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Evernus [2.2 release] - the Ultimate Market Tool

First post
Bert Zangle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#621 - 2015-08-13 15:21:12 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Bert Zangle wrote:
Amazing tool. So happy I found this!

One minor question (or possibly, request): Is there a way to change the amount by which an outbid order is adjusted? If so, I guess I didn't find the setting, if not, any chance you could add that as a variable in a future release?

I like to vary the amount to undercut, usually: higher if the order total is higher. Reason being: orders with a value in the millions that are all 1 ISK (or even worse, 0.01 ISK) apart kind of annoy me and I tend to "punish" that in other sellers by picking the second cheapest or so offer. To avoid that happening to myself, it'd be great to change the amount to undercut.

You can do it in the price preferences.

Price delta? Checked it, but it didn't seem to work. Will try to see if program restart helps...
Tannhauser C-Beam
#622 - 2015-08-29 06:14:26 UTC
I've run the 1.33 update, but when I fire up the app it is still v1.32, i got no errors during the update. Why will the app not update?
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#623 - 2015-08-29 06:31:38 UTC
Rumbaldi wrote:
I've run the 1.33 update, but when I fire up the app it is still v1.32, i got no errors during the update. Why will the app not update?

There was a switch in 3rd party installer software. You most likely now have two versions installed. Uninstall the 1.32 version and reinstall the 1.33 and everything will be fine. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Tannhauser C-Beam
#624 - 2015-08-29 06:45:55 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Rumbaldi wrote:
I've run the 1.33 update, but when I fire up the app it is still v1.32, i got no errors during the update. Why will the app not update?

There was a switch in 3rd party installer software. You most likely now have two versions installed. Uninstall the 1.32 version and reinstall the 1.33 and everything will be fine.

Ahhh, sorted, thanks for the quick reply.
#625 - 2015-08-29 11:21:33 UTC
I just downloaded and installed version 1.33 (Windows 64 bit) and it looks interesting, but I am having a problem with the "Active Tasks" popup hanging while importing items.

I clicked "Import all" and the tasks cycled through fetching characters, wallet journals, market orders, transactions, assets, contracts. contract items, and finally "Saving 8016 imported orders..." There it stops, with progress bar at 98%, for hours. I can find no way to cancel the operation, other than ending the Evernus task. When I re-start Evernus everything seems to function until I try to "Import all" again.

Is this a known issue or am I special?

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#626 - 2015-08-29 11:28:56 UTC
Careby wrote:
I just downloaded and installed version 1.33 (Windows 64 bit) and it looks interesting, but I am having a problem with the "Active Tasks" popup hanging while importing items.

I clicked "Import all" and the tasks cycled through fetching characters, wallet journals, market orders, transactions, assets, contracts. contract items, and finally "Saving 8016 imported orders..." There it stops, with progress bar at 98%, for hours. I can find no way to cancel the operation, other than ending the Evernus task. When I re-start Evernus everything seems to function until I try to "Import all" again.

Is this a known issue or am I special?

Unfortunately, you seem to be special. Saving 8k orders should take few seconds. Can you check on another character? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#627 - 2015-09-03 15:03:51 UTC
Version 1.34 is here. It’s the first version which takes advantage of new update process on Windows. You shouldn’t be required anymore to download full installation package. Instead, you will be prompted for upgrade, which should seamlessly update the application. You can also manually launch the setup and update all packages.


  • [new] character/corporation tab toggle shortcuts in view menu
  • [new] price filters in Market Analysis
  • [new] new database migration system for better update experience (also fixes a bug with updates and synchronization)
  • [fixed] unneeded whitespace after the last column when copying data from Market Analysis
  • [changed] initial CREST import performance improvements
  • [changed] layout improvements in Market Analysis
  • [changed] Galatea database - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Gyges Skyeye
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#628 - 2015-09-04 02:45:07 UTC
I tried updating it with the new package updater when prompted at startup. That didn't work. It gave me an error of

"The program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

So I uninstalled the program via control panel. I redownloaded it from the website and reinstalled it. No dice, same error given.

Thoughts and solutions?
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#629 - 2015-09-04 05:08:53 UTC
Gyges Skyeye wrote:
I tried updating it with the new package updater when prompted at startup. That didn't work. It gave me an error of

"The program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

So I uninstalled the program via control panel. I redownloaded it from the website and reinstalled it. No dice, same error given.

Thoughts and solutions?

Ahh, I forgot theses files. Please try to install again now. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#630 - 2015-09-04 21:52:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Gilbaron

Fantastic tool. I have a small question

is it possible to use different import data for the columns in the market analysis tool ?

i would love to compare the sell order price in jita with the sell order price in $otherplace for some regional trading, with sales volumes also taken from $otherplace


edit: there is also a translation error for the german version


Ansicht - Register anzeigen/verbergen - Körperschaftsteuer Registerkarten

should be:

Ansicht - Register anzeigen/verbergen - Corporation Registerkarten
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#631 - 2015-09-05 07:44:25 UTC
Gilbaron wrote:

Fantastic tool. I have a small question

is it possible to use different import data for the columns in the market analysis tool ?

i would love to compare the sell order price in jita with the sell order price in $otherplace for some regional trading, with sales volumes also taken from $otherplace


That's planned, but it's not done yet. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Morbus Macademia
#632 - 2015-09-17 05:30:32 UTC

updated to 1.34 but I cannot get the Margin Calculator to work. Can somebody help please?

I've already pointed evernus to the right folder with the market logs but it doesn't appear in the calculator.

thx in advance
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#633 - 2015-09-17 05:44:40 UTC
Morbus Macademia wrote:

updated to 1.34 but I cannot get the Margin Calculator to work. Can somebody help please?

I've already pointed evernus to the right folder with the market logs but it doesn't appear in the calculator.

thx in advance

What exactly is happening? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Morbus Macademia
#634 - 2015-09-17 05:47:02 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Morbus Macademia wrote:

updated to 1.34 but I cannot get the Margin Calculator to work. Can somebody help please?

I've already pointed evernus to the right folder with the market logs but it doesn't appear in the calculator.

thx in advance

What exactly is happening?

the margin calculator doesn't fetch prices when i hit export to log in the eve market. :(
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#635 - 2015-09-17 06:02:08 UTC
Morbus Macademia wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Morbus Macademia wrote:

updated to 1.34 but I cannot get the Margin Calculator to work. Can somebody help please?

I've already pointed evernus to the right folder with the market logs but it doesn't appear in the calculator.

thx in advance

What exactly is happening?

the margin calculator doesn't fetch prices when i hit export to log in the eve market. :(

Ok, let's debug the issue.

  1. Make sure you are using the correct "export" button in eve - the one for market orders, not your orders.
  2. Make sure the path to the logs is correct.
  3. When the margin tool is closed, export some logs from eve and verify they appear in the directory.
  4. In the path preferences, make sure the log wildcard matches the name of the log files. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Morbus Macademia
#636 - 2015-09-17 06:09:18 UTC
Pete Butcher wrote:
Morbus Macademia wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Morbus Macademia wrote:

updated to 1.34 but I cannot get the Margin Calculator to work. Can somebody help please?

I've already pointed evernus to the right folder with the market logs but it doesn't appear in the calculator.

thx in advance

What exactly is happening?

the margin calculator doesn't fetch prices when i hit export to log in the eve market. :(

Ok, let's debug the issue.

  1. Make sure you are using the correct "export" button in eve - the one for market orders, not your orders.
  2. Make sure the path to the logs is correct.
  3. When the margin tool is closed, export some logs from eve and verify they appear in the directory.
  4. In the path preferences, make sure the log wildcard matches the name of the log files.

1. Checked
2. Path checked
3. Logs appear with following format: The Forge-Wasp II-2015.09.17 060639
4. wildcard changed to: The Forge-*.txt

It still doesn't seem to fetch the data.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#637 - 2015-09-17 06:13:48 UTC
Morbus Macademia wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Morbus Macademia wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:
Morbus Macademia wrote:

updated to 1.34 but I cannot get the Margin Calculator to work. Can somebody help please?

I've already pointed evernus to the right folder with the market logs but it doesn't appear in the calculator.

thx in advance

What exactly is happening?

the margin calculator doesn't fetch prices when i hit export to log in the eve market. :(

Ok, let's debug the issue.

  1. Make sure you are using the correct "export" button in eve - the one for market orders, not your orders.
  2. Make sure the path to the logs is correct.
  3. When the margin tool is closed, export some logs from eve and verify they appear in the directory.
  4. In the path preferences, make sure the log wildcard matches the name of the log files.

1. Checked
2. Path checked
3. Logs appear with following format: The Forge-Wasp II-2015.09.17 060639
4. wildcard changed to: The Forge-*.txt

It still doesn't seem to fetch the data.

Ah crap, I told you the wrong setting. Revert the wildcard - it will never import, if you set it this way. Other thing - don't the logs have the .txt extension? - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Morbus Macademia
#638 - 2015-09-17 06:18:15 UTC
Now it works. Thanks!!!
Connor McLeod
Unicorn Investment
#639 - 2015-09-20 17:10:51 UTC
First of all I want to thank you for this tool and the effort you are putting in it!

I'd like to use it extensively for my trading activities, but I encountered some bumps, which keep me from using it really.
The problem I encountered is, that Evemus in comparison to the outdated Evementat seems not to pull the prices correctly for my corporate orders and my assets.

Funny thing is, for let's say 2 of my 20 orders it displays a correct price, for the others not. Did I miss some option where to set the price range the program uses? In the market viewer all prices are listed correctly if I select an item I have a sell order for but when switching to the orders tab there is only shown "No Price data".

As mentioned, using the orders tab in the old Eve-Mentat program works fine and all prices and differences are shown correctly, so I am assuming I am missing something on Evemus...

Additionally I think defining the self-cost for items on a manual basis is not a viable option when exceeding a certain number of orders, because it's simply too much work with prices changing all the time. In my opinion it would be a great benefit to the tool if something like the blueprint calculator as in "Eve-HQ" or "Eve is per hour" would be implemented to do the calc work depending on skills, implants and market prices for the raw materials as well as the costs for the manufacturing process itself.
Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#640 - 2015-09-20 17:46:04 UTC
Connor McLeod wrote:
Funny thing is, for let's say 2 of my 20 orders it displays a correct price, for the others not. Did I miss some option where to set the price range the program uses? In the market viewer all prices are listed correctly if I select an item I have a sell order for but when switching to the orders tab there is only shown "No Price data".

As mentioned, using the orders tab in the old Eve-Mentat program works fine and all prices and differences are shown correctly, so I am assuming I am missing something on Evemus...

No price data means there is no competitor price data imported. Did you use web import (CREST)?

Connor McLeod wrote:

Additionally I think defining the self-cost for items on a manual basis is not a viable option when exceeding a certain number of orders, because it's simply too much work with prices changing all the time. In my opinion it would be a great benefit to the tool if something like the blueprint calculator as in "Eve-HQ" or "Eve is per hour" would be implemented to do the calc work depending on skills, implants and market prices for the raw materials as well as the costs for the manufacturing process itself.

You can turn on automatic cost adding on every fulfilled buy order. I had no plans for any manufacturing features, but those seem to be requested. The problem is - I have no industrial character to test it properly atm. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool