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Dev Blog: Exploring The Character Bazaar & Skill Trading

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Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#1281 - 2015-10-16 03:14:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
I feel sorry for this game i really do its at rock bottom.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

J Livermore
#1282 - 2015-10-16 03:15:38 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Estevan Andrard wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Estevan Andrard wrote:
How soon you think that "Insta Capitals token" (like insta 80 in wow) will come to New Eden Store after Skill token has touched down ?
What skill token is coming to the new eden store? This idea does not allow for the purchase of SP from the NES, only the ability to remove ones SP, which can be sold for isk.

You question is the seed of your answer.
Then my answer is that the cap token will never come as the skill token is not coming.

Not coming yet.

But if you think this will be last step you're kinda naive.
Scott Dracov
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1283 - 2015-10-16 03:16:34 UTC
I have just re read every post in this thread-naught and found players to be overwhelmingly against this idea.

I have found a lot of players like myself who have little interest in forum use but are active in game for around a year (the target of who CCP says this will benefit most) voicing their very strong opinions against this idea.

I looked for all CSM opinions as well and found only four all against this skill trading idea...

Mike Azariah wrote:
I am also against this. I could go into details but . . . this feels wrong to me. Against what I thought the game to be.

Steve Ronuken wrote:
I don't like this. Could be worse, but I don't like it.

A lowish hard cap would make it not as bad. But it still leads to "I just subscribed, but unless I spend more real money, I'll always be behind"

Sugar Kyle wrote:
Can't say I like it. Ive been against it since it was presented.

This is supposed to be a predecision discussion as I have understood it. Please make your opinions known.

Sort Dragon wrote:
I am just going to come out and say I do not support this. I have been against this internally and at the summit.

Maybe you as the community will say different but this isn't for me.

If this gets pushed through anyway in spite of people in CSM leadership positions for the eve community against it and so many people like me who never use the forums in total disgust over this and posting their no vote in no uncertain terms telling CCP no one wants this I think it will not end well for anyone.

I find the irony that at my SP level I am supposed to be the one with most to gain from this nonsense and I find it so offensive to everything I hoped to accomplish in eve on my journey through this game that I am almost totally demoralized by this betrayal by CCP even considering this that I feel like screaming...


I have taken the time to give you (CCP) quantifiable data regarding how much this idea is hated I hope you will not just ignore it and implement this debacle anyway.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1284 - 2015-10-16 03:17:10 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Question, how often have you protested the existence of PLEX?

PLEX and the Character Bazaar are a necessary evil - because the players will do it anyway. This goes from sanitizing and tolerating a crappy market to actively encouraging it. In a perfect world PLEX and the Bazaar wouldn't need to exist.
Burl en Daire
M.O.M.S. Corp
#1285 - 2015-10-16 03:18:17 UTC
I am not a fan of this idea. To me it is like selling golden ammo because instead of planning out a toon's path I can just pay money for gunnery skills and not have to worry about it. I think it also cheapens T3 cruiser loss because I could have some SP sitting in the hanger when I get home.

On the bright side now I can train Astronautic Engineering.

Yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why. Hunter S. Thompson

Estevan Andrard
#1286 - 2015-10-16 03:20:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Estevan Andrard
I dont know if it is really complex to see or just plain looking the other way.

I have a char with X SP. Today I can buy in the Bazaar a char with X+Y SP under the penalty that everyone can see with a little intel that my char is a bought one. That is still buying SP, but in a kinda messy way. Just as the dev says.

I have a char with X SP. After the theoric implementation of this, I buy a thing (whatever it may be) that adds SP to this char and it end up with X + Y SP. We just removed the penalty and we have something that only represents the act of add SP to a char.

That is a SP token by definition. IT does not matter how it got to the market. It is like refined ore. It wont stop being refined ore just because you bought it instead of refining yourself.

If con is the opposite of pro, then is Congress the opposite of progress?

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1287 - 2015-10-16 03:20:28 UTC
J Livermore wrote:
Not coming yet.

But if you think this will be last step you're kinda naive.
So we're back to slippery slope?

Maybe instead of me being naive you're just too cynical.

Also I can't think of a good reason as someone wanting profit that I'd decide to shortcut my sub revenue (Hint: Every SP sold in the current system has to be trained by someone with an active account, and at as low as 10% return why would I ever create a token like that for any price a rational person would consider?).
Sasha Sen
Hull Zero Two
#1288 - 2015-10-16 03:22:34 UTC
If this new system does happen, would we still have the old character bazar?

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1289 - 2015-10-16 03:23:23 UTC
Estevan Andrard wrote:
People dont quit eve because skill points prevent them to play.
Just as nobody buys from the CB, because it doesn't get you anything but SP.
Varrik Kayne
Ghost Operations Tactical Unit
#1290 - 2015-10-16 03:23:27 UTC
I think it's just best that you remove this awful Post and pretend it never happened, then cloak up and hide... like forever.
J Livermore
#1291 - 2015-10-16 03:25:00 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
J Livermore wrote:
Not coming yet.

But if you think this will be last step you're kinda naive.
So we're back to slippery slope?

Maybe instead of me being naive you're just too cynical.

I hope you're right and I'm too cynical.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1292 - 2015-10-16 03:25:12 UTC
NerdusMaximus wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Question, how often have you protested the existence of PLEX?

PLEX and the Character Bazaar are a necessary evil - because the players will do it anyway. This goes from sanitizing and tolerating a crappy market to actively encouraging it. In a perfect world PLEX and the Bazaar wouldn't need to exist.
Even if we hold that position, by creating an official process for it CCP already moved beyond simple tolerance to being complicit with and policing transfers.

Further this way we can get some gameplay out of them. Can't scam on character transfers, but skill packets? Sounds very much so.
Sasha Sen
Hull Zero Two
#1293 - 2015-10-16 03:25:33 UTC
Estevan Andrard wrote:
I dont know if it is really complex to see or just plain looking the other way.

I have a char with X SP. Today I can buy in the Bazaar a char with X+Y SP under the penalty that everyone can see with a little intel that my char is a bought one. That is still buying SP, but in a kinda messy way. Just as the dev says.

I have a char with X SP. After the theoric implementation of this, I buy a thing (whatever it may be) that adds SP to this char and it end up with X + Y SP. We just removed the penalty and we have something that only represents the act of add SP to a char.

That is a SP token by definition. IT does not matter how it got to the market. It is like refined ore. It wont stop being refined ore just because you bought it instead of refining yourself.

I think it's important to note that the new system will also tax skill points, so while you are adding Y to your character someone else just lost Y + penalty
Indy Rider
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1294 - 2015-10-16 03:26:00 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
I feel sorry for this game i really do its at rock bottom.

Can I buy some SP off you?
Empire Hooligans
#1295 - 2015-10-16 03:27:42 UTC
Pay to win = create something from nothing and paying IRL cash for it (ie Everquest buy lv 85 toon with max AA and full set of gear, think even world of warcraft had such were could just bump up a toon to max level or something)

Dont quite think this equates to pay to win, as it is not createing skill points out of thin air and giveing them to someone
Universalis Imperium
Goonswarm Federation
#1296 - 2015-10-16 03:28:44 UTC
OMG not only no, but HELL NO. I can't believe you guys even presented this after P2W scandal from a few years ago...

The absolute most I would want (which would be completely awesome)...

Placing some kind of "Neural Net Token" on the contract system (auction or wts).

What this entails is transferring your character (for 2 plex) into the Neural Net, so that only the skills trained come along with it. This deposits a Neural Net Token into your redeeming system that you can redeem and put on contract.

Players can view the contents of the Neural Net Token to see the skill breakdown while it is on contract. Once a player wins the Token, they transfer it to a character on the account to which they want the pilot, and then can extract the pilot from the Neural Net into a blank clone, at which point they are able to set appearance, name, etc. as they see fit.

If you are the creator of the token, you can restore your character completely from the token if you change your mind, and the Plex come back to your redeeming system.

Please, please, for the love of God, do NOT implement what you proposed.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1297 - 2015-10-16 03:28:55 UTC
Estevan Andrard wrote:
I dont know if it is really complex to see or just plain looking the other way.

I have a char with X SP. Today I can buy in the Bazaar a char with X+Y SP under the penalty that everyone can see with a little intel that my char is a bought one. That is still buying SP, but in a kinda messy way. Just as the dev says.

I have a char with X SP. After the theoric implementation of this, I buy a thing (whatever it may be) that adds SP to this char and it end up with X + Y SP. We just removed the penalty and we have something that only represents the act of add SP to a char.

That is a SP token by definition. IT does not matter how it got to the market. It is like refined ore. It wont stop being refined ore just because you bought it instead of refining yourself.
The only penalty imposed before in your example is a link to your original identity, whereas buying the SP remains with your original identity, so that's a non-issue. Unless you are suggesting the idea that someone needs outed for buying SP (which is easily bypassed using an alt to facilitate the trade) or that this comes with some automatic negative?

What's the actual penalty?
Divine Entervention
#1298 - 2015-10-16 03:30:15 UTC
The logic behind people saying they're going to quit is mind-boggling.

Ugggghhhh MORE people to compete with, no thanks.

Why are you playing an MMO when the prospect of more competition, more interaction leads you to want to pack up and go home?

cuz ur bad and the only chance you ever stood was thanks to your "i got here first" advantage.
Jerika Bodet
Kingdom of Glory
#1299 - 2015-10-16 03:34:15 UTC
Someone told me the end of the World was coming soon. I laughed, but the I saw this post and knew it to be true!Shocked
JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#1300 - 2015-10-16 03:37:27 UTC  |  Edited by: JetStream Drenard
CCP respectfully,

My statement is from the point of view of a die hard Eve PvPer.

I think you took a great idea that is assisting new player retention and missed the mark completely. About skill trading, I honestly don't care, though I do think the SP cap on the usefulness of this program is a bit onerous. There are two sides to the debate, and both sides have merit. But what you seemed to have missed or written off, is the fitting/ capacitor/ some support skills are a HUGE roadblock to new players. Essentially, not every future Eve Bro will be able to afford the pay to play SP structure. And yes, I know you increased some of those skills recently, but you did not go far enough.

To break this down, at least half the engineering skills, the basic tanking skills, and some of the navigation skills, and target management are a many months long roadblock to new characters being able to focus their training into flying their ships and equipment in a useful manner. Basically any skill that allows for fitting, as well as, any skill required to fit a t2 tank, and have the most possible HP. This hurdle is long and torturous to new bro's, and other than being a required train, they are absolutely pointlessly mandatory. I would seriously compare them to the learning skills of old, because they are similar in a lot of ways by being mandatory and then forgotten.

This really is pay to play in those first crucial months of new bro development if you don't do away with these skills completely. I want you to make money, and I will not complain if you keep the SP sales in order to do so as long as you address one of the real issues here in a meaningful way. Even the bro's who cannot drop a couple hundred bucks at the beginning to skill up, should not have to fly **** fit ships or tackle for months on end waiting for these necessary skills to train so that they can fly the same doctrines and fits as everyone else in their corp.

Yes. I really do feel that these skills are an enormous roadblock to new players that have them sitting in station or unable to participate in fleets in the way they prefer, and flying bastardized fits, for many months on end at the beginning of their Eve careers. Fitting skills are cancer to new PvPers.

I would even suggest an annual increase to the initial SP allotment of newly created characters to further assist them in catching up to the thousands of old players that have years head start on them in this game.

That is all. I still love you guys.