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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#2081 - 2015-10-16 19:05:01 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Jill Xelitras wrote:

SP Booster Packs have diminishing returns for seasoned pilots. I'm not sure what hoarding SP accomplishes.

  • Immediate SP reallocation each time there's a new flavour of the month (again might push SP farming alts)

  • SP allocation isn't free. A lot of the arguments in thread (like this one) seem to think there's no cost or penalty to it.


    My responses in bold-italics.

    I'm trying to get the arguments to be easier to read then having to deal with individual people replying to each other with posts inbetween that argue something which has been discarded earlier on.

    As to, why you would want to hoard unallocated SP: imagine a new set of skills coming with an expansion. If you have or can buy unallocated SP, you can start right away doing something which others can't. That's usually profitable when I look at past expansions.

    I know that SP allocation as proposed isn't free and I see the advantage of diminishing returns. Personally I tend to like the idea proposed by some players to llimit reallocation of SP to the same character while maintaining the character bazaar. At the same time I think that you should not be able to respec completely within minutes -> see my specialisation argument I made a few posts above. The one where I talk about me being valuable as a logistic pilot because not everyone can just jump into logistic cruiser just like that.

    The question is what is the cost of SP reallocation going to be ?
    - if it's going to be a pure financial cost aka my wallet, EvE's going to become P2W
    - if it's going to have a time component aswell (as the current skill system does), that could be a balancing factor.

    Currently there are few balancing factors specified in the original blog. One of them is that you have to take the SP from an existing trained character, keeping in check overabundance (but also possibly leading to scarcity and exploding costs).

    Another balancing factor is deminishing returns for higher SP characters. That's good, but the cited danger of the rich sucking up SP and leaving newbros with an even steeper cliff to compete with their peers seems real enough to me.

    What I'm saying is: Let's keep discussing this and finding a viable solution. I'm not dismissing the proposal outright as some do. But a system implemented 1:1 as proposed by Team Size Matters ... nah.

    Don't anger the forum gods.

    ISD Buldath:

    > I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

    Jenn aSide
    Soul Machines
    The Initiative.
    #2082 - 2015-10-16 19:06:24 UTC
    beakerax wrote:

    I can only view this devblog as an exercise in shifting the Overton window.

    Dude, I said earlier that I'm not one of those suspicious types. I don't consciously think that someone at CCP would lead with an outrageous idea to get people riled up so then when they propose the much less radical changes to the Character Bazaar it will be much more palatable.

    Oh wait, I do kind of think that. Damn. Someone go find Dinsdale Piranha's hanger and see if any tinfoil hats are left, i think I need one now......
    Jeremiah Saken
    The Fall of Leviathan
    #2083 - 2015-10-16 19:06:56 UTC
    Sibyyl wrote:

    Yes "wait to pvp" is how things have always been.

    What "wait to pvp"? It's pilot skills, remember?

    "I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

    Jenn aSide
    Soul Machines
    The Initiative.
    #2084 - 2015-10-16 19:07:46 UTC
    Dave Stark wrote:
    Jenn aSide wrote:
    Dave Stark wrote:

    if your only negative about this system is "it makes things easier" then clearly it's not that bad.

    Get it right. It makes "something that under ideal conditions would not exist in the 1st place even easier". That is the point, it's stupid to expand something that should exist in the 1st place. Even CCP has said that the Character Bazaar exists to prevent a bad activity.

    so because it shouldn't exist it has to be as ****** as possible? ... which just encourages that it exists to prevent.


    Nope, they can reform the Character bazaar. The thing you are supporting is not reform of the character bazaar.
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #2085 - 2015-10-16 19:08:10 UTC
    Just needed to point out a small correction to the discussion here.

    SP sales and Character trading are not identical.
    When you sell a character you are buying time. This time might be fully utilized the way you want it to be or it might not.. The fact remains that to get a 200m SP char from the bazzar you have to have a char which was painstakingly trained to 200m.

    With SP sales you have direct injection of something now rather than later.. In essence a removal of time.

    TLDR: Bazzar = Buying someone elses time. SP Trading = Autisticly removing the need for time.

    Regardless of your position on this subject the above is immutable. Removing training time will have a profound effect on eve online as it has never been done before. History will tell if its the right one. I personally only dislike the system because it will be abused for RMT but beyond that I see Rises point and I can see the clear desire for CCP to moniterize the game more.

    Cloaked Goof
    Goonswarm Federation
    #2086 - 2015-10-16 19:09:19 UTC
    Maekchu wrote:
    BlackWilk wrote:
    Maekchu wrote:
    BlackWilk wrote:

    - I have always loved eve over other MMO's because of the lack of pay2win aspect


    PLEX is literally a P2W mechanic. It is just one of the more tolerable ones, like XP boosting, which the proposed mechanic would be.

    EvE has always been P2W, when you can PLEX and legitimately buy characters. And honestly, it is really not that bad, when EvE has a mechanic that forces you to wait several months in order to get into something specific. I don't mind other people getting boosted, since it does not really affect my gameplay.

    The P2W, that I hope CCP will never get into. Is selling OP modules and ships for real cash. That is true P2W and that is something that would break the game.

    Paying real cash for OP ships and modules is already what exists. Pay real cash for plex. Sell plex for isk. Use isk to pay for what you want.

    The reason I feel this is tolerable is just because you have the money to buy a Barghest doesnt mean you have the skills to effectively fly it.

    Also paying for SP is not the same as paying for an xp boost. In those games you have to grind for xp. So you pay for an xp boost to get a little extra and take less time. Paying for SP would be the equivalent of paying to instantly be a certain level. (yes i know blizzard does this with WoW. there are many reasons i dont play wow and that is one of them.)

    Yyyyy... you are only agreeing with my post.

    I only wrote the reply, since you stated that you have always loved EvE cause of its lack of P2W elements. I respond with arguing that PLEX is a P2W element. You agree with my statement...

    So what is it then? Do you love EvE cause of its lack of P2W elements, that somehow are there anyway? So do you in reality, not really love EvE?

    I apologize if you are misunderstanding me. I will try to be more clear.

    Paying for a ship does not guarantee you a win. Ill try the Barghest again. If you buy the ship but your missile skills only allow you a range of 30km, youre gonna lose. Paying for a ship and paying for the skills to fly that ship at maximum efficiency is greatly increasing the chance of success making it pay2win. Buy all the ships you want with your dollars. If you dont have the skills to fly them correctly ill destroy them all.
    Gully Alex Foyle
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #2087 - 2015-10-16 19:09:55 UTC
    Sibyyl wrote:
    Yes "wait to pvp" is how things have always been. But you didn't answer the question. Why do you think waiting is interesting gameplay? I think all of the waiting mechanisms in the game.. GCC.. Jump Fatigue.. are the opposite of interesting gameplay. In fact, these are reasons why people choose to log off (for the duration of the wait) and go do other things.

    Having to wait to PVP in a ship is not equivalent to getting free ships after you get destroyed. Skill allocation choices are not the same as choices you make in space. This is a game about choices in space. Why do you think skill allocation choices are a meaningful part of the game, apart from 'this is how it's always been'.
    Hey Sibs!

    In a nutshell, I'd say the skill system is about releasing content to the individual player over time, giving a reason to remain subscribed, including a sense of progression and character development.

    The usual stuff.

    I'm not against changes in the skill system, but I'm strongly against this change because it involves Aurum. It's not a new feature available to all (already paying) players, it's exclusive to those who dish out the cash to CCP. Don't like that at all.

    Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

    Jill Xelitras
    Xeltec services
    #2088 - 2015-10-16 19:10:27 UTC
    Dave Stark wrote:
    then again people on reddit aren't as dense and they don't have to be told something more than once to understand it.

    I'm on reddit too ... am I "less dense" when I post on reddit ? I think you're biased ...

    Don't anger the forum gods.

    ISD Buldath:

    > I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

    #2089 - 2015-10-16 19:12:04 UTC
    Nafensoriel wrote:
    Just needed to point out a small correction to the discussion here.

    SP sales and Character trading are not identical.
    When you sell a character you are buying time. This time might be fully utilized the way you want it to be or it might not.. The fact remains that to get a 200m SP char from the bazzar you have to have a char which was painstakingly trained to 200m.

    With SP sales you have direct injection of something now rather than later.. In essence a removal of time.

    TLDR: Bazzar = Buying someone elses time. SP Trading = Autisticly removing the need for time.

    Regardless of your position on this subject the above is immutable. Removing training time will have a profound effect on eve online as it has never been done before. History will tell if its the right one. I personally only dislike the system because it will be abused for RMT but beyond that I see Rises point and I can see the clear desire for CCP to moniterize the game more.

    But the 500k SP points are still trained normally on the character that wants to sell them. The SP does not magically appear out of nowhere. They have already been trained, just like on the characters sold on the bazzar.
    Maximus Aerelius
    #2090 - 2015-10-16 19:13:47 UTC
    Borg Stoneson wrote:
    I actualy have no problem with the idea of SP being sold on the market. What I don't like is the link to PLEX/AUR and the diminishing returns.

    Everything that costs AUR is overpriced and just goes to pushing up the price of ingame PLEX even more.

    Reducing the effectiveness for older toons is ridiculous as well, when you're having problems growing and retaining the playerbase adding penalties to the people that are actually sticking around is generaly a bad idea.

    This guy gets where I was coming from on Page 39 I think it was.
    Mr Epeen
    It's All About Me
    #2091 - 2015-10-16 19:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Epeen
    Some stray observations.

    CCP said: We're getting rid of learning skills.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We're going to add a skill queue
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We're going to add a stat respec once a year.
    The rabble said: You just killed the game. We're all quitting.

    The game didn't die. The rabble are still here.

    CCP said: We are going to add multiple character training.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We're going to make it a little easier on newbs by giving them a few SP to play with at start-up.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    EVE is still here and so is the rabble.

    CCP said: Were going to make SP trading a little less convoluted.
    The rabble are saying: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    I predict that the game won't die and the rabble is going nowhere. And thank God for that. I do so look forward to threads like this.

    Carry on, rabble. Carry on.

    ~ed~ Adding more as I think of them.

    Mr Epeen Cool
    Dave Stark
    #2092 - 2015-10-16 19:15:46 UTC
    Jenn aSide wrote:
    Dave Stark wrote:
    Jenn aSide wrote:
    Dave Stark wrote:

    if your only negative about this system is "it makes things easier" then clearly it's not that bad.

    Get it right. It makes "something that under ideal conditions would not exist in the 1st place even easier". That is the point, it's stupid to expand something that should exist in the 1st place. Even CCP has said that the Character Bazaar exists to prevent a bad activity.

    so because it shouldn't exist it has to be as ****** as possible? ... which just encourages that it exists to prevent.


    Nope, they can reform the Character bazaar. The thing you are supporting is not reform of the character bazaar.

    i start with a character with one set of skills.
    i finish with a character with a different set of skills.

    it does exactly what the character bazzar does.
    Big Lynx
    #2093 - 2015-10-16 19:15:59 UTC
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    Some stray observations.

    CCP said: We're going to add a skill queue
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We are going to add multiple character training.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We're going to make it a little easier on newbs by giving them a few SP to play with at start-up.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    EVE is still here and so is the rabble.

    CCP said: Were going to make SP trading a little less convoluted.
    The rabble are saying: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    I predict that the game won't die and the rabble is going nowhere. And thank God for that. I do so look forward to threads like this.

    Carry on, rabble. Carry on.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    The first time in my entire eve career I feel "eve is dying" is not a joke anymore.
    Garoun Investment Bank
    Gallente Federation
    #2094 - 2015-10-16 19:16:11 UTC
    Jenn aSide wrote:
    Because it gives value to the gameplay when the wait is over. It makes the game play MEAN something.

    Having to wait to do stuff is not under attack by this change. That wait was already circumvented by Character Bazaar (the baggage of character name and reputation is minor to the issue). What I don't think adds any value is having to wait because you made a sub-optimal choice in skill selection earlier in your career. It doesn't mean anything at all that you get punished for a choice like that.

    Maybe we can agree to disagree on that.

    And that's fine, EVE isn't for everyone. If one is too un-creative to figure out what to do in game while they wait for something, that means they should learn patience, it doesn't mean "CCP, change the game now".

    Here we go. What is your 'creative' way of working around GCC, now that Hyperdunking is gone? Browsing the internet while you wait? Jumping on an alt? I'm confused why you're even arguing for GCC as a waiting concept anyway.

    This is incorrect. It's not just about choices made in space. In the same way EVERY fight in EVE is decided while a player is docked, career progression ( a core part of the game) is decided at the skill que (again, with the one exception CCP has made, the Character Bazaar, which is in and of itself a kind of game.

    I don't think Skill Queue is a game at all. At least, there's about as much of a mystery to it as any mission in EVE. The ways to maximize a queue are documented everywhere. There is really nothing left to discover about it, and all it confers on EVE is a heavy penalty for past choices through an insufferable waiting period that the simple ability to respec would circumvent.

    Would you be against respeccing without SP transfer?

    I don't think you appreciate what this idea represents, or why many of us are against it. Do you think all of us are stupid? Do you think we don't want this game to be fun, or succeed?

    'Represents'.. please elaborate without degenerating into buzzwords without explanations. No, I don't think you're stupid. You really should know that by now and I'm a bit miffed that you would think that.

    Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #2095 - 2015-10-16 19:16:42 UTC
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    Gregor Parud wrote:
    100 pages in one day.

    I would hope that the devs in question now realise their mistake, although them not doing so before hand is already bad enough.

    The majority of posts are by around ten people having the typical forum meltdown you'd expect when CCP attempts to stray from the status quo.

    It's not the size that matters, it's the content. And there's not a lot of content in this thread. Just froth and tears.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    Yes, the knee-jerk reactions are rendering the signal-to-noise ratio to almost zero.

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Dave Stark
    #2096 - 2015-10-16 19:16:53 UTC
    Jill Xelitras wrote:
    Dave Stark wrote:
    then again people on reddit aren't as dense and they don't have to be told something more than once to understand it.

    I'm on reddit too ... am I "less dense" when I post on reddit ? I think you're biased ...

    maybe i am, but that's because reddit's just a better place to discuss eve. which is quite sad in it's own right.
    Moac Tor
    Cyber Core
    Immediate Destruction
    #2097 - 2015-10-16 19:17:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
    Sibyyl wrote:

    Moac Tor wrote:
    To someone who doesn't understand the concept it would take a long time to explain and you probably would still fail to understand and so it would be a waste of my time. If you really want to know though then have a look at a game like Dark Souls and see why that has been so successful and gathered a huge following.

    So instead of posting an argument, you're flashing your EVE subscription credentials?

    That's a wonderful response.

    You prove my point; this is exactly why I didn't bother to waste my time writing out a comprehensive reply to you. If you read the entire reply then perhaps you would have a chance at seeing what people are trying to tell you, but it seems as though you are unable or don't want to hear it.
    Cloaked Goof
    Goonswarm Federation
    #2098 - 2015-10-16 19:20:17 UTC
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    Some stray observations.

    CCP said: We're going to add a skill queue
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We are going to add multiple character training.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We're going to make it a little easier on newbs by giving them a few SP to play with at start-up.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    EVE is still here and so is the rabble.

    CCP said: Were going to make SP trading a little less convoluted.
    The rabble are saying: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    I predict that the game won't die and the rabble is going nowhere. And thank God for that. I do so look forward to threads like this.

    Carry on, rabble. Carry on.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    reading your list, all of those i think are improvements to the game. and no i dont think the game will die. but yes i will quit.
    Maximus Aerelius
    #2099 - 2015-10-16 19:21:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
    Moac Tor wrote:
    Sibyyl wrote:

    Moac Tor wrote:
    It is not just a philosophical objection that the players have, the whole concept of eve has always been based around actions having consequences. That is what makes the gameplay interesting and stand out from other more generic MMORPGs. That is why I was asking why are you playing Eve.

    Please explain to me why you think consequences for skill choices makes for interesting gameplay.

    To someone who doesn't understand the concept it would take a long time to explain and you probably would still fail to understand and so it would be a waste of my time. If you really want to know though then have a look at a game like Dark Souls and see why that has been so successful and gathered a huge following.

    Sure I would completely accept that a lot of people don't like this type of game though, but then what you need to keep in mind is that eve was always meant to have harsh consequences, and those who started playing 12 years ago and have kept the game running with their subs through all these years had signed up to a game in which every choice has a consequence.

    There are plenty more games which will cater for the more casual so I don't understand why people would cling to a game which is clearly not suited for themselves and try and change it instead of finding one of the many games that would fit them perfectly.

    Keep in mind though that this idea doesn't just fail due to the fact that it removes consequences though, there are many more reasons which have been detailed already in the thread.

    This right here is the exact thing I'm thinking: choices have consequences. It's been in the game from Day 1 (I think, I'm not that old) and it wasn't limited to "in space decisions". If you want to get to the nitty gritty of that phrase Sibyyleverything in EVE Online is in space.

    Are you going to tell me that the guy that trades in station\is docked doesn't make choices which have consequences because he's "not in space"? No, so there you go. That's that covered.

    Dammit, I chose to amend again and now can't post for 27 seconds. Give me immediate posting ability for cash Roll
    Shadow Kingdom
    Best Alliance
    #2100 - 2015-10-16 19:21:34 UTC
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    Some stray observations.

    CCP said: We're going to add a skill queue
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We are going to add multiple character training.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    The game didn't die and the rabble didn't quit.

    CCP said: We're going to make it a little easier on newbs by giving them a few SP to play with at start-up.
    The rabble said: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    EVE is still here and so is the rabble.

    CCP said: Were going to make SP trading a little less convoluted.
    The rabble are saying: You just killed EVE! We're all going to quit!

    I predict that the game won't die and the rabble is going nowhere. And thank God for that. I do so look forward to threads like this.

    Carry on, rabble. Carry on.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    Looks like some did quit after all.

    Member of CSM 4&5 ... &8