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Official Video/Streaming Toolkit

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CCP Manifest
CCP Retirement Home
#1 - 2015-05-29 13:45:48 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Manifest
Storytellers and filmmakers of EVE!

As a long term project we are looking at creating an official videomaker's toolkit for EVE Online, similar to the Fansite toolkit with useful things like the IEC and quick clips to help make making EVE videos easier. It will grow over time and be hosted on a DropBox. You'll be free to use whatever you see in there to make videos, and we'll make sure all the legal stuff is clear and easy.

The goals of this project:

  1. Provide easy access to usable assets for videomakers and streamers, reducing the amount of time needed to create awesome player made videos
  2. Encourage more content creation by players
  3. Reach a higher quality bar for player-made videos, but at the same time differentiate between official videos and player-made ones
  4. Find out what we can do to help encourage and support the EVE video making and streaming communities at many different levels.

Ideally this Videomaker Tookit would eventually include:

  • Audio - Aura, music, sound effects and possibly more
  • Video - UI elements, transitions, beginning and end "plates", other short clips from previous videos
  • Overlay Graphics of various sorts, font packs

Right now, we want your input before we go too far down the road of making new assets. We'd love to hear your impressions, things you WISH we could provide, current challenges for making videos, etc.**

The video team who is helping me put this together might jump in and out of this thread to ask for clarifications and provide some tests. We also might find that this forum thing is outdated and we should switch to Slack or Trello or something similar to have the conversation. But we gotta start somewhere.

I will edit this post with any updates. If you don't want to post here but still have feedback, please consider emailing me at

EDIT (w/ clarification posted below): Just a quick note for clarification. This is not a software related solution a la Valve's Source Filmmaker. It is a collection of assets to use in making your own videos. Obviously I'd love a software solution or other in-game features to make it easier to make videos (you should see my camera controls wishlist I sent to the dev team!), but this is a bit more low tech than what some of you are responding with.

Just wanted to manage expectations on that a bit for this particular project. Suggestions for a video making tool (as opposed to toolkit) and in game stuff like green screens are very much welcome though and I will take notes on them as well.

**Please note this will not include access to the internal video making software our video team uses, at least not in any near term timeframe. Wanted to get that out of the way now as the hurdles for doing so are just too high. Perhaps EVE Probe will get us closer though!

======== o7 _CCP Manifest | Public Relations and Social Media | @ccp_manifest_

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#2 - 2015-05-29 13:53:39 UTC


General Stargazer
The Bastards
#3 - 2015-05-29 13:55:18 UTC
Let us go forth and provide creative input for the universe!

Look forward to the results of this.
Asayanami Dei
Adhocracy Incorporated
#4 - 2015-05-29 13:58:26 UTC
<3 directing all youtubers I know here

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I--THE CAPACITOR IS EMPTY

Youtube: /asayanami

Twitter: @asayanami

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#5 - 2015-05-29 14:01:51 UTC

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#6 - 2015-05-29 14:05:46 UTC
Something to auto rotate ships on a green background.
It does not matter if it's webGl, ingame or Eve probe.

Right now we have 3rd party sites that use webGL, but they are not always up to date, lack behind in shdaer V5++ etc.
Would be nice if Eve Probe had a greenscreen background. Or ingame had greenscreen for ship preview + something to rotate it smoothly.

My suggestion: Add greenscreen support for Eve Probe. The rest the players can do by themself.

Every ship as an still image (512x512) with alpha background.

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

Alexis Dy'neren
Exis Heavy
#7 - 2015-05-29 14:06:12 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
Audio - Aura, music, sound effects and possibly more

Does this mean I will finally be able to easily use sound effects as alerts on my phone? Big smile
Devara Biotech
#8 - 2015-05-29 14:07:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Mizhir

Can I have your babies?

Edit: I have read through the suggestions and got some thoughts as well:

Nebulas. This game has wonderful nebula backgrounds that would be awesome for videos, but right now we either have to look for screenshots or capture some ourselves. Having the full spherical nebulas would be a great addition and give videomakers the possibility to have great backgrounds that will allow us to pan the camara without it looking fake.

Regarding ship models then it has already been mentioned by Carlos and Tallardar and other that greenscreen exports would be really sweet. There are a few of us who have been using 3rd party sites to get these exports for our rotating ship model effects and it is really great. But as mentioned it would be nice if CCP could make something. It would be even better if there was a way to get the 3d ship models themselves into the editing program without too much hassle. Personally, I have been toying with the Elements 3d Plugin in Adobe After Effects and all I'm needing now is a way to import ship models and textures into that. I don't know much about the technical possiblities regarding that but any help from CCP is welcome.

As someone who also cares alot about eve avatar gameplay it would also be really sweet if we had a method of exporting 3d models of our characters.

And finally it would be nice to hear if there are any news on Media accoutns for video makers and streamers. Like bloggers and other fansite people we put a lot of time into making content and sometimes (like in my case) there can be long in between videos due to the extensive amount of time it can take. Likewise, the current rules also makes it difficult for streamers to achieve a media account status AFAIK. I talked with Logibro about it at FF and he said that you are working on it yet I haven't heard anything official about it.


Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#9 - 2015-05-29 14:17:48 UTC
On SiSi only it would be amazing to have some slash commands for the following:-

Turn off your Avatar
Turn off clipping so you can "fly" around the CQ/hanger and get video/screenshots at different angles.

Tried to find someone at Fanfest to talk to this about after a few others said it was a good idea but was unable to find anyone.

l0rd carlos also made a great comment about ships on green screens. We can have avatars on green screen, why not ship previews?

Rixx Javix
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#10 - 2015-05-29 14:18:53 UTC

Tyrendian Biohazard
The Bastards
#11 - 2015-05-29 14:21:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrendian Biohazard
A few things off the top of my head, I'm sure I'll add more later.

- Doing the production of streaming tournaments, I would love to have a good transition video(s) for between matches. Something basic, but action filled that people could add their own custom graphics and audio to if they wish. Perhaps multiple videos that are 8-10 seconds long to give some variety. Splash screens would be nice as well, for the 5-10 minutes between the matches, but those are easily made by players.

Examples from previous works:

Side note: The transition videos from AT are nice. Having a few of those without logos or audio would be fantastic. Allowing people to customize them to their liking.

- Overlays would be good, but for streaming it may be a bit difficult as people have their UI setup differently. I'm not a particularly heavy user in overlays while streaming, but some might like something to put around/over their HUD, or on top of system location, etc, that is very EVE themed and static sized. Even better if they are themed with the races so that people can use with whatever ship they're flying.

- Text-less logos would be a good addition. Some EVE logos are pretty recognizable, but not having the text there for people to add their own would be great!

Example: Remove the EVE

- Audio would be nice. Aura for sure, weapons firing, AB/MWD audio, etc.

- A tutorial for EVE Probe would be amazing. I know a lot of people that were interested in playing around with it, and while incredibly creative and smart, ultimately don't have the experience that others have when it comes to that kind of thing. I know my personal experience with it had me jumping from tutorials of one app to another, trying to piece together bits from reading and videos to make it work. Besides just setting it up, a little bit of how to work the cameras, create explosions, etc I think would go really far.

I'm sure I'll think of more.

Twitch streamer and EVE NT tournament broadcaster.

General Stargazer
The Bastards
#12 - 2015-05-29 14:22:08 UTC
l0rd carlos wrote:
Something to auto rotate ships on a green background.
It does not matter if it's webGl, ingame or Eve probe.

Right now we have 3rd party sites that use webGL, but they are not always up to date, lack behind in shdaer V5++ etc.
Would be nice if Eve Probe had a greenscreen background. Or ingame had greenscreen for ship preview + something to rotate it smoothly.

My suggestion: Add greenscreen support for Eve Probe. The rest the players can do by themself.

Every ship as an still image (512x512) with alpha background.

I actually suggested this at fanfest! It surprised me that we had green screen backgrounds for Avatars but nothing else. I asked if they could expand it to other things such as ship / module previews and i think the phrased used was "I don't know why we haven't done that already" ^.^

So i'd love to see that!
El Geo
#13 - 2015-05-29 14:28:03 UTC
What do you know, I've been talking about this the last couple of days and was just getting ready to release some After effects assets for everyone!

Those 3d models with textures etc ready to go for things like blender would be the best thing you could release imo, as they seem to be the hardest to get working properly.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#14 - 2015-05-29 14:30:15 UTC
currently contrived 'scenes' in videos do not show how eve 'is'.

Understandably making a spaceship trailer or video to make it look thrilling can traditionally mean you may have to make a battle 'scene' unrealistic to how actual eve players fight (both in small gangs or large groups) but I honestly feel that if you have the freedom of being able to place a series of cameras in a truly realistic eve battle that you can pause, rewind and manipulate then you will be very pleasantly surprised about the results.

Right now making a video of a fight are either done at extreme ranges or in the viewpoint of one player with the Eve UI showing. In large fights more often then not graphical quality is reduced to capture the action in a smoother fashion, degrading the quality of the video. Not even getting into the time lapsing of tidi and the camera bobbing and weaving that occurs when a long tidi battle is sped up.

id challenge anyone to take a recording of a moderately sized fight and reproduce it in a scene editor and previewer like eve-probe to show the action 'as it actually was'.

My request is to be able to record data of visible elements of a fight taking place that we can import into something like eve-probe to build an accurate scene that we can render in full quality with maximum graphical fidelity whilst still keeping both the framerate stable and action free from server side performance slowdown.

We can then add in cameras into these scenes and manipulate their motions and active states to capture gorgeous visceral and more importantly accurate action of eve fights.

to an extent this has partly been achieve with crest endpoint data of Alliance Tournament matches at 3rd party websites allowing you to re-watch the match in 3d. Expanding on this would be an amazing tool for video makers!
Manic Velocity
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-05-29 14:36:00 UTC
Thank you for putting this together! I'm eager to see what comes in the first round of assets. Hopefully this, and EVE Probe, gets us at least a little bit closer to an EVE version of Source Filmmaker. Maybe for the 20th anniversary. Host another video contest and give players the ultimate tool. Maybe even promote the winning entry as an official trailer. Just a thought. :D

This may fall under the "Overlay graphics" area, but I love the text transitions that can be seen in some of the more recent official videos. Using This Is EVE as an example, the way the corp/alliance/location text gets printed onto each scene (and the subtle accompanying sound effect) is fantastic in its simplicity. I don't know if that's a transition or some kind of script or what, but I would love to be able to use it.

I'm sure I'll have other ideas as they come to me. Thank you for continuing to support player-made content!

"The most punchable face in New Eden."

Be excellent to each other.

Twitter | Twitch | YouTube

Archeras Umangiar
Snuffed Out
#16 - 2015-05-29 14:37:51 UTC
Drackarn wrote:
On SiSi only it would be amazing to have some slash commands for the following:-

Turn off your Avatar
Turn off clipping so you can "fly" around the CQ/hanger and get video/screenshots at different angles.

Tried to find someone at Fanfest to talk to this about after a few others said it was a good idea but was unable to find anyone.

l0rd carlos also made a great comment about ships on green screens. We can have avatars on green screen, why not ship previews?

regarding what carlos said, i personaly would preferr a ship preview thing, makes it more accesible imo
Goonswarm Federation
#17 - 2015-05-29 14:39:22 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
Storytellers and filmmakers of EVE!

The goals of this project:

  1. Find out what we can do to help encourage and support the EVE video making and streaming communities at many different levels.

. We'd love to hear your impressions, things you WISH we could provide, current challenges for making videos, etc.**

What imo _really_ would make this feature insane, if i somehow could activate to "record" whats happening in my game/on my grid in terms of ships moving/interacting with each other - which then gives me a small logfile of what happened so i can put it into the "EVE Video Maker" to polish, change angles and do awesome work.

This would finally make it possible for really epic videos/movies of Space Battles.
Even if this initially comes with heavy restrictions as "cannot record more than 20 Player Ships on one Grid".

But CCPlease, i want to make epic videos of the battles i participate in!
#18 - 2015-05-29 14:39:51 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
Storytellers and filmmakers of EVE!

As a long term project we are looking at creating an official videomaker's toolkit for EVE Online, similar to the Fansite toolkit with useful things like the IEC and quick clips to help make making EVE videos easier. It will grow over time and be hosted on a DropBox. You'll be free to use whatever you see in there to make videos, and we'll make sure all the legal stuff is clear and easy.

The goals of this project:

  1. Provide easy access to usable assets for videomakers and streamers, reducing the amount of time needed to create awesome player made videos
  2. Encourage more content creation by players
  3. Reach a higher quality bar for player-made videos, but at the same time differentiate between official videos and player-made ones
  4. Find out what we can do to help encourage and support the EVE video making and streaming communities at many different levels.

Ideally this Videomaker Tookit would eventually include:

  • Audio - Aura, music, sound effects and possibly more
  • Video - UI elements, transitions, beginning and end "plates", other short clips from previous videos
  • Overlay Graphics of various sorts, font packs

Right now, we want your input before we go too far down the road of making new assets. We'd love to hear your impressions, things you WISH we could provide, current challenges for making videos, etc.**

The video team who is helping me put this together might jump in and out of this thread to ask for clarifications and provide some tests. We also might find that this forum thing is outdated and we should switch to Slack or Trello or something similar to have the conversation. But we gotta start somewhere.

I will edit this post with any updates. If you don't want to post here but still have feedback, please consider emailing me at

**Please note this will not include access to the internal video making software our video team uses, at least not in any near term timeframe. Wanted to get that out of the way now as the hurdles for doing so are just too high. Perhaps EVE Probe will get us closer though!

Smart Move in terms of drawing people back to eve.

Desired Features

Quick Tab Based Zoom In of Kill Mails and associated Details. IE All else is darkened out or fadded while Kill Mail or other "Focused" detail in UI is most prominent.

Realistic playback speed affected sound, slo-mo will actually SOUND slow Motion.

Basic Audio Filters with capacity for third party additional audio filters to be added.

Integration with NVIDIA ShadowPlay

The ability to stream to Hitbox would be nice since twitch is shitting the bed again.
Also because who plays EvE in 720 at 30 fps?

Jabber Integration

CCP Manifest
CCP Retirement Home
#19 - 2015-05-29 14:57:11 UTC
Just a quick note for clarification. This is not a software related solution a la Valve's Source Filmmaker. It is a collection of assets to use in making your own videos. Obviously I'd love a software solution or other in-game features to make it easier to make videos (you should see my camera controls wishlist I sent to the dev team!), but this is a bit more low tech than what some of you are responding with.

Just wanted to manage expectations on that a bit for this particular project. Suggestions for a video making tool (as opposed to toolkit) and in game stuff like green screens are very much welcome though and I will take notes on them as well.

======== o7 _CCP Manifest | Public Relations and Social Media | @ccp_manifest_

Dradis Aulmais
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-05-29 15:03:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Dradis Aulmais
Edit: Post removed Not in line with topic. Edit Statis: Happening

Dradis Aulmais, Federal Attorney Number 54896

Free The Scope Three

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