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I want your little things!

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Milo Caman
Anshar Incorporated
#1701 - 2012-01-04 13:00:52 UTC
Fix Salvador Sarpati. Big smile

Seriously, this came up a while ago, and a new portrait was even linked by CCP on a third-party forum, but it never went live with the rest of the portrait fixes.
#1702 - 2012-01-04 13:19:04 UTC
Start/Stop skill queue from Character Selection screen

(Background: I was setting up the other 2 toons on an alt account, and wanted to quickly alternate between the training queues to get both toons usable as soon as possible. The following assumes skills have already been placed in the queue. It would not work if nothing was queued.)

  • After logging in, while on the character selection screen, allow me to right-click a portrait (or perhaps click a button in the character data section) and choose 'Start Training', with a notification similar to the following:
  • (Note: substitute items in square brackets with the obvious data.)
    Also note: if choosing the right-click option, clearly separate it from the 'Terminate' function!)

    Skill Queue

    [currently-selected toon name] has started training [skill name] level [level].

    | OK |

    Note: an alternative to pop-up notifications would be coloured text in the existing SKILLS section of the character data.

    Note: if there aren't any skills in the queue, a message to that effect should show, e.g. "Training cannot be started until skills have been added to the queue.".

  • If another character is already training, automatically stop that skill queue and start the new one, with a notification along the lines of:

  • +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    Skill Queue

    [other toon name] has stopped training [skill name] level [level].

    [currently-selected toon name] has started training [skill name] level [level].

    | OK |

  • If the currently-selected character is already training, the menu option would show 'Stop Training'. It's fine if this last scenario is not implemented, as there should always be something training, but if it is, either a pop-up or coloured text in the SKILLS section would need to clearly indicate that there are no skills in training.

To support the above functionality, some slight enhancements to the SKILLS section of the character data (the data displayed to the right of the portrait) would be preferred (these would only display when the appropriate conditions are met):

  • Training queue inactive .............(existing text; white text)
  • ALL training queues are inactive! .............(bold yellow text)
  • Your clone is insuffient! Please upgrade it. .............(bold yellow text)
  • Skill [skill name] level [level] finishes in [nn]d [nn]h [nn]m [nn]s .............(white text; I would be happier with the first 2-3 skills being listed, not just one.)
  • Total training queue finishes in [nn]d [nn]h [nn]m [nn]s .............(existing text with 'Total' added to differentiate the above; white text)

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#1703 - 2012-01-04 13:25:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ASadOldGit
Reply # 1702 - got enough to keep you busy yet, Soundwave? Big smile

It should be possible to add a skill to the queue (and therefore inject it beforehand) IF ALL the prerequisites are already in the queue.
If I remove a prerequisite, any skill that depends on it should be disabled and skipped over by the queue system (continuing with the next valid item).

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#1704 - 2012-01-04 19:14:25 UTC
Change the payout calculation of agent missions to look where the mission is located not the agent. Your fellow players might actually consider to run those lowsec missions that they skip right now.

Change all warning messages to reflect the consequences of pressing "Yes" instead of some gibberish not even the programmer that wrote the message understands.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#1705 - 2012-01-04 20:35:37 UTC
Minor UI/Menu glitch.

Naming a BM something that already exist as a menu option somewhere messes up the ordering.

For instance, I named the BM to our preferred Refing station to "Refine", and it gets sorted at the bottom of the inspace menu, not together with other corp BM's.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Zod's Minions
#1706 - 2012-01-04 21:33:28 UTC
Can we have a manual entry amount for the Extractor Heads of PI?

I regularly adjust the time around to suit when I am to be online for a decent length of time.

If a manual entry box is not possible, shift-click for a day of time, and alt-click for a half a day.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1707 - 2012-01-04 23:23:01 UTC
Har Harrison wrote:
Sorry if this has already been listed.

When running missions, it says offered and accepted. How about they also say COMPLETED when you have done them so you know you can hand them in. Currently you have to open this window,open the mission and look for the green tick next to the objectives.

And it is even worse for FW missions when you pull say 10-15 of them and are unable to complete some of them. Much easier to see the ones that have been completed so you can hand them in...

I second this notion.
#1708 - 2012-01-05 06:10:03 UTC
High-sec Incursions.

Note: I have no personal experience with incursions, and every time I look, they seem to be 20-30 jumps away from me, so this request is based on comments in forums and chat channels.

From what I understand, CCP prides itself on this risk/reward concept - you want an increase in reward, the risks of getting it are also increased. The forums are groaning under the weight of people complaining that highsec incursions give a massive reward for very little risk - even this thread has multiple people saying get rid of, or nerf, highsec incursions.

Changing the AI, or the make-up of Sansha's fleets, or what the mothership does, are all changes that are too big for this thread.

Sansha is supposed to be invading empire space, right? So, why is he such as wuss? It should be dangerous enough so that, for every 10 player ships sent in, 1-2 get destroyed, or at least face the threat of destruction (hull damage, for example).

So, how about small, iterative changes to the damage (preferably) or reward tables - something that doesn't require coding (apart from a SQL script), that can be run at downtime? (I hope you haven't hard-coded anything...Ugh)

Assuming the weekends are the busiest time for incursions, each Thursday, the values are tweaked to increase/decrease, as appropriate, the damage output of Sansha's ships. That weekend, a dev-alt chooses a random incursion and watches it in a cloaky scout - watching how they adapt, and whether or not they struggle. If it's too easy for them, next weekend, the damage is increased. (On a side note, there shouldn't be a "standard fit" for incursions, or a "standard fleet make-up" - they should adapt to the nature of the event, but that's probably a bigger change.)

Take an iterative approach. Tweak - watch - learn. Tweak - watch - learn. You're not going to get the information you need by watching the forums for 6 months and then making one big change before Xmas and having 1000 players crying "Why u hate me, CCP?!" (Not accusing you of this, just not aware of what monitoring you actually do.)

This guy is Sansha, not Santa - he doesn't give out free stuff! They want the loot? Make them earn it.

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Viira Khali'un
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1709 - 2012-01-05 06:14:39 UTC
When decommissioning Planetary infrastructure, would it ever be possible to reimburse the player a small percentage of the initial cost? The % would need to be tweaked a little, however, so long as the number was high enough to remain relevant, yet low enough so as not to trivialize bad decisions, I feel this change could really help out newer players trying to get into PI for the first time.
#1710 - 2012-01-05 14:57:50 UTC
Add optimal range and falloff to tooltips of fitted guns. Reconsider what you show in that tooltip. I know that there is a conflagration lens in there because a) i can see that b) i just put it in there. Would help the Rookie Help too, quite a common question.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

#1711 - 2012-01-05 15:09:33 UTC
When dragging an assembled ship into a chat channel you will link the ship type with the name of your ship. The shiptype would be reasonable for unfitted and packaged ships. Change it to link the fitting instead.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Shuno Bravo
Caldari State
#1712 - 2012-01-05 17:58:02 UTC
Sell additional pilot slots beyond the standard 3.
#1713 - 2012-01-05 17:59:38 UTC
"This person is either not a member of your fleet or not present in this solar system."

Stations are not part of the solar system? Can I have one of those build in wormholes?

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Tear Miner
#1714 - 2012-01-05 19:14:07 UTC
I didn't realize this post was here, until I looked at the stickies. Haha.

So, like I was saying in my regular GD post, you should be able to en-queue skillbooks in the skill queue after setting the necessary prerequisites to train & provided you have enough time left & the skillbook available in your item hangar.

This would be an awesome little feature that would make me very happyBig smile
Avo Lina
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1715 - 2012-01-05 21:59:24 UTC
I'm sure this has been mentioned before but I'll say it anyway: \

Personal Wallet Divisions please!!!!
Daenna Chrysi
Omega Foundry Unit
Southern Legion Alliance
#1716 - 2012-01-05 22:10:08 UTC
I wonder how big of a thing would it be to tweak the training queue a bit.

I mean it is pretty annoying to have 24h training queue. I would prefer if it was based solely on the number of skills in it, so you could have say 10 skills in the queue regardless of how long they are.

Personally I would implement it so that it would be changed from the account management, and one could change it from the 24h one with max 50 skills in queue, to max 10 skills regardless of their duration, and back based on what you need.
Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1717 - 2012-01-06 02:12:57 UTC
Daenna Chrysi wrote:
I mean it is pretty annoying to have 24h training queue. I would prefer if it was based solely on the number of skills in it, so you could have say 10 skills in the queue regardless of how long they are.

Personally I would implement it so that it would be changed from the account management, and one could change it from the 24h one with max 50 skills in queue, to max 10 skills regardless of their duration, and back based on what you need.

10 skill levels regardless of length? OK, I'll train 10 rank 5 skills to level 5 and not have to log in for the next half year...

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1718 - 2012-01-06 02:13:13 UTC
ASadOldGit wrote:
It should be possible to add a skill to the queue (and therefore inject it beforehand) IF ALL the prerequisites are already in the queue.
If I remove a prerequisite, any skill that depends on it should be disabled and skipped over by the queue system (continuing with the next valid item).

Perhaps you should be able to inject any skill, but not be able to actually put it in the queue unless the prereqs are satisfied (possibly by entries earlier in the queue).

Really is a little thing, all it does is obviate the need to log in some days, once in a blue moon.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

#1719 - 2012-01-06 03:53:24 UTC
Ibeau Renoir wrote:
ASadOldGit wrote:
It should be possible to add a skill to the queue (and therefore inject it beforehand) IF ALL the prerequisites are already in the queue.
If I remove a prerequisite, any skill that depends on it should be disabled and skipped over by the queue system (continuing with the next valid item).

Perhaps you should be able to inject any skill, but not be able to actually put it in the queue unless the prereqs are satisfied (possibly by entries earlier in the queue).

Really is a little thing, all it does is obviate the need to log in some days, once in a blue moon.

In many cases, it's not actually an issue, as you would normally have a "filler" skill you move up to keep the queue going until you get home/wake up, especially on your main account.

Although I had noticed this issue on this account before, it was especially noticeable on new toons I was setting up recently, that had a specific short-term skill plan, and I had to find a filler that didn't necessarily benefit the specific task I had in mind.

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Cerberine Saken
Eternal Ennui
#1720 - 2012-01-06 16:26:36 UTC
It would be really nice if we had the ability to sort channel populations in ways other than alphabetically - by standings, specifically, would be very useful.

Also, why not just put the training queue window straight into the character sheet? The skill section already has that huge listing of skills right there, surely it's not too hard to tweak that into becoming the training queue and saving us a few clicks.