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In Response to Sugar Kyle - Highsec development

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Nighthawk The Assassin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2015-10-09 13:15:14 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
helana Tsero wrote:
Kind of tired of all you nullbears saying nerf high sec it is to safe / to much isk in HS.

You'll keep hearing it until risk vs reward is finally applied to highsec for once, or until the game finally dies.


Blue donut nullsec is just as safe as HS and has way more isk potential than HS.

So much wrong with this. Firstly, raw isk is not the only factor in personal income, and is in many ways the worst potential reward.

Secondly, nullsec is inarguably more dangerous than highsec. You know how you can tell? Nullsec is only "safe" as a direct result of player action. Meanwhile highsec is only "dangerous" as a direct result of player action.

One of those things is inherently safe, one of them is not.

You can spout your crap till the cows come home.

All this thread is high sec griefers crying tears because they can't use -5.0 and below player chars to commit acts in empire which was the entire point of being a PIRATE. Not a high sec -10 griefer. You can spout your rubbish non stop.

So for once the PvE community is in a thread spouting back at you

QQ Bro

you mad bro?

Cry harder
Salvos Rhoska
#142 - 2015-10-09 13:16:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
HS is more dangerous than NS, counterintuitively, exactly because of its own mechanics.
CONCORD is a double edged sword that cuts in favor of a deliberate illegal activity.

This is simply because the target has no recourse to "stand their ground" or first strike, because CONCORD will attack the initial aggressor, whereas this is not an issue outside of HS.

In HS me and my friends can fly up to, surround and illegally shoot in the head anyone we want, without them having a recourse to legally shoot us first, in terms of CONCORD intervention.

My proposal is to dramatically increase the negativr security status modifier resulting from HS illegal actions.
Not because it changes CONCORD (it doesnt).
Not because it changes faction police (which still operate, ineffectually, same as before, at that sec status).
BUT because it increases PvP opportunities, as you are red therafter (note:SYSTEMICALLY RED, not by player/corp rating) and anyone can attack you.

CONCORD will, as normal blow up your SHIP.
But your CHARACTER will also therafter remain systemically red, and a free target for anyone (and who in their right mind would argue against that?)

Thereby CONCORD is unaffected, Faction policr are unaffected.
Only commensurate PvP is affected!
Not only in the sense that if you therafter fly into HS space, you can be aggressed by other players with impunity, but also as you then have to return to pve activities in other security sectors, you are yourself subjected to being a target there.

Its win/win/win.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#143 - 2015-10-09 13:19:31 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:

So for once the PvE community is in a thread spouting back at you

Funny, I don't remember electing you to speak for me.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#144 - 2015-10-09 13:25:49 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:

So for once the PvE community is in a thread spouting back at you

For once? Hell, every week there is a new thread with you weak minded fools asking to have PvP deleted. You lot didn't even have the common decency to wait six months after the deletion of awoxing to start crying for wars and ganking to get deleted too.

For once? That's all you people do, is spout off. So yeah, I can pop in here and suggest that the heavy handed, anti sandbox mechanic called facpo go away. But apparently, my being allowed to talk too is so hurtful to you.

Cry more.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Nighthawk The Assassin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2015-10-09 13:28:48 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:

So for once the PvE community is in a thread spouting back at you

For once? Hell, every week there is a new thread with you weak minded fools asking to have PvP deleted. You lot didn't even have the common decency to wait six months after the deletion of awoxing to start crying for wars and ganking to get deleted too.

For once? That's all you people do, is spout off. So yeah, I can pop in here and suggest that the heavy handed, anti sandbox mechanic called facpo go away. But apparently, my being allowed to talk too is so hurtful to you.

Cry more.

Well excuse us for getting sick n tired of trying to make corps to have them camped by massive alliances we cant fight.

Well excuse us for getting angry when u attack us for no reason.

Well excuse us for wanting to play the game how we want because WE PAY TO with our irl cash

Well excuse us indeed.

QQ more bro
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#146 - 2015-10-09 13:32:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS is more dangerous than NS, counterintuitively, exactly because of its own mechanics.
CONCORD is a double edged sword that cuts in favor of a deliberate illegal activity.

I'm still trying to figure out where this bizzaro world thinking comes from in which the space with magical infallible unkillable space police is 'less safe' than areas where the only thing that can get you from getting killed is actually knowing how to play. It's not just on this forum, I've heard guys I play with say the same thing: "high sec fells safer because i don't know who is going to kill me whereas in null i can see it coming".

And yea, it's as stupid when people say it on comms as it is here. It's the same as saying "I feel safer in the woods because in the woods i can see a bear coming but in my house the bear could be hiding in a closet waiting to kill me and eat my porridge....never mind the fact that my house is bear free and i don't even know wtf porridge is".

So some how, if I'm standing in a room full of body guards (who will shoot anyone who tries to so much as slap me in the face), I'm less safe than if I were standing alone in a desert surrounded by hungry wolves? That's the difference between High Sec and the the other 83% of EVE-space, a mechanical response the rest of the game doesn't get.

in High Sec, ALL you have to do to be safe is tank your ship enough to survive initial contact. You could run missions in a super buffer Proteus and be physically immune to ganking (because enough ships on grid to kill you will probably cause module activation lag enough to let you escape in hull as CONCORD pops your last aggressor). You literally can't get safer than that, while you can't even come close to that outside of high sec.
Nighthawk The Assassin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2015-10-09 13:32:55 UTC
Oh and if u want to PvP so badly

Why do u attack miners and new players non stop





Oh wait

Yeh, those are real PvPers who don't use neut scouts and links

They actually PvP and don't gank

U'd die non stop

so stick to noobie bashing in empire right? right? right?

QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ <-- this is your anger and tears filling my balls :)
Salvos Rhoska
#148 - 2015-10-09 13:35:58 UTC
Simply losing your ship as a result of an illegal act of HS aggression, as categorised as an illegal activity within HS jurisdiction (which also denies a victim the self-defence opportunity of first strike), is not enough.

This can be, and is being, gamed so that the risk/reward differential is unduly favored towards the aggressor in what nonetheless constitutes an illegal act.

Since prevention is not the cure, because:
A) The problem is in the nature of pre-emptive self defence as first strike/"stand your ground" when threatened, because CONCORD does not and cannot distinguish on that (as a reactionary NPC system).
B) CONCORD timers themselves are nominally fine, or arbitrary in any case. Sure, we can shave seconds off the response timer, but that does little to mitigate the victims position in an illegalnaction anyways.

Therafter, comes the consideration of punishment for an illegal crime.

To my mind, increasing the security penalty modifier (as effected by the security standings of the victim), is the way to mitigate this.

The meta of illegal actions in HS remains emminently possible (for the good of the game and its ethos), the sec status loss can be recouped as usual (thereby providing opportunity for others to aggress you where you are actualising that, promoting more content and PvP), and if the illegal aggressors sec status drops to red, anyone else can aggress them in HS thereby promoting more content and PvP.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#149 - 2015-10-09 13:38:33 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:

Well excuse us for getting sick n tired of trying to make corps to have them camped by massive alliances we cant fight.

Well excuse us for getting angry when u attack us for no reason.

Well excuse us for wanting to play the game how we want because WE PAY TO with our irl cash

Well excuse us indeed.

QQ more bro

Excuse you for playing the game wrong, and playing the wrong game, basically?

You're excused, now go play Star Trek where you clearly belong.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Salvos Rhoska
#150 - 2015-10-09 13:41:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS is more dangerous than NS, counterintuitively, exactly because of its own mechanics.
CONCORD is a double edged sword that cuts in favor of a deliberate illegal activity.

I'm still trying to figure out where this bizzaro world thinking comes from in which the space with magical infallible unkillable space police is 'less safe' than areas where the only thing that can get you from getting killed is actually knowing how to play. It's not just on this forum, I've heard guys I play with say the same thing: "high sec fells safer because i don't know who is going to kill me whereas in null i can see it coming".

And yea, it's as stupid when people say it on comms as it is here. It's the same as saying "I feel safer in the woods because in the woods i can see a bear coming but in my house the bear could be hiding in a closet waiting to kill me and eat my porridge....never mind the fact that my house is bear free and i don't even know wtf porridge is".

So some how, if I'm standing in a room full of body guards (who will shoot anyone who tries to so much as slap me in the face), I'm less safe than if I were standing alone in a desert surrounded by hungry wolves? That's the difference between High Sec and the the other 83% of EVE-space, a mechanical response the rest of the game doesn't get.

in High Sec, ALL you have to do to be safe is tank your ship enough to survive initial contact. You could run missions in a super buffer Proteus and be physically immune to ganking (because enough ships on grid to kill you will probably cause module activation lag enough to let you escape in hull as CONCORD pops your last aggressor). You literally can't get safer than that, while you can't even come close to that outside of high sec.

1) The magical infallible unkillable space police are not a problem unless you commit illegal activties.
Ypu are as safe from their action, as the victim, until you commit a crime, wherafter they respond retroactively and invariably "too late" as is lamentably the case in real life too. You are already dead by the time official help arrives.

2) I have not said anything about changing CONCORD or faction police efficacy nor reacrion times.

3) Ive merely suggested the punitive measure of adding a more substantial sec status modifier as a result of an ILLEGAL ACTION.

4) How tanked someone is, is immaterial to the fact of an illegal action perpetrated against them.
If I am attacked while riding in a armor plated mercedes, the fact I survived the attack, in no way mitigates the severity of the crime attempted against me, nor the cuplability of its perpetrators.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#151 - 2015-10-09 13:47:10 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

3) Ive merely suggested the punitive measure of adding a more substantial sec status modifier as a result of an ILLEGAL ACTION.

So you want more mechanical penalties added onto the only playstyle that has any to begin with?


Until the Amarr start shooting you for running a Minmatar mission, or you know, any other playstyle in highsec has any real mechanical consequences, you don't get to talk about adding any more to ganking.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#152 - 2015-10-09 13:51:01 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Simply losing your ship as a result of an illegal act of HS aggression, as categorised as an illegal activity within HS jurisdiction (which also denies a victim the self-defence opportunity of first strike), is not enough.

By what metric is it not enough? It worked fine for me, I've spent years flying faction battleships for the sole purpose of making isk in high sec without a single gank against me. My Incursion Vindicator costs almost 3 times as much as the carrier I use outside if high sec. Because of high sec's mechanical safety, i haven't suffered a single loss even while moving that ship from Incursion Focus to Incursion focus.

What you miss is the same thing that every "increase safety" advocate misses. The game is already safe enough to people who are lazy. Trying to increase safety for those too lazy to think for themselves only hurts the game as a whole.

You'll notice that this game was WAY more popular when it was less safe. This is (IMO) because the actions one could take to make themselves safe gave people a sense of accomplishment, and that sense create an emotional bond between gamer and game, the kind that keeps a player playing. We took PRIDE in keeping people like CODE and goons/whoever from killing us. Now, the game does all the heavy lifting...

..and you are advocating that it do even more of that heavy lifting. People like you have good intention, but what you think is wrong headed. By trying to Nerf the CODE types, you aren't hurting them, they will just find another way to screw with people. You are nerfing ME and folks like me who don't suck and playing open world video games against opposition. Which is why even after all these years of nerfs aimed at them, the CODE types are still here and there are fewer people like me (PVE adventurers) around.

TL;DR, the people you are trying to nerf are our content, stop asking CCP to nerf out content.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#153 - 2015-10-09 13:58:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

4) How tanked someone is, is immaterial to the fact of an illegal action perpetrated against them.
If I am attacked while riding in a armor plated Mercedes, the fact I survived the attack, in no way mitigates the severity of the crime attempted against me, nor the culpability of its perpetrators.

No, but being in that armored car as opposed to an unarmed scooter makes the difference in the only thing that counts in this physical universe: You live long enough for police to respond and kill/capture/chase off the bad guys. ie you continue to exist.

And that' is the whole point. It's not the game's fault if you choose a scooter over an armored Mercedes. The game doesn't need to change because you made a poor choice, and changing the game will do more harm than good because it won't stop the bad guys, it just makes them way more cleaver.

What you display is the "lawyer them to death" instinct. It happens in real life all the time, it's basically saying that there is a group that you don't like, so instead of learning how to live with the situation, you try to legislate them away (inadvertently making them even stronger than they were before, Obi-Wan style).

We know you don't like CODE (enough to deface your own bathroom walls), but your wrong headed forum advocacy is weak when you could be doing other more effective things against them (like spending this time teaching new people anti-CODE tactics). You are to CODE what Gevlon is to Goons: "an unwitting Enabler".
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#154 - 2015-10-09 13:59:45 UTC
Delete ore holds. Bring back can flipping.
Anize Oramara
#155 - 2015-10-09 14:00:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS is more dangerous than NS, counterintuitively, exactly because of its own mechanics.
CONCORD is a double edged sword that cuts in favor of a deliberate illegal activity.

I'm still trying to figure out where this bizzaro world thinking comes from in which the space with magical infallible unkillable space police is 'less safe' than areas where the only thing that can get you from getting killed is actually knowing how to play. It's not just on this forum, I've heard guys I play with say the same thing: "high sec fells safer because i don't know who is going to kill me whereas in null i can see it coming".

And yea, it's as stupid when people say it on comms as it is here. It's the same as saying "I feel safer in the woods because in the woods i can see a bear coming but in my house the bear could be hiding in a closet waiting to kill me and eat my porridge....never mind the fact that my house is bear free and i don't even know wtf porridge is".

So some how, if I'm standing in a room full of body guards (who will shoot anyone who tries to so much as slap me in the face), I'm less safe than if I were standing alone in a desert surrounded by hungry wolves? That's the difference between High Sec and the the other 83% of EVE-space, a mechanical response the rest of the game doesn't get.

in High Sec, ALL you have to do to be safe is tank your ship enough to survive initial contact. You could run missions in a super buffer Proteus and be physically immune to ganking (because enough ships on grid to kill you will probably cause module activation lag enough to let you escape in hull as CONCORD pops your last aggressor). You literally can't get safer than that, while you can't even come close to that outside of high sec.

The koolaid is showing.

- This just in. There are no PVPers(Bears) in HS (the house) good analogy Roll

- There are no bodyguards in the room though, there's some in a different part of the house though and it takes them a while to get to you so you have plenty of time to kill that freighter (that isn't a super tanked proteus) before the bodyguards arrive. And then, this is the best part, after the guards kill you some random 'unafiliated' guy calmly walks up and takes all your valuables off your corpse while they just watch.

You analogies are so broken it's pretty sad.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Salvos Rhoska
#156 - 2015-10-09 14:01:28 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

3) Ive merely suggested the punitive measure of adding a more substantial sec status modifier as a result of an ILLEGAL ACTION.

So you want more mechanical penalties added onto the only playstyle that has any to begin with?


Until the Amarr start shooting you for running a Minmatar mission, or you know, any other playstyle in highsec has any real mechanical consequences, you don't get to talk about adding any more to ganking.

HS ganking, in its prepoderance, has become more pronounced and frequent in recent years.
It used to be rather more infrequent.
In a heuristic, adapative and dynamic sandbox system, changes in player behavior need to be measured against intent of the mechanics that govern them.

Changing the sec status modifier for illegal actions is:
A) Inline with an existing precedent and imperative; that of a sec status punishment from illegal actions existing in the first place.
B) Does not remove the HS aggression meta (in this case especially as differentiated from legal aggression, such as in wardec).
C) Merely diversifies the content/pvp resulting from the modifier, in that players who commit illegal crimes and become red in HS, have to then recoup that sec standing elsewhere, as they do now, which creates more PvP content in those sectors for their own local denizens.

D) I agree that the NPC Empire/Corp system should be more integrated in terms of standings, indexes and player activity. As to your specific example of Amarr shooting at you for running Minmatar missions, well, what? You cant get Minmatar missions in Amarr space. Furthermore, its already present, in that if you do have to FULFILL a Minmatar mission in Amarr space, you will be considered hostile, is your standings are low enough towards them.

You seem a bit perplexed, perhaps a little flummoxed.
Does the reason and rational of my proposal scare you a bit?
Was it not a bit naive to have not seen its inevitability, considered it, and prepared for it?
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#157 - 2015-10-09 14:03:31 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS is more dangerous than NS, counterintuitively, exactly because of its own mechanics.
CONCORD is a double edged sword that cuts in favor of a deliberate illegal activity.

I'm still trying to figure out where this bizzaro world thinking comes from in which the space with magical infallible unkillable space police is 'less safe' than areas where the only thing that can get you from getting killed is actually knowing how to play. It's not just on this forum, I've heard guys I play with say the same thing: "high sec fells safer because i don't know who is going to kill me whereas in null i can see it coming".

And yea, it's as stupid when people say it on comms as it is here. It's the same as saying "I feel safer in the woods because in the woods i can see a bear coming but in my house the bear could be hiding in a closet waiting to kill me and eat my porridge....never mind the fact that my house is bear free and i don't even know wtf porridge is".

So some how, if I'm standing in a room full of body guards (who will shoot anyone who tries to so much as slap me in the face), I'm less safe than if I were standing alone in a desert surrounded by hungry wolves? That's the difference between High Sec and the the other 83% of EVE-space, a mechanical response the rest of the game doesn't get.

in High Sec, ALL you have to do to be safe is tank your ship enough to survive initial contact. You could run missions in a super buffer Proteus and be physically immune to ganking (because enough ships on grid to kill you will probably cause module activation lag enough to let you escape in hull as CONCORD pops your last aggressor). You literally can't get safer than that, while you can't even come close to that outside of high sec.

CONCORD doesn't prevent people from terrorizing your ship. They avenge.

Less people and better intel in null let's you know who exactly is a threat.

In highsec, everyone is a possible threat. All attempts at keeping accurate intel in hisec are foggy at best, as anyone can come along and wreck you. You can tank your ship, but if some group wants to brutalize your space pixels; they will.

Your analogy of the "bear in the woods" and the "bear in the house" is inaccurate. It's more like walking around Times Square and everyone has a gun, with some police around; versus living on your own ranch in Montana with sensors all over the place telling you exactly who is who, and what they have.

So yeah, being in a big alliance in null, with good intel; is safer than hisec.

Salvos Rhoska
#158 - 2015-10-09 14:08:36 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
What you miss is the same thing that every "increase safety" advocate misses. The game is already safe enough to people who are lazy. Trying to increase safety for those too lazy to think for themselves only hurts the game as a whole.

Nowhere have I advocated or suggested any measure that increases safety.

An increased negative modifier to security status on illegal activities does not prevent illegal activities.
Nor does it increase HS security.

CONCORD reaction is the same.
Faction police resction is the same.
Illegal HS action is still the same.

Increasing the negative modifier on sec status impairs none of these.
It merely creates more commensuratr content as these illegal activity characters reach the red flag, and become open targets for everyone in HS, as well as conducively increasing PvP content as they return to other relevant sectors inorder to recoup their sec standings.

HS security is not changed, at all.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#159 - 2015-10-09 14:10:00 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

HS ganking, in its prepoderance, has become more pronounced and frequent in recent years.
It used to be rather more infrequent.

Ha ha, what? Before the barge buff and the insurance nerfs, you would see gankers in half the systems in highsec. Ganking was everywhere.

Now it's a pale shadow of what it was, in both potency and frequency. Heck, if it weren't for two groups in particular, it basically wouldn't happen at all.

It needs buffed, not nerfed.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Anize Oramara
#160 - 2015-10-09 14:19:50 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

HS ganking, in its prepoderance, has become more pronounced and frequent in recent years.
It used to be rather more infrequent.

Ha ha, what? Before the barge buff and the insurance nerfs, you would see gankers in half the systems in highsec. Ganking was everywhere.

Now it's a pale shadow of what it was, in both potency and frequency. Heck, if it weren't for two groups in particular, it basically wouldn't happen at all.

It needs buffed, not nerfed.

You got some numbers for us? I'd e interested to see the number comparison.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3