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EVE General Discussion

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What is EVE to you and is it your primary game?

Best Korea
Leap Technologies
#41 - 2015-09-29 22:18:22 UTC
Eve is my primary.

Occasionally I play TF2 when I want to zone out and shoot things without crunching numbers.

On mobile I play analytical games like chess, but also am reading Eve blogs and item descriptions, etc.
Alena McJenkins
McJenkins' Saucy Shipwreckers LLC
#42 - 2015-09-30 01:12:27 UTC
Eve is not a game; it is a way of life.


#43 - 2015-09-30 02:26:58 UTC
Did plan on making it my main game but it turned into skill queue online and as such I don't often log in and when I do it's just to check on what skills have completed.

Also since I was mainly training for interceptor and it sounds like they just got nerfed, there doesn't seem much point.
All Kill No Skill
#44 - 2015-09-30 02:48:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
Jenn aSide wrote:
EVE online has revealed something about me to me: I'm not a gamer anymore. I was as a kid, as a teen, and as a young adult, but now other than a momentary romp every few months to play GTA or Destiny or God of War on my step kids console, I don't care for video games much. I'm not anti-Game, it's just that after 41 years of living I've changed so much that game don't appeal to me like they once did.
Well I'm just 5yrs older, been playing videogames since the 70's. Yeah sure, things can change. For me though, it's just been a matter of preference.

Like, I still play shooters, but really only tactical shooters any longer. Not the quick bang-bang stuff, but I like to learn/practice RL tactics. I still kick serious butt in regular FPS, but just gets boring. I play that game that's a version of the tactical sandbox simulator NATO uses, it's pretty deep and with excellent editing tools. MMO's too, playing them for 20yrs, but I need a smart sandbox, in fact that's all I really play any longer are sandbox games, or simulator sandboxes. I'm still a gamer, but I just need to create too. Can't really create in EVE, but it's an mmo sandbox, so makes up for that, just a different type of creation going on o7

Bumblefck wrote:
What's it to you?
hehe just daring to be different in GD, a possible positive thread perhaps. Very rare for me to start threads, just want to see how it rolls here. Some really good replies, I don't regret putting the topic out there.

Avvy wrote:
Also since I was mainly training for interceptor and it sounds like they just got nerfed, there doesn't seem much point.
Look into bombers, bombers are awesome imo. I have one bomber pilot and I'm finishing up training a second; this character Webby to be my second bomber pilot though with better skill than my other. What you learned for interceptors translates well to bombers. Look into youtube for examples of what are done with bombers (eg. wingspan TT channel), some really good stuff. Anyhoot...

Good stuff, all!

I'm in it for the money


Iain Cariaba
#45 - 2015-09-30 07:35:06 UTC
What is EvE to me?

It's the place where I can relax and unwind.
It's the place where I can hang out and chat with friends.
It's the place where I can blow off some steam.
It's the place where no one judges you by what you look like, rather by what you do.
It has been my home, off and on, for the last decade, and hopefully for many, many years to come.
Dextrome Thorphan
#46 - 2015-09-30 09:55:23 UTC
To me it's a game with enormous potential which is yet to be reached.

I've been playing eve on and off since 2006, never playing more than 6 months at a time though - I get bored.
Dextrome Thorphan
#47 - 2015-09-30 09:57:02 UTC
Chribba wrote:
To me it's like a drug. And mixing drugs are bad./c

You are obviously not a drug expert :)

(Mixing some drugs is bad)
Dextrome Thorphan
#48 - 2015-09-30 09:59:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Dextrome Thorphan
Jenn aSide wrote:
I'd rather go out and play paint ball and FEEL something than play some FPS video game. I'd rather grab a football , gather some buddies, drink beer and work up a sweat than pretend I'm some current NFL star on Madden. I have zero need to feel like I'm some epic hero. I AM AN EPIC HERO in real life every time I get a paycheck and feed my family. Games let me immerse myself in another world, I don't need to be immersed in another world, the world I live in is freaking awesome.

Good for you.... Shocked

But unfortunately not everyone can have a freaking awesome live... it's not really something you choose.
Rekt Zero
#49 - 2015-09-30 11:24:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Rekt Zero
I actually save money playing eve. For 15 euros I got a month worth or wardec grief, err I mean "entertainment" instead of buying crappy new games that are over before I even started playing them. If I was super bored this month I would probably have spent 30+ euros on other games (and no, that's not an invitation to raise the subscription fee) but instead I was playing eve.

I do take brakes however, because it's basically a rinse & repeat game, pay 2 win (pay for alts, multi training etc.) and that just makes me rage sometimes.
Galactic Rangers
#50 - 2015-09-30 11:27:04 UTC
EVE she let's me fly among the stars. she brings me to a place where others who are completely different to me yet the same all work towards our own dreams and hopes within this amazing universe which always has a surprise for us no matter how much you think you know it all.

i've played many games over the years and i mean many games. none have been able to create what EVE is, some come close and all are always fun. but EVE
she is someting special.

EVE is Primary. has been for a long time and i can't see that changing any time soon.

Howard Aideron
Pax International
#51 - 2015-09-30 11:29:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Howard Aideron
Asking if Eve is your primary game on the Eve Online forums is the stupidest thing ever. Go ask this on the League of Legends forums.
Galactic Rangers
#52 - 2015-09-30 11:31:25 UTC
Howard Aideron wrote:
Asking if Eve is your primary game on the Eve Online forums is the stupidest thing ever. Go ask this on the League of Legends forums.


see different but all the same RollBig smile
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#53 - 2015-09-30 12:28:42 UTC
Webvan wrote:
I still play shooters, but really only tactical shooters any longer.

I'm 45, my reaction times never were the best and now they're even worse so I stopped playing competitive FPS and moved on to FPS for old farts (WOT, WT and now WOWS). I play GTA for the story and to train my cynicism gland. I've adopted the "new games will just be terrible because they're new, remakes of OLD games are the ****.", I can't wait for Fallout 4 so I can, while taking all the time I need, play that.

I've been a gamer since I was 10 year old: Atari 2600, Vectrex, C64 etc etc. Never stopped. Now my nephew scares the **** out of me with the games he plays and the speed he does it at.

VR gaming can't come soon enough so I can game while lying in bed. NURSE!

Caladan Panzureborn
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2015-09-30 14:39:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Caladan Panzureborn
EVE is where I go when I'm ready for a nap. Seriously, the only so called "pvp" game ever to put me to sleep. When I'm done with my nappy I log off and go play something fun. I'm really looking forward to Dark Souls III and Fallout 4. Currently playing WoT, Metro: Last Light, and Tales of Vesperia.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#55 - 2015-09-30 16:04:53 UTC
Caladan Panzureborn wrote:
EVE is where I go when I'm ready for a nap. Seriously, the only so called "pvp" game ever to put me to sleep. When I'm done with my nappy I log off and go play something fun. I'm really looking forward to Dark Souls III and Fallout 4. Currently playing WoT, Metro: Last Light, and Tales of Vesperia.

Thanks for your sub (or better yet, PLEX) that keeps the game going for those of us who actually like it.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2015-09-30 18:03:51 UTC
i like science fiction and i like video games, i want to like eve... i've been aware of eve since it came out, but due to a serious case of spoiled rotten, some of it's game mechanics seemed archaic to me...

e.g. double click to move your character

consequently it was 2009 before i got around to even trying the game, and ever since, everytime i try eve again, ccp decides i am a demographic that must be herded into the style of gameplay they want, and the content i enjoy gets watered down/nerfed...

thats not a sandbox, its a stockyard

couple other little things about the game that bother me

5000 solar systems in the vastness of space and i can be found and attacked in 30 seconds
marketplaces that allow criminals to sit on their doorsteps and commit crimes

eve to me is a game i play despite the host company, not because of them

signed: bitter noob
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2015-09-30 18:20:13 UTC
Eve is a game for me ..... wow if you think about it. Its best hard to think about whats eve all about!?!

For me its a Journey seeing the development of the game, i like progress in a game. However eve is not my main game.
Eurotruck 2/Civ series are more the nr 1 for me. (courier/contract are my main way to earn isk in eve) Even mining.

My mmorpg list yes then eve is the nr: 2 / nr: 1 STO online. Love the story line. Thats what i miss in eve (all text based) dont like reading. Just saying.

Eve is just a game thats no problem to look away and come back when you want to play again without losing anything.
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#58 - 2015-09-30 18:33:40 UTC
Yes, its my primary. I spend a lot of time and money on other games also.

I really like the EVE design where you have world and feel really like you can do anything here. Expanse of the world and mechanics of EVE is great, I think its the best world design in MMO games. All of it, it really conects together and ticks nicely.
IcyMind Arierep
The Soul Society
#59 - 2015-09-30 18:49:45 UTC
EVE is a hobby !!! you learn and you leanr and you keep learning. And is up to you to use the skills that you learn, also there is an interesting background story to this hobby.
Best Korea
Leap Technologies
#60 - 2015-09-30 19:00:55 UTC
ValHellya wrote:
[...]some of it's game mechanics seemed archaic to me...e.g. double click to move your character

It took me a few moments to figure out what you were talking about -- do ppl really use the Captain's Quarters?!?
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