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Would it be possible for CCP to make Eve Online free to play?

First post
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#21 - 2015-09-06 07:40:22 UTC
If you want Eve free to play for new players then you need to offer an alternative source of revenue for CCP. For the development teams - this is their job. They expect to get paid.

For experienced players, you can already use in game currency to pay your subscription. I don't bother - the cost per day for my subscriptions is less then a cup of coffee.

If Eve is the right game for you, I don't think the price will be a deterrent. If it isn't - free won't help.
Incredibuilders United
#22 - 2015-09-06 07:58:00 UTC
Do Little wrote:
If you want Eve free to play for new players then you need to offer an alternative source of revenue for CCP. For the development teams - this is their job. They expect to get paid.

For experienced players, you can already use in game currency to pay your subscription. I don't bother - the cost per day for my subscriptions is less then a cup of coffee.

If Eve is the right game for you, I don't think the price will be a deterrent. If it isn't - free won't help.

I agree 100% i want CCP to make more money, and have more customers.

But a small clue if you watch this years CCP's CEO keynote from Fanfest he seemed to be more excited about VR headsets then Eve as a future for CCP which seemed a little odd to me, because VR hasn't taken off in any main stream sense in this country.
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#23 - 2015-09-06 08:03:42 UTC
There have been a few topics lately about what it's like to be a new player, so I made a trial account recently and messed around on it for the free month. I ended up making about 3bil ISK over the course of the month, killing a few people, stealing some stuff from others in hisec and going suspect, and generally having a fun time and exploring some lower level content I hadn't really done before, in addition to checking out the opportunities system. By the end of the month I was in a Gila with ok skills, and had enough liquid ISK to PLEX my account for 2 months.

It would probably take about 2 months to become well skilled at a cruiser. And cruisers are the best class of ship in the game IMHO. Or a lot of fun could be had as a newb by training into an Astero real quick and preying on other data/relic runners in low/null/wh. Certainly no reason to afk in station, training for the first month. Dunno why your friends thought they should do that. Or why you didn't set them straight.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2015-09-06 08:04:16 UTC
The point is not the money and not the skill queue ... those "elite gamers" just don't want to start again as a newb and fight their way up against other players as every EvE player did and has to do, regardless of income and time spent in the game. They think they deserve a shortcut to the "top" because of their "expierience". EvE would maybe reveal how of a bad gamer they are in a real player-driven competetive environment without arranged fights ...

I'm my own NPC alt.

All Kill No Skill
#25 - 2015-09-06 08:11:19 UTC
Verstal wrote:
I agree 100% i want CCP to make more money, and have more customers.

I don't. I want CCP to have a quality product that attracts players that want a quality game to stick around with for a good long while. A game that keeps CCP employees employed for many years to come. F2P's just produce garbage that players hop from one game to another due to the poor quality of them all. F2P games are all made for the few fat whales that spend tens of thousands of dollars each, not for the general player-base.
So, the game just isn't for everyone, and CCP recognizes that.

I'm in it for the money


Incredibuilders United
#26 - 2015-09-06 08:19:11 UTC
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
There have been a few topics lately about what it's like to be a new player, so I made a trial account recently and messed around on it for the free month. I ended up making about 3bil ISK over the course of the month, killing a few people, stealing some stuff from others in hisec and going suspect, and generally having a fun time and exploring some lower level content I hadn't really done before, in addition to checking out the opportunities system. By the end of the month I was in a Gila with ok skills, and had enough liquid ISK to PLEX my account for 2 months.

It would probably take about 2 months to become well skilled at a cruiser. And cruisers are the best class of ship in the game IMHO. Or a lot of fun could be had as a newb by training into an Astero real quick and preying on other data/relic runners in low/null/wh. Certainly no reason to afk in station, training for the first month. Dunno why your friends thought they should do that. Or why you didn't set them straight.

I have done this recently as well so I can be matched with them as far as characters and go through the experience so I have a fresh understanding of it so I can help them.

They just dont have the time to do that much dont have it. They all have very large RL commitments fathers, mothers, etc and have about 2 hours at night at most to play something, so they can play maybe 4 HS games 2 LoL or DOTA2 games, or jump on to Eve and try to remember where all the buttons are before coming back 2 days later to try to learn where all the buttons are.

As someone returning I found all of it all very easy to do, because once you understand the Eve content pattern its easy to get back on that bus and ride it.

Most suggest lowering the barrier of entry so they can keep excited about the idea of playing Eve and try to explain to them that the changes they want would be a different game and instead of adopting to Eve they go looking for a space game the way they want it. Most came from WoW at some point and never want to sub to another game again.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#27 - 2015-09-06 08:41:08 UTC
Verstal wrote:

People want and need to feel that they have 50/50 chance of winning a fight and if they out play the person they will win.

When you are hit with the harsh reality of CCP's system most players have a hard time dealing with it throw there hands up and run away.

Maybe you should abandon the idea that your friends are "good gamers" if this is a requirement for them or if they only play games that hands everything to them for free.

It is quite possible to make a name for yourself in EVE as a new player and outplay the older ones. But it needs some of your own ideas and some research, there is no power-leveling guide to EVE.

If they are so narrow-minded that they don't see the potential in this game then that is their loss. We don't need a bunch of kids from WOW here in my opinion.
Incredibuilders United
#28 - 2015-09-06 08:43:57 UTC
Webvan wrote:
Verstal wrote:
I agree 100% i want CCP to make more money, and have more customers.

I don't. I want CCP to have a quality product that attracts players that want a quality game to stick around with for a good long while. A game that keeps CCP employees employed for many years to come. F2P's just produce garbage that players hop from one game to another due to the poor quality of them all. F2P games are all made for the few fat whales that spend tens of thousands of dollars each, not for the general player-base.
So, the game just isn't for everyone, and CCP recognizes that.

Most people I know that have been playing this game for anytime play for free, and have trillions of isk to buy anything they want in the game, and those people are happy with anything CCP does because any new content or change is something that reinforces their prior commitment to the game and continued dominance over New Eden. They are so bored they are willing to accept everything and anything as long as it keeps them feeling they won Eve.

CCP makes no money off these people at this point never will.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#29 - 2015-09-06 08:45:53 UTC
Verstal wrote:
CCP makes no money off these people at this point never will.

Funnily enough, CCP makes more money off the people who play “for free” than from those that subscribe…
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#30 - 2015-09-06 08:52:16 UTC
That's only the people that you know, however. Granted there are many others, but there are also many many people who pay for their subscriptions with real money. Likewise, anyone who is doing the PLEX thing with ISK is relying on someone else who paid real money for those PLEX to be put in the market. Someone has to pay, no matter what.

People like myself don't play to make ISK, we play for fun. Like your friends we're grownups who are being forced by the world to be adults whether we like it or not most of the time. Limited play time is a thing many of us have to deal with. It's just a matter of trying to make the most out of what time you have.

Your friends aren't going to enjoy EVE unless they make an effort during their playtimes to make connections with other people, get their sea legs, go out and derp around and generally learn stuff. If they get into the mindset that they have to wait around til X point until they can do things then they've already lost.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

All Kill No Skill
#31 - 2015-09-06 08:57:56 UTC
Verstal wrote:
They just dont have the time to do that much dont have it. They all have very large RL commitments fathers, mothers, etc and have about 2 hours at night at most to play something, so they can play maybe 4 HS games 2 LoL or DOTA2 games, or jump on to Eve and try to remember where all the buttons are before coming back 2 days later to try to learn where all the buttons are.
All those f2p's, when you play for free and not spend a dime, or very little, you take the long way around. You spend way more time trying to keep up with someone that pays a lot. That's how they make their money, and there is always someone willing to spend a lot of money that you just can't keep up with. Some of them are outright scams in fact, using tricks to cheat players.

So that makes no sense. They have limited time but play games that stick them at the slowest pace, to torture them into spending money. Big reason I stay away from those games. And even if I spend money, I'll always get stuck with other players in my group that didn't pay a dime, so I suffer because of them, or I need to spend even more money to pick up the slack for them.

If EVE ever went f2p, I'd be outa here, no joke, and so would many/most here. They may pick up 100000 f2p instant players, but will spend little to nothing and then leave in months for some other f2p game that catches their eye. So if your friends demand free (do you even know them irl?) and just won't undock and try EVE for real, don't worry about it, it's just not a game for them.

I'm in it for the money


Incredibuilders United
#32 - 2015-09-06 08:58:37 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Verstal wrote:
CCP makes no money off these people at this point never will.

Funnily enough, CCP makes more money off the people who play “for free” than from those that subscribe…

That's funny I haven't given them any money in 6 or 7 years. Not a dime, and nobody I know does. We get all this stuff for free and can use it to buy new stuff for free, the hardest thing for these people to do is keep interested in the game long enough for something new to appear so we can get for free, and its been like this for 10 years.

The biggest fear of veteran players is that the free content train will end. I have no fear, but I am radical.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#33 - 2015-09-06 09:00:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Verstal wrote:
That's funny I haven't given them any money in 6 or 7 years.
…and yet they've made more money off of you than if you had.

I have no fear, but I am radical.
No, just ignorant of how the system works.
Incredibuilders United
#34 - 2015-09-06 09:05:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Verstal
Tippia wrote:
Verstal wrote:
That's funny I haven't given them any money in 6 or 7 years.
…and yet they've made more money off of you than if you had.

I have no fear, but I am radical.
No, just ignorant of how the system works.

They sold my chat logs to the FBI? If i dont give them money how are they making money off me.

You could say that because I play the game and have influence over others that might pay to play the game that I am helping CCP make money. Is that what you are saying? If not please enlighten me.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#35 - 2015-09-06 09:08:32 UTC
Verstal wrote:
If i dont give them money how are they making money off me.
Through your reliance on the most expensive method, by far, to maintain your subscription.
All Kill No Skill
#36 - 2015-09-06 09:13:32 UTC
Verstal wrote:
CCP makes no money off these people at this point never will.

They do, and quite a bit of money. PLEX isn't just game time, it's a service, you can use them on things other than game time. Every one of those PLEX are paid for by someone, so it's not really f2p of any sort, no one plays for "free". PLEX even costs more than a regular subscription, CCP makes more money off of them than they do me with my sub... when I'm not buying AUR for MCT's, space barbie clothes, sculpts or skins, anyway Straight

I'm in it for the money


Incredibuilders United
#37 - 2015-09-06 09:19:26 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Verstal wrote:
If i dont give them money how are they making money off me.
Through your reliance on the most expensive method, by far, to maintain your subscription.

But if your definition of wining Eve is to play for free, able to buy anything you want and being entertained while do it then you are getting the entertainment for free, fun for free, and the game for free.

You have made 28k posts on the forums so I assume you are from CCP?

You must have had internal discussions about Free to Play models and the direction the content is going seems to be bridge in that direction with vanity ship skins, and other vanity items.

What can we do to help CCP survive this transition?

All Kill No Skill
#38 - 2015-09-06 09:23:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
Verstal wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Verstal wrote:
That's funny I haven't given them any money in 6 or 7 years.
…and yet they've made more money off of you than if you had.

I have no fear, but I am radical.
No, just ignorant of how the system works.

They sold my chat logs to the FBI? If i dont give them money how are they making money off me.

You could say that because I play the game and have influence over others that might pay to play the game that I am helping CCP make money. Is that what you are saying? If not please enlighten me.

What is money? You provide labor and receive a form of currency in exchange, well in the form of a token in this case really. So when you turn in your PLEX after grinding endlessly every month, trading it from someone, you are just turning in a token that was already paid for with legal tender by someone else. Products, services, time, money to an exchange. Yes, I'm sure my capitalism is just bleeding through hah.

My time isn't free. If I put time into earning ISK to buy PLEX from someone that paid for that PLEX, that is simply not free.

I'm in it for the money


Sunshine and Lollipops
#39 - 2015-09-06 09:24:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Verstal wrote:
But if your definition of wining Eve is to play for free
But nothing.
They're still making money off of you.

You must have had internal discussions about Free to Play models and the direction the content is going seems to be bridge in that direction with vanity ship skins, and other vanity items.
They have. It was dismissed as the last measure right before the game is shut down since the game doesn't support it.

What can we do to help CCP survive this transition?
Mass-quit so they game is on the brink of being shut down and scamming a last wad of cash out of some fools is the last thing left to do. It might help CCP survive, but it obviously won't help EVE since it's being shut down.
Critically Preposterous
#40 - 2015-09-06 09:48:21 UTC
Verstal wrote:
Do you understand that I am talking about players that play mostly Heartstone, Wow, League and DOTA2 and they are high elo in all these games, high meaning top 5% of all players in the USA or EU? And that have spent 1000's of dollars on two or three of these games. People that go to gaming bars to watch people play during big events.

Do you understand that what you say is completely irrelevant and stupid?

seriously now, ISD - please lock this thread, it is obsolete and brings no valuable discussion.