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In Response to Sugar Kyle - Highsec development

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Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#41 - 2015-10-06 20:52:57 UTC
Eternal Bob wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Facpo would be gone. I suppose you could call that a redesign of sec status mechanics.

It would introduce the opportunity for meaningful gameplay that isn't overridden by NPCs who are faster, stronger, and react more quickly than any group of players ever could.

It would improve the game because it would let pirate playstyle characters interact with highsec in more than just cheap, disposable ships, improving the potential for player interaction a hundredfold.

Translation: "I want to gank noobs with no consequences"

No he wants hi-sec to be as perfectly safe as sov 0.0 is

Don't you think those noobs deserve that safety?

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the noobs?!?!?!?!?!?!! ShockedCry

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#42 - 2015-10-06 20:54:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
I want to point out something from Sugar's post...

Highsec is the most complex space in EVE. It is the one that allows more different ways of playing, with more mechanics involved (remember when Crimewatch was overhauled? That's a 100% highsec system, and a pretty complex one). Wardecs are another highsec system, and complex too.

Highsec is not lacking complexity. Nor haves an excess of complexity so needs being "trimmed down".

Just happens that all that complexity serves not to retain players who play in unorthodox ways. Who play alone. Who PvE. Who never log in for more than a couple hours, and maybe it's the only time they log in in a week.

What retains people? Multiplaying?

Why playing alone does not retain them? Sandboxes used to be the ultimate lonely boy toy. Yet here we have a sandbox that fails to retain lone players.

What retains people? PvP?

Why PvE doesn't retains people? Why PvE doesn't creates any conflict, any competition, any way to interact with other players either to cooperate or to compete?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#43 - 2015-10-06 20:54:47 UTC
Anyway, nearly 3 years on, I still stand by this

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#44 - 2015-10-06 21:08:16 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Anyway, nearly 3 years on, I still stand by this

I'd rather give the PvE solo casual players a set of tools so they can generate content as easily as PvPrs.

Maybe something as simple as player A finishes a mission and that triggers an anomaly with a "rescue party" so a younger pilot can come and crush the poor NPCs a little more. Make the spawn dynamic and based (obscurely) on how the main targets where shot down (order, incoming damage, repairs taken.... make it really obcure so it can't be gamed easily).

Or well, just take my overly complex idea of chess in space with NPC agents as collectible cards, automatically spawned point-based misisons and the quest for whatever.

Highsec should be a place where players want to stay. Not be forced to stay, but WANT to stay. Now it's a space admirably effective in driving players away from a sub par EVE experience.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#45 - 2015-10-06 21:30:08 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Highsec should be a place where players want to stay. Not be forced to stay, but WANT to stay.

I agree 100% with this.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Marsha Mallow
#46 - 2015-10-06 21:47:08 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Highsec should be a place where players want to stay. Not be forced to stay, but WANT to stay.

I agree 100% with this.

Why? Because it's their ancestral home and must be protected against the forces of darkness?

If so, make the correct obeisance to James CCCXV, First of Her Name, and get bumping.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Roberta Gastoni
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2015-10-06 22:00:29 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Highsec should be a place where players want to stay. Not be forced to stay, but WANT to stay. Now it's a space admirably effective in driving players away from a sub par EVE experience.

It's because High Sec is seen as a starting zone and Null Sec as high end zone, which is in my opinion a very narrow vision of sandboxed content.

Under this concept, both Low Sec and WH space should be "not so good places to be", and "a transition while you wait to make your wait to null", but yet we found people who enjoy living in both low sec or wh space.

If you want to make your way in High Sec you need to deal with standing, security status, war decs, mercenary contracts, gankers and awoxers, all of this into a zone with the highest density of player of all spaces. Most of the times none of the people you see in local are not in your blue standing list, everyone is virtually an enemy that can shoot you in the back whenver you less expect, and the more are the players in local, the more the enemies could be.

I still remember my first awox in high sec, I war decced with a pvp alt the corp I was in and killed myself, used that to gain a bit of trust and ask to access to the hangars to properly fight back. Now this is the kind of gameplay you can do (or you might encounter) in high sec.

If I really wanted to be safe, alone in the darkness, I would have gone into a wormhole with a static high sec exit, not in high sec.
Lady Harringtan
#48 - 2015-10-06 22:55:31 UTC
Seeing the usual flood of "ideas" that would really only benefit a handful of players, and with the thinnest possible veils of justification hoping to conceal the usual massive self-interest of "EVE should be played my way". Try again, kiddies.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#49 - 2015-10-06 23:41:10 UTC
Eternal Bob wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Facpo would be gone. I suppose you could call that a redesign of sec status mechanics.

It would introduce the opportunity for meaningful gameplay that isn't overridden by NPCs who are faster, stronger, and react more quickly than any group of players ever could.

It would improve the game because it would let pirate playstyle characters interact with highsec in more than just cheap, disposable ships, improving the potential for player interaction a hundredfold.

Translation: "I want to gank noobs with no consequences"

As usual, the carebear response is a strawman/adhom combo. I can't even say that I expected better, you people are so predictable. Roll

What I want, your blatant trolling aside, is to have the gameplay interaction that CCP themselves acknowledges drives positive player retention better than any other factor (highsec non consensual PvP), to be less needlessly handicapped by a pointless, binary mechanic.

Facpo crowds out not just pirate playstyle characters from engaging in player interaction, but also would-be law bringers as well, since facpo does their job better than they possibly can.

All the time, I hear you people cry that gankers don't "risk" anything, that we just fly disposable ships. The only reason we do that is because of facpo. To create engaging gameplay for both sides, facpo must go.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Raffael Ramirez
Alcohol Fuelled
#50 - 2015-10-07 00:19:17 UTC
In response to the original post.

I do believe that High sec is as balanced as it ever going to get.

All the arguments on the forums cancel each other out f.e.:

Wardecs are too cheap vs. War decs have been nerfed and can be dodged.
Ganking should be banned vs. ganking has been nerfed and created content.

The only thing that seems to have some sort of consensus is high sec incursions, but then again I have no knowledge of the mechanics or payout - just going from the forums here.

The cry for more content comes from players who haven't even done 1% of what is possible in this universe, the fault is not with the Devs and the content but with the players perception.

I personally would like to see a transition from high to low to null sec and WH for new players and old ones finally trying to be part of the eve community.

At the moment we have high, low, null and WH space , each follow their own rules and have different mechanics I like to think that making the transition from one to the next easier might reduced the entry requirements to these activities and encourage more players to join in. The current philosophy seems to be min/max one profession and then go to the forums to ask for more complexity to their game style. I think encouraging them to discover all of EvE before they settle into their preferred activity will make all the beautiful things in eve more used and their own actions/preferences put into perspective.

Just an idea : An agent would give you a cheap t1 destroyer & fit and tell you to go to low sec and kill x amounts of belt rats or scout an anomaly or scan a signature and do it or something similar - would you consider doing it?
If only a few do it and discover a new play style the retention rate would go up.

Give them training wheels or free stuff but change their perception and approach to this game.


Eve is a complex game as it is, adding more complexity makes it even harder for new players to get any kind of grip on the mechanics. Content is there, but everyone seems to focus only on one thing and therefore not really experience the opportunities already present.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#51 - 2015-10-07 00:25:16 UTC
Raffael Ramirez wrote:

All the arguments on the forums cancel each other out f.e.:

Wardecs are too cheap vs. War decs have been nerfed and can be dodged.
Ganking should be banned vs. ganking has been nerfed and created content.

Those two arguments, while in opposition, do not carry equal weight.

It is not up for discussion whether PvP improves retention. It does, assuredly so. That means that only one of those positions is valid, while the other is self serving at the expense of the game as a whole.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#52 - 2015-10-07 01:16:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Eternal Bob wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Facpo would be gone. I suppose you could call that a redesign of sec status mechanics.

It would introduce the opportunity for meaningful gameplay that isn't overridden by NPCs who are faster, stronger, and react more quickly than any group of players ever could.

It would improve the game because it would let pirate playstyle characters interact with highsec in more than just cheap, disposable ships, improving the potential for player interaction a hundredfold.

Translation: "I want to gank noobs with no consequences"

Nah, he didn't say CONCORD. He said faction police.

As someone with an low security status because of lowsec pvp, I don't enter highsec very often. It's just too much of a hassle to continually be on the move if not docked.

So at times like when our Alliance is wardecced, it makes it difficult to come to highsec even to assist some newer members that are still operating there.

If Faction Police didn't chase anymore, Kaarous is exactly right, it would provide more opportunities for player-player interaction in ways that would bring enjoyment for many people.
Raffael Ramirez
Alcohol Fuelled
#53 - 2015-10-07 01:29:41 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Raffael Ramirez wrote:

All the arguments on the forums cancel each other out f.e.:

Wardecs are too cheap vs. War decs have been nerfed and can be dodged.
Ganking should be banned vs. ganking has been nerfed and created content.

Those two arguments, while in opposition, do not carry equal weight.

It is not up for discussion whether PvP improves retention. It does, assuredly so. That means that only one of those positions is valid, while the other is self serving at the expense of the game as a whole.

I do agree with you there, I haven't met a single player who disliked blowing someone else up (after they potentially got forced to do so). But I believe, making the entry into the harsh world of traps, counter traps and all the other fun things of warfare easier might be better than removing all safeties and kicking them out into the cold unarmed and naked. There is no tutorial for pvp it always comes in form of getting squashed until you learn your lesson. While I enjoyed that way of learning (there might be something wrong with me) others might not respond the same.
EvE changed a lot over the years and even though I do not understand the appeal of having billion ISK bling ships for running the same missions until your eyes bleed, I realize that some ppl do and that is completely ok. The only thing that I find disturbing is the delusion of absolute safety and the almost social taboo of shooting other players. If they would come out in cheap destroyers and cruisers, or whatever they find replaceable, and shoot back every now and then I think everybody would enjoy EVE a little more. If they decide to go back to their missions after that at least they know the rules and what to look out for.

Not the mechanics are broken the players attitude towards them is.

In the end I really believe that some on the themepark carebears (am I using this right?) might be saved and become part of the real EVE universe (where pvp is part of everything you do) with a little incentive and pushing. It is really just getting them their first kill or at least to a point where they shoot back and see shield/armor go down, in other words from the victim to the opponent stage if you will.

Memphis Baas
#54 - 2015-10-07 01:33:16 UTC
CCP should implement a system like the other MMO's have, where if your gear is lacking or your level is lower, the game automatically buffs your stats up to the same as the other guy, for a fair PVP fight. So basically, in the case of EVE, you can fly an Ibis, but it'll have the DPS and ewar capabilities of, let's say, a properly fitted T3 cruiser, or you fly your hauler on autopilot but if there are battlecruisers in the vicinity your hauler gains the defenses of a BC or even battleship.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2015-10-07 01:46:26 UTC
Raffael Ramirez wrote:

In the end I really believe that some on the themepark carebears (am I using this right?) might be saved and become part of the real EVE universe (where pvp is part of everything you do) with a little incentive and pushing. It is really just getting them their first kill or at least to a point where they shoot back and see shield/armor go down, in other words from the victim to the opponent stage if you will.

Maybe 20% if your lucky.

The type of personality that enjoys the challenge of PvP and acquiring more killmails is almost a polar opposite from the sort of person that wants to kick back and manufacture some mods or mine rocks as a way to wind down and mellow out.

In terms of the OP though, whats the point of hisec if you turn it into nullsec? The easy carebear targets will all quit and the big bluesec coalitions will just move in.
Generic Corp Name
#56 - 2015-10-07 01:52:52 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
CCP should implement a system like the other MMO's have, where if your gear is lacking or your level is lower, the game automatically buffs your stats up to the same as the other guy, for a fair PVP fight. So basically, in the case of EVE, you can fly an Ibis, but it'll have the DPS and ewar capabilities of, let's say, a properly fitted T3 cruiser, or you fly your hauler on autopilot but if there are battlecruisers in the vicinity your hauler gains the defenses of a BC or even battleship.

I'll bring my speedy Garmur and camp a gate, looking for WTs.

With my alt, I shall wardec my Garmur and park a battleship on grid with it.

Viola! My Garmur has a giant tank.
Chainsaw Plankton
#57 - 2015-10-07 01:56:29 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
CCP should implement a system like the other MMO's have, where if your gear is lacking or your level is lower, the game automatically buffs your stats up to the same as the other guy, for a fair PVP fight. So basically, in the case of EVE, you can fly an Ibis, but it'll have the DPS and ewar capabilities of, let's say, a properly fitted T3 cruiser, or you fly your hauler on autopilot but if there are battlecruisers in the vicinity your hauler gains the defenses of a BC or even battleship.

errm.. what mmos have that Shocked

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#58 - 2015-10-07 01:57:25 UTC
Rawketsled wrote:
Memphis Baas wrote:
CCP should implement a system like the other MMO's have, where if your gear is lacking or your level is lower, the game automatically buffs your stats up to the same as the other guy, for a fair PVP fight. So basically, in the case of EVE, you can fly an Ibis, but it'll have the DPS and ewar capabilities of, let's say, a properly fitted T3 cruiser, or you fly your hauler on autopilot but if there are battlecruisers in the vicinity your hauler gains the defenses of a BC or even battleship.

I'll bring my speedy Garmur and camp a gate, looking for WTs.

With my alt, I shall wardec my Garmur and park a battleship on grid with it.

Viola! My Garmur has a giant tank.

not to mention BS level dps. and your bs will be fast and have long points like the garmur!

no way to abuse this stuff at all P

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Aquilan Aideron
Wardecs go here
#59 - 2015-10-07 02:35:53 UTC
The best part though are those folks who feel called upon to shape, guide or police what others enjoy in a sandbox game.

Kindly, spread the message somewhere else.
Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#60 - 2015-10-07 02:53:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Sugar Kyle
I'm the one who wrote the blog that spawned the thread so I guess I'll chime in with the original goal.

I stepped back from the whats and whos of ganking and this space and that space and this nerf and that buff and simply wanted to know what is the development that people are looking for in high sec when they say 'high sec has been ignored'.

A lot of changes that have come across effect all areas of space. But I will then see, "high sec has been ignored" or "when will it be time for high sec to get attention."

I'd like to know what that attention is supposed to be. What is that development? What are high sec players waiting for CCP to produce for them? What is Eve Online: High Sec the Expansion supposed to be about? Its theme? Its content?

When I first ran for the CSM I had a very clear idea of needs and problem areas in low sec. Over the last year and a half I learned more of them in low and in other areas of the game. Yet, I don't seem to understand those pain points for high sec. At least not by what people tell me. I have no hate for high sec. I've never picked up a 'nerf high sec' pitchfork or worn a complimentary 'burn high sec to the ground' t-shirt.

I also addressed missions in my original wall of text because missions are a very common request. However, thanks to decisions at Eve's birth, missions require a lot of time and energy. The PvE team has been working on the AI which will soon bring up roving NPCs and head into NPC events and interactions. The idea expressed was not to remove PvE but to take future PvE into a more dynamic phase that uses the new tools built. This leaves the old mission content for those that like the old mission content and introduces new content that will not just stagnate because you still do it 100 times.

That stagnation is a problem with missions. Or is it? That's been a very mixed point as well. Adding another room or redoing the text will entertain you for how long? Unfortunately, the PvE team is one group of developers and when we are asking them to focus on things to improve Eve that fact does not go away. I'd love us to have infinity number of developers allowing us to have infinity dreams, but we don't. People will not want to hear that but I'm dealing with the reality of the situation and seeking potential pathways for the future.

It may be that people want missions. I've been dazed by the response and I've told the PvE team that I will be gathering the data and seeing what is said. Maybe that data will say people want missions over anything else.

The arguments over what high sec is, its place in Eve, and the evolution of the sandbox and game society are all fascinating. There is a constant push and pull when it comes to this topic and what people should or should not be doing. Thank you for the in depth discussions.

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.