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[Galatea] First batch of sov capture iterations

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Nevil Kincade
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#101 - 2015-08-19 00:39:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevil Kincade

NO ! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

You are being told a fairy tale!
We have taken a couple of systems (and lost them again) but never due to a single 'trolling' ship. This stuff just doesnt happen in reality against an organized alliance/coalition. It always involved fending of ewar and controlling access to the system. Perhaps stalling for time to get the entosis done but ultimately because the defenders CAME IN TOO LATE. And whos fault is that ?

I cant believe you are giving into this whining of people who just DONT WANT TO PVP. You should see the reality of 'Entosis Trolling' with your own eyes before you make such decisions. The defender comes in, jams the Entosis ship and your warm-up cylce goes to **** wasting you 20 minutes. And if you fit a ship to counter that kitsune or falcon by outrunning it they scream "Unfair! Unfair! Fozzy nerf it pleeeease !!!"

What is this bullshit ? Sov defence by crying for nerfs ? And you play along ???

Entosis links seriously need e-war immunity or be able to keep running without a lock-on !

What do you think how many successfull jams a falcon can get off during the warm-up cycle, 20, 200 ? Because thats the amount of Entosis ships you will need in the future to capture a TCU against a defender who is actually on the ball.
And what if you field 20 ECM ships or 100 ? That gets us to a number the server cant even handle.

And how dare those that own sov to define that kiting is not a proper strategy to fight over a system ? They could easily have put on their OWN ENTOSIS onto the TCU and stopped the attackers progress. If they were TRULY holding the field that shouldnt be a problem right ? Our 9k m/s Entosis ships never could stay on grid with an actual force arriving by the way.
Again: Fozzy bro is believing a fairytale.

What was happening the last few weeks was EXACTLY what Aegis Sov was meant to do: Make power blocs realize they cant occupy all the space themselves. They were supposed to feel the pain of an empire overstretch and make a tough call about what space is worth the effort.

THEY WERE MEANT TO LOOSE SPACE ! And not only the part they choose to. Now they are starting to loose their face in being outplayed and loosing Sov so they throw all their political power at CCP. Of course on the cost of the entire player base.

Please grow a spine you lush sack of potatoe meal ... im so ******* disappointed, you were the last hope for content and conflict in Eve.

Aegis Sov has made Pure Blind a content garden of even. Sure the Sov holders don't like to get slaughtered in skirmishes now that they are forced upon them but the content generation part of the new system is absolutely working.

Congratz on that part CCP!
Please don't give up. All the criticism is purely political and certainly not about fun and explosion.
Allawa Phantom
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#102 - 2015-08-19 00:43:05 UTC
I Smell MOA Tears

Its really ironic how the entities who say this system is brilliant is the trolls who run around and entosis stuff then run at the first sight of danger
#103 - 2015-08-19 00:46:24 UTC
Reagalan wrote:
I'm saying this as nicely as possible. Fozziesov is a broken and fundamentally flawed system. No amount of tweaking will ever make it work as well as either of the two previous sov systems.

The only solution to the problems of Fozziesov is to scrap the whole thing, return to Dominion sov, and iterate upon a proven system.

I disagree. AFAIK one of the main reasons you guys won b-r was that you were able to lock down adjacent systems keeping out capital reinforcements.

ill say it again make fozziesov a mesh between structure and elink grind.

make it so you use the elink to reinforce the 1st time then you have to use elinks for the 1st capture event.

this then would cause the second reinforce which would then disable the shields and allow the structure to be shoot at.

so now you can put your capitals to work and attack the structure...

but even though the structure is vulnerable you can also choose to capture the annoms spread throughout the consultation.

So no you have a b-r type situation where you have your capital fight over the structure and then a bunch of sub cap fights over the capture annoms.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#104 - 2015-08-19 00:47:45 UTC
Nevil Kincade wrote:

NO ! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

~some words~

It's funny how an entity whose sole purpose for years was and still is, to try to harass and troll a much larger entity is basically the only entity really supporting fozziesov.
Nevil Kincade
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#105 - 2015-08-19 00:47:48 UTC
Allawa Phantom wrote:
I Smell MOA Tears

Its really ironic how the entities who say this system is brilliant is the trolls who run around and entosis stuff then run at the first sight of danger

We are not trolls, we fight CFC every day with great success and you know it.
It's bad enough that the blob of garbage forces it's pvp style on so many players but the political bullshit going even into game design is a danger to Eve as a product.
Tardvark McDoof
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2015-08-19 00:50:25 UTC
Nevil Kincade wrote:

NO ! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

You are being told a fairy tale!
We have taken a couple of systems (and lost them again) but never due to a single 'trolling' ship.

Strange, I must've imagined running into all those Interceptors burning off-grid in Pure Blind last night then.

At any rate, none of the 'fixes' really solve any of the complaints about the system. A's for Effort don't really work outside of grade school, you need to revisit your feedback and take it back to the drawing board CCP.
Rashasha Imshee
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2015-08-19 00:51:06 UTC
Reagalan wrote:
Won't do jack **** to a system that is fundamentally and critically flawed and unsalvageable.

Until you get off of this "small gang" and "local conflict" soapbox the decline of Eve will continue. We didn't sign up for small gang impermanent bullshit and we detest your attempts to force this playstyle upon us.

I love the tears from the biggest trolls in the game, who weaponized boredom, complaining about getting trolled. When you leave, ccan I have your stuff?

Good job Fozzie, and Team Five-O.
My Lap
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2015-08-19 00:51:14 UTC
Reagalan wrote:
I'm saying this as nicely as possible. Fozziesov is a broken and fundamentally flawed system. No amount of tweaking will ever make it work as well as either of the two previous sov systems.


The only solution to the problems of Fozziesov is to scrap the whole thing, return to Dominion sov, and iterate upon a proven system.

Truer words are seldom spoken as this. I doubt Fozzie will take the time to comment on this but it would be nice.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2015-08-19 00:51:44 UTC
Nevil Kincade wrote:
Allawa Phantom wrote:
I Smell MOA Tears

Its really ironic how the entities who say this system is brilliant is the trolls who run around and entosis stuff then run at the first sight of danger

We are not trolls, we fight CFC every day with great success and you know it.
It's bad enough that the blob of garbage forces it's pvp style on so many players but the political bullshit going even into game design is a danger to Eve as a product.

Yep, that's why numbers started dwindling at a disturbing rate ever since fozziesov hit TQ. It must be because it is such a great success and of course all we want is to destroy the game by having the cause of EVE's dwindling numbers reverted.

Hang on, I'm confused now ...
its my cyno
#110 - 2015-08-19 00:56:06 UTC  |  Edited by: its my cyno
Nevil Kincade wrote:
Allawa Phantom wrote:
I Smell MOA Tears

Its really ironic how the entities who say this system is brilliant is the trolls who run around and entosis stuff then run at the first sight of danger

We are not trolls, we fight CFC every day with great success and you know it.
It's bad enough that the blob of garbage forces it's pvp style on so many players but the political bullshit going even into game design is a danger to Eve as a product.

You mean you kill a bunch of ratters.

we know you know you aren't serious about sov other then to troll it.

Why not make it risk adverse if you are serious. Make it you have to pay1 bil x the adm level of the system. That way it will stop the trolls and make people like you that are serious about sov (yeah right) worth it. You win, the isk is yours back but if you lose, the isk goes to the sov holder. Lets see your success rate then
Var D'ovoli
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#111 - 2015-08-19 01:00:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Var D'ovoli
According to this (see the bottom graph) there was more newborn characters created than ever before in eve just a few days after the B-R5RB Battle. The scale of the battle was great advertisement for the game as it reached major news networks. People that I work with that have no interest in the game were talking about it. It's really too bad that that kind of attention will never be directed at eve again.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#112 - 2015-08-19 01:01:03 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:

ill say it again make fozziesov a mesh between structure and elink grind.

make it so you use the elink to reinforce the 1st time then you have to use elinks for the 1st capture event.

this then would cause the second reinforce which would then disable the shields and allow the structure to be shoot at.

so now you can put your capitals to work and attack the structure...

but even though the structure is vulnerable you can also choose to capture the annoms spread throughout the consultation.

This would be my preference - the freedom to choose how to capture and defend sov. Small gangs can go the anom route while others who choose do to so can still use the grunt of their big ships. The biggest problem with domsov was capital imbalances, but instead of addressing them a new system was built to exclude them entirely.

Rebalance caps, depower supercaps and allow for this blend of styles in aegis sov.

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2015-08-19 01:02:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Alp Khan
Nevil Kincade wrote:
Allawa Phantom wrote:
I Smell MOA Tears

Its really ironic how the entities who say this system is brilliant is the trolls who run around and entosis stuff then run at the first sight of danger

We are not trolls, we fight CFC every day with great success and you know it.
It's bad enough that the blob of garbage forces it's pvp style on so many players but the political bullshit going even into game design is a danger to Eve as a product.

You what mate?

We all have read Gen Eve's and MASSADEATH's alliance wide evemails, advising line members to avoid fighting while trolling with Entosis links. And we have not termed this trolling, it is your FCs that named it so and ordered you to avoid fights at all costs. This is not what the new sov system was built for. In fact, trolling and avoiding fights is the very much the opposite of what was intended in the design roadmaps and goals.

You are just embarrassing yourself with the fairy tale that is your forum post.

Now, no serious PvP oriented player in their right mind believes your inner propaganda about how MoA is proficient at PvP. If you notice, the reaction such claims have been getting in every community medium is mockery of MoA.

So, it is in your best interests to save yourself further embarrassment under this thread. But should you insist on doing it, maybe it would be better to post it under another off-topic subforum since it'll no doubt be a pinnacle of EVE Online related comedy.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#114 - 2015-08-19 01:08:04 UTC
Old farts still scared of 1v1s in small ships.

Bitter vets still think the once a year fight in 10% TiDi is the what people really want.

The vocal minority and their failed old ways still think they speak for the silent majority.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2015-08-19 01:08:13 UTC
Nevil Kincade wrote:

NO ! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

You are being told a fairy tale!
We have taken a couple of systems (and lost them again) but never due to a single 'trolling' ship.

Hmm, I don't see any of your Ihubs in those systems. Just a pretty flag that doesn't mean you actually control those systems.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Baku Saissore
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2015-08-19 01:08:26 UTC
i cant believe the whining is still continuing!! You got what you wanted - f1 blobs are back!! with defense multipliers down to 24 minutes max , an attacking fleet doesn't have to worry too much about defenders - just bring a blob.

in particularly whats annoying is the whining re 4k speed limit. Have you never heard of a ceptor? .... you lazy F1 monkeys...
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2015-08-19 01:12:38 UTC
Baku Saissore wrote:
i cant believe the whining is still continuing!! You got what you wanted - f1 blobs are back!! with defense multipliers down to 24 minutes max , an attacking fleet doesn't have to worry too much about defenders - just bring a blob.

in particularly whats annoying is the whining re 4k speed limit. Have you never heard of a ceptor? .... you lazy F1 monkeys...

Well, maybe if you actually played this game under sov scenario related PvP fights instead of struggling with your keyboard to spell English words out correctly here, you would have already known that the 4000 m/s is more than enough in any ship equipped with an Entosis link to simply align away from the sov module the moment a hostile pops up in local to break grid (or burn such an amount of distance from the sov structure that any attempt to catch will be futile) and reach complete safety.

Exotic Dancers Union
#118 - 2015-08-19 01:12:56 UTC
Nevil Kincade wrote:
[quote=Allawa Phantom]
... the political bullshit going even into game design is a danger to Eve as a product.

Karer II
#119 - 2015-08-19 01:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Karer II
This is incredible!

What is fix in mind of CCP? Generally make nothing and give trolls ability to reinforce even defended systems faster? Now I can buy garbage frigate for 2kk isks, fit entosis and hit structure nodes in system with index 4 in 20 minutes? Two times faster with zero cost? So greate fixes.

Do not be surprised if on next excursion to Jita will arrive MUCH more players after this job by feedback.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2015-08-19 01:16:23 UTC
Fozzie sov = eves death