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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4421 - 2015-10-22 14:19:06 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Dror wrote:
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
That's 40M as in 40 mil SP, newbs now get 500k I think? I know there is a deep game beyond SP, I have explained that I take part in almost all areas of the game even with my inferior 40mil SP. SP is a central part of the game as stated in the original blog for this forum. By CCP Rise. Go argue the point with him if you disagree (probably chatting to Dave in the coffee area...).

As for you second point when in EvE do any players arrange a fight where everyone is equal? We want to win fights, to do that we apply an overwhelming amount of force in the right place at the right time. As you improve your skills you improve your options on the force that you can apply, if you require other skills you bring a friend that has them. Wow, it's not like rocket science is it?

For a player to feel ownership towards their character the character actually has to be theirs and not some carbon copy clone that just has a different avatar. Without my skillset what sets my character apart from any other in EvE? Absolutely nothing, there is no ownership as there is nothing to own.

By your theory all cars should be made exactly the same (except for the body work) because then we'd all have so much more fun driving them. All sports people should have exactly the same level of physical capability because then we can all have more fun supporting them. Every player is individual, their character should represent this (before someone yells character bazzaar I entirely disagree with this too other than it being a necessary evil to stop RMT).

Rise + Pirate Unicorns are welcome in this discussion.

Are you really appealing to absurdity again? How is capital vs cruiser SP equal opportunity?

afkalt wrote:
Dror wrote:

"Research on loyalty has found that increasing customer retention by as little as 5 percent can increase profits by 25 to 95 percent."

Subs can come and go, but if they have a great reason to stay and refer others, that's well above a 5 percent increase.
"To build a player's feeling of ownership towards its character, game makers should provide equal opportunities for any character to win a battle."

Wow, it's like science.

You keep posting this in support of a development which we all know is liable to drive newbros into a retention toxic environment.

Yes, it is like science, but your book appears to be upside down and missing several pages.

Ed: And the kestrel videos I linked can be done in under 2 months. Which is far from shabby in a game with so much to learn. Probably much less now with the new skills.

At least they would enjoy the depth of the game. If you would have read anything about motivation, you would probably realize that the whole autonomy idea -- freedom to make decisions and affect gameplay -- is actually encouraging. You know, it's also what the CCP videos state about correlations with ships getting blown up and better sustain?

You're looking at the abstract and completely ignoring the specific, stated evidence the pushing people to PvE pushes them to quit.

If you honestly think that a great many people will not fall into this trap, I don't know what to tell you.

I see you've also not addressed the fact your failing about 400m skillpoints is entirely irrelevant either.
Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#4422 - 2015-10-22 14:42:34 UTC
For anyone who doesn't know, this is all you need to read to understand the reasons behind idiotic ideas like this:

Not today spaghetti.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4423 - 2015-10-22 14:43:08 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror i came from a background of playing competitive quake/quakeworld - quake3. I got my first toon and someone was spamming join corp, i did and had to work out how to even get there 75 jumps later and about 4 ships i made it only to realise i just joined a pirate corp mainly canadians with a few UK players, i spent my first 3 months very quickly learning pvp but as the time zones were so different if i wanted any sort of fun was still up at stupid oclock, didnt take me long to realise that if i wanted the pvp fun that i would need another to get income with. Number 2 was spawned and sat skilling up for about a month then started running missions with a different outfit, 1 guy had access to lvl4's back then and 3 or 4 of us would join in mainly in turkeys but it was a blast didnt take that long before all were able to do level4's and we were making some good isk whilst missioning.

My pvp side was now failing apart so departed ways and joined another pirate outfit same senario borked timezones but it was fun, the grind of 1 fulfilled the needs of the other. I think here is where our stories differ already because the missioning side now i was taking new players out to start them off, getting rep getting them to understand what to do and if need be helping with kit. after this my characters just exploded with advancements in the game with mining, ship building hauling in some serious crap holes of space but it got me my retriever BPO. Not once in any of that time did skillpoints hold me back but one thing i did have all the way through was the ability to socialize with people. The more friends i made the easier any task became. I still have the same philosophy today and just because im in a decent position i dont take anything for granted, i still help with the training of new people i still drop a serious clang of loosing a pimped out ship once in a while much to the amusement of others, but you cannot blame a game for the person thinking it was going to be a land of milk and honey. Assumption is the mother of all ****ups.

Yet, retention is still supposedly awful; and missioning is one of the prime interests but also fails to sustain any percentage of players that ends up in an increased PCU.

There's really no suggestion in that post.

Norian Lonark wrote:
Dror wrote:
"To build a player's feeling of ownership towards its character, game makers should provide equal opportunities for any character to win a battle."

Wow, it's like science.

I am sorry but this quote doesnt fit EVE at all the general line of thought is wrong with regards to SPs affecting the outcome and being an issue.

If you are looking for 1v1 pvp then the skills gap doesnt really matter that much as its been explained over and over again with specialisation any newbee can be equal to a vet in any given ship very quickly.

But most of EVEs pvp is not not a single player experience. Any player can win a battle in EVE and SPs dont matter, but the strategy and who your flying with matters. I have fleeted with FCs who have much less SP then me but they are much better FCs because of knowledge and experience.

Even if you have all the SPs in eve you are not going to have an equal opportunity to win a battle if you fly solo against people field more ships.. or fly and dont know what your doing against a group of well organised and experienced players.

EVE is situational so no matter what skills you got you will never be at an advantage if you dont pick your fights well.

This goes the same for just about everything in the game not just limited to PVP. If your doing it alone your at a disadvantage and will never have something to win at eve.

Are SPs the barrier to new player experiences and retention... IMO no.

Do you actually have any evidence? You're trying to refute science with guessing.

Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Dror wrote:
Rise + Pirate Unicorns are welcome in this discussion.

Are you really appealing to absurdity again? How is capital vs cruiser SP equal opportunity?

I didn't appeal to anything, I pointed out that with significantly less SP than you quote I have done most things in the game at some level.

As for capital vs cruiser SP How many cruisers (or sub-caps in general) are in space at any given time on average? And how many capitals? And which set of SP have the most use in game by that measure?

Capitals are not used in the same numbers as sub-caps nor would they be. Capital combat is not that much fun by all accounts, waiting for an FC to tell you when to hit F1 and on who in 10% TiDi really doesn't appeal to me. You think there will be a spate of capital 1 v 1's if new players can instantly fly them? There would be a spate of hilarious km's as small gangs catch such ships and eat them up. That would really be fun for the new players who laid out RL cash for a ship that dies in a ball of pretty flames unless it's used in the right context (which a new player will have no idea about).

Also if the capital pilot is in a cruiser too because that is the appropriate ship for a given task then the cruiser pilot is on an exactly equal footing independent of the total SP of the capital pilot. The cruiser pilot may well prefer smaller faster ships to a whale of a floating coffin. Fun is not defined by what you can do in game but rather by what you actually do in game. Some of the most fun I've had was in dodging gatecamps in losec in a nereus whist fetching PI. I was almost certainly at around 5-10 mil SP at that time. No capital ship required.

Actually -- "When in EVE do any players arrange a fight where everyone is equal?" It's completely missing the idea of "equal opportunity".

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Jared Khanar
#4424 - 2015-10-22 14:45:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jared Khanar
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4425 - 2015-10-22 14:52:06 UTC
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

Anything is possible as long as its not made as a tradeable item,Once it enters the public domain its hoarded, price jacked you name it. As long as CCP aims it at an account its outside the realms of it being abused.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

The Establishment
#4426 - 2015-10-22 15:00:15 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

Anything is possible as long as its not made as a tradeable item,Once it enters the public domain its hoarded, price jacked you name it. As long as CCP aims it at an account its outside the realms of it being abused.

Then problem with that, is then it becomes the exclusive domain of those with a juicy credit card. At least a traded item is accessible to all which I've always considered to be one of EvE's strong points.
Jared Khanar
#4427 - 2015-10-22 15:00:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Jared Khanar
Levi Belvar wrote:

Anything is possible as long as its not made as a tradeable item,Once it enters the public domain its hoarded, price jacked you name it. As long as CCP aims it at an account its outside the realms of it being abused.

doubt they would have the same effect regarding instant revenue like sp trading. personally for example: skins don´t matter.
what can provide a comparable effect without damaging (or doing something perceived as damage to) the ingame-experience?

EDIT: with comparable "low" investments necessary to develop and integrate

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4428 - 2015-10-22 15:05:05 UTC
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

Yes, there are plenty.

Some games disperse their premium currency (PLEX, basically) through allowing consumers to complete whatever the advertisement companies are interested in. That includes providing information and interests, filling out surveys, trying products like Netflix, and even referring for products or such.

Obviously, supporting actual advertisements in the game would probably develop much less of a response than making everything in a subscription game microtransaction based.

There's also just more subs. As stated on these forums, there are some 18M+ fresh internet users every month, and the PC gaming demographic includes some 900M on a report. Even Raptr (a very niche program) lists about 1.5M fresh users per month, which apparently can include 0% from China (seems relevant for our shard).

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4429 - 2015-10-22 15:09:36 UTC
Dror wrote:
Yes, there are plenty.

Some games disperse their premium currency (PLEX, basically) through allowing consumers to complete whatever the advertisement companies are interested in. That includes providing information and interests, filling out surveys, trying products like Netflix, and even referring for products or such.

So you are saying we should be happy for players to be bribed into sharing their details with 3rd parties? Brilliant idea...

Dror wrote:

There's also just more subs. As stated on these forums, there are some 18M+ fresh internet users every month, and the PC gaming demographic includes some 900M on a report. Even Raptr (a very niche program) lists about 1.5M fresh users per month, which apparently can include 0% from China (seems relevant for our shard).

Those numbers mean nothing as EvE is a niche game in it's appeal (i.e. how many players will accept other players actively setting out to kill them and steal all their stuff?) and setting (spaceship combat and manufacturing). Raptr probably gets those subs from people upgrading Catalyst drivers for the video drivers to a large degree. It came with the last upgrade I tried to apply (which I imediately rolled back :D )
Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4430 - 2015-10-22 15:10:10 UTC
Dror wrote:
Yet, retention is still supposedly awful; and missioning is one of the prime interests but also fails to sustain any percentage of players that ends up in an increased PCU.

There's really no suggestion in that post.

Maybe try setting your logic aside, try not using that sort of logical approach when looking for a corp, hell the goons will take anyone try to enjoy the game. Why this worry of isk and its generation you will always be chasing that one. Even NPC corp like SWA have there pvp roam groups now like SWArm who you could hook up with at weekends. Missioning is not a primary, its something used for fair income generation, socializing / helping rookies with rep and gaining rep for other area's of the game.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Tiberius Heth
#4431 - 2015-10-22 15:11:35 UTC
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

Things that have no actual ingame impact. Ship skins, showing corp/alliance logo (as an overall toggle, not per ship), race/bloodline resets, tower/outpost/citadel skins, more pod skins, more clothing (proper stuff). Cosmetic stuff, mostly.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4432 - 2015-10-22 15:26:46 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
So you are saying we should be happy for players to be bribed into sharing their details with 3rd parties? Brilliant idea...

Not sure if being intentionally aloof, or just dull, but it's simple stuff like emails or zip codes.. That's obviously less beneficial to a company than most data, so it ordinarily rewards less.

Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Dror wrote:

There's also just more subs. As stated on these forums, there are some 18M+ fresh internet users every month, and the PC gaming demographic includes some 900M on a report. Even Raptr (a very niche program) lists about 1.5M fresh users per month, which apparently can include 0% from China (seems relevant for our shard).

Those numbers mean nothing as EvE is a niche game in it's appeal (i.e. how many players will accept other players actively setting out to kill them and steal all their stuff?) and setting (spaceship combat and manufacturing). Raptr probably gets those subs from people upgrading Catalyst drivers for the video drivers to a large degree. It came with the last upgrade I tried to apply (which I imediately rolled back :D )

If you'd recall, the game gets a lot of leeway for being an interesting experience, and if it actively devalues its own feature list, how is that helpful? You're reductions are poor and unbased.

You're making the whole of issues out to be a people problem. Prove it, then. Prove that motivation isn't some inherent process that design has to be submitted to. Prove that undermining player skillfulness is motivating, instead of its alternative of allowing progression and mastery.

Levi Belvar wrote:
Maybe try setting your logic aside, try not using that sort of logical approach when looking for a corp, hell the goons will take anyone try to enjoy the game. Why this worry of isk and its generation you will always be chasing that one. Even NPC corp like SWA have there pvp roam groups now like SWArm who you could hook up with at weekends. Missioning is not a primary, its something used for fair income generation, socializing / helping rookies with rep and gaining rep for other area's of the game.

You've switched from discussing how the game effects retention to anecdote.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4433 - 2015-10-22 15:31:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Rawthorm wrote:
Levi Belvar wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
a question aside ... are there other aspects in the game in which microtransactions could be integrated in a way everyone is happy with? A way that motivates the majority of the playerbase to establish additional cash flows to ccp?

Anything is possible as long as its not made as a tradeable item,Once it enters the public domain its hoarded, price jacked you name it. As long as CCP aims it at an account its outside the realms of it being abused.

Then problem with that, is then it becomes the exclusive domain of those with a juicy credit card. At least a traded item is accessible to all which I've always considered to be one of EvE's strong points.

My issue is with the ability to convert PLEX to AURUM. I think this option should be removed and you should only be able to buy Aurum directly from CCP.

People with disposable income to spend on virtual items would be free to do so and if they chose, they could sell the NEX items on the market, so that the items were technically available to everyone. You could still provide Aurum items through rare PVE loot drops, if you wanted to give more people access to them.

IMO lower PLEX prices help player retention and increase player logins but CCPs proposals seem to be aimed at doing the opposite for the sake of a fast buck.
MK Financial
#4434 - 2015-10-22 15:39:38 UTC
Maybe what's needed is some sort of compromise:

Be able to extract Skill Points but only allocate them back to the original character from which they were extracted. Additionally, have a steep penalty with SP loss in this process that makes this feature make you think twice.

I have a feeling that CCP is pushing ahead with its original plan but some kind of middle ground should be reached due to the overwhelming negative response to the original idea.

Additionally, CCP mentions something about not being able to change the name of a new character that you've acquired. Is a name change feature also a part of their plans with this?

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4435 - 2015-10-22 15:43:31 UTC
Dror wrote:
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
So you are saying we should be happy for players to be bribed into sharing their details with 3rd parties? Brilliant idea...

Not sure if being intentionally aloof, or just dull, but it's simple stuff like emails or zip codes.. That's obviously less beneficial to a company than most data, so it ordinarily rewards less.

If such information is of little value thenwhy would they ask for it? Your email is an extremely easy way to bombard you with junk mail. It has great value to marketing companies. You postcode in combination with other details is equally valuable information. Your email is also often your login on many sites so suggesting pepole should get used to giving it out in retunr for some little in game benefit is very poor.

Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Dror wrote:

There's also just more subs. As stated on these forums, there are some 18M+ fresh internet users every month, and the PC gaming demographic includes some 900M on a report. Even Raptr (a very niche program) lists about 1.5M fresh users per month, which apparently can include 0% from China (seems relevant for our shard).

Those numbers mean nothing as EvE is a niche game in it's appeal (i.e. how many players will accept other players actively setting out to kill them and steal all their stuff?) and setting (spaceship combat and manufacturing). Raptr probably gets those subs from people upgrading Catalyst drivers for the video drivers to a large degree. It came with the last upgrade I tried to apply (which I imediately rolled back :D )

If you'd recall, the game gets a lot of leeway for being an interesting experience, and if it actively devalues its own feature list, how is that helpful? You're reductions are poor and unbased.
The game is an interesting experience but only to those willing to participate. By dumbing down/removing areas of the game the interest level diminishes. If you change too much too quickly you alienate those who re active current customers, if they get too annoyed you have to back down embarrassingly or lose a lot of business.

The point I make is that SP is in no way a barrier to any area of EvE *if* you just get out and play the game. Stop worrying about isk, sp accrual, what you own etc etc and just play. Key to that is not the amount of SP but rather the NPE. This absolutely needs to introduce new players to the player corps around that will take new players and help them find their way. All the SP in the game will not help the NPE if the new players are not guided.
Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4436 - 2015-10-22 15:46:52 UTC
Dror wrote:
You've switched from discussing how the game effects retention to anecdote.

No i asked your view on the game and i was continuing that, in all fairness the only thing you state that is actual fact is that EvE does not live up to your expectations. Your floundering of research, statistics demographics mean nothing without individualised case studies of a niche market product. What is fact is you can't fly a titan, you dont agree with skillpoints so something is wrong, you watched some video's and expected to do what you saw on joining, Your ability to infer we have to prove why you think something is wrong. - as stated before proof gaming.

If you put as much effort into the game as you do of whining it might open your eyes.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4437 - 2015-10-22 15:47:57 UTC
N00B-SAIB0T wrote:
Maybe what's needed is some sort of compromise:

Be able to extract Skill Points but only allocate them back to the original character from which they were extracted. Additionally, have a steep penalty with SP loss in this process that makes this feature make you think twice.

I have a feeling that CCP is pushing ahead with its original plan but some kind of middle ground should be reached due to the overwhelming negative response to the original idea.

Additionally, CCP mentions something about not being able to change the name of a new character that you've acquired. Is a name change feature also a part of their plans with this?

Not sure how much the name would matter now as any character on the bazaar simply becomes and SP pool to carve up and sell. Rich players can just carve them up into a group of perfect focused 50 mil alts for every occasion too.

Nothing I have seen so far in all of this discussion changes my view that this will only benefit older players/large groups. New players will simply not have the isk/cash/knowledge to make use of this.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4438 - 2015-10-22 15:59:49 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
The game is an interesting experience but only to those willing to participate. By dumbing down/removing areas of the game the interest level diminishes. If you change too much too quickly you alienate those who re active current customers, if they get too annoyed you have to back down embarrassingly or lose a lot of business.

The point I make is that SP is in no way a barrier to any area of EvE *if* you just get out and play the game. Stop worrying about isk, sp accrual, what you own etc etc and just play. Key to that is not the amount of SP but rather the NPE. This absolutely needs to introduce new players to the player corps around that will take new players and help them find their way. All the SP in the game will not help the NPE if the new players are not guided.

How odd it is supposing that SP supplies depth and "areas of the game" while also removing those.

Again, you're assuming that limiting progression and depth and variety and competitiveness allows sub interest and their referrals. If it really only takes 5% increased retention to increase profits by 25-95%, some unsubbing (after it's announced for feedback that this seems like the best option) over something that absolutely makes the game shallow is fine, replaced with those interested in playing the game.

You obviously can't refute the relevance of motivation science, and it's less than obvious why you try with more anecdotal arguments? It's just bias.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4439 - 2015-10-22 16:17:38 UTC  |  Edited by: General Lootit
Dave Stark wrote:
General Lootit wrote:
Thanks all for having discussion(Yes Levi it's happaning). It was fun Big smile even more funny than chating in-game. I'm going to Dave from Marketing department to drink couple of coffee P Good luck everyone!

Bring sugar. We've run out up here.

Sorry Dave but only bittervets are left
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4440 - 2015-10-22 16:18:50 UTC
Dror wrote:
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
The game is an interesting experience but only to those willing to participate. By dumbing down/removing areas of the game the interest level diminishes. If you change too much too quickly you alienate those who re active current customers, if they get too annoyed you have to back down embarrassingly or lose a lot of business.

The point I make is that SP is in no way a barrier to any area of EvE *if* you just get out and play the game. Stop worrying about isk, sp accrual, what you own etc etc and just play. Key to that is not the amount of SP but rather the NPE. This absolutely needs to introduce new players to the player corps around that will take new players and help them find their way. All the SP in the game will not help the NPE if the new players are not guided.

How odd it is supposing that SP supplies depth and "areas of the game" while also removing those.

Again, you're assuming that limiting progression and depth and variety and competitiveness allows sub interest and their referrals. If it really only takes 5% increased retention to increase profits by 25-95%, some unsubbing (after it's announced for feedback that this seems like the best option) over something that absolutely makes the game shallow is fine, replaced with those interested in playing the game.

You obviously can't refute the relevance of motivation science, and it's less than obvious why you try with more anecdotal arguments? It's just bias.

Game experience is not bias, it is opinion formed from actual play of the game we are discussing, not some findings from a study which I have no doubt will be contradicted by another study somewhere else and is also very generalized (one size absolutely does not fit all in psychology/motivation etc).

Again I'm not assuming anything, I'm relating my experience in various games where progression is a key component of the experience. Many other people here have agreed with this. You on the other hand are assuming that the removal of a core component of a game will instantly make it more fun, increase subs, improve retention, improve NPE, have people forking out tons of cash to fly ship x, y, or z etc etc etc.

If it takes a 5% increase in retention to increase profits by 25-95% (again I bet there's studies that refute this) then what would happen to profits if 25% of the long term players unsub due to their game being gutted? How long do you think CCP could sustain the loss in profits whilst waiting for new player retention to ramp up (assuming it did)?

The SP mechanism works well, it has players thinking about what they want to do in game, guides them in a direction to follow, rewards subs without grinding. It does not stop players from doing what they want, they just have to work towards it through other areas of the game. Would HALO be as much fun if you could just start at the end level with the biggest guns on your back? Would super mario have been fun if you could just drop in the boss level at the end with whatever power ups you could have?

This is simplifying things down but the point is the same. How much fun is there in being handed everything on a plate? Much of the attraction of Eve comes from having to earn things if you want them. That comes from planning, good choices, gameplay and luck. You are proposing the removal of the first two to a large degree. You are also overestimating how much extra fun people will have by being able to simply do anything in game (along with the impact that will have on others who *have* invested a lot of time and effort in getting to that point).

You are also still seemingly ignoring the fact that CCP have outright stated the importance of SP as a core part of the game. This in itself ends any discussion of SP removal which isn't what this thread was t discuss in the first place.