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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Jared Khanar
#2781 - 2015-10-17 22:36:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Jared Khanar
Terraj Oknatis wrote:

AFK farming of skill points will probably become a thing. I guarantee you it will be possible, and someone will figure out that you can have a bunch of alts training skill points, gut them, repackage their skill points into packs and sell those. And support all of this with plex bought with isk. I think this will actually add to the total skill points in the game. There is one exploit right there. CCP doesn't like bottling? Well you don't even need to be a bot you don't even need to play to win. Just sit on alts who are training skill points.

Just think of all these cyno alts and so on some alliances have. they are payed, not training anything ... last fanfest they have shown numbers on this (which group has most alts) if i remember correct. I wouldn´t wonder if some, supporting this feature, are connected to these.

Guess who´s going to profit?

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2782 - 2015-10-17 22:36:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Terraj Oknatis wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Jared Khanar wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

And it will cost money for a new player to get to the same level. In fact, depending on the amount of SP, quite a bit more RL money.

CCP shows a history of pushing more and more into cheap features that they want to get payed for. Ship skins made of simple textures a good artist does in minutes / maybe half an hour, multiple character training, many more things and now this...

Does this not concern you if you take a look into the future, following this path? If ccp gets away with this, what is going to happen next time? They tried this over and over in the past - sometimes they succeeded, sometimes the community won. But they try harder and harder.

I'm actually opposed to the idea, but many of these responses are largely based on ignorance.

Its going to get harder and harder to become blissfully ignorant.

I have tried really hard to ignore the bizzar. Since it is on the forums and out of the client I have been able to do this.

This is going to be hard to ignore.

This is not character trading this is adding skill points to your main.

Therefore now you will be looked down upon if you don't have X number of skill points when everyone else will have X number of skill points.

AFK farming of skill points will probably become a thing. I guarantee you it will be possible, and someone will figure out that you can have a bunch of alts training skill points, gut them, repackage their skill points into packs and sell those. And support all of this with plex bought with isk. I think this will actually add to the total skill points in the game. There is one exploit right there. CCP doesn't like bottling? Well you don't even need to be a bot you don't even need to play to win. Just sit on alts who are training skill points.

I doubt too many players older than say, 3 months will be using this extensively for their mains as the amount of SP added will be small.

For example, if I were to take a 500,000 SP packet and add it to my main, I'd only get 50,000 SP to allocate. To add 1,000,000 SP I'd have to buy 10,000,000 SP (i.e. 20 SP packets)!

What I would do is set up an alt perpetually training AWU V and draining those SP and using the resulting ISK to PLEX that account. I'd use all the alts on that account to do PI, and I'd buy enough SP to get a third AFKtar pilot in the anomalies.

Which is why I oppose this, it will be a substantial benefit to me, to new players I'm not so sure.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2783 - 2015-10-17 22:37:47 UTC
Jasmine Heap wrote:
I've always viewed the character bazaar as something that not many people were involved in. Perhaps I am wrong about that. I never used it myself. My fear with these changes is that it will mainstream and popularize the easy acquisition of SP. Look, perhaps my fears are unfounded, but I know how I *feel* about these changes. My gut says this is the wrong thing to do. I suppose there is a real structural problem with the "uncloseable gap" between players with hundreds of SP and new players, but simply allowing that gap to be closed on existing toons with isk/aurum/plex/money just feels wrong

According to the dev blog on average about 70 characters are traded each month.

Not sure if you consider that alot or not.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Dave stark
#2784 - 2015-10-17 22:39:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Teckos Pech wrote:
Jasmine Heap wrote:
I've always viewed the character bazaar as something that not many people were involved in. Perhaps I am wrong about that. I never used it myself. My fear with these changes is that it will mainstream and popularize the easy acquisition of SP. Look, perhaps my fears are unfounded, but I know how I *feel* about these changes. My gut says this is the wrong thing to do. I suppose there is a real structural problem with the "uncloseable gap" between players with hundreds of SP and new players, but simply allowing that gap to be closed on existing toons with isk/aurum/plex/money just feels wrong

According to the dev blog on average about 70 characters are traded each month.

Not sure if you consider that alot or not.

"as evidenced by the 70 or so character transfers that happen every day,"

70 per day, not month :)

~25550 per year.
Omniscient Order
#2785 - 2015-10-17 22:43:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Don ZOLA
Dave Stark wrote:
Don ZOLA wrote:
Until someone counters them with some reasonable explanation I will stand by the fact that this is easily the worst decision ever since it will change fundamentals of the game for unknown expectations without helping more than minor percent of the players.

this is one for when you get back then, Don.

let's start at the beginning.

What fundamentals are being changed?

buying/selling SP? no. we're already doing that with the character bazaar.
bypassing the skill training system? no. we're already doing that with the charcter bazaar.
"now we can get characters with 400m sp" - so what problem does that cause?

Buckle up Dorothy, WOTs incoming.

You can start of by reading (again or for the first time) my first two posts which mention a lot of issues:

That SP on a character is obtained only through training. You do not buy SP, you buy characters developed by someone else with all the benefits/flaws that might come with them. They can indeed be with higher sp but still they are not being added to your original char.

Simple funny simulation of what you are trying to justify: I fly Apoc and I have purchased Avatar, so I can buy more dmg/tank. I want an option to stack up avatar on apoc. And than two avatars on each other. Etc etc. I have the money and it will make things happen faster for me, I will accomplish my aims (killing my enemies) faster. And it can be done for any ship class/role. So in that way, people who are willing to spend more money should get more dmg.

Training system has not been bypassed by the character bazaar as someone HAD to train those chars. Does he sell it or not is not related to that, those characters did not bypass training system. And you are buying them, not their SP. So you are not bypassing it either, since your original character will remain where it is.

400mil sp creates a problem on customer-service relation. As people invested years of time, effort and money to be top1 in total skills, by allowing someone to buy that "title" for himself voids those efforts. Since efforts and time are quite important for anyone who wants to make some impact on the game, you are basically sending them message that their efforts are worth sh*t to you, only those who give more money are valuable customers. I can understand that you do not care about it, but not everyone in the eve has same goals, so you cannot just look through your own POV but get a wider picture.

Another thing related to that issue is consistency. As EVE is a game which takes player to commit with efforts and time to get somewhere in the long run, by being inconsistent you are sending him a message that he cannot be certain that the path he is taking or any other path is correct one as anything can be altered. That means people will not be willing to commit fully to the game as they cannot be sure what next thing is going to be changed, in what direction and how will it affect them. People with long terms goals need to feel secure to go ahead with them so they need to lean on the service provider. If service provides can change any of the game fundamentals which are consider "sacred" that means there is no warranty that other fundamental things which are important for some player will not be changed.

Additional thing to take in consideration is the number of ship spinners. There are people who are subscribed and are logging in just because of the habit. They do not play much, mostly just chat and idle and even themselves cannot answer why they do not quit the game. Either because they are just bored with the game or not liking where the game is now or where it is heading/ With changing something important like this you can touch the nerve and get them to say "that`s it, screw you guys im out for real now".

Once again I will mention that something like this will not benefit many. ~1% of total players maybe. Let`s say that it is even 5% which would be highly exaggerated. You are changing fundamentals of your multi million dollars business, which will surely have impact on player base and without even being sure of the gain. Ie you know that you will have short term boom when it is implemented and older players fix their mistakes and after that the run rate will drop quite a lot. And potentially lost players could be much more than that. Not to mention that they will not just quit, hey will be unhappy customers who can spread the -buzz and stop some of potentially new players. And we can see by the shrinking player base that all those people who writes "i will quit because of this" obviously does it. So those are not empty threats.

In the end, one of the key mistakes being done here is not having "behavioralistic" understanding of their own players and their own game. Since I am limited with the number of the characters here I will make another post.

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Omniscient Order
#2786 - 2015-10-17 22:43:57 UTC
To be able to understand where we are going to, we firstly need to be aware where we are coming from. This is crucial for CCP as well :)

Eve did not become what it is by being easy, simple to understand game for everyone. Being niche game since the start, with a lot of unique features it also differentiated from the other MMORPGs by being very harsh. Only game for a long time where you can actually lose everything you worked on for months. The mistakes were expensive. Be it loss of isk, sp, trust etc.

There were always a lot of new players coming to it, but majority did not stick. They were not "strong" enough. Eve was elitist game, challenge which most of casual, average players could not accept. By not being simple to understand it also demanded players who could actually think and understand, making it mostly kids free, the community was way better than other MMORPGs. So only those who felt they are ready for that challenge would actually stay and fight. In space no one can hear you scream...

As such game, it developed itself and grew on marketing which pointed that out. People were not coming after reading that someone mined yearly record of arkanor (okay maybe some did even for that :D) but majority came when they read that Istvaan Shogaatsu and GHSC made impressive scam, that some corp name m0o killed unique ship, that pirates are terrorizing players, there is that guy Tank CEO that no one can kill, alliance and corporations waging wars and inflicting heavy loses to others, market wars causing people become rich or lose everything, tycoons paying for wars, yulai incident where players had to be "taken out" by GMs etc. People came because there was a lot of adrenaline connected to the game, they wanted to experience it, they wanted to see if they are up to the challenge. Some were and they stayed, some were not and they left.

For all those years, majority did not complain about having to spend time to get sp, isk etc, and to remind you it was much harded than nowadays. Everyone was fighting for its own place in the universe. Kind of like RL, for most of the people it is hard, majority just whines but there are people who take control of their lives and fight to make it the best possible. Such were the players in the EVE compared to other MMORPGs.

And the game was growing and there was pain everywhere. Be it pain of hard work, waiting to finish something or pain being inflicted by others :D People were creating interesting content for buzz and the stories about that content attracted more players who did not want just instant action, they wanted to become part of the stories or to even create them, lead them. CCP from their side added more content in terms of items, ships etc. I would dare to say even faster than needed, but that is something which is hard to measure. Though it did create side effect of players always pushing for more of items and pushing to have them faster.

Meanwhile CCP started making mistakes. Listening to wrong suggestions. Making the game easier.

First important mistake was API, enabling killboards. Killboards have pushed a lot of people from having fun to "caring about stats" mode. Before the killboards people were ready to fight for fun, after them lots of people started fighting only if they think they can win or if they have no option to avoid it. You can negate this as much as you want but as someone living in PF-346 for years (stationed in FD-MLJ), system where people always headed to in order to have fights as there was always someone ready for it in there, we have witnessed a serious drop of regular activity and big increase in blobs. And I am quite sure that happened across the whole universe. That is something which has stopped never since. People playing for stats, boosting their ego with them, regardless if they had real skills or not.

CCP wanted more and more players, which is of course understandable. But they have taken the wrong direction. They have started to make game easier thinking that will keep existing and attract new players. And it surely worked on some. But they did not stay for long. Why? Because by making it easier, mainly by making easier to earn isk, they have enabled players to get bored faster. Players easily earn tons of isk, buy better chars in order to fasten up accomplishing their aims and having isk to buy any ships they have desired. When you earn something easily, you are prone to spend it easily as well. That way they did not really "bond" with their chars and their own accomplishments, but they simply jumped from one to another with higher sp just to speed up the game and achieve what they want. And what after that? Boredom and quitting obviously, some due to reaching their "targets", some because they were burned out in "must make tons of isk" process.

This is something that has been brought up by vets numerous times. They saw where it is heading to. Still, most called it "jealousy" without realizing that anything you enable for new players works for old ones as well. Maybe even better since they have more experience and knowledge to utilize it.

Over the time CCP has made it easier and easier for new players. Yet they have failed to keep the numbers of all newcomers. Beside those who have quit due to fast reaching of "endgame" by having xyz mil sp or having trillions of isk, titans, faction fitted ships I am sure a lot has quite due to "hard game with no content for new players" reason. Which is utter bullsh*t and let me explain you why in the next post.

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Terraj Oknatis
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2787 - 2015-10-17 22:44:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Terraj Oknatis
Omniscient Order
#2788 - 2015-10-17 22:44:45 UTC
No matter do we talk about "good old times" for new players it has been quite similar. Start with a small frig. Develop char, earn isk, move in the direction you want to. It worked fine for plenty. It could not work for all as EVE is quite niche game, not something majority of gamers are used to.

They want content and ask for it. Well guess what, EVE is full of content, you just need to go for it. But they are lazy, they want it on the plate. They think content is only in the video clips they saw where capital fleets are fighting, or in trillions of isk. One of the simplest examples are goons. Not just a one player but a whole corp/alliance, so it is not a single exception for example.

They have started as everyone else. But they were pro active, they have organized themselves and they have started flying around the universe in the "noob" ships challenging even the strongest powerhouses. Some, shallow people considered them a joke as they did not have millions of sp or trillions of isk. But they had the most important thing needed to succeed in eve - dedication. Willingness to put effort and time and make their dreams come true. From being a joke they became "annoyance" and after that they became a problem. Then they became a serious problem. And you see where they are now.

Did they had fun on the way to their current position. I am sure they have had sh*tloads. Did they have hard times? Of course, EVE is full of that. But they have committed to their aims and lived up to their expectations. They have created not just their own fun but content for whole universe. They were not lazy and did not have to wait up for anything. They acted.

While personally I never liked them too much as they had too much smacktalk and spam following them and that is something I really dislike, one cannot negate their success. Nowadays I guess they are bored, but that is part of every powerhouse lifespan. At that point their either disband or the new challenger appears.

They have created their empire from a scratch, long after thousands of vets were already in the game. So their enemies had more sp, more isk, more knowledge. Did it stop them? No.

Who is stopped by that? Whiners, losers, lazy asses. People who want everything on the plate. EVE is simply not a game for them.

They are just one of the examples of players/corps who did it that way. And there are plenty more. Majority of the people actually enjoyed the game sine the start.

At every single point since the game went live there were players who had advantage compared to others. Even on day 1. Since there were thousands of players from beta, who already knew how to play eve. Did it stop others from doing it and having fun? Nope. If you want it, you can easily have it in any stage of the game.

Everything else are excuses. So man the f*ck up or quit. This is game for people who are ready for challenges.

The part of guilt is on CCP as well. Beside the mentioned isk earning they have made mistakes in their presentations. I am sure that plenty of people would sign up when they see clips or read stories about epic supercap battles and such. But majority of them comes with false impression that they just need to sign up and be able to take part in such. After first disappointment, when they find that they actually need some time and efforts to get to there, some quit and a lot of them continues to play until they realize how much exactly they need to commit. It does take them some time as the society keeps spreading "only the start is slow and hard" mantra. Which is not correct and I am sure you all are aware of it. Then they whine that the game is too hard and quit. And CCP mistakenly takes that in consideration without identifying the key problem being the wrong perspective those players had when joining.

The same will be with this new suggested system. First I really doubt many new players will do since not much people is ready to spend 50-100$ in addition to subscription to have turbo start. Even those who do it in order to "jump over the starting, boring period" will soon realize the slow ways of eve development. Some of them will quit, some will go earn isk and head to character bazaar, trying to get something out of the game. In previous post I have already mentioned the process which happens after that and leads to their quitting. Not for everyone of course but for majority.

None of them "cheats" eve. They cheat themselves thinking that that way they will find fun. Majority wont as they still wont have it on the plate. Some people who know what they are doing will actually make it to get over some obstacles, but they are in smaller numbers and they are all aware how much more effort they have to push in to get involved in everything that waits for them somewhere.

What CCP should do is to send much clearer message in their marketing activities. They have to realize what a niche we have here and that it cannot attract everyone. They have to call out for the target group. Ship explosions, market wars, huge fleets, roleplaying etc, all that can look impressive, but the message has to state clear challenge in order to be sure that those who are up for it come. Daring ones. As they will stay, they will have impact on politics, wars etc. They will be ready to put needed efforts as they will want to succeed and live up to the challenge. Everyone is welcome to come and try of course, but hardcore gamers are what is needed to continue with EVE as it is.

Other option is to keep making it easier, until you get on CS gungame level. You already have singularity. As if the new players were so interested in having everything "unlocked" it would be full all the time, they would not need to login to tranquility :) But in the most cases actual people there are vets, testing stuff and as usual, going extra mile to be able to do their best on tranquility. Though on this one I have to say that I don`t know if sisi is alive.

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Omniscient Order
#2789 - 2015-10-17 22:45:35 UTC
And as CCP obviously does not understand what is wrong with the direction they are heading to by making the game easier (CS gungame), what they are doing wrong and which side effects create, all our WOTs and arguments do not matter. Maybe if there is some serious "riots" and quitting after this change they get a message, maybe they wont. As it seems now, only common thing for "old" EVE and EVE they have vision of is the same name and ingame items. Maybe over the time and all of CCP employees changes they forgot what kind of game it is and that strategies used in other games cannot work the same in this one.

This whole issue saddens me a lot, but after thinking about it for some time I have quite mixed feelings. Maybe it is time for us vets (me at least) to move on, to realize that either CCP is wrong or we do not fit in among younger generations and their impatience to get everything and CCP providing them with that. Maybe this is just a sign then I should "let it go"?

I am sure plenty of vets share my perspective on that, majority of people (not posts) has already stated the same only to be challenged by couple of people whose arguments we do not consider real. Since vets are the one who are hardly going to be overtaken in any sense with this change (except in rare, crazy cases where some individuals will spend tons of cash for this) but we are fighting against this as we are fighting for EVEs essence, for the game we love as we are worried that this direction is going to kill EVE.

Sorry for WOTs, I have really tried to make it as short and concise as possible as every part I mentioned I can write much more in details. I am aware that the most of the new players will actually not even read it (as they have no patience) and the most of older ones share the same opinion but I had to let it out of myself, so when I look myself in the mirror I can say that I did not surrender. Maybe there will be a loss, but I fought for EVE in the best way I could.

I apologize in advance for typos or if I did not finish some though till the end, had very busy day and I am tired as hell, there can be some omissions.

Fly safe capsuleers o/

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know

Dave stark
#2790 - 2015-10-17 22:46:24 UTC
holy batman...

yeah, i'll read that later. it's midnight local time and i'm heading off now... but i will read it, just not right now.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#2791 - 2015-10-17 22:49:09 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Jasmine Heap wrote:
I've always viewed the character bazaar as something that not many people were involved in. Perhaps I am wrong about that. I never used it myself. My fear with these changes is that it will mainstream and popularize the easy acquisition of SP. Look, perhaps my fears are unfounded, but I know how I *feel* about these changes. My gut says this is the wrong thing to do. I suppose there is a real structural problem with the "uncloseable gap" between players with hundreds of SP and new players, but simply allowing that gap to be closed on existing toons with isk/aurum/plex/money just feels wrong

According to the dev blog on average about 70 characters are traded each month.

Not sure if you consider that alot or not.

"as evidenced by the 70 or so character transfers that happen every day,"

70 per day, not month :)

~25550 per year.
$511,000.00 per year minimum in transfer costs. That's if everyone paid cash. But they don't. They use PLEX so add maybe another hundred thousand dollars to that.

No wonder CCP never considered simply removing character sales as I've often suggested.

Mr Epeen Cool
Interfly Ghormenheist
The Caravan Track
#2792 - 2015-10-17 22:55:58 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Interfly Ghormenheist wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

the bold bit.

The only bold thing would be rhetoric instead of dialectic. I would like to read your argument.

then do so, it's clearly stated here.

I do not see how this affects my argument. If there is any limit, it more likely would be the skill point cap per character. This will increase over time tough.

AFK money could potentially buy up any amount of SP that a single character can hold. So this time it would not be like taking away learning skills. Now any moneysack can join EVE. Join an alliance and profit from their soft skills instantly. Buy up SP and ISK to the maximum and profit instantly. Monetary and Social skills win. AKA pay to win. Just the possibility that one character is getting maxed out this way, degrades the very idea of accumulating SP over time. So I am asking again. What is left?

Interfly Ghormenheist wrote:
This is not about any data. It is about the very soul of EVE Online.

Last time that “greed was good”, the information was leaked. In 2015 it was posted.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2793 - 2015-10-17 22:56:32 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Dror wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Chrome Veinss wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
One of the reasons I oppose this is that IMO, it will be something in favor of older players. Older players do not need a new advantage.

I'll use myself as an example:

1. I have 123 million SP on this character alone. All totaled across my alts probably more than 300 million SP.
2. I belong to a NS corp with lots of other older players who can help me directly and/or indirectly in game.
3. I belong to a NS alliance with lots of older and some newer players who can help me directly and/or indirectly.
4. We belong to one of the biggest coalitions in the game which can help me directly and/or indirectly.
5. I have been in game 8 years, I have done lots of things and know quite a bit about the mechanics of the game.
6. I have billions of ISK in my wallets and even more billions in assets.

Now on top of this you'll give me the ability to almost surely PLEX one account while still being able to use that account to earn even more ISK?

Compared to a new player what do they have?

1, 5, and 6 are flat out No for all three. 2,3 and 4 are maybes, but probably not at least for awhile.

This proposal will at best let a new player close the gap on 1 a bit. For a few select new players they might close the gap quite a bit, but most will close it by nearly trivial amounts.

I can use this new mechanic much more effectively than a new player, IMO. In fact, right now I plan on it. If it goes into effect soon enough, I'll get a third AFKtar out in the anomalies, I'll keep my PI empire and have one of my alts train AWU V in perpetuity and drain of the SP to PLEX that account.

Will that help new players? Maybe, but just not seeing it.

Its not about "closing the gap". In fact you seem to have a very good idea of what this is actually about: Its about letting people skip a week of skill training for some isk and letting people get rid of sp they dont want or need to get some isk. That's all it is. Its effects are having a sp boosted newbie skip the terrible first month flying tackle frigates and dying 5 minutes into ops and having 3 year old 50 mill sp players like me get slightly closer to flying another of the many many ships we still cant fly.

If the newbie uses this market.

Recall, the newbie has to go spend an additional $20-40 to do this.

Will the average newbie do this? Maybe. But as I noted, the average newbie doing this means that half will not do it all or on an even more limited basis. That is how averages work...half the distribution is the right of the average, half to the left.

In fact, the average newbie might even buy something like 0.5 SP packets.

Why imply that PLEX is the only method of purchase? Probably the most-mentioned method of making ISK for newbies is sitting in a FW site, which is plenty.

Show me a newbie who has billions of ISK who did not do it via PLEX? And newbie I mean a new player, not a new character who is the alt of a long time player.

That's obviously irrelevant. It would require much less than billions to get an injector.

What probably happens is that fresh characters get hundreds of millions from the most lucrative (and thus repetitive) method of making ISK, and they realize there's nothing to spend it on and unsub.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Interfly Ghormenheist
The Caravan Track
#2794 - 2015-10-17 23:01:14 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Interfly Ghormenheist wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

the bold bit.

The only bold thing would be rhetoric instead of dialectic. I would like to read your argument.

He was referring the claim about infinite amounts of SP? That part is not going to happen. Not with this proposal.

Again, if you oppose this idea, like I do, make a sensible argument, not just a rage post.

I was merely pointing out, that I would like to read something more concrete.

I hope this is to your liking.

Last time that “greed was good”, the information was leaked. In 2015 it was posted.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2795 - 2015-10-17 23:01:53 UTC
Moac Tor wrote:
Dror wrote:
Moac Tor wrote:
The truth is Rise doesn't really know what he is doing when it comes to new player retention and is flailing about now with this idea in an attempt to salvage his failed opportunities idea.

I could have told him the opportunity system wouldn't work, but for some reason he has taken that failure as a green light to put in this poor system. There were a lot of good suggestions in the new player retention thread, I'd suggest going back there and getting ideas from that. There was nothing like this idea that was suggested.

This idea will not make any difference to new player retention, in fact it will most likely have a negative effect.

I do think Rise is doing this with good intention for new player retention, but the marketing guys are pushing him on with $ in their eyes.

There's no reason to pretend that you have the metrics of what effects fresh subs. They have every reason to believe, through scientific research and the game's data, that the motivation to experience the game is much more powerful than anything that can come from limited SP.

Feel free to read up on intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation. These have objective commonalities that benefit game design, work ethic, and everything else that comes.

Their scientific research and game data hasn't helped them so far. Have you followed the failure which is the opportunities system at all? I wouldn't be so dismissive of common sense opinions from eve players, graphs and statistics can only ever be of limited use.

If SP is any tell, they have yet to implemented the scientific research. Honestly, is it so odd understanding that options and diversity and their strategy is fun? .. That a sandbox with industry and marketing and depth allowing its gameplay is the best option? That's why those subs are there -- for making relevance.

"SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

Interfly Ghormenheist
The Caravan Track
#2796 - 2015-10-17 23:09:08 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

There will be limited amount on the market. This is about as close to a fact as we can get in this thread.

Last time that “greed was good”, the information was leaked. In 2015 it was posted.

Interfly Ghormenheist
The Caravan Track
#2797 - 2015-10-17 23:14:56 UTC
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Levi Belvar wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Interfly Ghormenheist wrote:
it seems to me that EVE is loosing its core when SP can be bought without limits.

good job that's not the case, then.

CCP Stark you have info you'd like to share with us ??

yeah - it's all in the devblog so i'm not breaking the NDA i'm under by being a ccp employee (disclaimer before i get banned for impersonating people at ccp: i don't actually work there.)

the super secret info is that SP must be extracted from a character to be sold. that means there's a finite number of SP which means we have limit on how much SP can be bought.

you know, if you'd have read the devblog maybe i wouldn't have to explain these things to you people and i wouldn't have more posts in this thread than anyone else.

it helps to read a devblog BEFORE you come to the thread to discuss it.

Oh, and one last note on the Bazaar, it won't go anywhere for now, just in case your a TL;DR

See here.

Last time that “greed was good”, the information was leaked. In 2015 it was posted.

Jasmine Heap
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2798 - 2015-10-17 23:21:41 UTC
Even though SP must be extracted to be packaged and sold, it will always be readily available to anyone who wants it.
Jared Khanar
#2799 - 2015-10-17 23:29:00 UTC
Jasmine Heap wrote:
Even though SP must be extracted to be packaged and sold, it will always be readily available to anyone who wants it.

yes, the devblog mentioned the exact way this is going to work.
But this is nothing to talk about. It´s absolutly the same if you drive with a car to new york or by train or if you dance the whole way with both hands in the air. The moment you arrive theres this big bad guy waiting to beat the **** out of you, no matter how you got there :)

Economic Services

trading spacepixels

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2800 - 2015-10-18 00:08:22 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Jasmine Heap wrote:
I've always viewed the character bazaar as something that not many people were involved in. Perhaps I am wrong about that. I never used it myself. My fear with these changes is that it will mainstream and popularize the easy acquisition of SP. Look, perhaps my fears are unfounded, but I know how I *feel* about these changes. My gut says this is the wrong thing to do. I suppose there is a real structural problem with the "uncloseable gap" between players with hundreds of SP and new players, but simply allowing that gap to be closed on existing toons with isk/aurum/plex/money just feels wrong

According to the dev blog on average about 70 characters are traded each month.

Not sure if you consider that alot or not.

"as evidenced by the 70 or so character transfers that happen every day,"

70 per day, not month :)

~25550 per year.

Whoops thanks, thought it was a monthly number.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online