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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Natascha Kerenski
Immortal Legion
#5001 - 2015-10-26 10:29:06 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
If SP will become a commodity you are making access to them unequal. I must pay more to "fly geddon instead of ceptor". Why? It has nothing to do with "more control of my character".
Or you could not pay anything and train as normal. Nothing about the training to fly a geddon vs a ceptor is changing and there is no mandate to use the feature to progress. SP will still be generated by players equally as well.

Game rules should be equal for everybody. Imagine rookies gets only queens instead of every other and pieces on chess board. Why? Because they are rookies? If I want to change from geddon to ceptor I must pay more (currency is meaningless here) to do this than new player. An option is created with unequal access to it. What next? Players to 1 year will have discount on subs, while I'll be paying twice?
Rules are equal for everyone, nothing is changing in that regard. Nothing in this proposal asks you to pay anything. If you want a ceptor train for it. If a new player wants a ceptor, they train for it. Plain and simple. No option is being added that you won't be able to use, though to less effect because you already have a large number more abilities than that player. When they reach you're level they will be under the same diminishing returns.

That assumes they even have the resources to take advantage of this extensively.

Since the system is not bound to ISK only the argument older players have more isk is out of the window
It makes no difference if you are an old player rich in game but broke in real life or if you a new player poor in game
and rich in real life.

Why should people who played the game for years be punished for being patient and making their progress over time.
Just do the same diminishing rate for everyone!

This is mostly created because there are a lot of players today with the attitude: I want everything NOOOOOOW!!!
And if i dont get it ill rage quit imediatly and kick that stupid game from my hard drive

“Fighting for peace is like having sex for virginity."

Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5002 - 2015-10-26 10:38:14 UTC
Dror wrote:
You say that a large part of the problem that SP trading fixes is black market sales. There would be no black market without SP.
Your either very naive, or as point out before on a personal crusade, i can show you 12 sites atleast where you can buy characters / accounts / ingame items for plenty of games non have skillpoints - the bazaar was deemed by CCP the lesser of the 2 evils in controlling their property.
Dror wrote:
99% of characters are esteemed for nothing about SP, but them as characters and as effective for their niche
Where do you think the ability for them to fly the Logistics ships the marauders or just plain old t1 cruisers come from, oh skillpoints. There value comes from the roles they adopt, the same guy who pilots the destroyer just out salvaging with his buddies one day will soon be in the svipul engaging, theres always someone who wants to sweep up as well as combat

Dror wrote:
Social identity is defined as the knowledge of belonging to a social group, as well as the emotional and value significance of his or her group membership." Value is very correlative with SP, and lower value is lower social identity
This just smacks of Dror trying to decry his own personal experiences in game but ....
Corps set out rules and they dont ever ask for a pilot to be X and X only, If its all out war theres a job for everyone, if its specific ops, what time you invested in game will dictacte where you can assist best. Just because you can only fly ABC and not XYZ doesnt effect of how you will be perceived everyone started at the beginning and knows what its like. I dont think ive even ever conceived the idea that just because someone has 1 million skillpoints he/she is no good. If thats the case why would places like EvE Uni be here.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5003 - 2015-10-26 10:39:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Natascha Kerenski wrote:
Since the system is not bound to ISK only the argument older players have more isk is out of the window
It makes no difference if you are an old player rich in game but broke in real life or if you a new player poor in game
and rich in real life.

Why should people who played the game for years be punished for being patient and making their progress over time.
Just do the same diminishing rate for everyone!

This is mostly created because there are a lot of players today with the attitude: I want everything NOOOOOOW!!!
And if i dont get it ill rage quit imediatly and kick that stupid game from my hard drive
The rate of return is the same for everyone. I have an empty character slot I can get 500k SP per pack on despite playing in total over 6 years. A new player can buy an older character with 100m SP and get 50k SP per pack same as I would get on this character.

The diminishing returns are at the character level, not the player level. Thus the choice to have over "x" SP carries with it the decision to only get "x" SP per packet. The solution for getting a better return is easy, start a new character and the vet gets the same return as the new player on top of having a well trained character as backup.

There isn't anything here vets can't take advantage of in the same way new players can, we just have actually to do it the same way.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5004 - 2015-10-26 10:48:39 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
Your either very naive, or as point out before on a personal crusade, i can show you 12 sites atleast where you can buy characters / accounts / ingame items for plenty of games non have skillpoints - the bazaar was deemed by CCP the lesser of the 2 evils in controlling their property.

Where do you think the ability for them to fly the Logistics ships the marauders or just plain old t1 cruisers come from, oh skillpoints. There value comes from the roles they adopt, the same guy who pilots the destroyer just out salvaging with his buddies one day will soon be in the svipul engaging, theres always someone who wants to sweep up as well as combat

This just smacks of Dror trying to decry his own personal experiences in game but ....
Corps set out rules and they dont ever ask for a pilot to be X and X only, If its all out war theres a job for everyone, if its specific ops, what time you invested in game will dictacte where you can assist best. Just because you can only fly ABC and not XYZ doesnt effect of how you will be perceived everyone started at the beginning and knows what its like. I dont think ive even ever conceived the idea that just because someone has 1 million skillpoints he/she is no good. If thats the case why would places like EvE Uni be here.

There's no evidence on the plausibility of a black market, without leveling, by showing games with leveling.

So, you're saying the character's value is reduced by the roles he can't adopt?

Nothing's saying that corps require roles. It's about feeling valuable, not feeling categorized.

Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Dror wrote:
Following the order of those replies, you're asking for evidence and testing and proof that "if there was no problem with SP, there would be no update announcement"? That's a pretty shallow response.

"Hey, it seems like there's a problem with SP. Why else would CCP switch it up so drastically?"

"Prove it."

Like, it's not about proving it.. but about figuring out what the problems are (as is well-requested in this thread). That level of shallow response provides nothing for the conversation. Again, it has nothing to do with what I can prove at that point, but what we can evidence as a community.

You say that a large part of the problem that SP trading fixes is black market sales. There would be no black market without SP. It's fixing a problem it's developing, just like it does as a reward system for its own limitations. That it "improves character identity investment" directly negates the definition of game identity -- which comes from opportunity and gameplay.. 99% of characters are esteemed for nothing about SP, but them as characters and as effective for their niche. From the study, "Social identity is defined as the knowledge of belonging to a social group, as well as the emotional and value significance of his or her group membership." Value is very correlative with SP, and lower value is lower social identity.

Protip: lower social identity (value) "is lower loyalty (subscription potential)."
CCP isn't changing SP up drastically. People train over time to produce SP and unlock skills currently, soon people will train SP to unlock skills or trade for other to do the same. We still have a finite amount of skills being unlocked by training over time. That isn't changed by this proposal. That isn't the goal of this proposal, thus even by the flawed metric of "if it's being changed it's broken" this doesn't qualify as proof of SP being in any way bad because it's not changing how SP works or is generated.

So yes, since there is no proof of SP being an issue you still need to provide that proof.

And yes, SP, like any limited in game commodity fuels black markets. Isk has a black market. That doesn't mean we should do away with currency in the game. So the existence of a black market isn't proof that an aspect is bad. Rather it proves it's desired and actually worth investing in at the character level.

You're not actually addressing if SP is a problem, nor if it is being updated because of that.

It causes a black market. That is supposedly an issue. You're also inaccurately ascribing value to characters and not gameplay. The point is just more evidence that subs aren't getting what they come for, whether it's a top tier character or a top tier experience.

And your idea of SP being a social value is still fundamentally flawed and wrong to the point that it invalidates every conclusion you draw from it. Fact of the matter is that being new actually creates social value. Opportunity was also discussed with you in another thread, but you dismissed concrete examples of opportunity for no other reason than them not supporting your narrative.

Also no, flat, indistinguishable and uninvestable characters still don't create strong identities or value. It removes potential for character investment rather than creating it.

You're saying the study's idea is fundamentally flawed. That's on you. How is it not obvious that character value is directly correlative with what that character can do?

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#5005 - 2015-10-26 10:55:22 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
There isn't anything here vets can't take advantage of in the same way new players can, we just have actually to do it the same way.

What the hell you taking about? If I want to reallocate my minining skills (my own SPs), I must use Transneural Skill Packet (500k SP, several of them). When I will be using my own Transneural Skill Packet I will gain less SP than new character.
We’ve designed it this way so that we protect the prestige associated with long commitment to a single character.

What prestige? The more I read devblog the more bull**** it is. My commitment to single character is actually made it worse. I should train 3 average characters than single with more SPs.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5006 - 2015-10-26 11:05:50 UTC
Dror wrote:
You're not actually addressing if SP is a problem, nor if it is being updated because of that.

It causes a black market. That is supposedly an issue. You're also inaccurately ascribing value to characters and not gameplay. The point is just more evidence that subs aren't getting what they come for, whether it's a top tier character or a top tier experience.
I did address that actually, I specifically addressed why this was being expanded.

The relevant portion for this change is, "to make it accessible and not the playground of elites, as well as to build better character identity investment, we are looking at granulating it."

It's not the presence of a black market, that's what justified the Bazaar initially, but we've moved beyond that. There is no black market for granulated SP (no means to trade it exists, thus no market can even be formed) so granulating SP can't be justified by that reasoning.

Dror wrote:
You're saying the study's idea is fundamentally flawed. That's on you. How is it not obvious that character value is directly correlative with what that character can do?
No, I'm saying the study:
a) wasn't actually presented itself, but your interpretations, shielding yourself from anyone determining applicability or critique
b) even with your interpretations you gave doesn't actually support your assertions; you're still making the assumption that SP is a social determinator while not providing evidence this "study" actually says that. Rather you're taking your own bias about the value of a character being determined by SP and creating these equivalencies purely from that rather than the study.

The rest of us don't see low SP players as effectively crippled and thus don't conflate that as being socially undesirable. You haven't presented any study with counter reasoning.
General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5007 - 2015-10-26 11:09:25 UTC  |  Edited by: General Lootit
Natascha Kerenski wrote:

Why should people who played the game for years be punished for being patient and making their progress over time.
Just do the same diminishing rate for everyone!

Dev blog
Why have diminishing returns at all? We want to make sure training decisions are still very important and that rapid respeccing of skills is not an efficient choice at any point.
How is it punishing you? Blowing noobs on shiny ships should be funny and profitable at the same time. expirence>skill points

Natascha Kerenski wrote:

This is mostly created because there are a lot of players today with the attitude: I want everything NOOOOOOW!!!
And if i dont get it ill rage quit imediatly and kick that stupid game from my hard drive

Yeeeeaaaaah! We are noobs loving to do things like this.
Vahligmarr wrote:
I just cancelled my account. You can leave a message why you quit in the process. I did.

Jeremiah Saken wrote:
I don't know if I want to be part of it when that happens.

Daniela Doran wrote:
I'm losing all interest to log in anymore thanks to you.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5008 - 2015-10-26 11:10:13 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
There isn't anything here vets can't take advantage of in the same way new players can, we just have actually to do it the same way.

What the hell you taking about? If I want to reallocate my minining skills (my own SPs), I must use Transneural Skill Packet (500k SP, several of them). When I will be using my own Transneural Skill Packet I will gain less SP than new character.
Yes, because you aren't using a character at the same level of a new character. If you did you'd get the exact same thing. That you refuse isn't something that needs accommodated.

So make a new character, the same way a new player has to, and you too will get the full 500k SP while still enjoying the perks of having tens of millions of SP at your disposal for being a long time customer on your current character.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#5009 - 2015-10-26 11:12:23 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
So make a new character, the same way a new player has to, and you too will get the full 500k SP while still enjoying the perks of having tens of millions of SP at your disposal for being a long time customer on your current character.

We’ve designed it this way so that we protect the prestige associated with long commitment to a single character.

won't make any sense.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5010 - 2015-10-26 11:18:54 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
So make a new character, the same way a new player has to, and you too will get the full 500k SP while still enjoying the perks of having tens of millions of SP at your disposal for being a long time customer on your current character.

We’ve designed it this way so that we protect the prestige associated with long commitment to a single character.

won't make any sense.
It makes perfect sense. (Hint: allowing you to efficiently overtake significantly longer trained characters doesn't leave them with much prestige for their tenure, does it).
sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#5011 - 2015-10-26 11:23:53 UTC
I would like to bring this perspective into the discussion(Don't know if it has already been covered the thread is pretty long by now):

As you still have to be subscribed(be it monthly subscription or PLEX), you are still training as long as you are subscribed. For me personally(29 mill sp on my main) it would mean that I would still train everything to lvl 4 normally(which is only a couple of days anyways) to not waste those SP you get anyway, and occationally snipe off a lvl 5 skill. Command ship lvl 5 or BC lvl5 for example. I do not get a better pilot just because I wait approx. a month for it. Right now I am just waiting for these skills to be done, so I can join my alliances absolution doctrine for example. The waiting is also fine for me, but it is not especially sexy gameplay IMO. Me being able to sit in the ship a month earlier by buying someones elses SP at a reduced rate does not change a lot in the game.

My point: I don't necessarily think this will be used for every skill at every level to insta train a char to 80 mill sp. I think people would rather use it as a supplement to cut of the occational 24 days skill. I don't think this willl change the game balance or affect it largely as a lot of SP does not equal skill or chance to win, but just the ability to use a certain ship. So it is in fact not P2win(which is used wrongly in this thread IMO.) but P2convenience(As everyone can get the same advantage it if they wait long enough), which is a big difference IMO. and makes this proposition okay.

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5012 - 2015-10-26 11:33:59 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
Your either very naive, or as point out before on a personal crusade, i can show you 12 sites atleast where you can buy characters / accounts / ingame items for plenty of games non have skillpoints - the bazaar was deemed by CCP the lesser of the 2 evils in controlling their property.

Where do you think the ability for them to fly the Logistics ships the marauders or just plain old t1 cruisers come from, oh skillpoints. There value comes from the roles they adopt, the same guy who pilots the destroyer just out salvaging with his buddies one day will soon be in the svipul engaging, theres always someone who wants to sweep up as well as combat

This just smacks of Dror trying to decry his own personal experiences in game but ....
Corps set out rules and they dont ever ask for a pilot to be X and X only, If its all out war theres a job for everyone, if its specific ops, what time you invested in game will dictacte where you can assist best. Just because you can only fly ABC and not XYZ doesnt effect of how you will be perceived everyone started at the beginning and knows what its like. I dont think ive even ever conceived the idea that just because someone has 1 million skillpoints he/she is no good. If thats the case why would places like EvE Uni be here.
1.There's no evidence on the plausibility of a black market, without leveling, by showing games with leveling.

2.So, you're saying the character's value is reduced by the roles he can't adopt?

3.Nothing's saying that corps require roles. It's about feeling valuable, not feeling categorized.

1/I don't even know how to respond to this, i cannot post links to these kind of sites just use google it may open your eyes to whats available from black markets. Here you will find your evidence.
2/No you are by saying skillpoints hold you back,Any other game you play the only time you are progressing is when your actually logged on,EvE on the other hand if your on for 10 minutes or 10 hours or dont log on for a week your are still progressing.
3/So a corp like EvE Uni thats dedicated 11 years of helping people to progress in game, give pilots of sense of purpose achieve limitless potential is not creating a feeling of value and satisfaction. Your delusional !

Your Study does not include EvE or an enviroment close to EvE - To add to your feeling warm and cuddly to your theories you talk values, the studies games dont allow the sale of characters - EvE's does / Your study was performed on the most part PVE enviroment as proved by that fact this fair and even playing - a strong guild membership is essential for survival, and it is nearly impossible to win without a guild. The study itself acknowledges that it was done in a very limited enviroment and would hold no validity in arguements !!!

3 days you have done this and 3 days you were debunked each morning returning to skew your flawed study material in a different light to suit YOUR perceptions of what EvE should be.

For the most part i would advise anyone not to post to this as its just adding to a trolls personal crusade against skillpoints.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#5013 - 2015-10-26 11:48:04 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
It makes perfect sense. (Hint: allowing you to efficiently overtake significantly longer trained characters doesn't leave them with much prestige for their tenure, does it).

Question What a twisted logic. It will be more efficient to strip 100 mil char into 3. Reallocating skllls on high level chars will be inefficent. What will be best to do to is strip them and make specialise alts. Where's the presitge of that?

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#5014 - 2015-10-26 11:50:03 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
CCP has an amazing track record for getting it wrong.

you are aware you're talking about a company that created a game that has survived for over 12 years (i think we're at 12 years now aren't we?), that doesn't happen by accident.

You are so out of touch it really is scary.

You can't seriously believe half of what you type here and expect others to swallow it.

Online statistics show. CCP is doing a wonderful job, they don't make mistakes that end up with players giving up and leaving. They have never made a mistake that caused a riot in the main trade hub of the game.

Subscriptions levels are at an all time high - There is so much content no-one has to spend hours or even days flying around completely empty systems (that were 12 months ago active places to get fights).

New Icons developed for a technology a minority use - That still look like crap on a 1080P monitor. Cruisers and battle cruisers, frigates and destroyers - Yes they have different icons - The dev blog says so - Though you would be hard pushed to tell them apart in game, without a magnifying glass.
New map that is so overwhelmingly colourful it is all but unusable (pretty is not functional) - Scanning with it is a nightmare, unless of course you turn off all effects - Thankfully the map dev team is smart enough to realize their mistake and didn't remove a map that just works. One does have to wonder why the Beta map is still there, when it should have been removed until game ready (if ever).

Rapid missile launchers - You really want to go there? I'm happy to, just let me know.

Put your head back up where ever it came from ( I can only guess reading some of the drivel you've posted) and stop talking shite.
Over my 8 years playing Eve, I have seen the good the bad and recently, quite ugly side of what passes for game development at CCP.

Lie to yourself and the uninformed all you like, just don't try to lie to those who actually play the game.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5015 - 2015-10-26 11:51:47 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
1/I don't even know how to respond to this, i cannot post links to these kind of sites just use google it may open your eyes to whats available from black markets. Here you will find your evidence.
2/No you are by saying skillpoints hold you back,Any other game you play the only time you are progressing is when your actually logged on,EvE on the other hand if your on for 10 minutes or 10 hours or dont log on for a week your are still progressing.
3/So a corp like EvE Uni thats dedicated 11 years of helping people to progress in game, give pilots of sense of purpose achieve limitless potential is not creating a feeling of value and satisfaction. Your delusional !

Your Study does not include EvE or an enviroment close to EvE - To add to your feeling warm and cuddly to your theories you talk values, the studies games dont allow the sale of characters - EvE's does / Your study was performed on the most part PVE enviroment as proved by that fact this fair and even playing - a strong guild membership is essential for survival, and it is nearly impossible to win without a guild. The study itself acknowledges that it was done in a very limited enviroment and would hold no validity in arguements !!!

3 days you have done this and 3 days you were debunked each morning returning to skew your flawed study material in a different light to suit YOUR perceptions of what EvE should be.

For the most part i would advise anyone not to post to this as its just adding to a trolls personal crusade against skillpoints.

It's irrelevant if other games have a black market for characters. The point is that SP/leveling causes it.

You're also stating things you have no evidence for, including that the study is PvE-oriented.. while also trying to refute the validity of opportunity as a design philosophy without actually doing so. A fair chance on the field is so whether it's PvE or PvP, and character value is so whether or not that character's interest is marketing, PvP, PvE, production, etc.

Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Dror wrote:
You're not actually addressing if SP is a problem, nor if it is being updated because of that.

It causes a black market. That is supposedly an issue. You're also inaccurately ascribing value to characters and not gameplay. The point is just more evidence that subs aren't getting what they come for, whether it's a top tier character or a top tier experience.
I did address that actually, I specifically addressed why this was being expanded.

The relevant portion for this change is, "to make it accessible and not the playground of elites, as well as to build better character identity investment, we are looking at granulating it."

It's not the presence of a black market, that's what justified the Bazaar initially, but we've moved beyond that. There is no black market for granulated SP (no means to trade it exists, thus no market can even be formed) so granulating SP can't be justified by that reasoning.

Dror wrote:
You're saying the study's idea is fundamentally flawed. That's on you. How is it not obvious that character value is directly correlative with what that character can do?
No, I'm saying the study:
a) wasn't actually presented itself, but your interpretations, shielding yourself from anyone determining applicability or critique
b) even with your interpretations you gave doesn't actually support your assertions; you're still making the assumption that SP is a social determinator while not providing evidence this "study" actually says that. Rather you're taking your own bias about the value of a character being determined by SP and creating these equivalencies purely from that rather than the study.

The rest of us don't see low SP players as effectively crippled and thus don't conflate that as being socially undesirable. You haven't presented any study with counter reasoning.

Nothing says that SP trading produces a black market, obviously, but SP does.

The study is quoted exactly.

Developers should consider a skill-point character development system over a class-based system to balance play and to provide an opportunity for any character class engaged in combat to win.

Social identity is defined as the individual’s knowledge that he or she belongs to a particular social group, as well as the emotional and value significance of his or her group membership.

Bagozzi and Dholakia [6] applied social identity theory to virtual spaces, and Dholakia et el.[21] further extended this research. In both studies, Internet users who had a stronger social identity tended to feel a greater desire to communicate with friends in virtual chat rooms.

What are you not getting about fair gameplay and opportunity being key?

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5016 - 2015-10-26 11:54:41 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Icons ..without a magnifying glass.

They could just be letters..

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5017 - 2015-10-26 12:18:18 UTC
Dror wrote:
Bagozzi and Dholakia [6] applied social identity theory to virtual spaces, and Dholakia et el.[21] further extended this research. In both studies, Internet users who had a stronger social identity tended to feel a greater desire to communicate with friends in virtual chat rooms.

This is why i say you pick things to suit your theories because i noticed you left out what follows that section troll

Other studies found that the group identification could occur in the absence of formal membership [67]. For example,electronic vendors, such as, Google, and eBay, which have each created a distinct consumer profile, attract committed, repeat customers with whom they build “deep, meaningful, long-term relationships” [8, p. 76], and these customers are both loyal and enthusiastic in promoting the use of these e-vendor’s Web sites [51]. Srinivasan et al. [78] found that e-loyalty is generated by community, contact interactivity, care, and character. The Web site image can also influence a company’s identity; research in marketing has found that Web site image affects both brand image [63] and consumer behavior [14].

I do declare, now you going to add theyre in the free2 play section !!!

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5018 - 2015-10-26 12:25:10 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:
Bagozzi and Dholakia [6] applied social identity theory to virtual spaces, and Dholakia et el.[21] further extended this research. In both studies, Internet users who had a stronger social identity tended to feel a greater desire to communicate with friends in virtual chat rooms.

This is why i say you pick things to suit your theories because i noticed you left out what follows that section troll

Other studies found that the group identification could occur in the absence of formal membership [67]. For example,electronic vendors, such as, Google, and eBay, which have each created a distinct consumer profile, attract committed, repeat customers with whom they build “deep, meaningful, long-term relationships” [8, p. 76], and these customers are both loyal and enthusiastic in promoting the use of these e-vendor’s Web sites [51]. Srinivasan et al. [78] found that e-loyalty is generated by community, contact interactivity, care, and character. The Web site image can also influence a company’s identity; research in marketing has found that Web site image affects both brand image [63] and consumer behavior [14].

I do declare, now you going to add theyre in the free2 play section !!!

The point is non-obvious. Retention being low sorta undermines any claims of a "deep, meaningful, long-term relationship" being set up from SP. That's even discussing nothing about its negative effects on competitiveness and character value.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Malou Hashur
Enterprise Holdings
#5019 - 2015-10-26 12:34:43 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
CCP has an amazing track record for getting it wrong.

you are aware you're talking about a company that created a game that has survived for over 12 years (i think we're at 12 years now aren't we?), that doesn't happen by accident.

You are so out of touch it really is scary.

You can't seriously believe half of what you type here and expect others to swallow it.

Online statistics show. CCP is doing a wonderful job, they don't make mistakes that end up with players giving up and leaving. They have never made a mistake that caused a riot in the main trade hub of the game.

Subscriptions levels are at an all time high - There is so much content no-one has to spend hours or even days flying around completely empty systems (that were 12 months ago active places to get fights).

New Icons developed for a technology a minority use - That still look like crap on a 1080P monitor. Cruisers and battle cruisers, frigates and destroyers - Yes they have different icons - The dev blog says so - Though you would be hard pushed to tell them apart in game, without a magnifying glass.
New map that is so overwhelmingly colourful it is all but unusable (pretty is not functional) - Scanning with it is a nightmare, unless of course you turn off all effects - Thankfully the map dev team is smart enough to realize their mistake and didn't remove a map that just works. One does have to wonder why the Beta map is still there, when it should have been removed until game ready (if ever).

Rapid missile launchers - You really want to go there? I'm happy to, just let me know.

Put your head back up where ever it came from ( I can only guess reading some of the drivel you've posted) and stop talking shite.
Over my 8 years playing Eve, I have seen the good the bad and recently, quite ugly side of what passes for game development at CCP.

Lie to yourself and the uninformed all you like, just don't try to lie to those who actually play the game.

I agree completely

CCP Philosophy ==>>

  1. If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it and break something else.

  2. Ignore all Forum comments that raise issues and concerns about our "features", and bring said "features" in anyway.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#5020 - 2015-10-26 12:46:32 UTC
Dror wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Icons ..without a magnifying glass.

They could just be letters..

That would be fine, as long as they were clearly distinguishable . (cheap to produce too, which seems to have been the goal)

What we have is only marred by the most commonly seen icons looking the same.
Change the two __ icons to anything else to distinguish them as different classes. An individual icon is not made with a lazy underline - It is lazy cheap workmanship.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.