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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#3461 - 2015-10-19 07:35:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeremiah Saken
Dave Stark wrote:
having things hidden behind arbitrary waits may have been good when the game was new and they had to have some form of pacing... but there's no need for pacing 12 years down the line.

We need whole system rebalance then, rather putting make up on the corpse. Avatar based system was took from RPG game with attributes and skills, if not working properly it's a point when need close look up and change. All I hear: "you may compete but you need to pay".
Edit: Dave, it's become "Dave personal thread about SP", we all know your opinion about it by now. Do you ever sleep? Take a day off, or week maybe. Yo don't have to quote every answer in this thread.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#3462 - 2015-10-19 07:35:37 UTC
CCP Terminus wrote:
Canadian Fire wrote:
All things considered it's not really such a horrible idea, but I still don't like it. If it is to be implemented, I would like to see a hard cap on it. IE you cannot inject SP on characters with over XX number of SP. Or some kind of balancing mechanic to make it so a day 1 char can get a big advantage, yes, but can't jump straight to all level 5 skills for $15,000 USD.
At the very least I can catch up on some SP I missed when I wasn't able to sub I suppose.

A hard cap seems to be a common request, and I think there may be some merit to that. We'll certainly look in to it. I'm not sure how to determine where that cap is though, if it's purely for prestige purposes.

On a somewhat related note, to keep some prestige without a hard cap, there may be a way to track SP gained 'naturally' versus SP gained from using unallocated skillpoints. If that's the case we could make both values available when characters apply to corporations, or people put their characters up on sites like eveboard. No promises though, it's still to early to tell.

Don't make things complicated... even MORE complicated. *facepalm*

If you'd rather devaluate subscriptions than plug the highsec slow bleeding that's been taking place for years, then put a cap on how much value will lose a "plain" subscription compared to the deep pockets buying themselves into "Premium" skillpointing.

I suggested 6 months of training, or roughly the first 10 million SP. That should be enough for a concerned noob.

By the way: someone at Sugar's blog pointed that faster skilling will also shorten the tenure of highseccers. Are you tyring to get rid of us even faster, allowing us to get that Raven in a month rather than 6...? P
Dave Stark
#3463 - 2015-10-19 07:35:57 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
what support?

head outside eve-o and you'll see the myriad of support for this idea - and not from no-name nobodies like me. from people who have been playing for years and have the profile to support that.
Dave Stark
#3464 - 2015-10-19 07:37:00 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
having things hidden behind arbitrary waits may have been good when the game was new and they had to have some form of pacing... but there's no need for pacing 12 years down the line.

We need whole system rebalance then, rather putting make up on the corpse. Avatar based system was took from RPG game with attributes and skills, if not working properly it's a point when need close look up and change. All I hear: "you may compete but you need to pay".

pretty sure that's where it's heading. ccp have already expressed that they want to look at attributes, learning implants, and such like.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#3465 - 2015-10-19 07:43:29 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
One issue I have with this is how it changes what is needed to be a character seller. Right now you have to create a character, chuck in implants, skill it up into something that people like (using knowledge of the market to do so) and then sell it, along with the implants, then start again. It's a long and complex process.

Following this, you just need to create an alt, stick in 2 implants. It doesn't even matter for what attributes, as long as they match a skill. Then you just train that single skill for eternity pulling out SP into packets when there's enough in it, never needing to replace the implants or understand the complexities of the character market. People can then use those for any skill they want. It's a massive dumbing down of the system, and it removes all of the extra costs like the implants and skillbooks needed for each alt sold.
With the price of PLEX right now (and it's likely continuing rise ) the margins are pretty tight on selling characters. The prices of characters are not really keeping pace with the cost of the PLEX to make them. So for traders it will be unlikely that they start adding SP packs since it will kill their profit margins even more.

For a personal character at a low SP level adding packs is a reasonable alternative to using the bazaar. But for anything over, say, 10M SP it will be cheaper to buy a premade character.

So while people, maybe a lot of people, will try farming SP for sale, I think it will hit a ceiling pretty quickly. When people have to start lowering the price of SP packs to move them, many will stop farming as it won't be profitable.

Eventually there will be some sort of equilibrium. It may be sooner or later. I don't have enough information to even speculate yet. That's not stopping me from preparing an acct or two for my own farming operation, however.

Mr Epeen Cool
Big Lynx
#3466 - 2015-10-19 07:47:10 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Mr Epeen Cool

Isn't that brutally exhausting to type that Mr Epeen Cool below every single stupid post?!?
Tiberius Heth
#3467 - 2015-10-19 07:49:02 UTC
Dave is Zinfandel.
Dave Stark
#3468 - 2015-10-19 07:49:41 UTC
Tiberius Heth wrote:
Dave is Zinfandel.

i'm a bottle of wine?

i know it's early but i'm really confused by this one...
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#3469 - 2015-10-19 07:51:15 UTC
Big Lynx wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Mr Epeen Cool

Isn't that brutally exhausting to type that Mr Epeen Cool below every single stupid post?!?
It's worth every keystroke if it annoys people enough to rage-post about it.

Mr Epeen Cool
Jared Khanar
#3470 - 2015-10-19 07:57:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jared Khanar
CCP Terminus wrote:

CCP is a company, not a product and it is the goal of any company to outlive any one product they create. If a company relies on a single product for the entirety of their revenue, this is not possible. At some point the product will be replaced, even one as long lived as EVE Online. If that's the only thing making us money, the company collapses at that point and a lot of people lose their jobs.

While I don't see EVE going anywhere any time soon, it makes perfect sense to branch out in to other projects, to hedge bets against the future. The current projects in the works like Valkyrie have a lot of promise and hype, while at the same time having a much smaller development budget that EVE does right now.

Any losses incurred from past projects are already taken care of. This new feature is not being developed to compensate for them.

Speaking of which, there's been quite a few questions as to why the feature is being developed? What players are the target for this feature? I think it's fairly clearly described in the dev blog here:

"By putting more control of your characters in your hands we hope to improve the game for everyone. Whether you’re an older player who would rather have ISK than those mining skills you don’t use any more, a clever new player looking to invest your fortune into your character, a Corp leader trying to move everyone into a new doctrine or someone like me who just realized that they would rather fly Armageddon’s than Stilettos, this feature has you covered. This all fits nicely to our overall game design philosophy of giving you control over your experience through cooperation and competition with each other."

The feature is intended to allow players to trade resources. Whether that's real-world currency, ISK, or time. It is the same philosophy behind PLEX, and why PLEX is both effective and sustainable over long periods. We don't create a way for players to buy their way to victory. We aren't injecting new SP in to the game. We simply allow players to trade the resources they have for the resources they want.

So we should see sp as a collectable, tradeable ressource and you are just doing this to do your playerbase something good. I understand.
So why connecting this to a rl cash flow to ccp?
If it´s only about enabling possibilities this is not needed - all sp trading and extracting could be done via isk only.
You see - some of us don´t have a problem with this because we (only) see it as pay 2 win - there are additionally so much more concerns...

let´s look at possible tradeshemes:

player extracts sp via aurum (irrelevant if bought via rl money or plex) <-> player buys sp via ingame aquired isk | ccp earns money / can change "debt" into "wealth" <-> ccp earns no money

player extracts sp via aurum (...) <-> player buys sp via rl currency -> plex -> isk | ccp earns money / can change "debt" into "wealth" <-> ccp earns money

from the two different possible shemes i can think of right now, there is one ccp earns money on BOTH sides of the trade?
am i wrong? how should we feel about that?
isn´t this a clear and obvious indicator of what is intended to be achived with this?

Other gaming companies run one payment sheme - subscription or microtransaction - you run both (ok actually you run subscription, aurum and plex which makes three, as each can be purchased and used seperately)
other gaming companies charge their customers one time per transaction if they allow warehouses or such - you charge buyer AND seller seperatly

If you do this you are only telling us: we don´t get enough from you - we need more.
If you don´t have enough this must have a reason.
The reason may be found in the way you distributed your earned wealth in the past.

And if it´s true what you stated - that all the past investments are ok and the actual status of ccp is healthy:
Your side projects only need a fraction of investment and devtime compared to eve as you wrote.
You are going to cash in as soon as you release them, which means more or less additional income.
So youre company is healthy AND going to earn more in the near future.
Under this premise, how does your financial politics in eve fit in?
Why aren´t you able to be proud of your healthy income and your future one´s, maybe giving something back to your community that put you in this place? Why aren´t you trying to just maintain your level of income with eve?

And if this is a feature that helps you just to maintain your income - isn´t this a sign that eve indeed isn´t healthy and your income shrinks atm? Especially when we accept that the character bazaar isn´t going anywhere soon - and you get payed with two plex per transfer even further? So this can not be viewed as income replacement rather than an addition?

You see - i don´t want to offend - i´m just looking at what you are showing... if all of this implications are wrong - why are you trying to implement a payment sheme like described above? If you only wan´t to enable us to trade ressources - why???

I would really love to read your statement on this. Thanks :)

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3471 - 2015-10-19 07:57:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Syn'Drakkahr

Through the general consencous on the forums, I believe you could do the following options and would get the backing of the community.

A.) Skill Extractors:- Extracts the unwanted SP in a particular skill, i.e, Mining level V. Recieving the SP as Unallocated.

B.) All Skill Extractors and SP used can only be used on the same character you initiated it on.

C.) You do not, can not, buy Skill Extractors on the market and can only purchase through EvE Store. (Profit for CCP) *Obviously open to debate, just thinking of CCP gains as a company.

D.) You sell Skill Extractors in packets, i.e, 5 Skill Extractors for £10 *Example*

E.) You Cap the re-distribution amount per month, i.e. 15,000 Sp. *Stop over abusing the system.

Why do this?:

1.) Re-distributing unwanted skill SP into wanted skills.

2.) Re-distribute SP to enhance your characters profile and attractiveness on the Character Bazaar.

3.) CCP Profit.

Open to scrutiny,

General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3472 - 2015-10-19 07:58:12 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

I suggested 6 months of training, or roughly the first 10 million SP. That should be enough for a concerned noob.

Original purpose is good enough without any changes.
Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#3473 - 2015-10-19 07:58:39 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Tiberius Heth wrote:
Dave is Zinfandel.

i'm a bottle of wine?

i know it's early but i'm really confused by this one...

I think the troll is trying to imply a connection to the former dev CCP Zinfindel.

I saw his corp name and chose to ignore him a few dozen pages ago.
Dave Stark
#3474 - 2015-10-19 08:01:50 UTC
Urziel99 wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Tiberius Heth wrote:
Dave is Zinfandel.

i'm a bottle of wine?

i know it's early but i'm really confused by this one...

I think the troll is trying to imply a connection to the former dev CCP Zinfindel.

I saw his corp name and chose to ignore him a few dozen pages ago.

oh, never heard of him.
General Lootit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3475 - 2015-10-19 08:02:47 UTC
Syn'Drakkahr wrote:
C.) You do not, can not, buy Skill Extractors on the market and can only purchase through Aurum. (Profit for CCP) *Obviously open to debate, just thinking of CCP gains as a company.

You are quite wrong.
Citate from dev blog
Both Transneural Skill Extractors and Transneural Skill Packets can be freely traded on the market for ISK
Tiberius Heth
#3476 - 2015-10-19 08:05:06 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Urziel99 wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Tiberius Heth wrote:
Dave is Zinfandel.

i'm a bottle of wine?

i know it's early but i'm really confused by this one...

I think the troll is trying to imply a connection to the former dev CCP Zinfindel.

I saw his corp name and chose to ignore him a few dozen pages ago.

oh, never heard of him.

Nice try Zinfandel.
Insane Randomness
Stellar Pilgrimage
#3477 - 2015-10-19 08:05:21 UTC
CCP Terminus wrote:
Canadian Fire wrote:
All things considered it's not really such a horrible idea, but I still don't like it. If it is to be implemented, I would like to see a hard cap on it. IE you cannot inject SP on characters with over XX number of SP. Or some kind of balancing mechanic to make it so a day 1 char can get a big advantage, yes, but can't jump straight to all level 5 skills for $15,000 USD.
At the very least I can catch up on some SP I missed when I wasn't able to sub I suppose.

A hard cap seems to be a common request, and I think there may be some merit to that. We'll certainly look in to it. I'm not sure how to determine where that cap is though, if it's purely for prestige purposes.

On a somewhat related note, to keep some prestige without a hard cap, there may be a way to track SP gained 'naturally' versus SP gained from using unallocated skillpoints. If that's the case we could make both values available when characters apply to corporations, or people put their characters up on sites like eveboard. No promises though, it's still to early to tell.

So I reserved judgement until I saw exactly what everyone else has to say, including you Terminus, who seems to be fighting a one man war against all these doom-sayers. Very admirable last stand good sir!

That said, I sympathize with both sides. On one side, the naysayers have something, a very big something that reminds us of Fearless and Incarna (you guys do still remember that, right?) and the riots in Jita (I know you remember that.). And for this, I'd like to say something:

That is a youtube video for microtransactions, which is what this is, pure and simple. We pay real money for Aurum, to convert it into an item, to allow us to sell SP, which allows us to progress through the game at an accelerated rate. Meaning money = power, because in EVE, time is power. Four things against this:

1. YOU GUYS ARE REFERENCED IN THE VIDEO AT THE VERY START! It's not even thirty seconds in, and the narrator echoes every thought that is going through around 90% of every players head in this forum. Historically, you guys don't do microtransactions. They lead to bad things and EVE is NOT very suitable to them.

2. I don't think you guys think of us as the enemy. You spend way to much time talking and communicating about the game we love to think of us as bad people. And you know what? That is AWESOME. I love EVE, and I have litteraly sunk THOUSANDS of dollars into the game, in both plex and game time. The PLEX system works somewhat well, despite it's microtransaction nature because it makes ISK, which is inevitably destroyed, in vast quantities, every day. That is MTA's done right, and it's a good idea. But it's insanely easy to protect skillpoints, because skillpoints are far more valuable than any amount of ISK. It represents how far a character has come, and how dedicated to the game a player is. And making this move devalues both.

3. Aurum can't be earned in game. This means I have to pay real money to access this. That is just, wrong. In so many ways.

4. You are selling power. Wrong. BAD CCP!

At the end of the day though, this is selling power. And thats the purest definition of pay to win. Time is power in EVE. You want to make it possible for new players to catch up to old players, but you don't want to make it easy. This is just, in my mind, asking for trouble, even with a hard cap or diminishing returns. The video references selling leveling speed, but EVE is different. It's not free to play, which makes time, which you are helping people skip over, way, way, way more valuable. Thats why losing SP is THE number one thing every player avoids doing. Thats why I don't even undock from a station until I have an up to date clone. It's why I stopped flying a T3, even though the skills are limited to the ability and expertise of flying a T3, but there was still a remote possibility that I'd have to go back and waste time retraining a skill I had already trained.

So whats good about this?

1. More players. The ability to jump into more powerful ships just by buying a subscription will bring in more short term revenue, which you guys gotta admit makes it look like you're strapped for cash. I think though that in the long run, you'll loose more players than you gain. There are plenty of other great games out there that I love playing, although EVE is probably the most unique.

2. It helps modernize the bazaar. This one is a bit grey though. There are other ways to do this.

3. It lets me still personalize my character. Name and look. I love this character. I love the name, and I love the look, and I'm not planning on getting rid of him anytime soon. Even so, this is still a grey area. There are ways to offer name and trait changes without risking compromising your game.

4. Min/maxing. It WOULD be awesome to be able to take all my industrial skills I have and turn them into SP to finally start training carriers. But this can be achieved with a respec token.

And thats about it. The risk for this is huge, Terminus. It could, if done wrong, kill this game. And none of us want that. I don't want that, you don't want that, and everyone else doesn't want that (except maybe goonwaffe ;D). To my mind, this entire thing could be far easier if you just offered name changes and respec tokens. This needlessly overcomplicated and DANGEROUS. And I don't think to many people would throw a hissy fit about name and skill respec tokens. Probably the biggest issue is just being able to move skills from one character to another. The time it would take to train characters into ludicrously high SP numbers is reduced with this, and I wouldn't be surprised if players created farms to accellerate skill training beyond what anyone could imagine.

tl;dr A big NO from me. Seriously CCP. Rethink this.
Jared Khanar
#3478 - 2015-10-19 08:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jared Khanar
--- deleted

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3479 - 2015-10-19 08:07:21 UTC
General Lootit wrote:
Syn'Drakkahr wrote:
C.) You do not, can not, buy Skill Extractors on the market and can only purchase through Aurum. (Profit for CCP) *Obviously open to debate, just thinking of CCP gains as a company.

You are quite wrong.
Citate from dev blog
Both Transneural Skill Extractors and Transneural Skill Packets can be freely traded on the market for ISK

This idea is at its early stages and thus open to change depending on opinions in the community, my idea is exactly that. I am not enforcing or confirming your quote will take place.

Simply putting my idea to the community and CCP.
Levi Belvar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3480 - 2015-10-19 08:09:38 UTC
"By putting more control of your characters in your hands we hope to improve the game for everyone. Whether you’re an older player who would rather have ISK than those mining skills you don’t use any more, a clever new player looking to invest your fortune into your character, a Corp leader trying to move everyone into a new doctrine or someone like me who just realized that they would rather fly Armageddon’s than Stilettos, this feature has you covered"

If its a player customization approach then why not actually give us just that not a sugar coated way to spend cash.

1. Pay for a name change
2. pay for a complete skill remap
3.All new pilots can buy skillpoint packages direct from ccp same as plex 500,000 sp's $6.99 for a limited time say 1 /2 /3 months then it ends - this will benefit the new who want to jump straight into shinies who gives a rats ass if it goes pop.

Character bazaar bought ingame for the fear of RMT, dont quite know what use it would be but its still available then.

That about covers customization CCP win on 1 / 2 and definately 3
Client base win on 1 and 2

Doesnt seem to matter anymore about histories, core principals as long as everyone gets there fix.

“Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.”