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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4281 - 2015-10-21 15:19:34 UTC
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:

Yet somehow not understood that the blindingly obvious extension of that is people ratting to skill up with the end game of them quitting even faster because ratting is now tied to "progression".

You're ascribing burnout to a very specific idea, and there's probably nothing to back that up?

Nothing, except the fanfest data. Which is....y'know...something. In fact all we have.

Today skills accrue at a linerar rate irrespective (setting implants aside) of a players activity, which is key to being such a fantastic sandbox - doesnt matter what I do, I never suffer.

This proposal means I can super-grind missions/rats/sleepers/incursions to "level" my character faster. Now I admit I'm assuming that this will create a positive reinforcement to "grind isk, acquire skills", but I really do not think that it is a huge leap - especially given the genre (MMOs...grind>receive bacon).

Except the eve PvE experience has pretty much always been a side show to the main event, players interacting with players. This is why people going down that path leave us and we are, in fact, trying to get a NPE that takes them AWAY from this route.

Therefore I do not think it is "chicken little" to suggest that with the ability to purchase skill packs, we have a very real risk of pushing people into the PvE treadmill and doubling down on this by effectively giving them an SP "reward" every N sites.

Equally I do not think it is a stretch to suggest that this is probably not healthy for the game long term.

Except, there's more. Instead of giving you a bunch of videos to watch, how about I actually challenge your ideas, and we find out if you can actually support them?

You implying skills training linearly being magnificent is based on what? Nothing. If potential subs play other MMOs -- most of them probably check them out -- they find that their play is rewarded. That's a lot like reality. Maybe there are some scientific facts about what's motivating?

Then, you're simply saying that PvE is the reason they quit. Well, what else do they have to do in this sandbox game? They can't do industry without giving up their Raven leveling. They can't have reprocessing efficiency. The very limited gameplay style you're saying is the reason they're quitting is their only option because of SP. Would it make sense that, if they could explore marketing and refinement and production for reasons to log in, they would?

So, to what extent does that play? The game has that very limitation up through 10M+ SP. In fact, no character has maxed.

If you're interested in more, here are some posts about it:

I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4282 - 2015-10-21 15:23:43 UTC
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Dave Stark
#4283 - 2015-10-21 15:27:30 UTC
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

a lot of the thread is guesses. the devblog left many variables unknown.

neither side of this argument can give many solid arguments without making a myriad of assumptions.
Alavaria Fera
#4284 - 2015-10-21 15:32:10 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
a lot of the thread is guesses. the devblog left many variables unknown.

neither side of this argument can give many solid arguments without making a myriad of assumptions.

That means that all arguments of a particular type are so wrong~~

That's the fun of Forums Online. It's like an RNG loot roll

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4285 - 2015-10-21 15:36:33 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

a lot of the thread is guesses. the devblog left many variables unknown.

neither side of this argument can give many solid arguments without making a myriad of assumptions.

There's established motivational science. If I say that SP limiting every aspect of the game from fresh subs is a negative without a relevant positive, there's a very clear response line that could follow.

If I say that maximizing reasons to log on is simple and logical, that reinforcing exploration and dynamism through options, variety, and depth is obviously interesting -- how cool is it if there's a lot more than just "simple and logical"? There's a lot of information on decisions and risk-reward. Feel free to ask questions.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#4286 - 2015-10-21 15:39:26 UTC
I have removed some off-topic drivel and those replies quoting it.

27. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued to the off-topic poster.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4287 - 2015-10-21 15:40:03 UTC
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

Good gods man, you're dismissing fanfest data, over a decade of continued life with the swipe of a hand that "nothing" supports SP being a good mechanic.

And you expect me to engage? With what? How? You're ignoring both history and evidence laid out time and time again by CCP. PvE is NOT healthy for typical retention.

No, the track record of SP speaks for itself. The onus is on you to demonstrate why tearing it down/apart now is somehow a good idea and that the last 12 years have been...what? Fluke? Bloody mindedness on the part of the players? The foolishness of old men?

Tell me why you think people won't get trapped into grinding isk to level when they ALREADY get trapped today and it is divorced from levelling. If a PvE pathway is deemed unhealthy to retention, tying SP progression HOWEVER LOOSELY to it, it utterly insane.

But you can't see this, you're not long enough in the tooth and you're too bitter about perceived limits. All you seem to see is "the vets" trying to keep you young up and comers down with the stick of's quite the opposite. We want to keep the game where people stay, where people don't get caught popping red crosses to "level up".

Here's a fun fact, I have a pretty much perfect scanner alt, she has change out of 6m skill points. She can outscan every single one of my combat pilots who are years older. She can outscan most people in new eden, She's not even 6 months old. Keeping up with the vets? Don't make me laugh - unless you're one of the these lunatics who wants to fly a titan, you can "catch up" to and be on a level footing with most vets in under a year. You could surpass a great many in that time too, keeping to smaller ship sizes.

But no, you people want it all and you want it now and damn everyone else, why it's just not fair that it'll take 3 months to level up a pefect (and I mean perfect) FW toon. No, this is unreasonable and even with said perfect toon you still "cant compete" because.... :reasons:

So you'll forgive me for bowing out of the argument with you, because you don't want to debate, you can't meaningfully challenge the evidence we have at hand or the legacy of the past. It's like me telling you round wheels are awesome and no, we're not all mad and yes, the fact they've been employed for ages DOES mean they work and yes, those triangular numbers ARE pretty...but ultimately going to lead to some crushing disappointments in the months to come.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4288 - 2015-10-21 15:43:28 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Dave Stark wrote:
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

a lot of the thread is guesses. the devblog left many variables unknown.

neither side of this argument can give many solid arguments without making a myriad of assumptions.

I don't think my assumption is a stretch, however. I'm pretty sure you'd agree there will be an extremely high likelihood of people grinding PvE to "level up".

To not do so is rather against MMO precedent as well as human nature.

The unfortunate thing is that evidence available tells us this is a VeryBadThing, where this particular MMO is concerned.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4289 - 2015-10-21 15:45:58 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

Good gods man, you're dismissing fanfest data, over a decade of continued life with the swipe of a hand that "nothing" supports SP being a good mechanic.

And you expect me to engage? With what? How? You're ignoring both history and evidence laid out time and time again by CCP. PvE is NOT healthy for typical retention.

No, the track record of SP speaks for itself. The onus is on you to demonstrate why tearing it down/apart now is somehow a good idea and that the last 12 years have been...what? Fluke? Bloody mindedness on the part of the players? The foolishness of old men?

Tell me why you think people won't get trapped into grinding isk to level when they ALREADY get trapped today and it is divorced from levelling. If a PvE pathway is deemed unhealthy to retention, tying SP progression HOWEVER LOOSELY to it, it utterly insane.

But you can't see this, you're not long enough in the tooth and you're too bitter about perceived limits. All you seem to see is "the vets" trying to keep you young up and comers down with the stick of's quite the opposite. We want to keep the game where people stay, where people don't get caught popping red crosses to "level up".

Here's a fun fact, I have a pretty much perfect scanner alt, she has change out of 6m skill points. She can outscan every single one of my combat pilots who are years older. She can outscan most people in new eden, She's not even 6 months old. Keeping up with the vets? Don't make me laugh - unless you're one of the these lunatics who wants to fly a titan, you can "catch up" to and be on a level footing with most vets in under a year. You could surpass a great many in that time too, keeping to smaller ship sizes.

But no, you people want it all and you want it now and damn everyone else, why it's just not fair that it'll take 3 months to level up a pefect (and I mean perfect) FW toon. No, this is unreasonable and even with said perfect toon you still "cant compete" because.... :reasons:

So you'll forgive me for bowing out of the argument with you, because you don't want to debate, you can't meaningfully challenge the evidence we have at hand or the legacy of the past. It's like me telling you round wheels are awesome and no, we're not all mad and yes, the fact they've been employed for ages DOES mean they work and yes, those triangular numbers ARE pretty...but ultimately going to lead to some crushing disappointments in the months to come.

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design?

Why have a progression mechanic at all? It's a sandbox game! Like, are you literally implying that keeping subs from playing the game is helpful?

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Norian Lonark
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4290 - 2015-10-21 16:12:48 UTC
I dont really understand the argument for why this is needed.

As soon as you get SPs and can fit or get in another ship your skilling for something else. The goal is always moving you dont just do the exact same thing every day, so if you cant have fun with 10m SPs I dont see how your going to have fun with 50m SPs.

I dont care about other players SPs and I have always told new players not to worry... the idea that there is a massive gap between new players and vets is wrong and that they can have fun playing the game while they progres... I guess this line of thought is harder to have now as CCP are basically saying their game is no fun and you need x amount of SPs for fun to be viable... so here buy a SP injection.

This whole thing seems like a knee jerk response with ramifications that go against the core game design that havent been fully thought out. I really think this is going to deprive players of a good game experience and carving their own path, while being the start of an awful trend moving forward.

I know the character bazarr argument keeps coming up trying to say its the same, but its not the same... buying a character with a history and not customisable you are making a compromise, this you are customising exactly as you want for cash, its really is the greed is good philosphy all over again.

The main arguments I see for wanting this is I dont want to wait, I want to fly x now, why should I have to wait... and the putdowns for people who are not in favor of the idea is that the game needs to change to save it look at the numbers, no one enjoys it, no one wants to wait... I think this if implemented may give a short term boost but in the long run will see more players leave more quickly.

Start wide, expand further, and never look back

Pandora Bokks
Pangalactic Frontline Supply Agency
#4291 - 2015-10-21 16:15:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Pandora Bokks
Smart move by CCP testing the ISK for SP waters in disguise of a Halloween event.

The standard accelerator gives you a total of 21,600 SP and sells at app. 150mln. Given it is a new thing and let us assume the price would go down to 1/3 or 50 mln then the market would value 1 SP with app. 2,300 ISK. A skill package of 500,000 SP would be worth app. 1 PLEX.

Which is again a smart move as trying to sell 25% faster training for 1 PLEX would be far less succesful than the proposed method.

I like the idea of selling SP even less now.
Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4292 - 2015-10-21 16:22:20 UTC
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4293 - 2015-10-21 16:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

WoW actually is an excellent counterpoint as it is designed from the ground up to facilitate PvE, with PvP being a back seat (lol arenas indeed). The entire ecosystem is designed to facilitate the grind.

Eve is not, never has been.

Trying to make it so is like taking a square peg, carving it into a crude circle then jamming it back into the square hole. Certainly it might fit, but you lose a lot in the process.
General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4294 - 2015-10-21 16:33:21 UTC  |  Edited by: General Lootit
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

Maybe it was so successful because players saw that their progress depending from theirs actions in the game but not from subbing time.
Jared Khanar
#4295 - 2015-10-21 16:36:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jared Khanar
Dror wrote:

Why have a progression mechanic at all? It's a sandbox game! Like, are you literally implying that keeping subs from playing the game is helpful?

I know. Wrote i´m out of here, but i can´t help myself :)

Ok, let´s strip sp progression from the game. What´s left then? Eve is a calculation based game. Look at the current way it get´s played. Drop more people / alts, doctrine fits, a.s.o.
If we are able to fly anything with any possible fitting and all players have identical values @ dps, hp, ecm and whatsoever
what does this mean for our gameplay if the mechanics are the same as they are now? There are... some people complaining about the boring mechanics, they won´t change. And eve players try to do the things they do, the most efficient way.

Isn´t it possible that the diversity of activly used ingame activities get´s reduced due to this?For example: If everyone can produce everything like all others. This would be the death for the ingame economy. Whom would you sell your products, how are you going to make isk instead of fw? who would be your customer? At some point - why buy plex with rl money and sell it to the market?

Imo eves ingame economy , the markets, the professions, the specialisations... everything needs to be as fractured as possible. Without the need to specialise, without the pressure to develop into a specific playstyle / isk-grind, without the inaccessibility between the specialisations because of time and / or sp ... the transfer of assets, isk, services will be hit hard - partially it will be less and less necessary.

This leads me to the conclussion that competition in the remaining, profitable areas will increase. Increasing competition - say bye bye to your profits :D

Imo. this is already the case in slighter form right now, but even allowing sp transfers will only strengthen this effect.
We allready have oversupply for years now.

EDIT: I´m not against deleting or changing sp mechanics - but the question is: "does this make sense?"

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Norian Lonark
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4296 - 2015-10-21 16:40:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Norian Lonark
General Lootit wrote:
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

Maybe it was so successful because players saw that their progress depending from theirs actions in the game but not from subbing time.

In wow new expansion comes out.. someone plays for a couple of days rushing to get to latest level uses up all the content.... gets bored... then waits for the next expansion.. moaning about the lack of content and end game.

I cant even believe this is being used to make a point and shows what this kind of thinking leads too. You cannot compare wow to eve. They are both successful in their own right for very different things and attract people looking for different things in a game.

Is this what we want EVE to be? Yes lets do it lets get EVE to appeal to the type of people who play WOW by turning it into a WOW clone that will work. Shocked

Start wide, expand further, and never look back

Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4297 - 2015-10-21 16:45:40 UTC
General Lootit wrote:
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

Maybe it was so successful because players saw that their progress depending from theirs actions in the game but not from subbing time.

You know what happened with wow, late into wrath they introduced ilvl its caused problems - cata / very poor exp hardly any content and nothing for pvp / major grind / slight skill tree altering

Pandaland - dailys boredom / no content / lacking decent raids / total destruction of the skill system and more fluff no lore.

WoD - mini games - shop - crap content - ever playing with balancing - oh yeah instance level 90 ..... any of this sounding familiar yet.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4298 - 2015-10-21 16:50:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dror
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

It's not the same argument.. is the problem with this. Nothing's saying that WoW is a failure -- but it has a lot for criticism, and it is losing its status quo very effectively.

To reiterate the point, then, what about MOBAs? The best design philosophy is still very based in motivation, so for a contrast: are MOBAs, replaying the same map and farming the same creeps as the gameplay experience, the crux of gaming? Yet, they have some of the best PCUs on the market. So, what of this discussion remains? ..Having something to do? ..Being competitive without paying lots of money?

If there's the idea that SP is helpful, that's mostly about it being rewarding? How ludicrous -- any benefit from gaining something through SP is negated by its original limitations. No accurate description of that feeling ascribes SP to why it's great getting ships and relevance in an MMO. Nothing features SP for an advertisement -- subs come to play the game. Even more, it's validity as a game mechanic is obviously being challenged with the idea of a redesign. The best option is cutting losses for a system that provides much less than it limits, if depth of gameplay and freedom are of any benefit (protip: with motivation and decision theory, they are key).

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Dave Stark
#4299 - 2015-10-21 17:03:59 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Dror wrote:
afkalt wrote:
I get it, you hate SP and you hate waiting. That's fine.

Time will tell if the concerns many, many have were valid.

So, you can't support your ideas with anything more than some guesses? You refuse to respond to the real issue?

Then, why reply at all? If you can't support the idea of SP, that's just bias. There's no room in game design for that. If you find the idea of a company filling a game with microtransactions instead of increasing subs awful, what do you have to say about it?

a lot of the thread is guesses. the devblog left many variables unknown.

neither side of this argument can give many solid arguments without making a myriad of assumptions.

I don't think my assumption is a stretch, however. I'm pretty sure you'd agree there will be an extremely high likelihood of people grinding PvE to "level up".

To not do so is rather against MMO precedent as well as human nature.

The unfortunate thing is that evidence available tells us this is a VeryBadThing, where this particular MMO is concerned.

no, many of the assumptions are reasonable.

yes, i agree many people would be grinding pve to level up. however as i pointed out, 80% of the people who didn't leave within the first month (if i remember the stats correctly) are grinding pve anyway - would it be so bad to make that activity have a little more meaning? it's better them sitting in a station scared to undock because "mah +5s".

this very very bad thing is what most people are doing most of the time. i know that i spend more time "grinding isk" than not grinding it. pretty much anything that isn't pvp is grinding isk - and a lot of pvping is just shooting people who are grinding isk.

no, i don't think "grind for SP" is a great idea - but there's certainly a market for it i feel. obviously there's a huge conflict here. tap in to that potential market, or don't.

i think eve would survive without this coming to pass - but would it really be so bad to attract more players to eve? let's face it, i doubt many people are doing now, what they intended to do when they started eve.
General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4300 - 2015-10-21 17:06:38 UTC
Norian Lonark wrote:
General Lootit wrote:
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dror wrote:

So, you're evidence for the success of SP is that the game has had subscriptions? So has WoW -- is that great game design/

A game model like WoW is hardly a fail Dror, 12 mill active subs in its heyday of wrath grossing 300mill per annum even now a paltry 5.6 mill active subs. Im sure EvE would like even 33% percent of those active accounts running.

Maybe it was so successful because players saw that their progress depending from theirs actions in the game but not from subbing time.

In wow new expansion comes out.. someone plays for a couple of days rushing to get to latest level uses up all the content.... gets board... then waits for the next expansion.. moaning about the lack of content and end game.

I cant even believe this is being used to make a point and shows what this kind of thinking leads too. You cannot compare wow to eve. They are both successful in their own right for very different things and attract people looking for different things in a game.

Is this what we want EVE to be? Yes lets do it lets get EVE to appeal to the type of people who play WOW by turning it into a WOW clone that will work. Shocked

I agree that it's very rough comparison. But I'm still sure that yours in-game actions are matter and progression must be depending on them in every term.