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Aegis WH feedback

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Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#181 - 2015-07-21 16:06:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
yes, for deep null bears WH change brings a lot of additional safety.

C5 wormholes were basically one of the few last potent sources of danger to ratting carriers, since you will unlikely be able to bring a force to deep null from C3 or any weaker wormhole, strong enough to burn down a cap in a meaningful amout of time until hostile support or more caps drop on field.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#182 - 2015-07-22 04:24:06 UTC
Aladar Dangerface wrote:
Cosmic Scanner wrote:
I logged on yesterday for the first time in months, and did a load of scanning. Never found so little null secs. If i understand it correctly one of the reasons null wh's have been nerfed is because null sec entities used them much more for high sec logistics / access since the jump changes, and perhaps wh space did have a little too much access to null (was that actually a bad thing? null is meant to be the most dangerous space after all...).

If that's the case, it would probably have made more sense to reduce the number of high sec wormholes a bit or a little of both imo rather than what seems to be a big nerf to both wh space and null sec.

It was basically because pl were using whs to jump across to different areas of null sec for kills, thus avoiding the restrictions made with the phoebe jump changes, and some other null secers were mad about it. While I don't mind what pl were doing (emergent game play anyone?), I do hope that it will stop folks in whs just jumping straight into null to find fights and keep them in trier chains.

1) They weren't "getting around phoebe jump changes" as they were using sub caps. You can at most move 3 caps through a wormhole with some sub-cap room in between the first two caps and the last one that shutters the hole. You know nothing.

2) Null seccers are just as risk averse as high seccers and they got a CSM Scumbag to convince the devs to nerf an otherwise valid game system. Not only that it was nerfed into the ground.

3) claiming sharing information is abuse is like saying setting standings to your neighbors is abuse.

4) Your hopes are stupid. Please continue afk ratting in ishtars, gilas and various carriers.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#183 - 2015-07-22 04:25:40 UTC
corbexx wrote:
Axloth Okiah wrote:
I'm curious whether the horrific situation I'm seeing in C5 space is just me being biased or not. So please post here what you see in your chains, how many C5s, C6s, how many nulls, what state, do they last, do they close in your face, etc. How ****** we really are?

we live in c5/c5 and currently have 8 C5s, 2 C6s and one null...Shocked

Dont kid yourself, noone will read this, nothing will get reverted, but it would be nice to have a bigger picture and a representative sample of the pit of **** we got thrown into (again).

I read it.

I've spoken to a few c5 groups and asked if they could record the number of c5's and incoming and out going nulls but here is a handy space to put it. I've also spoke to Daimian mercer about if he can get some data from trip wire.

You're CSM - get CCP to give you the data! They're the ones that should be tracking it. Seriously.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#184 - 2015-07-22 04:58:57 UTC
Plex prices will go to the roof with these additional safetys for null sec.

No local in null sec would fix everything!

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#185 - 2015-07-22 05:32:21 UTC
unimatrix0030 wrote:
Plex prices will go to the roof with these additional safetys for null sec.

15mil X-types anyone? Heh.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#186 - 2015-07-22 06:10:14 UTC
no null sec isnt safer at all, what with the poliferation in blops and what not.

Id rather say c5 is even safer than null to rat in tbh.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#187 - 2015-07-22 08:26:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
GizzyBoy wrote:
no null sec isnt safer at all, what with the poliferation in blops and what not.

Id rather say c5 is even safer than null to rat in tbh.

blops is one risk factor
C5 was the other

one got basically removed, yet you tell us null ratting hasnt become safer?? I see a giant gaping loophole in your logics..

Blops isnt even that much of a threat, you see the cyno char moving in local so you safe up. Its also not as easy to hide a gang of blops in deep null without getting reported.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#188 - 2015-07-22 09:25:00 UTC
Justin Cody wrote:
corbexx wrote:
Axloth Okiah wrote:
I'm curious whether the horrific situation I'm seeing in C5 space is just me being biased or not. So please post here what you see in your chains, how many C5s, C6s, how many nulls, what state, do they last, do they close in your face, etc. How ****** we really are?

we live in c5/c5 and currently have 8 C5s, 2 C6s and one null...Shocked

Dont kid yourself, noone will read this, nothing will get reverted, but it would be nice to have a bigger picture and a representative sample of the pit of **** we got thrown into (again).

I read it.

I've spoken to a few c5 groups and asked if they could record the number of c5's and incoming and out going nulls but here is a handy space to put it. I've also spoke to Daimian mercer about if he can get some data from trip wire.

You're CSM - get CCP to give you the data! They're the ones that should be tracking it. Seriously.

This goes does make a very fair, if blunt point.
Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#189 - 2015-07-22 12:30:17 UTC
Justin Cody wrote:
Aladar Dangerface wrote:
Cosmic Scanner wrote:
I logged on yesterday for the first time in months, and did a load of scanning. Never found so little null secs. If i understand it correctly one of the reasons null wh's have been nerfed is because null sec entities used them much more for high sec logistics / access since the jump changes, and perhaps wh space did have a little too much access to null (was that actually a bad thing? null is meant to be the most dangerous space after all...).

If that's the case, it would probably have made more sense to reduce the number of high sec wormholes a bit or a little of both imo rather than what seems to be a big nerf to both wh space and null sec.

It was basically because pl were using whs to jump across to different areas of null sec for kills, thus avoiding the restrictions made with the phoebe jump changes, and some other null secers were mad about it. While I don't mind what pl were doing (emergent game play anyone?), I do hope that it will stop folks in whs just jumping straight into null to find fights and keep them in trier chains.

1) They weren't "getting around phoebe jump changes" as they were using sub caps. You can at most move 3 caps through a wormhole with some sub-cap room in between the first two caps and the last one that shutters the hole. You know nothing.

2) Null seccers are just as risk averse as high seccers and they got a CSM Scumbag to convince the devs to nerf an otherwise valid game system. Not only that it was nerfed into the ground.

3) claiming sharing information is abuse is like saying setting standings to your neighbors is abuse.

4) Your hopes are stupid. Please continue afk ratting in ishtars, gilas and various carriers.

Woah woah woah little angry man. Take a step back and read what i wrote.

I actually had no problem with what was happening before this change.

I do also know quite a bit, especially about wh mechanics since i've lived in wh space for 3+ years (maybe you should look into who you are talking to since its clear you thought i was some null-sec scrub).

That being said, the jump changes did not just effect caps, bridging of sub-caps was also nefred. PL realised this and adjusted by using whs + sub caps to move about the map instead. CCP have clearly stated that they wanted people in null to fight more locally but i do agree that it does look like CCP was swayed to make these changes by a CSM member which is kinda ****** imo.

I'm going repeat this since you clearly can't read things thoroughly I did/do not have an issue with people using whs to move about the map, it was a good use of the resources available.and i'm sure a lot of work was put into scanning chains and finding exits. Bitching isn't gona change it so people will just have to adapt.

Dunno what your talking about when saying ''claiming sharing information is abuse is like saying setting standings to your neighbors is abuse'' since i never even mentioned sharing info.

Last point, my hopes for wh space are not stupid, optimistic yes, stupid no. However the change to null entrances/exits to wh space gives you two options, 1) leave wh space and go to HS/LS/Null or 2) spend more time in your chain to either find a null hole or find a fight in wh space. Now my question is are the majority of wh groups going to leave wh space because null sec holes are less abundant? i doubt it, so i'll hopefully see more folks in the chain.

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#190 - 2015-07-22 13:17:56 UTC
Justin Cody wrote:

2) Null seccers are just as risk averse as high seccers and they got a CSM Scumbag to convince the devs to nerf an otherwise valid game system. Not only that it was nerfed into the ground.

Lowsec people and wormhole people are totally not risk-averse... The only person I ever found not being straight risk-averse is Tim, and he's rather naive instead Pirate

*He let's jump into that hostile fleet without any chance to even dent someone's tank unless all their logi DC at once* said no one, ever.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#191 - 2015-07-22 13:50:26 UTC
Scanned another 50 null systems,

plenty n432's I think what's happening is more people live in less systems and so they dont bother scanning outside there area, and thus the ones that do spawn dont open up till they are eol.

I can say most of the wh's that I jumped into from null, (about 15) all but 1 was occupied in any form.

I demand more people in wh's so I can dunk them from null!

It could be less farmers or people are active in wh's, so just like sites desirable wh types are piling up some where.
(ie all the empty systems like black holes)

For my stats im scanning from null from just one region mostly.
Whilst I whore all the Data & relic's.

Personally it feels about right x wh's per null system, if you where scanning from null you'd want to find more combats. data & relics than wh's, it seemed before the patch I can almost gaurenty no place is null was more than 5 gate/ wh jumps to hs
Pax Deltari
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#192 - 2015-07-22 14:21:02 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:

The only person I ever found not being straight risk-averse is Tim, and he's rather naive instead Pirate
*He let's jump into that hostile fleet without any chance to even dent someone's tank unless all their logi DC at once* said no one, ever.

The great thing about a corp culture not centered around killboard stats.
Louis Catcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#193 - 2015-07-23 01:57:37 UTC
At first, I was opposed to this change as being an au tz corp we find a lot of our content out in null. However me personally and most of our corp members would always rather have a wh fight then a ns fight. Hopefully this will allow for that. Problem as I see it is not ns connections it is that not enough people live in wh space.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#194 - 2015-07-23 06:55:06 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
Justin Cody wrote:

2) Null seccers are just as risk averse as high seccers and they got a CSM Scumbag to convince the devs to nerf an otherwise valid game system. Not only that it was nerfed into the ground.

Lowsec people and wormhole people are totally not risk-averse... The only person I ever found not being straight risk-averse is Tim, and he's rather naive instead Pirate

*He let's jump into that hostile fleet without any chance to even dent someone's tank unless all their logi DC at once* said no one, ever.

I didn't say anything about low sec. I love low sec. There are plenty of risk-averse WH dwellers as well that have an advantage from these changes and I don't like that either. I want more null dwellers coming in and making a challenge. I don't know who Tim is or why you're referencing him. Reading some of these replies makes me want to put my head through a wall. Holding a single thought for a period of time beyond 2 seconds must be painful for some people.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#195 - 2015-07-23 07:00:47 UTC
CivilWars wrote:
Recruits or "blues" everything they can.
Evicts everyone they can't recruit or blue.
Complains there is no content in their "area".

Is this the null sub-forum, or wormhole sub-forum? I may be lost.

Maybe we're just beta-testing another game system for CCP again *tin foil* I mean why else would you modify an existing game system with zero play testing or period for feedback?

We don't even have baseline data for the "right" amount of nulls or how long null's should last. The number 16 was picked out of a hat as far as I can tell and whatever the spawn rates are now must also be equally random since there is no dev blog or explanation other than...null bears got butthurt while ratting in carriers irresponsibly. We have now fixed that problem...back to your anoms.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#196 - 2015-07-23 15:48:10 UTC
scanned half another region before DT, about 50 systems

1 null - c6 went to a shattered system.
5 null > c5's
1 null > LS
4 null > c1-c3

2 null - nulls

about 10 K162
4 of which where from C5 space

Half the null - wspace where un initiated when I warped in.
which leads me to conclude as far as null - Wspace wh's go Null sec basicly is not scanning as much or completely ignoring wh's

Based on my logs,
Averaging 1 in 5 systems having a WH, one in 20 might have 2 wh's

And I can say the residents arnt rolling incoming our out going connections because there dosnt really appear to be any, Or no one is scanning and jumping into wh's

Id need some help to scan a whole region and get a snap shot at a specific time of day
(basicly autz) because its
a) less active
b) No one really rolls things around then.

If you get the locals all riled up, dont be ducking down any dead end pipes expecting to escape out of a random wh, You may just not find an easy way out..

I actually feel this is roughly the right level of null - w space currently.
and to a certain extent if null wants to engage in Wspace brawls there initiative to open connections should be a part of the equation.

People might splurge about how people are super safe in null or what ever, But that's frankly bull Sh1t. any one can literally camp what ever system they want in k-space when ever they want, with nearly what ever ship type or fleet comp they desire.

To get to specific w-space systems Is not impossible, But its many orders of magnitude higher and harder.

I wish I had scanned some regions/ The same region in null prior to the changes so I could get some baselines prior to changes, all I have to go on is some randoms splurging its harder, but with no hard numbers to back that up. or what harder even constitutes in numbers of connections wise.

(Most groups I talked to dont trust certain scanning system providers) and are well aware of whom and who both uses and owns them.

CCP really needs to make an effort to build or accommodate an in-game sig / mapping bm sharing tool as a trusted party to hosting said data in some secure kind of way that only lets the right people on a alliance / coalition level access it.

Dank isk per hour!
Also I made roughly 4 bill in null doing data /relics in a bout 5 hours of work scanning things I would be scanning anyway but basicly ignoring in w sauce.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#197 - 2015-07-25 11:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
GizzyBoy wrote:

People might splurge about how people are super safe in null or what ever, But that's frankly bull Sh1t. any one can literally camp what ever system they want in k-space when ever they want, with nearly what ever ship type or fleet comp they desire.

no, if something is bull**** then its your statement.
Removing a source of threat like in case of nerfed C5 spawn rates and "WH highway" means in other words areas of space become safER. Because if you would remove something, which doesnt affect safety, wouldnt be a threat, which you really cant say to C5 pre-nerf.

Camping systems with whatever ships is a completely unrelated case.
Its like you were saying suicide ganking isnt a threat for highsec player corps, because well you could always wardec player corps and exert thread to those corps. Wardecs are nice and you always can do it, however it doesnt mean suicide ganking isnt a thing and could be actually removed.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#198 - 2015-07-25 11:53:53 UTC  |  Edited by: GizzyBoy
Robert Caldera wrote:
GizzyBoy wrote:

People might splurge about how people are super safe in null or what ever, But that's frankly bull Sh1t. any one can literally camp what ever system they want in k-space when ever they want, with nearly what ever ship type or fleet comp they desire.

no, if something is bull**** then its your statement.
Removing a source of threat like in case of nerfed C5 spawn rates and "WH highway" means in other words areas of space become safER. Because if you would remove something, which doesnt affect safety, wouldnt be a threat, which you really cant say to C5 pre-nerf.

Camping systems with whatever ships is a completely unrelated case.
Its like you were saying suicide ganking isnt a threat for highsec player corps, because well you could always wardec player corps and exert thread to those corps. Wardecs are nice and you always can do it, however it doesnt mean suicide ganking isnt a thing and could be actually removed.

I scanned a whole region multiple times nearly uncontested, my only real threat where the people who didn't live in the region camping choke points.

There was no lack of incoming or outgoing wh's.
null to j-space where almost never initiated untill I landed.
If anything weekends seem to have more wh's in general than weekdays.

once your in null sec your ability to move around apart from a few choke points is pretty much uncontested.
and apart from a few groups like up in deklan, you can pretty much travel where you please.

Thus I would have to aggre with you, Null sec has never been safer for roamers
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#199 - 2015-07-25 16:34:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalel Nimrott

I was there in j114353 watching them moving upchain when they tackled him.

So, I was wrong. You can pretty much fack someone up with small ships after all.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#200 - 2015-07-25 22:14:35 UTC
thanks for these useless medium ship holes to null

really appreciate them.