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EVE General Discussion

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Chopper Rollins
#41 - 2015-10-18 04:28:18 UTC
Heh, people still think protests mean something.
Leave the game as a protest, otherwise, you're doing nothing.
I watched that silly youtube vid of a crowd shooting a monument with this ominous, building orchestral war music and all i could think was "Zero damage, Leni Riefestahl, you have a lot to answer for in hell."

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#42 - 2015-10-18 07:19:57 UTC
just check the numbers.
the prices for those trades are high at start to a place where it gets ridiculous.
rich gankers will benefit the most, the can, getting most required skill in short time.
beyond 50m only the richest players could profit.

not so much the ppl who buy plex from ccp, cause that would cost to much real money.
still, i think too, that this is a bad idea.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Mr RiXter
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2015-10-18 09:35:39 UTC
Nope it's actually a great idea.
The Power Broker
#44 - 2015-10-18 10:08:23 UTC  |  Edited by: The Power Broker
Another example of the vocal few having a tantrum over something that will assist with keeping new players and possibly bringing more people into the game (like Incana).

If I'm led to believe the numbers are tanking for logins then why wouldn't CCP try and help new player retention?

It has the possibility of reducing PLEX prices..... Check
It will help new players try more things instead of missions..... Check
It should bring more players into Eve and or retain them...... Check

Obviously these are all if's and maybe's but looking at it to me it will mean, I get to afford to PLEX my account, I get more people to either team up with or shoot at with my main and numbers of players will go making CCP more money.

What negative impact does this have on me? None, my main has 80 million sp and I fly the ships I like and want to, which is the main thing isn't it?
Sam Knob
They Ruin The Game
#45 - 2015-10-18 10:30:04 UTC
I really like the idea although I will have to disagree with some of the reasons other people have mentioned.

- It creates an incentive to be active in the game. Say you are working on an important 20 day skill. Instead of just leaving the game for 20 days (because you probably feel like nothing much can be done during those 20 days) you can actively work towards the completion of that skill since earning ISK will allow you to finish it quicker.
- Corps will able to boost their noobs towards the minimum requirements of some fleets, which means they will see content much quicker and immediately become active in the corp.
- Newer players in general are more likely to stay in the game since they can actively work towards their goals. Investing time AND effort into a character makes you less likely to abandon the game imo.

- This will (and I am looking at you The Power Broker) much more likely boost PLEX inflation because people will probably see it as a way to finance alts.

Overall I think it will lead to a more active community.
Higgs Foton
Mission And Mining Inc
#46 - 2015-10-18 10:31:00 UTC
I like these changes. Seems to me selling and buying skillpoints is a good way. Many times i was angered by the lack of progress if i started a new char. This has now become obsolete at a small price. I think its a good thing and it will greatly benefit the benevolent forces of the IMPERIVUM.
Gillia Winddancer
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2015-10-18 10:55:40 UTC
Why protest against something that has existed for who knows how many years now but which comes in a new and better shape?

Again, all these whiners who think that they are entitled to whine for the sake of whining should just go and biomass themselves already before they kill EVE entirely. The game needs to evolve. Badly. Whining bittervet dinosaurs should just do what dinosaurs are good at - go extinct.
The Power Broker
#48 - 2015-10-18 11:42:22 UTC
Sam Knob wrote:
I really like the idea although I will have to disagree with some of the reasons other people have mentioned.

- This will (and I am looking at you The Power Broker) much more likely boost PLEX inflation because people will probably see it as a way to finance alts.

Fair point, but I was clear that it's all if's and maybe's as if I could predict the price of PLEX I would be a trillionaire... and I'm not Lol!

I've seen people mention that they will be putting more PLEX into the market to buy Aurum (which will lower the price) and I've seen people say exactly what you said above so maybe it might just stay the same, meh!

However I think it might be safe to say that we (and many other people here) agree this will be a good thing!

Now lets riot against no release date on those Hello Kitty skins!!!! RRRRAAWWWRR
Iron Krosz
#49 - 2015-10-18 12:37:40 UTC
The Power Broker wrote:

It has the possibility of reducing PLEX prices..... Check
or inflating them further, unless you can reliably predict whether people will pay with more farmed isk or bought plex it's impossible to say

It will help new players try more things instead of missions..... Check
Really ? Having more Skillpoints instantly will change hisec bears playstyle where having more skillpoints over time has failed to do so ?

It should bring more players into Eve and or retain them...... Check
It may keep players away when it gets around that in EvE, not only do you need to pay a subscription up front, but you need to buy X quantity of skillpoints for X amount of RL cash before you can do anything worthwhile. This will be the new perception of many new players if this goes live. So much for the NPE.

Obviously these are all if's and maybe's
You're not kidding. Blink
Tronity Neutronux
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2015-10-18 12:49:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tronity Neutronux
This SP change just does not matter at all. It's still skill -> nerf -> buff -> nerf -> buff -> repeat. It does not matter that much what you skill today the chance is good that it would be "rebalanced" if it's cool somewhat later again anyway. "Rebalancing" stuff in circle (anybody remembers the old Hurricane or old Drake) is no new content and this SP-injections is no new content either. Now you could just add some tiny "inject tiny SP by Plex" to this loop. Oh noes! Roll Everybody was already able to get way more SP by buying another char right now.
Robert Sawyer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#51 - 2015-10-18 13:39:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Sawyer
I read about it but I don't get what's so bad about it - anybody mind explaining?

Edit: Ewww, just found out that you can buy SP with Aurum AKA RL money - CCP DO NOT DO THIS.

"And when, at last, the moment is yours, that agony will become your greatest triumph."

The Power Broker
#52 - 2015-10-18 14:08:40 UTC
Robert Sawyer wrote:
I read about it but I don't get what's so bad about it - anybody mind explaining?

Edit: Ewww, just found out that you can buy SP with Aurum AKA RL money - CCP DO NOT DO THIS.

Just like you can do already with buying PLEX and then purchasing a character in the Bazaar ?
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#53 - 2015-10-18 14:10:35 UTC
Ya'll need to calm the **** down.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Tronity Neutronux
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2015-10-18 14:15:44 UTC
Robert Sawyer wrote:
Ewww, just found out that you can buy SP with Aurum AKA RL money - CCP DO NOT DO THIS.

You are a bit late mate. SP for RL money worked already for years now and is called: Character bazaar. There is so much nerfing and buffing all the time anyway. Skill something that's OP, abuse it until it gets under the nerf hammer, skill something other. Does this matter at all? Catalyst + Mining barge worked years ago and still works. Does this SP injection change anything? Would this decrease content, would this change the donuts in the game? If this flush some fresh Plex into the market I appreciate this. Is there anything serious new to the game?

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2015-10-18 14:23:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Gully Alex Foyle
Portmanteau wrote:
The Power Broker wrote:
It should bring more players into Eve and or retain them...... Check
It may keep players away when it gets around that in EvE, not only do you need to pay a subscription up front, but you need to buy X quantity of skillpoints for X amount of RL cash before you can do anything worthwhile. This will be the new perception of many new players if this goes live. So much for the NPE.
How about this message for new players:

SP are quite useful, but not that important. Don't get all excited about SP and take your time. Because if you're willing to progress slower than usual, after the first 2 months you can play for free for just a couple 100 million ISK a month. Go shoot people in Faction Warfare!

Because one of the possibilities of the new system will be trading SP for ISK for PLEX... Yes, after 5M SP newbros can sell SP too.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Iron Krosz
#56 - 2015-10-18 14:38:14 UTC
Gully Alex Foyle wrote:
Portmanteau wrote:
The Power Broker wrote:
It should bring more players into Eve and or retain them...... Check
It may keep players away when it gets around that in EvE, not only do you need to pay a subscription up front, but you need to buy X quantity of skillpoints for X amount of RL cash before you can do anything worthwhile. This will be the new perception of many new players if this goes live. So much for the NPE.
How about this message for new players:

SP are quite useful, but not that important. Don't get all excited about SP and take your time. Because if you're willing to progress slower than usual, after the first 2 months you can play for free for just a couple 100 million ISK a month. Go shoot people in Faction Warfare!

Because one of the possibilities of the new system will be trading SP for ISK for PLEX... Yes, after 5M SP newbros can sell SP too.

I'm all for education but if this drama has highlighted anything it's that the idea of skillpoint gap isn't going away and if CCP are going to try to tackle it there are better ways than selling SPs.
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#57 - 2015-10-18 14:38:31 UTC
Does anyone actually read the dev blogs? Cus judging from some replies i would say probably not. It also reduces the skill points in the game, every "transaction" not only costs isk, but depletes total skill points. In fact outside fairly young characters it is just not much help at all.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Iron Krosz
#58 - 2015-10-18 14:39:19 UTC
The Power Broker wrote:
Robert Sawyer wrote:
I read about it but I don't get what's so bad about it - anybody mind explaining?

Edit: Ewww, just found out that you can buy SP with Aurum AKA RL money - CCP DO NOT DO THIS.

Just like you can do already with buying PLEX and then purchasing a character in the Bazaar ?

Really, I can inject those SPs into this character ? I had no idea Shocked
Azn Empire
#59 - 2015-10-18 14:46:09 UTC
The Power Broker wrote:
Another example of the vocal few having a tantrum over something that will assist with keeping new players and possibly bringing more people into the game (like Incana).
So you're saying this change, will be the great success Incarna was?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Mia Snow
N8 Consulting
#60 - 2015-10-18 14:46:18 UTC

Can i haz....

Your skilpoint?