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[Galatea] First batch of sov capture iterations

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Syri Taneka
#121 - 2015-08-19 01:16:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Syri Taneka
RatKnight1 wrote:
So, we can still fly trollceptors?


A 4km/s speed limit is not enough.

Limit these things to ships that force players to put some skin into the race. On top of this, players in trollceptors can still fly through space while generally being untouchable... sure, they can only go 4km/s, but that still is enough to outrun most combat fit ships in the game.

I've only really experienced issues with catching CRUISERS running the t2 link (though chasing them away or breaking their lock is still easy). A short orbit range on an interceptor which can't warp out makes it very susceptible to, say, a Rapier with dual webs (don't need a point when the target is held on grid by their own module). I've ganked multiple inties and a dictor running t1 links with such a setup.

Now with a 4k m/s top speed limiting ability to simply kite away from other predators? Light drone swarm, anyone?
Baku Saissore
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2015-08-19 01:19:12 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:
Baku Saissore wrote:
i cant believe the whining is still continuing!! You got what you wanted - f1 blobs are back!! with defense multipliers down to 24 minutes max , an attacking fleet doesn't have to worry too much about defenders - just bring a blob.

in particularly whats annoying is the whining re 4k speed limit. Have you never heard of a ceptor? .... you lazy F1 monkeys...

Well, maybe if you actually played this game under sov scenario related PvP fights instead of struggling with your keyboard to spell English words out correctly here, you would have already known that the 4000 m/s is more than enough in any ship equipped with an Entosis link to simply align away from the sov module the moment a hostile pops up in local to break grid (or burn such an amount of distance from the sov structure that any attempt to catch will be futile) and reach complete safety.

Instead of concentrating on my grammar learn how to play this game!!! Get a ceptor and undock instead of hiding behind an FC and press F1 and do check killboards before commenting nonsense. Even a basic ceptor can do over 4 k and even under current rules i caught over 20 entosis ceptors in the last month.

Seriously grow a pair or just quietly press F1 and leave the ones who actually like pvp to get on with it.
#123 - 2015-08-19 01:19:15 UTC
Galphii wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:

ill say it again make fozziesov a mesh between structure and elink grind.

make it so you use the elink to reinforce the 1st time then you have to use elinks for the 1st capture event.

this then would cause the second reinforce which would then disable the shields and allow the structure to be shoot at.

so now you can put your capitals to work and attack the structure...

but even though the structure is vulnerable you can also choose to capture the annoms spread throughout the consultation.

This would be my preference - the freedom to choose how to capture and defend sov. Small gangs can go the anom route while others who choose do to so can still use the grunt of their big ships. The biggest problem with domsov was capital imbalances, but instead of addressing them a new system was built to exclude them entirely.

Rebalance caps, depower supercaps and allow for this blend of styles in aegis sov.

take hero vs pl in catch with this version of sov... now every time pl would drop thier super cap blob hero would have been able to beat pl to the punch by wining the capture annoms.

This would have then forced pl to focus on sub cap doctrines which would have made them vulnerable over a constellation wide fight.

A counter to this could be a combined attack on the cfc by a noob friendly alliance and a supercapital heavy alliance.

lets say with the new aegis/dominion combined sov instead of pl/nc and hero fighting they decided to invade the cfc.

in theory they could pull off sub capital and capital dominance and put up a actual threat to the cfc...

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Baku Saissore
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2015-08-19 01:21:08 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:

Well, maybe if you actually played this game under sov scenario related PvP fights instead of struggling with your keyboard to spell English words out correctly here, you would have already known that the 4000 m/s is more than enough in any ship equipped with an Entosis link to simply align away from the sov module the moment a hostile pops up in local to break grid (or burn such an amount of distance from the sov structure that any attempt to catch will be futile) and reach complete safety.

Lol you havent undocked since May and think you know something about Fozzie? yeah...
I'm fine and You aren't
#125 - 2015-08-19 01:23:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Zxyxcana
Ultima Online - Trammel/Felucca Patch
Dark Ages of Camelot - Trials of Atlantis Patch
World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King Patch
Eve Online - Fozzie SOV

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#126 - 2015-08-19 01:23:30 UTC
bootmanj wrote:
Fozzie sov = eves death

Bit late to the party are we? Goons already killed eve and only radical change can save it.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Arthur Aihaken
#127 - 2015-08-19 01:25:06 UTC
The only real question I have is this: How does one get in on the next Jita riot?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Star Bellatrix
Harmony Industries
#128 - 2015-08-19 01:28:12 UTC
RatKnight1 wrote:
So, we can still fly trollceptors?


A 4km/s speed limit is not enough.

Limit these things to ships that force players to put some skin into the race. On top of this, players in trollceptors can still fly through space while generally being untouchable... sure, they can only go 4km/s, but that still is enough to outrun most combat fit ships in the game.

You can go 5 km/s with a 6 million isk atron.
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#129 - 2015-08-19 01:28:18 UTC
Here are my thoughts about the set of 'tweaks' that Fozzie announced:

They are simply amazing.
They absolutely manage to touch and correct almost none of the issues that the majority of null players were pointing out very vocally.

Node reductions might be pointed out as a positive change, but the tweak on them is so light that is suspiciously looks like to me an attempt to damage control after the overwhelmingly negative feedback that has been addressed to Fozzie & the team.

With these levels of excellence at the inability to comprehend the basic demands of the null sov players, I can easily foresee EVE Online going F2P in short to medium term with the current trends of concurrent logins and subscription numbers rapidly bleeding out.

Well done Fozzie, now please do pen a dev blog about how you succeeded on placing the game on life support and prevented the death. Meanwhile, we'll be throwing soil on EVE's casket and saying our prayers in the grim cemetery of reality.

Reagalan made an excellent post about why your ideas and insistence on shoving a certain playstyle down the nullseccers collective throats is a bad idea. You might want to read that several times.
Yen Thara
Black Rose Covenant
#130 - 2015-08-19 01:28:44 UTC
Allawa Phantom wrote:
I Smell MOA Tears

Its really ironic how the entities who say this system is brilliant is the trolls who run around and entosis stuff then run at the first sight of danger

So what you're saying is that you successfully stopped them from taking your system because you showed up and the interceptors left. If all you have to do is show up to stop the ceptor from taking your space that should be pretty easy right? Sounds too me like ceptors aren't an issue, you being lazy and not wanting to show up for a troll is the issue. Sounds like a good strategy to me, send out a bunch of trolling ships until the entity stops showing up thinking you're trolling then taking their space because of their laziness.
Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2015-08-19 01:29:13 UTC
CCP please don't cater to gewn tears again. Some changes there are really toxic and gewnspired. Please reconsider.
Trinity Windu
Imperial Commandos
#132 - 2015-08-19 01:31:05 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:

Well done Fozzie, now please do pen a dev blog about how you succeeded on placing the game on life support and prevented the death. Meanwhile, we'll be throwing soil on EVE's casket and saying our prayers in the grim cemetery of reality.

Reagalan made an excellent post about why your ideas and insistence on shoving a certain playstyle down the nullseccers collective throats is a bad idea. You might want to read that several times.

Goonswarm Federation
#133 - 2015-08-19 01:31:41 UTC
I could not agree with 95% of this more!

Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#134 - 2015-08-19 01:33:02 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:
Meanwhile, we'll be throwing soil on EVE's casket and saying our prayers in the grim cemetery of reality.
Assamita Enaka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#135 - 2015-08-19 01:35:17 UTC
Change the SOv because now need unodock to def the sov, really if you have a system use it, if you no use it, you no need the system and people can pick them, only cry because you now need play and do more than wait for the ping to use the capitals... very bad ccp, follow the crys never go good
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2015-08-19 01:35:50 UTC
Baku Saissore wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:

Well, maybe if you actually played this game under sov scenario related PvP fights instead of struggling with your keyboard to spell English words out correctly here, you would have already known that the 4000 m/s is more than enough in any ship equipped with an Entosis link to simply align away from the sov module the moment a hostile pops up in local to break grid (or burn such an amount of distance from the sov structure that any attempt to catch will be futile) and reach complete safety.

Lol you havent undocked since May and think you know something about Fozzie? yeah...

Haven't, not havent.

I do own and keep subscribed more accounts than the min. number of minutes you need to spell a simple English word out correctly, so you will have to excuse me while I laugh at your reply.
Wilhelm Knicklicht
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2015-08-19 01:36:44 UTC
Reagalan wrote:
Fozziesov is not engaging for the average fleet member, who has to wait around while the magical sov hackers do all the work. Under Dominion sov, your average fleet member got to contribute via DPS, and at least got killmails at the end.

TL;DR: fozziesov not attractive for the average goon member who just wants to get fleetwarped and press F1.

system working as intended.
Baku Saissore
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2015-08-19 01:38:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Baku Saissore

Lol you havent undocked since May and think you know something about Fozzie? yeah... [/quote]

Haven't, not havent.

I do own and keep subscribed more accounts than the min. number of minutes you need to spell a simple English word out correctly, so you will have to excuse me while I laugh at your reply.[/quote]

Just press F1, thats all you and your lot can do ... it's getting quite pathetic now
Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#139 - 2015-08-19 01:40:48 UTC
6 more weeks of vacation.. See you later bois.. Good work lads at hq, but not good enough..
#140 - 2015-08-19 01:42:35 UTC
More changes will take time .. American wasn't built overnight ... Any new features take time ...