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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

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Mir Jana
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-08-25 07:52:17 UTC
I was wondering about something...

January 2014 - average was 41k online
June 2014 - average was 32k online
December 2014 - average was 27k online
May 2015 - average was 21k online
August 2015 - average is 16k online

today I logged in at 14793 online.....

What can CCP do to re-build its populace cause obviously something is rotten in the state of Iceland...?
Chainsaw Plankton
#2 - 2015-08-25 08:14:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Chainsaw Plankton
the last month has averaged ~21k, over all of 2015 it looks to be ~33k. A summer dip is usually pretty normal. Although yea it does seem a bit lower than normal. the 15k number seems pretty normal for the middle of the night (ustz) Early morning for the EU tz..

This thread went a lot further than I thought it would space, welp: ***This space for rent***

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Jita Jitara
Piscis Austrinus Enterprise
#3 - 2015-08-25 08:19:55 UTC
I think the following might increase interest:

1) add more regions - more space needed, at least another 5000+ systems for the taking
2) limit corps to 75-100 members and alliances to 50 corporations, coalitions would be created, coalitions will dissolve, backstabs will occur. Everyone will have a fighting chance.
3) kill titans or make them stationary so that they serve a purpose of being a system defense structure rather then to move them about and use them in fleets.
4) eliminate jump bridges
5) 0.8-1.0 systems: no pirates/gankers allowed at all, 0.5-07 business as usual.
6) moon minerals should deplete on moons and respawn on different moons, which would encourage conquest. Each moon gives a random amount according moon size. Small moon = small amounts vs big moon = big amounts.
7) 30 day timecodes at 750m a pop would be nice to have :) equivalent to currency.
8) mining boats need a stronger tank so that they can withstand the pirate ganks in 0.5-0.7 systems.
9) old school sov wars where you popped towers was a nice thing, dunno if it can be brought back into life. but thats just me. Node wars did spread out the fights to several different systems, so I did not see any massive lags yet.
10) increase number of wormholes and add more WH bonus types
11) Drones should drop loot, same as other npc factions
12) risk vs reward, more challenging anomalies and signatures

also I heard about EVE from a mate who heard from a mate who heard from a priest etc... So maybe more marketing would not hurt the CCP wallets. ****'s sale, World of Tanks has a better ad on TV then WoW. And if WoT can fight for their fanbase, dont see why CCP cant do it themselves as well.
Cancel Align NOW
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-08-25 08:34:44 UTC
I think your numbera are a little off. I agree the numbers seem to be trending down but I play often between 7:00 - 11:00 utc (traditionally one of the quietest zones) and still often 20000kish online.

@ Jita Jitara. Your ideas break some of the fundemental elements of the sandbox as I see them and may result in increased numbers temporarily but would break the revenue for industrialists.
All Kill No Skill
#5 - 2015-08-25 08:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
ummm... stop people from multi-training on accounts and force them to reopen closed accounts to train their alt characters? P

Mir Jana wrote:
August 2015 - average is 16k online

and yeah maybe you are looking at the wrong server since it's actually 21k avg for this month.
Maybe the remaining multi-boxers didn't count in your opinion? Lol

btw I betcha Jita and Mir are the same person Pirate (some same posting history etc.)
friggen miners hah

I'm in it for the money


#6 - 2015-08-25 09:18:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Mir Jana wrote:
today I logged in at 14793 online.....

One day last month I logged on there was just 1 player online, so EVE was dead.

Am I playing this doom and gloom end of the world stuff right?


Yeah, there really was just 1
Bob Maths
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-08-25 09:29:45 UTC
Perhaps CCP needs to adapt to the modern market and stop trying to peddle a product that is quite niche.
Darth Schweinebacke
Wings of Fury.
#8 - 2015-08-25 09:41:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Darth Schweinebacke
Jita Jitara wrote:
I think the following might increase interest:

1) add more regions - more space needed, at least another 5000+ systems for the taking
2) limit corps to 75-100 members and alliances to 50 corporations, coalitions would be created, coalitions will dissolve, backstabs will occur. Everyone will have a fighting chance.
3) kill titans or make them stationary so that they serve a purpose of being a system defense structure rather then to move them about and use them in fleets.
4) eliminate jump bridges
5) 0.8-1.0 systems: no pirates/gankers allowed at all, 0.5-07 business as usual.
6) moon minerals should deplete on moons and respawn on different moons, which would encourage conquest. Each moon gives a random amount according moon size. Small moon = small amounts vs big moon = big amounts.
7) 30 day timecodes at 750m a pop would be nice to have :) equivalent to currency.
8) mining boats need a stronger tank so that they can withstand the pirate ganks in 0.5-0.7 systems.
9) old school sov wars where you popped towers was a nice thing, dunno if it can be brought back into life. but thats just me. Node wars did spread out the fights to several different systems, so I did not see any massive lags yet.
10) increase number of wormholes and add more WH bonus types
11) Drones should drop loot, same as other npc factions
12) risk vs reward, more challenging anomalies and signatures

also I heard about EVE from a mate who heard from a mate who heard from a priest etc... So maybe more marketing would not hurt the CCP wallets. ****'s sale, World of Tanks has a better ad on TV then WoW. And if WoT can fight for their fanbase, dont see why CCP cant do it themselves as well.

Good thing that you are not a dev...

1) Even at times when we regularly had close to 60K players online vast areas of space were totally empty. We did not need more space then, we surely do not need more space with half the amount of players online at prime time.

2) Does not change anything. All you do is split up an alliance of the size of goonswarm into 3 alliances instead.

3) Titans have very little purpose already in the current sov system so technically they are already dead.

4) Taking away one of the few benefits that come with holding sov won´t motivate anyone to play the game, if anything if you remove them you achieve exactly the opposite of what you are thinking this change would do.

5) People who quit over getting ganked in 1.0 - 0.8 will also quit the game when they are ganked in 0.7 - 0.5 as far as changes to high sec goes, I have not seen a single change that made high sec safer that caused an increase in players. In an environmet where gankers had a much easier life the game kept growing, making it safer did not help with getting more players interested especially not long term players.

6) Can not say anything against that, but that is not really a new Idea either. People have been promoting something like that for a long time.

7) If you want plex for as low as 750 mil on the market go and buy plex with RL $ and crash the market (this might be expensive though and the price will go up again after a while. Setting a hard cap for plex price would completly go against the idea of a player driven ecomony (and the argument: "muh I don´t want to grind that much for gametime does not count").

8) Procurers and skiffs have more than enough EHP if you fit them correctly. If you chose to pick your ship by ISK/Hour you can make that is your decision, but the options to greatly reduce the chance to get ganked already exist.

9) While I am not a fan of the new Sov System (I am not a fan of flying frigs or playing catch) POS spamming wars were tedious as well.

10) Afaik wormholes are not too populated as well as it is, as long as you can go into wormholes solo and do stuff there I don´t see why we would need more of them.

11) Getting your income directly into your wallet makes ratting a lot more comfortable, as you don´t have to bother with flying tons of worthless loot around to sell it. If you want loot there are more than enough other regions where you can farm loot. The only reason I see here why ccp should swap to less bounty + loot for drones is if they feel like they need to reduce the amount of ISK getting injected into the economy, but I am sure they have a better insight into that topic than any player does.

12) Unless you completly rewrite the whole code of how anoms, missions and everything works PvE will always be predictable and thus not very challenging. If you want them to be challenging you can always use a ship that makes them harder to run.

On the marketing part I can only agree. CCP could do a lot more in that area.
#9 - 2015-08-25 10:00:42 UTC
Avvy wrote:
Mir Jana wrote:
today I logged in at 14793 online.....

One day last month I logged on there was just 1 player online, so EVE was dead.

Am I playing this doom and gloom end of the world stuff right?


Yeah, there really was just 1

Provide proff or it didnt happen.
In all my time playing EVE, ive ever only seen this in the few mins after DT. Theres ALWAYS more then 1 player online, always.
Unless you are on SISI ofc, then its plausible.

A life is best lived, to not step into your grave in a well preserved body. Instead, to slide in side ways, all battered and bruised, screamming, "Holy SH**! What a ride!"

#10 - 2015-08-25 10:04:34 UTC
Hipqo wrote:
Avvy wrote:
Mir Jana wrote:
today I logged in at 14793 online.....

One day last month I logged on there was just 1 player online, so EVE was dead.

Am I playing this doom and gloom end of the world stuff right?


Yeah, there really was just 1

Provide proff or it didnt happen.
In all my time playing EVE, ive ever only seen this in the few mins after DT. Theres ALWAYS more then 1 player online, always.
Unless you are on SISI ofc, then its plausible.

I bolded and underlined the relevant bit, you answered your own query.
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-08-25 10:08:14 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
The lowest peak in a 30 day horizon is more interesting:
You can't pay for a shorter period than 30 days.
That means even if not playing a lot there are 30k active and paid accounts.
(even if plexed, those plex had to be bought from CCP)
After DT Playercount is 0!

Far more reliable data from chribba:

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Daniela Doran
#12 - 2015-08-25 10:13:19 UTC
Webvan wrote:
ummm... stop people from multi-training on accounts and force them to reopen closed accounts to train their alt characters? P

Mir Jana wrote:
August 2015 - average is 16k online

and yeah maybe you are looking at the wrong server since it's actually 21k avg for this month.
Maybe the remaining multi-boxers didn't count in your opinion? Lol

btw I betcha Jita and Mir are the same person Pirate (some same posting history etc.)
friggen miners hah

Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2015-08-25 10:15:15 UTC
Jita Jitara wrote:
I think the following might increase interest:

1) add more regions - more space needed, at least another 5000+ systems for the taking
2) limit corps to 75-100 members and alliances to 50 corporations, coalitions would be created, coalitions will dissolve, backstabs will occur. Everyone will have a fighting chance.
3) kill titans or make them stationary so that they serve a purpose of being a system defense structure rather then to move them about and use them in fleets.
4) eliminate jump bridges
5) 0.8-1.0 systems: no pirates/gankers allowed at all, 0.5-07 business as usual.
6) moon minerals should deplete on moons and respawn on different moons, which would encourage conquest. Each moon gives a random amount according moon size. Small moon = small amounts vs big moon = big amounts.
7) 30 day timecodes at 750m a pop would be nice to have :) equivalent to currency.
8) mining boats need a stronger tank so that they can withstand the pirate ganks in 0.5-0.7 systems.
9) old school sov wars where you popped towers was a nice thing, dunno if it can be brought back into life. but thats just me. Node wars did spread out the fights to several different systems, so I did not see any massive lags yet.
10) increase number of wormholes and add more WH bonus types
11) Drones should drop loot, same as other npc factions
12) risk vs reward, more challenging anomalies and signatures

also I heard about EVE from a mate who heard from a mate who heard from a priest etc... So maybe more marketing would not hurt the CCP wallets. ****'s sale, World of Tanks has a better ad on TV then WoW. And if WoT can fight for their fanbase, dont see why CCP cant do it themselves as well.

Ah, a homogeneous blend of exaggeration and truth. my favorite flavor of post. Top shelf.
All Kill No Skill
#14 - 2015-08-25 10:26:57 UTC
Bob Maths wrote:
Perhaps CCP needs to adapt to the modern market and stop trying to peddle a product that is quite niche.

We're not here to play a modern market game. Games that change to get a different type of player, fail.

I'm in it for the money


Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#15 - 2015-08-25 10:31:24 UTC
Jita Jitara wrote:
I think the following might increase interest:

1) add more regions - more space needed, at least another 5000+ systems for the taking
5) 0.8-1.0 systems: no pirates/gankers allowed at all, 0.5-07 business as usual.
8) mining boats need a stronger tank so that they can withstand the pirate ganks in 0.5-0.7 systems.

1) And yet, when I made the trip to the Titan graveyard, there was no-one in most of the systems I passed through. I think we have enough regions.
5) How to stop pirates and gankers? Disable weapons or get GMs to smack our hands?
8) Some would say the Procurer/Skiff is already too tanky. Me, I've never had my barge ganked*.

Anyway, once I get a new computer (and wired connection) I'll resub my second account and log in more.

*must see about that permit before I mine again ;)
Vardaugas Family
#16 - 2015-08-25 10:31:51 UTC
Increasing production times by a factor of three to five would be a start, so that a single player can no longer saturate a market with every module by his lonely self.

I came for the industry aspect of the game. Because it was deep, involving, an endeavour. And now I am going, because it was rendered a footnote.
Sky Marshal
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2015-08-25 10:32:16 UTC
This numbers are odd, but there is indeed a decline. The summer isn't a valid explanation of it as there was more players online in the previous summers...

There are multiple reasons for that but none of them are exclusive, it is a mix of all.

No marketing, alienation of old players who refuse to attract new ones in reaction (multiple reasons here like the typical "we ask for feedback but we don't care of it" from CCP, etc), the methodical destruction of the UI (less customization, etc), the ISK price of PLEXes, etc. This list is of course absolutely NOT complete.

Saying that EVE is dying is false, but it is true that CCP do anything to NOT attract players and the worst thing is that they geniously think they do good.
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2015-08-25 10:42:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6637
Webvan wrote:
Bob Maths wrote:
Perhaps CCP needs to adapt to the modern market and stop trying to peddle a product that is quite niche.

We're not here to play a modern market game. Games that change to get a different type of player, fail.

I was thinking there's some validity to that statement about wider appeal. I made a suggestion about offering a real money prize for the Alliance Tournament, funded by vanity or special edition item sales. I agree with the statement about mainstream appeal because current tournament prizes are in-game items which to an outsider are unappealing for being part of a closed system.

Offering real money is superior because real world currency is something everyone can relate to.

EVE could stand to be more relevant, and a great way to do that is offer tournament prizes that outside gamers and non-gamers can understand.
All Kill No Skill
#19 - 2015-08-25 11:07:24 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Webvan wrote:
Bob Maths wrote:
Perhaps CCP needs to adapt to the modern market and stop trying to peddle a product that is quite niche.

We're not here to play a modern market game. Games that change to get a different type of player, fail.

I was thinking there's some validity to that statement about wider appeal. I made a suggestion about offering a real money prize for the Alliance Tournament, funded by vanity or special edition item sales. I agree with the statement about mainstream appeal because current tournament prizes are in-game items which to an outsider are unappealing for being part of a closed system.

Offering real money is superior because real world currency is something everyone can relate to.

EVE could stand to be more relevant, and a great way to do that is offer tournament prizes that outside gamers and non-gamers can understand.

But you gotta think who does it appeal to. You have a target audiance and need a way to reach them with a message you bait the hook with. I think CCP kind of understands this, and the difficulty with putting the right message in the right places for the right people. Probably the best thing they have going right now besides word of mouth by vets is being visible on Steam.

I'm in it for the money


Salvos Rhoska
#20 - 2015-08-25 11:17:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
More Valkyrie, DUST and Gunjack integration into EVE proper might help snag more cross-genre players.

I think the decline in active players is pretty evident from the server statistics, probably due in large part to dissatisfaction with the sov situation.

Im not sure how a 25% increase in PLEX prices since last fall at this time is related, but definately something has changed in player behavior.
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