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Warfare & Tactics

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Any news of a Faction Warfare change?

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#161 - 2015-10-21 19:38:30 UTC
Come see how well your stabbed alt works at helping you dock in any of the stations that i have ships in.
Plus 10 NV
#162 - 2015-10-21 19:59:40 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Come see how well your stabbed alt works at helping you dock in any of the stations that i have ships in.

Thanks for the invite. But I think I would rather go to a power point presentation on ball cancer than play FW alt plexing games.

Maybe ask these guys:
1. Orn Lorn
2. Monk-Black fast
3. xFleuryx

Last I checked ccp's api dump they were the top vp gainers in all of faction war in the past week. Obviously they must be good pvpers so you might want to check their killboards and get an idea of how they fit their ships.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#163 - 2015-10-21 20:15:21 UTC
Yes, im sure a good proportion of their LP coms from attacking systems that people have ships in.
Cheeswrinkle Ongrard
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#164 - 2015-10-21 21:26:57 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Come see how well your stabbed alt works at helping you dock in any of the stations that i have ships in.

Thanks for the invite. But I think I would rather go to a power point presentation on ball cancer than play FW alt plexing games.

Maybe ask these guys:
1. Orn Lorn
2. Monk-Black fast
3. xFleuryx

Last I checked ccp's api dump they were the top vp gainers in all of faction war in the past week. Obviously they must be good pvpers so you might want to check their killboards and get an idea of how they fit their ships.

little off topic here but I have been wondering for a long time now how you are able to check the vp gain on ppl care to explain?
exiik Shardani
Imperial Spacedrill and Logistics
#165 - 2015-10-21 21:49:48 UTC  |  Edited by: exiik Shardani
some easy things to improving FW

  • KM for iHubs -> to see pilots who participate in militias
  • intermilittias/interwarzones gates (what about Arzad-Kedama and Egmar-Agoze?) just for militia members (there is no interest to make neutrals/powerblocs move better)
  • make system upgrades usable - pos fuel reduction for militias, free repair service at station, me sale for manufacturing, but only for militia members (they spend time and LP's, not neuts)
  • autosuspect for neuts entering fw plex
  • make ranks usable and makes every promotion with standing + (because all demotions = standing loss)

+ how solve tier switching -> just change system of LP rewards, if Amarr pilots in C/G WZ, he just get Caldary LP (apply caldary tier) .... intermilita farming alts influence rapidly decrease

sry for my English :-(

Plus 10 NV
#166 - 2015-10-21 21:55:44 UTC
Cheeswrinkle Ongrard wrote:

little off topic here but I have been wondering for a long time now how you are able to check the vp gain on ppl care to explain?

There are 2 problems with this 1) afaik if you cross plex you don't register as getting vp. 2)Each plex is worth 20 vp so if one pilot does a plex he gets 20 vp. If 20 pilots do a plex then they each get 20 vp.

It used to be you would get 100 vp per plex but since inferno it is only 20 vp per plex. VP is what decides how contested a system is. They wanted to slow things down for inferno.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#167 - 2015-10-21 22:47:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Oreb Wing
Cearain wrote:

3) There were tons of other issues that ccp did address such as huge disparate between the rats in each plex etc. But those were separate issues from cashout versus our current forever grind model.

One of the greatest reasons we hit teir 5 -- touched it for a MOMENT -- was the fact that in Inferno you could do a Medium with a fast frigate that didn't need any weapons. When passive timers were rolled out and NPC's needing to be cleared was obligatory, this changed everything and farmers that fed our momentum had less affect offensively plexing. We never hit 5 again, but sometimes high 4. The rat had major deeps, then major tank. Missions cannot be churned in SB's, but only in high SP hulls. If your argument that SB's can be caught, so much more HAC's that don't exactly turn on the dime either. Your reasons for being okay with SB's but not mwd+cloak Ishtars is blind to these practically being so similar, with the benefit to anything that can sport a Cov Ops cloak -- which is not an Ishtar. Tier is most definitely influenced by missioning in Amarr/Cal/Min warzones when you can game 500k/1m LP in a single t4/t5 night. Just bump the lvl 0 systems to 3's as you pass by on your merry way, wiping your tears of laughter with electrical data slabs displaying your Isk.
::edit:: I don't see these as separate issues unrelated to cashouts, as they most certainly are the highest impact factors of cashouts and motivator of the pendulum of FW sov manipulation. ::edit::

Cearain wrote:

4) It's true removing the cancer might involve some short term pain. But if it ever wants to be healthy that is the best thing to do. I think everyone recognizes that. The only reason to leave it in is if ccp wants to sell eve. Which I do not believe is the case. They will get rid of ogb. I would just like to see if plexes could sort of be like seperate systems so if you don't bring your booster in the plex you don't get the boosts. It seems silly that they only allow frigates in novice plexes but really they let the benefits of a Strategic cruiser in those plexes.

I agree with that one, but I doubt the fleet mechanics will ever be changed for this. More likely they will release a new mod that has a ranged boost of 300km. That would be more realistic than reconstructing how fleet bonuses are measured, imo.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#168 - 2015-10-22 02:29:31 UTC
exiik Shardani wrote:
some easy things to improving FW

  • KM for iHubs -> to see pilots who participate in militias
  • intermilittias/interwarzones gates (what about Arzad-Kedama and Egmar-Agoze?) just for militia members (there is no interest to make neutrals/powerblocs move better)
  • make system upgrades usable - pos fuel reduction for militias, free repair service at station, me sale for manufacturing, but only for militia members (they spend time and LP's, not neuts)
  • autosuspect for neuts entering fw plex
  • make ranks usable and makes every promotion with standing + (because all demotions = standing loss)

+ how solve tier switching -> just change system of LP rewards, if Amarr pilots in C/G WZ, he just get Caldary LP (apply caldary tier) .... intermilita farming alts influence rapidly decrease

*KM for hubs would be great, but their current payout is so poor. Their accrued value should be determined by how long they have remained in control of opposing side, incentivizing attacks on home systems.
* the POS fuel bonuses were mentioned for FW, but never implemented.
*ranks can be put to use in allowing the policing of highsec. Or that you should at least not appear as a criminal in your own faction space; *which shares ties to how we become criminals: autosuspect for neutrals activating a FW facility would be great. Always shoot first.
*cross LP rewards is bad. When/if respective LP store items are devalued it will only encourage people to plex allied LP. The only way low SP farmer alts influence anything now is through defensive plexing. Allow us to destroy the plex structure to cause a count-down for despawn, whether we stick around for it or not -- but will freeze despawn and tick normally if an enemy is present and is clearing NPC (this would probably require multiple counters). Problem solved. No more 15 unopened plexes in a home system.

Terpene Conglomerate
#169 - 2015-10-22 06:33:05 UTC
exiik Shardani wrote:
some easy things to improving FW

  • KM for iHubs -> to see pilots who participate in militias
  • intermilittias/interwarzones gates (what about Arzad-Kedama and Egmar-Agoze?) just for militia members (there is no interest to make neutrals/powerblocs move better)
  • make system upgrades usable - pos fuel reduction for militias, free repair service at station, me sale for manufacturing, but only for militia members (they spend time and LP's, not neuts)
  • autosuspect for neuts entering fw plex
  • make ranks usable and makes every promotion with standing + (because all demotions = standing loss)

+ how solve tier switching -> just change system of LP rewards, if Amarr pilots in C/G WZ, he just get Caldary LP (apply caldary tier) .... intermilita farming alts influence rapidly decrease

1- yes pls
2 - this isnt good idea imo, there will be more useless ppl in militia that will be there just for using this gate system with the soon(tm-maybe never) to be implemented whoever can join militia
3 - pos is obsolete system soon with new structures
4 - neuts entering plex will get suspect or something, its already confirmed from csm minutes - noone knows when that happens though might be years again before something changes in militia
5 - fixing standigs today is too damn easy, anyone can hop militia which is the biggest issue

FW shoud be about fighting not farming
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#170 - 2015-10-22 07:43:15 UTC
per wrote:
FW shoud be about fighting not farming


Missions are a legacy from days when there was no other way to get LP in FW. Just remove them completely CCP!
Defensive LP into hubs and not into peoples pockets.
Iron Krosz
#171 - 2015-10-22 11:58:15 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
ColdBeauty wrote:
Colt Blackhawk wrote:

4.) FW mission running ranging from 150mil/h up to once even 450mil/h while risking less than the three other methods before.

450 mil roughly 1/3 plex =£5.66 p/h

Better than UK minimum wage for 18-21 yr olds Lol

Expect a rise in RMTing when plex prices make FW missions pay more than UK minimum wage for over 21s ? Shocked

You don't get ISK from FW missions. You get discounted items and sink ISK.
If all those "idiot" goons moved into FW and made their "money" farming missions, there'd be no ISK in the economy to purchase the items you trade in the LP store.
Where'd you think the ISK came from when you sold your items on the market? Nowhere?

You get isk indirectly or nobodywould bother with them. The insertion of a loyalty point store middle man doesnt change the fact that isk is the end result.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#172 - 2015-10-22 14:23:54 UTC
I think his point is that very little isk is generated. Therefor the isk value of LP is relative only to the demand of the product its used to create.

To a large extent, nerfing the amount of LP reward will simply throttle the speed of modules to market and inflate their price and as such the value of isk/LP.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#173 - 2015-10-22 15:51:43 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
I think his point is that very little isk is generated. Therefor the isk value of LP is relative only to the demand of the product its used to create.

To a large extent, nerfing the amount of LP reward will simply throttle the speed of modules to market and inflate their price and as such the value of isk/LP.

Thanks for translating that. Isk is actually generated during missions (along with LP, just like a normal mission), about 2m-4m depending on the mission and if you can clear it soon enough to receive the bonus ISK, otherwise it is half that, roughly. Nerfing payouts by tier across every activity would do little, as it would balance out for farmers in that price hike and only harm plexing income. You can burn through missions as fast as you can, but you can't make a timer count down faster. The disparity between gains per hour will still be quite stupid. I'm leaning more and more to just axe missions out once and for all.. But I'll still try to push the unqualified advanced hull restriction on activating the mission acceleration gates. There's gotta be something the winning side can still do if they are on top. Moar medals, (once this is balanced) would be nice.
Thorin Matarielle
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#174 - 2015-10-22 19:02:03 UTC
I'm "kinda" disappointed with the changes.

These patrols will solve all our problems it seems.

Nullsec gets timer rollbacks while FW doesnt despite the fact that we are asking for it since years. But I really don't know what do we expect when "our" CSM (Gorski) said that FW is about PVE and farming and sad but true that FW is listed under business.


But I am very happy we have a lot of new skins and navy griffin... What?
Plus 10 NV
#175 - 2015-10-22 19:26:59 UTC
Overall the lp store is an isk sink, and fw missions are likely a net isk sink. E.g., Running 2 level 4 missions pays about 8 mill isk and 100k lp. Cashing out the 100k lp will usually mean paying more than 8 mill isk to the npc lp store.

But FW is killing the lp stores. LP payouts need to be reduced. I would suggest something along these lines:

All plexing be at current tier 2 payouts. Plexing pay would not change based on the tier a faction is at.

If your faction is at tier 5 mission payouts should be the current tier 3 payouts. If your faction is at tier 4 the missions should pay out at the current tier 2 level. If you faction is at tier 3 or lower they would pay out at the current tier 1 level. This would increase the pay of plexing relative to missioning.

It would also create a natural balance. As one faction gained sov/tiers more people would mission for that faction. Missioning does not effect sov but it would eventually decrease the value of that lp allowing the other factions to have an incentive for their pilots to plex.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Arla Sarain
#176 - 2015-10-22 19:30:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Portmanteau wrote:
Arla Sarain wrote:
ColdBeauty wrote:
Colt Blackhawk wrote:

4.) FW mission running ranging from 150mil/h up to once even 450mil/h while risking less than the three other methods before.

450 mil roughly 1/3 plex =£5.66 p/h

Better than UK minimum wage for 18-21 yr olds Lol

Expect a rise in RMTing when plex prices make FW missions pay more than UK minimum wage for over 21s ? Shocked

You don't get ISK from FW missions. You get discounted items and sink ISK.
If all those "idiot" goons moved into FW and made their "money" farming missions, there'd be no ISK in the economy to purchase the items you trade in the LP store.
Where'd you think the ISK came from when you sold your items on the market? Nowhere?

You get isk indirectly or nobodywould bother with them. The insertion of a loyalty point store middle man doesnt change the fact that isk is the end result.

The remark was intended to demonstrate that sticking with nullsec ISK fauceting and preferring it over FW LP trading is hardly idiotic, as the quoted person kept insisting.

Whilst ISK is generated by missions, it's not a lot. The ISK obtained by trading in LP store items isn't newly generated. It simply changed ownership. That has to come from somewhere.

The end result of LP store transactions isn't +ISK, its -ISK. Your own net might be +ISK after you sell it on the player market, but overall there is less ISK in the game. If everybody from nullsec moved to FW and started farming LP and trading the items on the market, who would have the ISK to buy all the stuff coming from LP transactions that remove ISK and overall ISK coming in the game suffers? Hence the ISK/h rate from FW would reduce.

If you want to nerf FW missions encourage more people to trade LP in lol... Mission income will plummet in response to the influx of items. Thing is though, few people are going to stick around for bad ISK/LP ratios. Then the income will come back up.

TL;DR if you think L4 mission income is too high you are welcome to come "enjoy" it. See how long it lasts until the market gets pressured to consume all the trash you provide without an accommodating large price reduction.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#177 - 2015-10-22 22:26:46 UTC
@Aria There are enough variations of LP items that it is hard enough to drive one item down in cost unless it is done all at once, as when the cash-outs were done. Even then, SFI's still sold at 20m and Firetails at 4m. Many Comet's get bought. Many Comet's die. LP items get sold, LP turns into ISK. I'm having a hard time turning your argument over in my head. The comparison to moon extractions, Sleeper loot, and even PI can be made, yet there they are. And so is ISK. Has it not occurred to you that these items have ENABLED some to tap pure isk faucets? Selling a datacore for a ship, which becomes an Ishtar that, after it's own turn sold, is turned into a null sec ratting ship...
sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#178 - 2015-10-22 22:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: sero Hita
Thorin Matarielle wrote:
I'm "kinda" disappointed with the changes.

These patrols will solve all our problems it seems.

Nullsec gets timer rollbacks while FW doesnt despite the fact that we are asking for it since years. But I really don't know what do we expect when "our" CSM (Gorski) said that FW is about PVE and farming and sad but true that FW is listed under business.


But I am very happy we have a lot of new skins and navy griffin... What?

I was also really dissapointed. But the funny thing is no one in my corp or militia seems to realize what is going on... also not on theese forums. I wrote someone in my corp that I expected an uproar when people realized what CCPs long term goals with FW are after the minutes was released... but I was very wrong...

Even linking the minutes to my alliance did nothing... they don't read them and just keep discussing the same changes over and over again... "it is easy to fix fw, you just need xxxxx" "no, you just yyyy" " i have always meant zzzzz will be the best solution". They don't understand that theese discussions are futile. The CCP will change no mechanics untill they are done using FW as a test field for their supposed more intelligent NPC AI for the rest of EVE. As a side bonus this will fix farmers according to CCP Roll This is ofc. what to expect when the responsible persons for fw is the PVE developers.

FW people kinda makes me think of hobbits for some reason... Docile, content, sitting around, smoking their pipe drinking ale in safety, while the world changes aorund them. Every time CCP changes something for null or highsec in a bad way the forums rises up with threadnaughts till CCP makes changes. When it happens with fw... nothing... perhaps we deserve what is coming...

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#179 - 2015-10-22 22:43:21 UTC
sero Hita wrote:

FW people kinda makes me think of hobbits for some reason... Docile, content, sitting around, smoking their pipe drinking ale in safety, while the world changes aorund them. Every time CCP changes something for null or highsec in a bad way the forums rises up with threadnaughts till CCP makes changes. When it happens with fw... nothing... perhaps we deserve what is coming...

Maybe it's that we are busy actually playing the game and have shown ourselves willing and able to adapt to changes. We are hardy players that actually ENJOY playing Eve. Who would have thought! FW continues to get better, even if slowly. Two steps forward, one step back. The majority of players and influence are just not here in lowsec, sadly, even though the whole of Eve seems to love to wander on down here. We can argue about the tiercide changes and t1 rebalance, and how there has be no space that has benefited more in these changes than lowsec. We use all this crap.
Arla Sarain
#180 - 2015-10-22 23:11:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Oreb Wing wrote:
@Aria There are enough variations of LP items that it is hard enough to drive one item down in cost unless it is done all at once, as when the cash-outs were done.
There are only so many items that are worth trading in after considering the LP store ISK costs. And I don't really see how this alleviates the risk of reducing the value of LP - the hypothetical was that NS people "get smart" and start farming FW missions, and obviously, not everyone is going to cash in on datacores or any one singular item alone... When factions swing into T2 and T3, the market prices drop for a broad range of items. Cos all of them are being traded in.

Oreb Wing wrote:
Even then, SFI's still sold at 20m and Firetails at 4m. Many Comet's get bought. Many Comet's die. LP items get sold, LP turns into ISK. I'm having a hard time turning your argument over in my head. The comparison to moon extractions, Sleeper loot, and even PI can be made, yet there they are. And so is ISK. Has it not occurred to you that these items have ENABLED some to tap pure isk faucets? Selling a datacore for a ship, which becomes an Ishtar that, after it's own turn sold, is turned into a null sec ratting ship...

Again, in the extreme example that the majority of null population drop their NS activities for "greener pastures" in FW, a large chunk of liquid ISK will cease to flow into the game.

But it doesn't even have to be that extreme. We already feel the reduction in ISK payout per LP, and that's just because several tens or hundreds of regular farmers are hopping on the bandwagon thinking FW Missions are good ISK per hour. It is now, but it won't be sustained. Unless you intend to believe in the fairytale that FW ISK/LP can be "reliably traded at 1000 every time".

That's the argument. Our income is elastic, for the lack of better word. NS income is for the most part flat and doesn't scale with how the market reacts. Put enough people on FW missions and the income will drop - nerf applied.

P.S. Moon extractions, Sleeper loot and PI are hardly an ISK sink when compared to LP store items. Whilst each may have their own associated one time fees, they ISK they require doesn't go into nothingness for the most part.