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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4461 - 2015-10-22 21:26:17 UTC
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

If revenue is the issue, then there are less disruptive solutions. Lets imagine, for example, that you need to buy books with AUR. That is far less ripe for abuse than SP market. It's not a system you can farm for power leveling. It's not a system you can farm for instant alts. It doesn't devalue effort and patience that players put into their characters. It's not an easy passive income. It doesn't decouple in-game choices from consequences. If you were to remove basic books from the system (say core skills and some t1 ships & modules) you could shield (to some extent) new players from such microtransactions. It's not something I would be happy to see implemented. But it is a system I possibly could live with, unlike the all-out proposal from the blog.
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#4462 - 2015-10-22 21:40:50 UTC
One thing I'm curious about, that I haven't yet seen a reply on, is how this will work with things like pre-req skills.

If, for instance, a person decides that they're done with mining entirely, and they'd like to get rid of all mining-related skills. This would include both Exhumers and Mining Barges.

Will the Exhumers skill, once its last SP has been removed, be able to be removed from our heads so we can begin to pull off Mining Barges, or will we only be able to pull off the "top-most" skill that we have, and it will forever remain in our heads at zero SP?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4463 - 2015-10-22 21:43:59 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Dror wrote:

You're fabricating again. You shouldn't try to force every lock and key.

It's already established that what's really motivating is freedom and the idea of mastery and, say, the depth of inter-relatedness. Undermining that, thus, is negative? How can you say that limitations on creativity (e.g. from fitting skills or ship unlocks or DPS) make subs come play? In fact, there's no reason for such a claim.. Then, what's the draw? Of course, SP is unhelpful for that experience for which subs would ask and for which they would refer and for which they would log on.

You have quit a confusing and antiquated way of writing... No offence intened

Are you trying to say that there is no value to be gain in complexity within gameplay and the felling of accomplishment when one is able to plan better than the next guy?

When I look back on my time in EVE, I can see that skill training was very important to me in the beginning. Out of game i spent hours plaining my training and what i should remap for to achieve my goal, and in game i would talk to people to ask "what should i be training for". This got me invested in the game and mad me realise that to get to the top in EVE would take time but with the right planning, i could get there faster than than a lazier guy.

The funny thing is, when CCP changed the training queue so that i could fit in hundreds of days worth of training instead of hours, I stopped logging in every day and i quit playing for 6 months soon after... Now I'm not saying i only play to train, but training is an important part of eve because it invests the player in their character/game.

This change does very little for the new player and in fact, it could have a detrimental effect on them. Like others have said, if CCP wanted to improve everyone experience, they would allow players to respec via Aurum and they would give new players free sp upon achieving goals in the game but they are not doing that. All they are doing is coming up with another way to squeeze money out of people.

Planning better than the next can come from the immense depth of the game. It should come from gameplay, because limiting newbies from learning (through locked ships and playstyles) completely incapacitates the whole beginner demographic. That, unfortunately, includes starter corps, includes referral problems because of limited effectiveness, and just the whole of being a T1 in a T3 meta. They didn't necessarily "plan" anything. They just subbed more.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#4464 - 2015-10-22 21:44:40 UTC
Delegate wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

If revenue is the issue, then there are less disruptive solutions. Lets imagine, for example, that you need to buy books with AUR. That is far less ripe for abuse than SP market. It's not a system you can farm for power leveling. It's not a system you can farm for instant alts. It doesn't devalue effort and patience that players put into their characters. It's not an easy passive income. It doesn't decouple in-game choices from consequences. If you were to remove basic books from the system (say core skills and some t1 ships & modules) you could shield (to some extent) new players from such microtransactions. It's not something I would be happy to see implemented. But it is a system I possibly could live with, unlike the all-out proposal from the blog.

They can already sort of do that with plex though. They just buy plex and use ISK for books or w.e.

Personally I may be crazy and talking from personal anecdotal evidence but if they lowered the ******* cut throat prices on NEX store items I think that would help. My girlfriend and I haven't bought any skins yet because we think they're too expensive. Lowering the price might encourage more people to buy them so the total revenue would be increased.

Again I'm clueless when it comes to marketing, and there may be technical costs associated with having the ability to switch skins so maybe they are trying to offset that. If that's the case IMO they should have communicated that. As it stands it doesn't look like they learned any lessons from incarna.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4465 - 2015-10-22 21:50:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Delegate
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Delegate wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

If revenue is the issue, then there are less disruptive solutions. Lets imagine, for example, that you need to buy books with AUR. That is far less ripe for abuse than SP market. It's not a system you can farm for power leveling. It's not a system you can farm for instant alts. It doesn't devalue effort and patience that players put into their characters. It's not an easy passive income. It doesn't decouple in-game choices from consequences. If you were to remove basic books from the system (say core skills and some t1 ships & modules) you could shield (to some extent) new players from such microtransactions. It's not something I would be happy to see implemented. But it is a system I possibly could live with, unlike the all-out proposal from the blog.

They can already sort of do that with plex though. They just buy plex and use ISK for books or w.e.

You can also grind ISK. If you tie books to AUR then every book is a revenue.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4466 - 2015-10-22 21:52:19 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Delegate wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

If revenue is the issue, then there are less disruptive solutions. Lets imagine, for example, that you need to buy books with AUR. That is far less ripe for abuse than SP market. It's not a system you can farm for power leveling. It's not a system you can farm for instant alts. It doesn't devalue effort and patience that players put into their characters. It's not an easy passive income. It doesn't decouple in-game choices from consequences. If you were to remove basic books from the system (say core skills and some t1 ships & modules) you could shield (to some extent) new players from such microtransactions. It's not something I would be happy to see implemented. But it is a system I possibly could live with, unlike the all-out proposal from the blog.

They can already sort of do that with plex though. They just buy plex and use ISK for books or w.e.

Personally I may be crazy and talking from personal anecdotal evidence but if they lowered the ******* cut throat prices on NEX store items I think that would help. My girlfriend and I haven't bought any skins yet because we think they're too expensive. Lowering the price might encourage more people to buy them so the total revenue would be increased.

Again I'm clueless when it comes to marketing, and there may be technical costs associated with having the ability to switch skins so maybe they are trying to offset that. If that's the case IMO they should have communicated that. As it stands it doesn't look like they learned any lessons from incarna.

They've set up a problem with SKINs with permanents. If it was just a temporary license, those could really come at a low price but really thrive.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Norian Lonark
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4467 - 2015-10-22 21:56:13 UTC
Dror wrote:

Planning better than the next can come from the immense depth of the game. It should come from gameplay, because limiting newbies from learning (through locked ships and playstyles) completely incapacitates the whole beginner demographic. That, unfortunately, includes starter corps, includes referral problems because of limited effectiveness, and just the whole of being a T1 in a T3 meta. They didn't necessarily "plan" anything. They just subbed more.

So your against any kind of progression system or character development... I guess this must ... let me guess... science..Shocked

If I don't want progression or character development I can play one of my console games and have a quick fix.... this isn't the RPG experience I want... it doesn't motivate me or make me care about my character at all if I just play it with everything right away, the fact that I can develop and progress and plan actually motivates me.. and guess what after years of playing the game I still need to think about the skills I want and what I would like to do next and train for them.....

I guess I must be a freak of nature being outside the scope of these valid and thorough scientific studies with regards to my motivation Roll

Start wide, expand further, and never look back

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4468 - 2015-10-22 22:03:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Dror wrote:

Planning better than the next can come from the immense depth of the game. It should come from gameplay, because limiting newbies from learning (through locked ships and playstyles) completely incapacitates the whole beginner demographic. That, unfortunately, includes starter corps, includes referral problems because of limited effectiveness, and just the whole of being a T1 in a T3 meta. They didn't necessarily "plan" anything. They just subbed more.

Planing better than the next guy can only be achieved when there are restriction and hurdles.

It sounds like you are saying you believe players should have access to all ships and modules form the start. If that is the case i assume you are fairly young and haven't been playing games for long. Such a system does not promote longevity in a game which would be particularly bad for an MMO.

One of the most important things in eve is to train your support skills first. A player with the foresight and planning to do this will almost always beat the player hour starts eve and starts training for a BS with small guns.

... That said, I still don't understand your point. Mine is, as in life, training is important and trivialising it makes eve less important.
Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#4469 - 2015-10-22 22:04:42 UTC  |  Edited by: 8915

We can talk about all economic theory you want. We can even call each other ugly names.

The commoditization of SP will be real. This gives a player/corp/alliance the ability to flat out buy all of it running the price up and give it to their noobs/alts so they can fly x ship to shoot x corp in the face with it.

This also leads to the fact that this now there is a game mechanic that can be exploited by wealthy , high sp players that could cause the destruction of SP in the game. Well since everyone seems to be an armchair economist you all know what happens next and it doesn't result in helping new players.

If you want to help new players just flat out give them sp. Back when I started my original characters they all started with close to 1 mill sp. That was also back when there was a frig, cruiser, battleship and a cu vapor bore was the best miner and a mk5 with local hulls was the best hauler with around 27k m3. Times have changed more sp should be given at the start if you really want to help the n00bs. But that doesn't make them money so that wont work.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4470 - 2015-10-22 22:21:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Dror
Norian Lonark wrote:
Dror wrote:

Planning better than the next can come from the immense depth of the game. It should come from gameplay, because limiting newbies from learning (through locked ships and playstyles) completely incapacitates the whole beginner demographic. That, unfortunately, includes starter corps, includes referral problems because of limited effectiveness, and just the whole of being a T1 in a T3 meta. They didn't necessarily "plan" anything. They just subbed more.

So your against any kind of progression system or character development... I guess this must ... let me guess... science..Shocked

If I don't want progression or character development I can play one of my console games and have a quick fix.... this isn't the RPG experience I want... it doesn't motivate me or make me care about my character at all if I just play it with everything right away, the fact that I can develop and progress and plan actually motivates me.. and guess what after years of playing the game I still need to think about the skills I want and what I would like to do next and train for them.....

I guess I must be a freak of nature being outside the scope of these valid and thorough scientific studies with regards to my motivation Roll

Did you miss the listed problems with the progression system? Alternative suggestions are welcome; but implying that the crux of all of these problems is above "console games" and "quick fixes" seems pretty ironic. Those with the most money, for example, can "quick fix" through all of it.

Rek Seven wrote:
Dror wrote:

Planning better than the next can come from the immense depth of the game. It should come from gameplay, because limiting newbies from learning (through locked ships and playstyles) completely incapacitates the whole beginner demographic. That, unfortunately, includes starter corps, includes referral problems because of limited effectiveness, and just the whole of being a T1 in a T3 meta. They didn't necessarily "plan" anything. They just subbed more.

Planing better than the next guy can only be achieved when there are restriction and hurdles.

It sounds like you are saying you believe players should have access to all ships and modules form the start. If that is the case i assume you are fairly young and haven't been playing games for long. Such a system does not promote longevity in a game which would be particularly bad for an MMO.

One of the most important things in eve is to train your support skills first. A player with the foresight and planning to do this will almost always beat the player hour starts eve and starts training for a BS with small guns.

... That said, I still don't understand your point. Mine is, as in life, training is important and trivialising it makes eve less important.

Restrictions.. like coming up on direct counters? How about the restriction of how market savvy or actually skillful the player is? How about the planning that could come from newbies being able to challenge the biggest sovereignties?

You're implying that you have some information on what promotes the success of a game. Can you describe how fresh subs can be interested in a game that makes them feel worthless? ..How veterans can find sustain for a game without fresh subs? In fact, the sentiment is often that a sub game should come with all of its content. Even if that content requires in-game resources, that's a goal. Are you implying that subs would [without SP] just fund a Titan and unsub?

Edit: Even if they might, that's a huge "if".. They would've played enough to get the resources for such an investment, and by that point they could be so in to the game that the idea of unsubbing seems ludicrous.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Kasumi Gotto
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#4471 - 2015-10-22 22:35:46 UTC
I started the game back in Beta. If I had my original character, I'd probably be over 200M SP by now. Time like that has given me a lot of opportunity to reflect on what I actually like to fly, roles I like to fill, etc since I have tried them all. Eve's skill system is not a forgiving system in this regard. You will spend real time putting your character through training to try out a role only to find out you either really suck at or just didn't like after all and now want to move onto something else. My original character had A LOT of areas like this. I thought about for years what I would rather have if I could move skill points around.

While some people are claiming that they don't like this system, I am convinced it is the typical overreaction you expect with any change. While yes, it does launch you further ahead if you have lots of ISK, one needs to also read some of the key points made throughout the blog post. High skill points don't account for much. It does get you into that next ship faster but it still isn't an 'I win' button. You only have to look at Suitonia's YT channel at him killing people with far more SP than him as an example that refutes most of the claims people have been making. I am not sure what there really is to abuse in such a system with people with lots of ISK getting more SP when they probably could just buy a higher SP character through the bazaar regardless.

Today I have this new character as well as 4 others. If this skill trading goes into affect, I have already been planning how to use it. The characters I have I bought to catapult me forward in skill point amounts instead of having started over from scratch. It left me with characters with names I don't like though and I would plan on making one I do like and get the skill points I would want in the skill areas I do want to have. I was envious of the Dust 514 skill system for being able to do offline training into an unallocated pool to put the points where you want plus earn extra through combat and mission successes. Such a thing isn't really possible in Eve unfortunately but it wasn't so harsh under such a system to start over on as Eve can be

As a result of this system, I could finally reduce myself to one account and 2 characters instead of 2 accounts and 5 with a bunch of skills on their lists I don't want or need. It will give me, and others, a level of choice and control that hasn't been available for the past decade.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4472 - 2015-10-22 22:53:14 UTC
Dror wrote:

Restrictions.. like coming up on direct counters? How about the restriction of how market savvy or actually skillful the player is? How about the planning that could come from newbies being able to challenge the biggest sovereignties?

You're implying that you have some information on what promotes the success of a game. Can you describe how fresh subs can be interested in a game that makes them feel worthless? ..How veterans can find sustain for a game without fresh subs? In fact, the sentiment is often that a sub game should come with all of its content. Even if that content requires in-game resources, that's a goal. Are you implying that subs would [without SP] just fund a Titan and unsub?

Edit: Even if they might, that's a huge "if".. They would've played enough to get the resources for such an investment, and by that point they could be so in to the game that the idea of unsubbing seems ludicrous.

Website ate my post...

Basically player savvy comes from experience and research, SP is useless unless you know how to apply it, new players will not appreciate the feeling of being bled for isk and will most likely quit once they reach a long training skill.

You avoided what i said to you originally which was, if ccp wants to help new players, why not give out free sp for doing stuff in the game or playing for x amount of time? If you can't answer that don't bother replying.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4473 - 2015-10-22 23:04:01 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Dror wrote:

Restrictions.. like coming up on direct counters? How about the restriction of how market savvy or actually skillful the player is? How about the planning that could come from newbies being able to challenge the biggest sovereignties?

You're implying that you have some information on what promotes the success of a game. Can you describe how fresh subs can be interested in a game that makes them feel worthless? ..How veterans can find sustain for a game without fresh subs? In fact, the sentiment is often that a sub game should come with all of its content. Even if that content requires in-game resources, that's a goal. Are you implying that subs would [without SP] just fund a Titan and unsub?

Edit: Even if they might, that's a huge "if".. They would've played enough to get the resources for such an investment, and by that point they could be so in to the game that the idea of unsubbing seems ludicrous.

Website ate my post...

Basically player savvy comes from experience and research, SP is useless unless you know how to apply it, new players will not appreciate the feeling of being bled for isk and will most likely quit once they reach a long training skill.

You avoided what i said to you originally which was, if ccp wants to help new players, why not give out free sp for doing stuff in the game or playing for x amount of time? If you can't answer that don't bother replying.

That's exactly correct.. Yet, it's no logical progression for what I'm saying.

At what point is it OK to stop giving free SP? 10M that can be completely re-oriented however? Then, their only experience with further queueing is completely uninteresting trains? If you're implying they would get bored with a no-SP game, how can you support SP at all?

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4474 - 2015-10-22 23:18:16 UTC
Kasumi Gotto wrote:
I started the game back in Beta. If I had my original character, I'd probably be over 200M SP by now. Time like that has given me a lot of opportunity to reflect on what I actually like to fly, roles I like to fill, etc since I have tried them all. Eve's skill system is not a forgiving system in this regard. You will spend real time putting your character through training to try out a role only to find out you either really suck at or just didn't like after all and now want to move onto something else. My original character had A LOT of areas like this. I thought about for years what I would rather have if I could move skill points around.

While some people are claiming that they don't like this system, I am convinced it is the typical overreaction you expect with any change. While yes, it does launch you further ahead if you have lots of ISK, one needs to also read some of the key points made throughout the blog post. High skill points don't account for much. It does get you into that next ship faster but it still isn't an 'I win' button. You only have to look at Suitonia's YT channel at him killing people with far more SP than him as an example that refutes most of the claims people have been making. I am not sure what there really is to abuse in such a system with people with lots of ISK getting more SP when they probably could just buy a higher SP character through the bazaar regardless.

Today I have this new character as well as 4 others. If this skill trading goes into affect, I have already been planning how to use it. The characters I have I bought to catapult me forward in skill point amounts instead of having started over from scratch. It left me with characters with names I don't like though and I would plan on making one I do like and get the skill points I would want in the skill areas I do want to have. I was envious of the Dust 514 skill system for being able to do offline training into an unallocated pool to put the points where you want plus earn extra through combat and mission successes. Such a thing isn't really possible in Eve unfortunately but it wasn't so harsh under such a system to start over on as Eve can be

As a result of this system, I could finally reduce myself to one account and 2 characters instead of 2 accounts and 5 with a bunch of skills on their lists I don't want or need. It will give me, and others, a level of choice and control that hasn't been available for the past decade.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. I'm really glad to hear that at least one vet accsepting opportunities of the new system.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#4475 - 2015-10-22 23:34:41 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
General Lootit wrote:
afkalt wrote:

No-one said it was hard to grind for plex, what people are saying is that doing it as a newbro - for the most part - is utterly soul crushing and has a tendency to burn people out. Probably because the time it takes precludes everything else.

And here we are about to pull the trigger on putting even more pressure on newbros to chase the isk; instead of chasing the fun. Fun is what keeps people playing, not a second space job.

I didn't said either that griding is hard to do. It's also time consuming but less than waiting the quee and I want to trade my griding time to SP. "Fun" in yours meaning isn't pays for itself but I had some fun while griding by chating people who also doing this.

It's not a pressure - it's an option.

You say on one hand that it is an option, yet earlier you say you feel pressued to catch vets.

You have to pick one and only one, really.

See thing is, whilst you're waiting on teh training queue, you can be playing the game. How fast to fly a gankalyst again? 20 minutes now? Fly with Code, explode stuff, have fun whilst the queue is ticking.

The only thing locking you into a gameplay style until XXXX trains is you. Unless you're a focused super sitter, but if that were the case we would not be having this conversation.

You're pretending like you know what's motivating and, in the same sentence, implying that some 1-10M SP should retain subs. Except, those subs have come for the gameplay of 400M SP, because that's of what the stories and advertisements are.

If by that you mean B-R then that isn't gameplay and never can be. It was a one off unique event. It is impossible that it could occur very often (if at all again) due to the nature of that event. Gameplay is focused around small group interaction mainly with some large groups involved in Sov/Wardecs etc. To advocate changing something as fundamental as the skill system based on one off events is misleading. It has been pointed out before that if players are coming in thinking that B-R happens all the time it is the fault of the advertising, not the game mechanics.
While partly correct you are soooo wrong. B-R was 1 of 3 such events in 12 months.
Asakia, B-R and events like them are what drew new players to Eve - They will not happen again simply because CCP moved the goal posts in the sandbox (changed game mechanics). So far moving them has seen us - get fatigue and reduced jump ranges (reduced content - players quit) - the dismal boring Fozziesov (Boring game play - more players quit) - One large stagnant group with a 90% afk player base dominate Sov (reduced content).
Oh and don't forget the largest Super capital group, out of boredom, using them to kill mining barges.

Now. CCP marketing can get to work and spin that into some advertising. Keep in mind, Eve has a bad reputation among the gaming community due to previous false and misleading advertising.

I wonder if - The reason CCP are selling these new SP packets as a double layered thing - With each one having to be paid for twice - Even if it doesn't work, they've still made money out of existing players. It is a win win, even if it fails to attract new players CCP get money in the bank from existing ones..

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4476 - 2015-10-23 00:16:05 UTC
Finally caught up.

A few random thoughts for you. Share an account and now the person can do more than just steal your ship, you could log on the next time unable to even fly it. Customer service will have a whole new set of 'my little brother logged on and. . .'

Eve is about living with the choices made. Has there been another instance in the game where you can actually erase the past? I don't mean buying a new alt but actually changing old choices. Removal of skills is Very different from just buying a farmed alt.

I still say that there should be a cost in sp for the removal of the points that lessens with the sp total of the character so aa 5.5 million alt will be very inneficient relative to a 50 million sp character. Yes, it does favour the vets. Why not? There should be some perks for being old.

I think a nice phasing in of the idea would be to start with the top's untradable and 'for personal use only' to see how common That would be prior to pushing it to full trade status.

For me, the biggest thing is Still the appearance of the process from the outside. Will it look like a good deal or a cynical money grab from a company that already has a subscription based model and vanity item micro transactions. If the reputation of the game is 'Greed is Good' then that will impact the new player acquisition and retention. Yes, I worry about things like that.

While I am not as fancy as Mr Epeen,


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Goonswarm Federation
#4477 - 2015-10-23 00:56:14 UTC
YES! This is a perfect tool for a corp owner to use to get younger members into the correct fleet doctrine. Since Fozzie sov empire is draining into null corps and alliances and that leaves only scraps for us to fight over. If i were able to fix certain lacking in skill trains, then i could quite possibly polish a turd and make that turd shine!

You fail you fail you fail you fail you fail to jump because you are being warp scrambled... :(

Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#4478 - 2015-10-23 01:08:46 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Finally caught up.

A few random thoughts for you. Share an account and now the person can do more than just steal your ship, you could log on the next time unable to even fly it. Customer service will have a whole new set of 'my little brother logged on and. . .'


Never thought about this. Or your account got hacked etc etc.

I would also second a changing of sp around for plex. At one point the races and blood lines came with a fixed set of attributes. At one point you couldn't change the vanity of the character as well.

and Nitsu, you would be priced out of that dream in a week just for fun by the isk rich people.
General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4479 - 2015-10-23 01:13:33 UTC  |  Edited by: General Lootit
Mike Azariah wrote:

Yes, it does favour the vets. Why not?

Agree, they also should benefit from it.
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#4480 - 2015-10-23 01:30:49 UTC
Delegate wrote:
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Delegate wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

If revenue is the issue, then there are less disruptive solutions. Lets imagine, for example, that you need to buy books with AUR. That is far less ripe for abuse than SP market. It's not a system you can farm for power leveling. It's not a system you can farm for instant alts. It doesn't devalue effort and patience that players put into their characters. It's not an easy passive income. It doesn't decouple in-game choices from consequences. If you were to remove basic books from the system (say core skills and some t1 ships & modules) you could shield (to some extent) new players from such microtransactions. It's not something I would be happy to see implemented. But it is a system I possibly could live with, unlike the all-out proposal from the blog.

They can already sort of do that with plex though. They just buy plex and use ISK for books or w.e.

You can also grind ISK. If you tie books to AUR then every book is a revenue.

Oh you mean sell them exclusively with AUR. Yeah, no, can't say I can agree there at all.

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