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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Omniscient Order
#2841 - 2015-10-18 02:16:57 UTC
Aerasia wrote:
CCP Terminus wrote:
Roughly 70 characters are traded per day, not per month. Something like 25000 a year give or take.

Some more data:
- Most traded characters are 50 million SP or lower.
- A good portion of trades are to newer players (measured by new customers not just new accounts).

Interesting. I'm going out on a limb that there aren't a lot of 10M SP characters being bought, so let's say an average of 25-30M (or, roughly 1 year old).

That's 625-750,000,000,000 SP changing hands every year. Or, 1,500,000 skill extractors used.
Post-extractor, that's also going to mean a lot of SP burned by the tax. 10% doesn't seem to unreasonable: 75 Billion SP/year up in smoke due to extractor tax? That's 3,000 years worth of SP burned away for injection costs.

50,000 PLEX consumed by transfer fees, or ~$850,000 USD.
That amount of PLEX accounts for ~25 days of sales volume in Jita. It makes you wonder what the PLEX converted extractor cost will be.

I do envy Quant's job. <3

Don ZOLA wrote:
Since i expect more than 1 to actually go for it, we might have all current top 5 or even top 10 players kicked out of those positions. And that is complete disaster.
Your ability to gauge a 'disaster' might need some recalibration.

Your ability to discuss without reading prior post is non existent.

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Marsha Mallow
#2842 - 2015-10-18 02:18:50 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
I see, so it's the money CCP is making from Character Bazaar that's spawned this greed.

Hardly. More like us on the ground pointing out existing paths of monetization CCP can and should cash in on. Both to support the game and expand it. Sorry if your SP defines you, but if you really push the core playerbase who aren't self-centered imbeciles, they're probably willing to do just about anything to keep this game alive. Watching you flail about is not unrewarding in itself :)

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Daniela Doran
#2843 - 2015-10-18 02:23:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Revan Daedrus wrote:
PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS, one of the most rewarding parts of eve is that you cannot grind or purchase your way to the top, when you get a new skill it hold meaning because it took you real time to achieve it. This thread should be titled pay to win because that is what this change will do. This will alienate every long term eve player and it will destroy one of EVEs most unique properties. I would go so far as to say that this will ruin the game at its very core. I beg of you, do not do this.

Greed is a terrible disease.

And it appears that CCP Devs (Dave Starks) has contracted it.

Bottom line is that CCP will do what CCP wants to do. And if they go ahead and incorporate this abominable feature, I and my numerous accounts will disappear from eve forever.
Daniela Doran
#2844 - 2015-10-18 02:29:29 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Daniela Doran wrote:
I see, so it's the money CCP is making from Character Bazaar that's spawned this greed.

Hardly. More like us on the ground pointing out existing paths of monetization CCP can and should cash in on. Both to support the game and expand it. Sorry if your SP defines you, but if you really push the core playerbase who aren't self-centered imbeciles, they're probably willing to do just about anything to keep this game alive. Watching you flail about is not unrewarding in itself :)

You make it sound as if CCP doesn't have a choice but to do this. That if they don't do this, they would go bankrupt or something. But there are plenty of other ways CCP can go about doing this if they really insist on SP trading that doesn't involve killing the game at it's core.
#2845 - 2015-10-18 02:32:09 UTC
if there was ever a time to go to the character bazaar and buy the character you always wanted it's probably now. i reckon this will see a huge amount of sp removed from the game given the diminishing returns, and the subsequent character price inflation if it's introduced.

still, i could be wrong.

oh, and no i don't sell toons.
Terraj Oknatis
Project Sanctuary
#2846 - 2015-10-18 02:43:01 UTC
Oovarvu wrote:
if there was ever a time to go to the character bazaar and buy the character you always wanted it's probably now. i reckon this will see a huge amount of sp removed from the game given the diminishing returns, and the subsequent character price inflation if it's introduced.

still, i could be wrong.

oh, and no i don't sell toons.

I think that is a super good point. If there is this efficiency loss on character skill points, then people who are serious about farming in this manner will continually distill extra characters for their sp pulling them down from the bizarre as said. This in turn will lessen the number of alts in the game. Less alts mean less accounts. Less accounts mean less subscriptions. Less subscriptions = less stable income in the end.

Is this even economically sound from a business perspective?
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#2847 - 2015-10-18 02:55:50 UTC
Terraj Oknatis wrote:
Oovarvu wrote:
if there was ever a time to go to the character bazaar and buy the character you always wanted it's probably now. i reckon this will see a huge amount of sp removed from the game given the diminishing returns, and the subsequent character price inflation if it's introduced.

still, i could be wrong.

oh, and no i don't sell toons.

I think that is a super good point. If there is this efficiency loss on character skill points, then people who are serious about farming in this manner will continually distill extra characters for their sp pulling them down from the bizarre as said. This in turn will lessen the number of alts in the game. Less alts mean less accounts. Less accounts mean less subscriptions. Less subscriptions = less stable income in the end.

Is this even economically sound from a business perspective?
What a bizarre train of thought.

There may well be less spare characters in the game as the crap is scooped up to be consolidated into decent characters.. But since every time anyone decides to start an acct a new character (potentially three) is created, the game will never somehow 'run out' of characters and make people have to unsubscribe. Or lessen the number of alts people have.

There will always be enough characters. Always.

Mr Epeen Cool
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2848 - 2015-10-18 03:09:21 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

CSM folks who oppose the change, or anyone else who's against it.

Can you point me to a cogent argument not using subjective buzzwords like "pay to win" why this change is bad?

OK, I am still catching up, but you asked nicely.

There have been a few constants in Eve. Real-time for skill training and industry was one of them. Oh you can buy the item/ship and jump ahead but someone played that real time price. Same goes for the Character Bazaar. You may not have paid the time but someone did, with plex or cold hard cash.

So CCP is looking at replacing it and who loses? On the surface? Nobody. We strip older characters or farmed alts and use them to fuel the newer ones. No loss, just out with the old, supercharge the new. But that is the thing.

'Stripping the old' but do you honestly think most of the skill points will go to NEW players? That it will increase retention or just make more alts of the vets? Is an increase in subs really a good thing if a lot of them are brood mares existing only to have their brains harvested on a regular basis . . . full of +5's and never ever undocking into space? Will that give us more content? Or will it just be numbers on some ledger?

Will new players coming in look and see the rich instaboosting themselves into better ships and leaving the normal subscription player behind in the dust? Would you play a game like that where it was obviously a game of haves and have-nots and you were probably one of the have-nots? Or would you pour your own money in and hope it was enough to keep up?

I sit in Rookie Help Chat and listen to new players trying to figure out how to play for free. How to earn that 1.2 bill within 30 days. Those types, will they stay if I tell them that not only is it unlikely but that they will have to pay extra to be decent at the game. If they listen and do pay to be able to fly . . . say an incursion or a null rat ship . . . in the first week then they will be well on the road to playing for free, right? Since increased demand for those elusive PLEX will have no effect on the market.

A lot of people are saying that this is fine since it will not effect them or maybe they can use it to rearrange their own skills, clean up that shameful mining V. I just hope they are very space rich or already used to paying subscriptions. I am in the latter category.

I'll still be here but IF this goes through I will be a bit more bitter and somewhat disappointed with what the game has become.

Pay to win? no, but what about Pay to keep up


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Tristan Agion
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2849 - 2015-10-18 03:20:45 UTC
I'm posting as someone who is fairly new to EVE (2 months, 3.5M SP).

In EVE, interesting content is walled off by skill points barriers, and hence by character time. A big problem is that the new content is not becoming available roughly linear with time. Rather, there are chunks of new game content that become available as you cross some threshold or the other, and then long wait times until you can manage to cross the next threshold.

For example, I'm currently training cov ops and related stuff with the aim to get a reasonably fit explorer frigate to go through wormhole and null/low sec stealthily without getting blown up by every random player who spots me. That takes a month or so. Frankly, I've been playing less while waiting for the skill queue to complete. I don't actually want to mine or rat more asteroid belts, and high sec exploring is getting stale. I can't really run cooler missions than I have been, because I would have to train up skills for my cruiser. But I'm already training the stealth stuff.

What would happen if skill packets were available?

1. I would but a PLEX, convert it into ISK and buy enough skill packets to complete my stealth skills.
2. I would fly my cov ops frigate into worm holes and null/low sec to explore.
3. Because I have stealth, I would probably not get blown up instantly.
4. Because I am unexperienced, I would eventually make some newbie mistake, and get blown up anyway.
5. Rinse and repeat, with me getting better by experience at using stealth and dying less and less.

And this hurts everybody else and in particular experienced players how exactly? Best I can tell, they get

1. Extra PLEX in the market, driving the PLEX price down.
2. Somebody to sell "unwanted" SP to for a lot of ISK.
3. An extra target running around outside of high sec.
4. An extra target that is more of a challenge than a random newbie in a Heron, but still quite killable.
5. A player who is actually still paying CCP subscription money not getting bored into quitting.

Can I abuse all this to boost me all the way to flying a Titan? Well, theoretically. But given how I get rapidly less "bang for the buck" as the SP in my character increases, this would mean major investments of real money.

I expect a skill packet will cost roughly what it costs to train that 500k SP. Let's say you can generate a bit more than 2,000 SP per hour, then you need 10 days to generate one skill packet. Consequently, I expect the market price of a skill packet to be around a third of a PLEX, perhaps a bit less. Let's say it's about 350M ISK.

To boost a character from 0 to 5M SP would hence cost about 3.5B ISK. To boost the character further to 50M SP would cost another 31.5B ISK. To get to 80M SP would require 52.5B ISK, you see there how the reduced skill points gained per packet start to bite. And finally, to get to 100M SP would require another 140B ISK. So in total, from zero to 100M SP would require 227.5B ISK.

Now, maybe you have that kind of money in game, or maybe you have that kind of money in real life to spend on a game. I sure don't. Most people playing EVE I suspect do not have that either. For most people this will be a good way to get their character over a skill speed bump - to be used occasionally.

I think it is a good idea. It will make more newbies do more things faster. It will drive PLEX prices down. And the only people who will full-finance characters to top skills will be the super-rich of EVE. Most skill shopping will be only up to "useful basics" levels of perhaps 10-20M SP, which are somewhat affordable.
Chrome Veinss
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2850 - 2015-10-18 03:22:58 UTC
Don ZOLA wrote:
Karin Yang wrote:
Why that 10 players max their skills matters? Does this make them the king of the universe?

For some bored super rich people it will surely be interesting aim.

Don ZOLA wrote:
a25639 wrote:
Don ZOLA wrote:
I have not played with the numbers, but if your estimation is correct then it is disaster. 6bil per 1mil sp is cheap. There are dozens of players with trillions of isk who will start the competition for top 1 total sp position. Ie as they already have quite developed characters, let`s say 200mil sp and current top 1 having 279mil sp, that means that such player for 480 bils will buy himself that spot. Since i expect more than 1 to actually go for it, we might have all current top 5 or even top 10 players kicked out of those positions. And that is complete disaster.

It will surely happen. However, players doing this won’t gain any reasonable advantages by doing it. After all there are only combat skills worth 290m sp available and that includes mostly useless level 5 skills.

They will not do it because of advantage but pure prestige.

So why should we give the faintest **** about this again?
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#2851 - 2015-10-18 03:24:17 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:

CSM folks who oppose the change, or anyone else who's against it.

Can you point me to a cogent argument not using subjective buzzwords like "pay to win" why this change is bad?

OK, I am still catching up, but you asked nicely.

There have been a few constants in Eve. Real-time for skill training and industry was one of them. Oh you can buy the item/ship and jump ahead but someone played that real time price. Same goes for the Character Bazaar. You may not have paid the time but someone did, with plex or cold hard cash.

So CCP is looking at replacing it and who loses? On the surface? Nobody. We strip older characters or farmed alts and use them to fuel the newer ones. No loss, just out with the old, supercharge the new. But that is the thing.

'Stripping the old' but do you honestly think most of the skill points will go to NEW players? That it will increase retention or just make more alts of the vets? Is an increase in subs really a good thing if a lot of them are brood mares existing only to have their brains harvested on a regular basis . . . full of +5's and never ever undocking into space? Will that give us more content? Or will it just be numbers on some ledger?

Will new players coming in look and see the rich instaboosting themselves into better ships and leaving the normal subscription player behind in the dust? Would you play a game like that where it was obviously a game of haves and have-nots and you were probably one of the have-nots? Or would you pour your own money in and hope it was enough to keep up?

I sit in Rookie Help Chat and listen to new players trying to figure out how to play for free. How to earn that 1.2 bill within 30 days. Those types, will they stay if I tell them that not only is it unlikely but that they will have to pay extra to be decent at the game. If they listen and do pay to be able to fly . . . say an incursion or a null rat ship . . . in the first week then they will be well on the road to playing for free, right? Since increased demand for those elusive PLEX will have no effect on the market.

A lot of people are saying that this is fine since it will not effect them or maybe they can use it to rearrange their own skills, clean up that shameful mining V. I just hope they are very space rich or already used to paying subscriptions. I am in the latter category.

I'll still be here but IF this goes through I will be a bit more bitter and somewhat disappointed with what the game has become.

Pay to win? no, but what about Pay to keep up

While I don't really agree with much of what you said, I am going to +1 you for coming in here an sharing your thoughts in a concise and understandable way without resorting to outlandish rhetoric, fear mongering, and attacks on CCP.


Mr Epeen Cool
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2852 - 2015-10-18 03:36:10 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Pay to win? no, but what about Pay to keep up
You run the Bus. Of all the CSMs, I was kind of expecting you to be the one who's dislike of this was because it was too small a step. I harp on getting rid of SP whenever the opportunity comes up, because I find it a pointless and outdated mechanic.

Mike Azariah wrote:
the rich instaboosting themselves into better ships and leaving the normal subscription player behind in the dust
Why are we putting multi-month barriers in front of the new players to begin with? If you're worried about the space-rich ISKing themselves to 'SP victory', isn't the problem the SP power spread - not the payment plan?

Mike Azariah wrote:
full of +5's and never ever undocking into space?
Which is exactly the problem driving the removal of attributes. Except it's with actual players who don't want to undock because they don't want to lose those SP.

I guess I'm just confused that your issue with the system seems to be that providing a way to "Pay to keep up" will just be a money drain that won't benefit those new players. But you seem to actually enjoy/appreciate the "Real Time for skill training", despite that barrier being exactly why people would be so tempted to pay into this scheme.

Mr Epeen wrote:
While I don't really agree with much of what you said, I am going to +1 you for coming in here an sharing your thoughts in a concise and understandable way without resorting to outlandish rhetoric, fear mongering, and attacks on CCP.
#2853 - 2015-10-18 03:40:54 UTC  |  Edited by: a25639
Mike Azariah wrote:
There have been a few constants in Eve. Real-time for skill training and industry was one of them. Oh you can buy the item/ship and jump ahead but someone played that real time price. Same goes for the Character Bazaar. You may not have paid the time but someone did, with plex or cold hard cash.

The proposed changes are no difference. The sp packages are not created out of thin air. Someone else had to train the skills.

Mike Azariah wrote:
'Stripping the old' but do you honestly think most of the skill points will go to NEW players? That it will increase retention or just make more alts of the vets? Is an increase in subs really a good thing if a lot of them are brood mares existing only to have their brains harvested on a regular basis . . . full of +5's and never ever undocking into space? Will that give us more content? Or will it just be numbers on some ledger?

Will new players coming in look and see the rich instaboosting themselves into better ships and leaving the normal subscription player behind in the dust? Would you play a game like that where it was obviously a game of haves and have-nots and you were probably one of the have-nots? Or would you pour your own money in and hope it was enough to keep up?

I sit in Rookie Help Chat and listen to new players trying to figure out how to play for free. How to earn that 1.2 bill within 30 days. Those types, will they stay if I tell them that not only is it unlikely but that they will have to pay extra to be decent at the game. If they listen and do pay to be able to fly . . . say an incursion or a null rat ship . . . in the first week then they will be well on the road to playing for free, right? Since increased demand for those elusive PLEX will have no effect on the market.

When I started playing EVE 7 years ago I did nothing but train a character for half a year until I joined a player corporation eventually. Two months after joining the player corporation I bought a character because the lack of skills on my main was preventing me to get properly involved in the player corporation.

I still have my first character and it has 140m sp by now. However, the sad thing is I never really used it because it was always more reasonable to use one of my higher sp characters.

According to CCP there are many more players like me. What you are afraid of is already happening. The proposed changes would just make the whole process much smoother.

I personally wouldn't have continued playing the game for more than a few months if the possibility to buy characters wouldn't have existed.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2854 - 2015-10-18 03:44:49 UTC
Tristan Agion wrote:
A big problem is that the new content is not becoming available roughly linear with time.
Oddly enough, content is actually "back loaded" rather heavily.

Your first 20M SP will be a lot of broad support skills: gunnery, piloting, +5% to this, +2.5% to that, etc. Once those are done though all you have left is the 'unlock new hull/weapon' skills. Getting "Mastery IV" in one hull gives you that for almost every hull in that class, and gets you most of the way there for almost every ship for that faction.

So you get your Cruiser support skills all topped up. That takes the better part of a year to do. What's left to move up to Battleships?

Faction BS
Large Weapon
Large Drones?

Those skills take longer, to be sure. I think for most just getting ship & gun up to V is something like 60 days. But that's still nothing compared to the initial support skill investment. And you have those nearly perfectly skilled Cruisers to fly in the meantime.

I'll admit - I'm going to be very tempted to top off those support skills if/when this goes live. I've been waiting nearly a decade for decently skilled combat sub-caps. Maybe 2016 is the year. P

v0cal minority
#2855 - 2015-10-18 03:46:58 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
insightful post

Spot on.
Chrome Veinss
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2856 - 2015-10-18 03:50:13 UTC
Terraj Oknatis wrote:
Oovarvu wrote:
if there was ever a time to go to the character bazaar and buy the character you always wanted it's probably now. i reckon this will see a huge amount of sp removed from the game given the diminishing returns, and the subsequent character price inflation if it's introduced.

still, i could be wrong.

oh, and no i don't sell toons.

I think that is a super good point. If there is this efficiency loss on character skill points, then people who are serious about farming in this manner will continually distill extra characters for their sp pulling them down from the bizarre as said. This in turn will lessen the number of alts in the game. Less alts mean less accounts. Less accounts mean less subscriptions. Less subscriptions = less stable income in the end.

Is this even economically sound from a business perspective?

Less alt accounts would turn this into a much better game, hopefully increasing non alt account subscriptions. I cant think of anything else that can improve the game substantially than getting rid of alts. Id wager that the single worst thing you can tell a newbie is something along the lines of "you need an alt to do x" or "you're **** if you dont have an alt". Unfortunately they're told this pretty much every day in between getting ganked by a player and his falcon alt and mining next to a player's 10 hulks.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2857 - 2015-10-18 04:05:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Don ZOLA wrote:
a25639 wrote:
Don ZOLA wrote:
I have not played with the numbers, but if your estimation is correct then it is disaster. 6bil per 1mil sp is cheap. There are dozens of players with trillions of isk who will start the competition for top 1 total sp position. Ie as they already have quite developed characters, let`s say 200mil sp and current top 1 having 279mil sp, that means that such player for 480 bils will buy himself that spot. Since i expect more than 1 to actually go for it, we might have all current top 5 or even top 10 players kicked out of those positions. And that is complete disaster.

It will surely happen. However, players doing this won’t gain any reasonable advantages by doing it. After all there are only combat skills worth 290m sp available and that includes mostly useless level 5 skills.

They will not do it because of advantage but pure prestige.

Then who gives a ****.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2858 - 2015-10-18 04:12:03 UTC
Chrome Veinss wrote:

Less alt accounts would turn this into a much better game, hopefully increasing non alt account subscriptions. I cant think of anything else that can improve the game substantially than getting rid of alts. Id wager that the single worst thing you can tell a newbie is something along the lines of "you need an alt to do x" or "you're **** if you dont have an alt". Unfortunately they're told this pretty much every day in between getting ganked by a player and his falcon alt and mining next to a player's 10 hulks.

So reduce the number of existing paying accounts while hoping you'll get more than enough new accounts to cover the loss. Shocked

Remind to never invest in a business venture run by you.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Plus 10 NV
#2859 - 2015-10-18 04:19:06 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Chrome Veinss wrote:

Less alt accounts would turn this into a much better game, hopefully increasing non alt account subscriptions. I cant think of anything else that can improve the game substantially than getting rid of alts. Id wager that the single worst thing you can tell a newbie is something along the lines of "you need an alt to do x" or "you're **** if you dont have an alt". Unfortunately they're told this pretty much every day in between getting ganked by a player and his falcon alt and mining next to a player's 10 hulks.

So reduce the number of existing paying accounts while hoping you'll get more than enough new accounts to cover the loss. Shocked

Remind to never invest in a business venture run by you.

I think you are being a bit short sighted. A game that is not immersion breaking by requiring several alts will appeal to a much larger group than one that is alts-online.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Plus 10 NV
#2860 - 2015-10-18 04:22:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve