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Market Discussions

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Plex Prices

First post
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#661 - 2015-09-17 15:10:44 UTC
Alexi Stokov wrote:

Your belief that economists know exactly what is going to happen is laughable.

Surely can be likened to the weatherman but there is a reason why economist is a profession.
They have more access and more data than any player here; they have monitored this phenomena
to varying degrees in the past. You are hung up on the terminology exactly and want to point out that
"they in fact have a much better idea than anyone here" - was the correct phrase. What exactly do you
think you are pointing out that other readers couldn't see for themselves?

Alexi Stokov wrote:
CCP has had numerous PLEX sales and guess what? They were all at lower PLEX isk prices. How do you expect some new PLEX sale to magically set this perfect number for what a PLEX "should" be at? The reality is that at best, they would have an idea of what the sweet spot is for PLEX price but markets surprise all the time. The only way they might know is if we have already passed that number and they see things in the data. But if that had happened, by your logic, we would be seeing a be all to end all massive PLEX sale on right

Markee Dragon when questioned noted Business has spiked in relation to the plex prices going up. He is
a third party seller of plex and is a great indication that CCP's own numbers are up.

If you wanted a BMW which is priced at $179,120 and is offered at a car lot for $169,000 you might buy it.
If that same BMW is priced one sale at 1 cent; you will buy it.

It can't be that hard to understand how it is possible that plex could sell more units when there have been
sales before. When you become an adult and need to get groceries weekly you will better understand the
noted relationship; because everything is always on sale at the supermarket.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#662 - 2015-09-17 17:57:46 UTC
Capatalism in its best form!!!!
Players/botters what ever. This wil deal with a couplet of things!!!

Multibox Players being killed over time.
I can tell because i am 1.
If i cant keep Up ill drop 75% of my toons.


Multibox miners.
Less miners on the market higher schip mod proces at the end.
The one pvper that sales a plex can buy a carrier for €15,- ATM
See if that carrier will stil cost 1bil isk next year.

Less multibox pvping

Beter fight on 1 on 1 base.
Less cyno alts flying around to set Up a highway for carriers And other jump capable ships.
Less hotdrops or maybe beter orginezed because of Players drpping alts first.

I must say i dont give a ****. I like to plex my account as far as i can go.
But will not become a second job me!!!!!

This is what will happen on my side cause i help plexing corp mates as wel.

First i drop my toons 1by1 since i cant grind or collectie more then im willing to play.
(3 to 4 hour daily online )
After this my team mates have to make a choice what they will do.
If this ends Up quiting the game ill lose around 12 Players that are flying with me.

No more reason to play for me either. Cause what keeps me ingame is not the actual game it self.
It are the Players i fly with.

About CCP not interupting this fenominon is there right. Market will heal it self, or kill her self.

Lets push Up those plexes a 100 mil isk per week. Wonder what the effects are in about Christmas times!!!

Cant waiting guys!!!! Keep on f*****g everything Up.
Untill there are no buyers anymore.


Nero Farway
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#663 - 2015-09-17 19:09:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Nero Farway
icarus1166 wrote:

Lets push Up those plexes a 100 mil isk per week. Wonder what the effects are in about Christmas times!!!

Cant waiting guys!!!! Keep on f*****g everything Up.

I think my now we all know whats actually happening, it's been explained multiple times. Prices go up if demand exceeds supply. In return, they drop if supply exceeds demand.

Another basic thing we all know is that we can choose if we buy something (provided we have the money for it), sell it (provided we have it) or leave the market alone, but we cannot force others to do any of these things.

Knowing these 2 things - which basically everyone posting here knows - by applying simple logic, we can conclude that there are only so many ways to influence the market.

1) We can influence the market upwards if we buy.
2) We can influence the market downwards if we sell.
3) We can choose not to influence the market buy doing neither.

As we can see, complaining about the prices is not on the list. In fact, it's counterproductive to complain because if one cares that much about plex prices that he complains, he could better use that time doing 1) or 2).

Applying that to PLEX, people who buy plex on the eve Market are doing 1). They influence the market upwards, regardless of what they use the PLEX for.
However, if they want the price of PLEX lower, they should instead do 2). If they do not want to do 2) but rather do 1), they cannot complain about the price trending up. In fact, they are part of the "problem" they seem to have.
If they do not want to do 2) because they do not have the money for it, then thats ok. They can always do 3) without caring about that particular market.
If they do not want to pay for the sub (which they could, they were able to afford a computer after all, they might just have other priorities and thats fine) and do 1) instead, they cannot complain. If you complain about yourself you should probably change O_o

I conclude:
If people stay and do 2) or 3) they don't influence the market upwards.
If people leave, they don't influence the market upwards.
Only the ones doing 1) are the source of the "problem". Because of this, they have no right to complain.

Edit: quotation marks on "problem" are used because some see it as one, but I do not think this is a problem at all.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#664 - 2015-09-17 19:21:08 UTC
I fully agree with you Nero.

Im diggin And shooting my way trough the game pretty wel.
But i think this will drive Players away anyway. My main trouble is that ill
Lose my corp teammates over time. Thats what im complaining about ;)

I can fly with 4 toons without plexing. Because i can. Unfortunatly not everybody has this luxury.

So a call to all indys!!!! Push your prices Up on the market.

The miners need the pvp ers And visa versa.

They want more isk for 1item? So do you =)

#665 - 2015-09-17 21:00:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Zihao
Malcanis wrote:
At Markee Dragon prices, 1.35B for a PLEX comes in at under £7 for a billion ISK. That's a pretty persuasive price point.

Eh. Maybe. Aside from the fact that is a very good exchange rate in absolute terms, the relative utility of isk is really questionable.

I'm too new to feel overly confident about my asessment, but I think the rallying PLEX is more about signaling how trivial isk has become to players who are subscribed with cash. If PLEX and it's associated vanity items are all people really have a need to spend their isk on, then those things are going to soar in price while everything else descends to floor production cost.

Of course, individuals have varying valuations of isk. Some might want the biggest stack as a thing in itself. Some might have a more expensive taste in ships and don't have an alliance program to replace them. But I think on the average most players are either subscribed with cash and have an incredibly low-overhead cost of operation OR are subscribed with PLEX and have an overhead-cost that is almost entirely PLEX.

So what the market is actually signaling is that cash subscribers don't want the service of being provided isk as much as they used to. Or, perhaps more accurately, speculators are signaling to cash subscribers that they have been selling PLEX at a rate which is far below what the PLEX-consumers are willing to pay and they are willing to part with more of their isk in order to hold a more stable asset, one that can always be redeemed for something.

In the extreme event that isk was devalued to the point where it was nearly worthless eg. gold in most games, PLEX holders would still be able to redeem their stash for something. Meanwhile, isk holders would be completely hosed, unable to exchange their great mountain of credit for much of anything.
Alexi Stokov
State War Academy
Caldari State
#666 - 2015-09-17 21:33:57 UTC
Leetmcfeet wrote:
Alexi Stokov wrote:

Your belief that economists know exactly what is going to happen is laughable.

Surely can be likened to the weatherman but there is a reason why economist is a profession.
They have more access and more data than any player here; they have monitored this phenomena
to varying degrees in the past. You are hung up on the terminology exactly and want to point out that
"they in fact have a much better idea than anyone here" - was the correct phrase. What exactly do you
think you are pointing out that other readers couldn't see for themselves?

Alexi Stokov wrote:
CCP has had numerous PLEX sales and guess what? They were all at lower PLEX isk prices. How do you expect some new PLEX sale to magically set this perfect number for what a PLEX "should" be at? The reality is that at best, they would have an idea of what the sweet spot is for PLEX price but markets surprise all the time. The only way they might know is if we have already passed that number and they see things in the data. But if that had happened, by your logic, we would be seeing a be all to end all massive PLEX sale on right

Markee Dragon when questioned noted Business has spiked in relation to the plex prices going up. He is
a third party seller of plex and is a great indication that CCP's own numbers are up.

If you wanted a BMW which is priced at $179,120 and is offered at a car lot for $169,000 you might buy it.
If that same BMW is priced one sale at 1 cent; you will buy it.

It can't be that hard to understand how it is possible that plex could sell more units when there have been
sales before. When you become an adult and need to get groceries weekly you will better understand the
noted relationship; because everything is always on sale at the supermarket.

I'm just saying out loud what everyone is thinking.... That economists are not that good and a belief that they know exactly what will happen is rediculous
Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#667 - 2015-09-17 21:38:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Akballah Kassan
Being the kind of person that hates grinding isk I bailed out of plexing my alt accounts when the price reached 1 billion. I was hoping that would be the 'top', obviously I was wrong.

Now I just pay two subs for two accounts.

I'm just hoping that one day CCP put a time stamp on Plexes - if they are not used within 12 months they become worthless.

Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#668 - 2015-09-17 21:55:59 UTC
Well, here's another speculation on the future:

We're approaching the holiday and gift-giving season, and CCP usually runs a series of PLEX sales through Nov-Jan. PLEX prices tend to drop during this period, due to more frequent bursts of increased sales of PLEX for RL cash. Also, market speculators typically sell off PLEX during the earlier part of the season, to take out their profits while the prices are still high. They start buying PLEX again in the latter part of the season, when the PLEX sales have pushed in-game prices down.

So, I'd guess that we'll see PLEX prices continue to rise until mid Nov - easily pushing through any isolated weekend-only 10% off sales that CCP might try to use to slow things down. Around early Dec, I think we'll see prices level off - and perhaps drop somewhat through Dec and early Jan, depending on whether or not CCP runs an early Jan PLEX sales right after New Year's Day (which I think they should - that is the usual time when people, esp. the kids, have extra RL cash to spend, due to New Year's cash gifts given in many countries/cultures).

After Jan, I'd expect prices to start rising again, as speculators rapidly buy up the lower-cost PLEX injected into the game.

So... buy now, or wait until Nov/Dec? That depends on how much you think the prices will rise until then, and how long CCP will run their hoiday season sales. If the sales are extended and larger than normal (say 20%), then PLEX prices may go low; if not, then we may only see a plateau on prices and not a significant drop (ie. PLEX will still cost more in Nov/Dec than current prices).

Personally, I advise buying PLEX whenever you have excess idle ISK in your wallet, regardless of the price trends. If the price goes low, then just buy more. Remember that a PLEX is *always* worth 30 days of game play, so no loss ever in terms of RL value.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#669 - 2015-09-17 23:17:06 UTC
Last year; prices rose over 20% between October and the middle of November; and than the prices went back to normal at around December. For more info on this:

That being said there is a rough 2 months ahead of us and when the price goes down for December (If it goes down any reasonable %) It will be to a price which could very well be a price higher than what plex currently demands. That link suggests the announcement of ISBOXER multibroadcast being bannable lowered plex prices back than.

Given the data plex appears to rise in cost each year and has a small dip around the month of christmas. When this occurs I think plex will be at a fine price for the year; but it will be more expensive than it is now (1.3B) I think 1.3 will pale in comparison to where plex is heading this year.

This noted trend of a PLEX bubble; suggests we may see this price hike for another 2 full months before release; when all is said and done; the resting price for the new year I expect to be over the current price; Do not expect plex to be cheaper in December than it is today; Insteadl; expect the price of plex in December to be cheaper than Novembers high.
motie one
Secret Passage
#670 - 2015-09-18 11:59:04 UTC  |  Edited by: motie one
Well we are are in a really interesting position.

The situation that has occured is an anethema to the concept of an open market.
Under healthy conditions wealth is generated and the product of this increased wealth is reinvestment into the economy, leading to increased production with short term inflation whilst production catches up.
Destruction in eve would be the consumption driver to soak up this greater availability of goods.

However we now have the wealth generated being soaked up via plex purchases. Together with rampant speculation to maximise the paper value of such items. Isk is effectively being sterilised from the wider economy, leading to reduced velocity of Isk. It also removes the ability for Plex to fulfil it's primary function.

This is a situation that is not just unstable but destructive to the eve economy and player use of said plex.

Plex is a commodity that is designed for use not risk free storage of wealth. It is not a gold standard.

It is insanity to believe that CCP can indefinitely support this imbalance.

This wealth needs to be returned to the wider economy, to stimulate all areas of the game.

I would expect the process would be permenant and fixed NPC sell orders at 500m coupled with a Plex sale of 1$/€/£ over the subscription rate for a transition period. The free market will continue to operate beneath this hard cap.

This would force a transfer of isk held in Plex holdings into the wider economy whilst limiting the overload of fresh isk into the economy.

Yes some players will lose MASSIVE amounts of Paper Isk profits, but will overall mean isk assets and fresh isk generation will be used to fund production and spread throught the economy, (isk velocity).

This would be good for Players, Good for retention, good for activity, and good for the game overall.
Unless plex is dealt with as an Isk limbo, we will see lesser and lesser activity as a result.

I understand that Some plex holders and speculators will loath and hate this concept, but the overall health of EvE is greater than paper profits, that you cannot realise as the velocity of plex has collapsed.
Paper profits are meaningless without large numbers of end users willing and able to purchase plex.

a large quantity of Plex holdings that can actually be sold for 499,999,999 ISK each is more valuable than plex with a 1.3 Bil price tag that sits forever on the shelf unsold, even though a few units might slip out occasionally at the inflated price.
The large holders will realise this, but will be unwilling to crash the market to bring it back to functional levels, without a hard cap to support Plex velocity going forward. They will also be unwilling to act unilaterally, as it would put them at a competitive disadvantage.
A hard cap to plex will affect all large holders equally.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#671 - 2015-09-18 12:30:32 UTC
erg cz
Federal Jegerouns
#672 - 2015-09-18 12:59:49 UTC
motie one wrote:

I would expect the process would be permenant and fixed NPC sell orders at 500m

Never going to happen. Too many players will stop subscription and just plex their accounts since this 500 m is achievable in a matter of 50 hours of AFK mining even with semi-newbie skills, not speaking about higher ISK /hour activities.
Nouva MacGyver
Jedrzejczyk Integrated Capital
Minerva Exalt Holdings
#673 - 2015-09-18 13:26:39 UTC
This is just 34 pages of (mostly) a minority. In the span of a month there are enough unique client IDs for both buyers and sellers of plex DAILY, with sell orders completed edging buy orders being fulfilled on average.

Figuratively, the daily rate of movement is just as "healthy" as it was from years ago. No authoritative intervention is required, just the regular market forces at work.
motie one
Secret Passage
#674 - 2015-09-18 14:47:12 UTC  |  Edited by: motie one
Nouva MacGyver wrote:
This is just 34 pages of (mostly) a minority. In the span of a month there are enough unique client IDs for both buyers and sellers of plex DAILY, with sell orders completed edging buy orders being fulfilled on average.

Figuratively, the daily rate of movement is just as "healthy" as it was from years ago. No authoritative intervention is required, just the regular market forces at work.

CCP can compare the Numbers of Plex held versus the velocity of movement.
It appears to have become immobile relatively speaking from the information available.
{Numbers sold vs estimated stocks held.}
Market forces only work in a liquid market.
A small number of speculators Dabbling on the edge of the market, are setting price, not market forces. The market by definition has become illiquid.
Cervantis Storm
Only Fleets
Brute Force Solutions
#675 - 2015-09-18 15:25:50 UTC
Another Factor to consider in increasing plex prices, ship skins. People aren't just adding game time anymore, they are getting there fancy painted ships making the price of plex more valuable. I really do not expect plex to drop below 1bil again unless ships skins can be bought by other means.
Nouva MacGyver
Jedrzejczyk Integrated Capital
Minerva Exalt Holdings
#676 - 2015-09-18 15:56:59 UTC
motie one wrote:
Nouva MacGyver wrote:
This is just 34 pages of (mostly) a minority. In the span of a month there are enough unique client IDs for both buyers and sellers of plex DAILY, with sell orders completed edging buy orders being fulfilled on average.

Figuratively, the daily rate of movement is just as "healthy" as it was from years ago. No authoritative intervention is required, just the regular market forces at work.

CCP can compare the Numbers of Plex held versus the velocity of movement.
It appears to have become immobile relatively speaking from the information available.
{Numbers sold vs estimated stocks held.}
Market forces only work in a liquid market.
A small number of speculators Dabbling on the edge of the market, are setting price, not market forces. The market by definition has become illiquid.

I think I should clarify my stance. Stocks held for speculation aside, the rapidity of the plex's buy and sell has not suffered overall on a daily basis, even at these prices. Whatever the plexes on the market are being used for in the end, plex is still experiencing a fluid trade and changing of hands. My statements were never a for or against the prices.

There is no real need for a CCP intervention when a majority of players (including speculators) are carrying on their respective roles as they are with regards to the plex market for their own perceived advantages.
motie one
Secret Passage
#677 - 2015-09-18 17:14:36 UTC  |  Edited by: motie one
Nouva MacGyver wrote:
motie one wrote:
Nouva MacGyver wrote:
This is just 34 pages of (mostly) a minority. In the span of a month there are enough unique client IDs for both buyers and sellers of plex DAILY, with sell orders completed edging buy orders being fulfilled on average.

Figuratively, the daily rate of movement is just as "healthy" as it was from years ago. No authoritative intervention is required, just the regular market forces at work.

CCP can compare the Numbers of Plex held versus the velocity of movement.
It appears to have become immobile relatively speaking from the information available.
{Numbers sold vs estimated stocks held.}
Market forces only work in a liquid market.
A small number of speculators Dabbling on the edge of the market, are setting price, not market forces. The market by definition has become illiquid.

I think I should clarify my stance. Stocks held for speculation aside, the rapidity of the plex's buy and sell has not suffered overall on a daily basis, even at these prices. Whatever the plexes on the market are being used for in the end, plex is still experiencing a fluid trade and changing of hands. My statements were never a for or against the prices.

There is no real need for a CCP intervention when a majority of players (including speculators) are carrying on their respective roles as they are with regards to the plex market for their own perceived advantages.

We may be looking at different figures, It appears that the velocity of plex transactions has stopped other than between traders.
Plex is being bought for trading or storage, and even storage has ceased at these levels. Players buying plex on the market for other roles appears to have effectively ended.
Of course only CCP have the hard data at this level.

However when a core component of the EVE economy and the driver for many functions, alts etc, has ceased to function other than a way of counting trading coup, One would be either foolish or delusional, to believe that such a state will continue to the detriment of CCP's continuing existence.

If only 50% of plex in circulation were being used for paying for services and subscriptions It would have reached a horribly destructive state, deeply harmful to the EVE economy.

When Potentially single digit percentages of the total holdings are used for these roles then the damage is existential.
Is that worth paper profits for traders that can never be realised?

In ANY real world economy, the economic activity of a country would have ceased And legislation and controls implemented long long before.

The simplicity of Plex however and the fact it is not a Primary Fiat currency and has real roles, allows the fix to be applied in a straightforward manner, Remember, it is a requirement for any functional free market to have circuit breakers, and protections against market excesses.
It does not make it less free. Just a requirement to make it functional, lasting, and workable.

For the economists among you, We are in a Tulip scenario, we all know how that ended.
For those who are not, Google is your friend.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#678 - 2015-09-19 00:49:19 UTC
This is becoming damaging to player base. Some friends from my corp already left/ceased to play eve because of plex prices. Not everyone have nice jobs or much real money to play.
#679 - 2015-09-19 02:03:03 UTC  |  Edited by: yvsyvz
motie one wrote:

What motie one wrote is so f****** right I hope CCP will eventually notice his comments.

I am not sure which price a plex should be and how to fix a price but I am very sure that it needs to be protected from market pvp. We have reached a certain threshold of players with insane amounts of ISK that can manipulate the life line of eve with ease with far more consequences than the average reddit ****** is able to determine.
Katja Andrard
Katja Andrard Shipping Corporation
#680 - 2015-09-19 04:02:25 UTC
yvsyvz wrote:
motie one wrote:

What motie one wrote is so f****** right I hope CCP will eventually notice his comments.

I am not sure which price a plex should be and how to fix a price but I am very sure that it needs to be protected from market pvp. We have reached a certain threshold of players with insane amounts of ISK that can manipulate the life line of eve with ease with far more consequences than the average reddit ****** is able to determine.

And for those who criticize people who compare EVE with real life, that is pretty much how a PLEX bubble is being formed.
I am holding up before the Donchian Channel advises me otherwise.

Plex is a tricky thing in EVE market because it is the one thing that do not follow the pattern "it is just a game". Anything else people just buy for whatever price because "it is just play money". PLEX, on the other hand, will become stale like IRL market once it outprices its utility.