite of this.

The corp I flew with, CTRL-Q has now left minmatar space for Gallente and so have several others I remember from years ago, so the affects of farming have been felt by pvpers from both sides of what used to be an active and fun warzone. Old stalwart minmatar corps that remain seem to have become shadows of their former selves, mentioning no names in particular.

I find it incredible that old Amarr corps like PIE and AV are still there trying to slug it out in spite of these obstacles, fair play to you.

That is not quite how I see the old AvsM warzone but pretty close.

After LNA and FeO left the field of play for Min there was no real strength in the Min Militia and the olde guard Amarr managed to get the medal with help from blob / plex work from Winmatar and the farmers jumping sides on the pendulum.

The Amarr vet's that remain (MCF1B followed many other vets from Minmatar over to the Cal vs Gal zone) are not struggling. The fortress systems are held and they have even worked a few system gains recently but there is no stomach for the type of plex work required for so few pilots and tbh what is there to motivate them - no 2nd medal (ask Galmil).

The Minmatar Militia has been trying to regroup and from my last views of them they are working systems and plex's in groups of 10-20 in order to capture systems (I've not been over there for 2-3 months now though). Whilst avoiding fleet battles in the main. Huola was defended for a while by the Min Russian groups.

Most of the pilots that enjoyed getting in to fights, quit through frustration (I wonder if you are Loryanna?) went neutral in the hope of building a neut entity that can take low sec moons or went where there were clearly more fights to be had in Cal vs Gal.

AvsM zone shows the extremes of the situation brought about because a number of FW mechanisms are out of balance and farming is too rewarding at minimal risk, for parties that are not interested in enjoying the fullness the FW WZ's could offer (most often because they have other interests for their mains - null sec Sov and getting a Super, etc...)

The fact that there is no long term incentive and no real recognition/reward system for FW PvP means that, for many, FW is a temporary stop. People like to see their accomplishments recognised - look at how much hard work GalMil put in for a 2nd WZ control and they got nowt but a memory.

There is much that could be done to incentivise loyalty and long term investment and there is much that could be done to increase the conflict drivers in the Militia WZ's. A penalty on low risk rewards would not go amiss either.

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Thanatos Marathon
#240 - 2015-10-27 15:17:44 UTC
Master Sergeant MacRobert wrote:
no 2nd medal (ask Galmil).

Why you gotta hurt me so? Cry