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Next iteration of overview/bracket icons on Singularity

First post
The Greater Goon
#141 - 2015-05-20 12:45:00 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
Lyta Jhonson wrote:

Very nice.

CCP, make it so.

These really are much better.
Martin Gregor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#142 - 2015-05-21 10:31:31 UTC
Lyta Jhonson wrote:

+1 Very intuitive and simple.
-> Give her a cookie for that!
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#143 - 2015-05-21 19:40:20 UTC
I like how the icon for battleship is more bulky than cruiser. And cruiser have these wings as to suggest it is more nimble than bulkier battleship.

All capitals have the same theme going, and they still are recognizable.
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#144 - 2015-05-24 02:35:38 UTC
Honestly this **** looks like busywork.

What's even the point of doing this?
It seems like you're just changing things for the sake of changing them at this point. Stop.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#145 - 2015-05-24 11:10:30 UTC
I would prefer, if Npc icons remain as they are right now, theres nothing wrong with them. Also wrecks and cans should be the same as they are on Tq.

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#146 - 2015-05-24 12:40:27 UTC
X4me1eoH wrote:
CCP Surge wrote:
Also you guys asked for it, so here are the new icon sheets for you to compare side by side with the client:

Ship & Drones

Other Entities


Attack drones look like frigates. In battle, frigates and attack drones will be difficult to discern. May be make the icons drones as they are now? But sentry drones icons like as the picture.

Sentry drones look fine there, agreed. And the only differentiation required for drones is small/medium/large.
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#147 - 2015-05-24 17:32:26 UTC
I did my own take on icons- it's rough, but I'm working on them.

All of them have transparency. The only ones I really don't like of the current SISI ones are the BS ones- they don't look BS-like, at least to me.

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#148 - 2015-05-25 02:22:12 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
I did my own take on icons- it's rough, but I'm working on them.

All of them have transparency. The only ones I really don't like of the current SISI ones are the BS ones- they don't look BS-like, at least to me.
I see very little difference between this is the gawdawful first attempt from CCP. Terribad all around, the red crosses are better to be honest. Just make red crosses for everyone (or white crosses for players).

These are more the way we need to go, with some modifications:

Lyta Jhonson wrote:
I still say they need to fix some of the extra variations they are forcing like individual icons for shuttles and noobships etc. They need to just Keep It Simple...

Primary This Rifter wrote:
Honestly this **** looks like busywork.

What's even the point of doing this?
It seems like you're just changing things for the sake of changing them at this point. Stop.
Yup, and when you take into account the complete lack of any honest consideration for any of the feedback its even moreso looking like they are just doing this to give a team something to do and to heck with what the people that use it have to say. What was the huge outcry that deemed the old brackets so unusable that they felt the need to justify all this?
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#149 - 2015-05-25 04:06:28 UTC
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Honestly this **** looks like busywork.

What's even the point of doing this?
It seems like you're just changing things for the sake of changing them at this point. Stop.
Yup, and when you take into account the complete lack of any honest consideration for any of the feedback its even moreso looking like they are just doing this to give a team something to do and to heck with what the people that use it have to say. What was the huge outcry that deemed the old brackets so unusable that they felt the need to justify all this?

Once this hits TQ people are going to be upset.

They probably won't leave the game over it, but it'll certainly contribute to their distrust and irritation with CCP for screwing with yet more things that aren't broken.
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#150 - 2015-05-25 12:46:50 UTC
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Once this hits TQ people are going to be upset.

They probably won't leave the game over it, but it'll certainly contribute to their distrust and irritation with CCP for screwing with yet more things that aren't broken.
Just think they were just about to actually push this to TQ last patch but pulled it at the last second... thank goodness. But then they put it right back up saying that we the players just needed to take more time to get used to them because there was nothing wrong with the new ones.
Mister Ripley
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#151 - 2015-05-25 13:41:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mister Ripley
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Once this hits TQ people are going to be upset.

They probably won't leave the game over it, but it'll certainly contribute to their distrust and irritation with CCP for screwing with yet more things that aren't broken.
Just think they were just about to actually push this to TQ last patch but pulled it at the last second... thank goodness. But then they put it right back up saying that we the players just needed to take more time to get used to them because there was nothing wrong with the new ones.

But it will be a full success. Metrics will show 100% usage! Big smile Even when they make them optional, they will probably make the new ones as default and therefore have a much higher useage than the old ones => op success.
Arla Sarain
#152 - 2015-05-25 22:21:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
I think the insides should be full.

When the borders are bright and something inside is pale, there is a lot of noise.

EDIT: (credit to Lyta Jhonson for the originals)
I derped the battleship one, but you get the idea.

CCP original:

Point being, I don't think its so much the shapes, as much they are just tissue ribbons in space with a ton of other particles in the background. If they are not filled, they will just either get in the way, or be missed.
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#153 - 2015-05-26 05:03:54 UTC
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Honestly this **** looks like busywork.

What's even the point of doing this?
It seems like you're just changing things for the sake of changing them at this point. Stop.
Yup, and when you take into account the complete lack of any honest consideration for any of the feedback its even moreso looking like they are just doing this to give a team something to do and to heck with what the people that use it have to say. What was the huge outcry that deemed the old brackets so unusable that they felt the need to justify all this?

Once this hits TQ people are going to be upset.

They probably won't leave the game over it, but it'll certainly contribute to their distrust and irritation with CCP for screwing with yet more things that aren't broken.

I have to agree entirely here. Same goes for the new map. I completely see where you are trying to make a more modern, stronger game, and it is appreciated entirely.

However, you really have to consider how much of this game players actually teach to other or new players. Basically, the veterans have to be happy with a feature first and foremost - remember we are teaching the new players what we know, about brackets, how to use the map, how to read in a grid and make decisions. I would be very curious, say, if you released metrics on the usage of the new map; I had to turn the thing off to be able to scan properly, and set up routes. Which in turn, if a new player asks how to do things, I will say, turn that new shiny thing off, I can't show you any of the underlying function under all that flash.

Same applies here really. If there was a button to turn this off when it goes live, I would literally PAY for the ability to turn the new thing off permanently. It is imperative that the people who play the game, day in and day out, are happy with the feature more than new blood, as the only way new blood sticks with this game is from older players holding their hand for a good while, with some exceptions.

It's not just backlash because we have had it a certain way for a while either. Like the changes to Dscan were MARVELOUS, I don't think a single person could have take an issue with making that extremely more functional just by adding a more informative slider, while not mucking with the original functionality. New features did not actually interfere with an established thing. Here, they still do.

The changes to overview customization are another great new feature; they really didn't cause more than a hiccup for a day and everyone was sorted. Notifications are good too, because you can turn them off. Please let us turn these icons OFF and have it be normal. PLEASE.

Give us an option and let the usage statistics do the talking.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Castelo Selva
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#154 - 2015-05-26 13:16:03 UTC
I still like that propose ( more than the original one. Again, thank you for your collaboration Lyta Jhonson. There is a clear sense on progression and the shapes are easy to visualize, even in with high resolution. I hope CCP approve that idea.

For the record, I would like an option to scale the overview only. That way I will be able to read the overview even with high resolutions without getting to close of the screen.

Also, I do not know if this is possible, I think the best way to do this new brackets change are turn it in an optional feature and give the players the ability to choose between the old and new types. That way every audience will be pleased and the new icons will get some real test.

Dessie Arbosa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#155 - 2015-05-26 19:04:50 UTC

Hi there,

as for the new NPCs icons , that are still in Test Server ( for now ) - personally me, I cannot differ them. They look so much the same, just.. little not good looking, I rather prefer the old ones.

Maybe make any new icons with letters? For example - frigate - with F instead of icon, C for cruiser , BC - battlecruiser and probably BPS for battleship. Or maybe same symbol ( circle ) for all of them but lesser or would be much better than these icons, really!

Greets from me:)
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#156 - 2015-05-27 11:06:34 UTC
L'erwonees D'arthiva wrote:
Awsome, now i'll need a magnifying glass on my screen, and the chart right next to it to know what i'm looking at.

Couldn't have said it better.
Nice tiny icons if you have zero eye sight trouble, if you do have...

/slowly walks away shaking disappointed his head...
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2015-05-28 14:51:46 UTC
In general, the icons are too busy / detailed in some cases (e.g. beacon icon, drones). The details distract from the relevant things, make it difficult to track things when lot of those busy icons are grouped together on field. Sometimes less is more, less detail/art more iconic, more abstract would be better IMO.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#158 - 2015-05-28 22:19:00 UTC
On the new icons currently loaded up on Sisi.

Good points:
1. Liking the new icons for things like asteroids, ice, mining/industry items, nuthin' but luv.
2. No real complaints with gate, NPC bases, stationary big objects.
3. Beacons, locations such as Jove Observatory, liking them. Make sense to my eyeballs and brainz.

Not so good points:
1. Wrecks are a wreck. Cluttered and couldn't tell if there was loot inside or just salvage it.
2. Ship icons. Umm... A combo of cluttered, sizes don't give the quick 0.5 sec warning of what's incoming, I'll feel very sorry for anyone playing on a smaller screen as they won't be able to see what ship type is what by it's overview icon.
3. Mobile Depot has 2 issues. One, it looks like a Space Invader, and when around other structures and/or ships, easily lost in the mix.
4. At a quick glance, couldn't tell a capsule from a anchored container near a station. Not good, I only have 4 eyes to view with and can't afford another set.

So overall, some very clean and understandable, great improvement. Others could use some clutter removal and/or redesign for clarification on General Overview, where most R00kies tend to hang out.


Blonde brain cramp moment. If a Mobile Object used to be referred to as a MoB, does that makes Stationary Objects SoBs?

Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Tyler Spike
Goonswarm Federation
#159 - 2015-05-29 07:16:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyler Spike
Please fill player icons.We can't see any brackets in battle. I like CCP Arrow's filled player icons style and '' +'' marked NPC icons.

Citation UI MODERNIZATION - ICON STRATEGY: ''Once we had iterated on the Ship Groups we wanted to also tackle NPC ships and make them consistent so that all ship groups would have the same base look. We re-authored all icons tied to NPCs, making them visually consistent with player ships with an added ‘+’ icon in the upper-right corner to identify NPC ships specifically. This was to address the fact that some NPCs can be neutral and are therefore displayed in the same white color as player ships but also to ensure that we are not using color as the primary method of identification but rather as a secondary emphasis. This is part of our ongoing mission to use shapes as the primary way of identifying UI objects, which should cater specifically well to those with color blindness, but is also simply a proven preferred way for all humans to store information.''
Amak Boma
Dragon Factory
#160 - 2015-05-29 08:26:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Amak Boma
should be tweaked to be better visible and understandable
- ships icon on overview just tweak shape to easier identify it right now pods almost share same as shuttle icon.
- beacon sites sush for cosmos agents and landmark sites example ruined mimmatar outpost, roden shipyards etc.
- asteroid sites no need change but make the icon size to determine its class
- different color for celestial objects sush moons/planets on overview
- different color for custom offices on overview
- make wrecks more visible if its empty or not

recommended colors
- for celestials . planetss green , moons grey
- for custom offices can be teal

- for ships . just put egg icon on pods. like old one. the old pod icon was best