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Skill Points remapping/buying™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#341 - 2015-04-27 23:10:20 UTC
Joanna RB wrote:
If this is to happen, please let it be for straight isk rather than plex.

There are already FAR too many things assigned to plexes pushing the price of them north.

A Plex should be just that - a game time extension sellable on the open market. Not a third form of currency.

Multi character training, ship skins, aurum, character transfer, tickets for events ect. should be paid for by RL cash or isk. Not plexes.

PLEX=ISK=RL cash, you already have that.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#342 - 2015-04-27 23:20:49 UTC
Dustpuppy wrote:
Kueyen wrote:

[...]and I fail to see any reason why people shouldn't be able to dump (parts of) a skill (lets say for argument's sake "no refunds at all"). The only thing that needs checking is if the skill is a prerequisite for another skill the character currently has. If so, the skill can't be reduced below the level that still matches the prerequisite (this includes skills that the character doesn't actually already have at necessary prerequisite levels, due to skill tree changes). If the skill is reduced to 0 SP, it gets eliminated from the stat sheet (no skill book refund).

Like many others I don't like this idea. It makes no logical sense, or have you e.g. been able in school to forget anything what you have learned about a foreign language and instantly got access to knowledge in maths in exchange?

I doubt you have because it would have made school much easier. Just spend enough time learning "something" to gather a pool of skill points and switch your knowledge from one area to another in case it's required for a test. At least my parents told me: you never know why you have learned something until you need it, and while the others are able to take away all your goods knowledge is something they can't take away.

This situation applies to EVE. Whatever you have learned is learned and can't and shouldn't be forgotten. If you enable a system where you can move around skill points from one area to another you render learning useless. All you need to enable your "godmode" is a pool of skill points which can be reassigned whenever you want. After that point learning would become useless.

There is a game out there were you can do this. A system was created where you could switch your knowledge and even keep 2 different types of skill selection in mind - and switch between them. It's WOW. This plus all the changes which wiped out the special characterization details made this game more user of child friendly but in the end there was no real role play left. Tanks suddenly were able to act as damage dealers and even in the role of the tank they were able to make damage. Why? Because people didn't like specialization. They wanted a god mode where everyone would be perfect in every role.

Don't do this to EVE. Whatever you do, it must have consequences - and choosing what you learn next also falls into this category. This is a game for the grown ups and not the children who want to play without thinking about tomorrow.

Please don't mix up the things. It's a game as you said not real life with schools and colleges.
You also haven't read all the suggestions due to this thread came into tl;dr. It is not when you remap everytime you want, it is not the all skills which you can to remap.

And the real god mode is when you are allowed to have as many jc you want where you could allocate skills in you desired manner along with implants so you could simply jump all arround every 24 hrs. and be everything you want. Surprisingly noone yet suggested that.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

New Eden Ferengi
#343 - 2015-04-28 16:36:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Dustpuppy
Just because there are ways to make things even worse (unlimited JCs...) doesn't mean your idea is brilliant.

Again, EVE is a game where your decisions have consequences. Think, act and don't complain if your decisions haven't been the best, but don't play around with ideas to unwind/revert what you have done in the past.

If you don't like this - switch to WOW. Here you can reassign all the skills whenever you want and in a way you want. You don't loose stuff when you die, you don't have to wait until your char has trained something, you can grind your way up to the top. Whatever you do it has no consequences. And since Blizzard even changed fundamental things (tanks just being tanks with lots of armor but no chance to apply a lot of damage and now the re at the same time damage dealers) it's now almost irrelevant what kind of character type you choose.

Blizzard listened to all those guys whining because they were unable to do everything with their loved char and made everything so easy that even casual players can easily reach the end game before a new expansion is sold.
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#344 - 2015-04-28 23:51:49 UTC
Reading is hard sometimes i know it. If you didn't read actual proposal i feel sorry for that.
And please stop ref. to WoW i hqve never played this piece of ... art.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Jenshae Chiroptera
#345 - 2015-04-29 09:49:39 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
No from me still, pay to win is bad.
I agree.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#346 - 2015-04-30 02:37:13 UTC
Tiddle Jr wrote:
Reading is hard sometimes i know it. If you didn't read actual proposal i feel sorry for that.
And please stop ref. to WoW i hqve never played this piece of ... art.

Chuckles at 'art'...

My real issue with the idea is twofold, firstly you are allowing people to erase 'mistakes' and basically change the history of their account. This offends my sensibilities as an old school RPG player but also goes against a core priciple of the game.

Secondly and more importantly in game mechanics to be useful this would require a sizeable chunk of sp to be remapped and in that case it can be abused. If it isn't a useful amount of sp the it isn't worth developer time to implement. If a mechanic starts needing multiple exceptions to function it is a bad mechanic and als becomes more of a code support pain with each workaround to take into account in future changes
Pew Terror
All of it
#347 - 2015-04-30 21:38:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Pew Terror
Changing the linear catch up curve to a more exponential one would be amazing for younger players.

Something like (((EvE lifetim Age) - (Character age)) * no implant yearly SP) / 10 PLEX purchasable max SP would mean I could buy 10% of the years that i just did not know this game existed and be at least somewhat competent in subcaps as a 2-3year old char. It would still be only 10% of the SP as a vet total as a new player.
Aran Hotchkiss
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#348 - 2015-05-01 07:17:00 UTC
Pew Terror wrote:
Changing the linear catch up curve to a more exponential one would be amazing for younger players.

Something like (((EvE lifetim Age) - (Character age)) * no implant yearly SP) / 10 PLEX purchasable max SP would mean I could buy 10% of the years that i just did not know this game existed and be at least somewhat competent in subcaps as a 2-3year old char. It would still be only 10% of the SP as a vet total as a new player.

Soooo.... PLEX transactions for SP?

One thing we've managed to agree on in this thread is no Pay-To-Win.
That and Malcanis's law

You should have enough control over your herd of cats to make them understand. If they constantly make misstakes, get better cats.

Herb Men
#349 - 2015-05-01 22:17:21 UTC
I trained perc/will skills for years under mem/int attributes before the remapping of attributes thing happened. Felt shafted outta all the time i wasted training off spec. Though i would love the ability to remap the sp i put into mining drones into another skill within the same category. I still wouldn't want it to be possible.

No to remaps for isk, plex, favors of questionable nature, and all that.

No SP shufflin either.



Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Irya Boone
The Scope
#350 - 2015-05-05 01:40:27 UTC
No to all but....

A certain amount of Plex to rename a character you bought on the bazaar
because like in RL you can change your name ( but your old name would be stored somewhere (agent locator?web site? employement history with a specific line for Name Change?

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#351 - 2015-05-05 03:21:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiddle Jr
Irya Boone wrote:
No to all but....

A certain amount of Plex to rename a character you bought on the bazaar
because like in RL you can change your name ( but your old name would be stored somewhere (agent locator?web site? employement history with a specific line for Name Change?

Just No, without any constructive feedback?

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Goonswarm Federation
#352 - 2015-05-05 08:07:33 UTC
I'd say purchasing a character on bazaar is pretty close to satisfying the buying SP requirement. It's practical because it's a system that is already in place. In order to bring it closer to being a perfect solution, purchased characters would need to be personalized... the obvious one being the character's name.

That leaves things like race and bloodline, and gender, and employment history. Even without those things, it's a 90% solution (and a 90% around here is an A).

So I'm not sure it's worth making drastic changes to the SP accumulation mechanic we're all used to, and subscribed to.
#353 - 2015-05-06 20:30:53 UTC
The most I would like to see is being able to pool up your remaps whenever you don't use them right away. That way you still get your annual remap, but if you don't use the remap right away, you are not missing out on anything.

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.

Ares Desideratus
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#354 - 2015-05-10 20:32:54 UTC
Personally it would be tempting to be able to purchase skill-point remaps for some of my characters, I am sure there are many many Eve players who would be tempted by that ability.

But it really does get interesting when you consider whether this would be good for the game. As tempting as the ability to purchase SP remaps would be, I can't in all honesty say that it would be good for the game. Actually, it might even be bad for the game.
Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#355 - 2015-05-11 13:18:05 UTC
I dont get why this discussion is always moving towards purchasing allocation?

Skill allocation should be a built in feauture to activate once a year or once in two years to combat player retention.

Yes eve is harsh and you should live with consecences, but in this game it takes years changing style or doing something else, which in turn gets people logging off when opening new avenues of gameplay.
In many cases when they finally log in again they even forgot which avenue they where taking which got them afk in the first placeBig smile

Gallente Federation
#356 - 2015-05-20 19:17:51 UTC
So, I wanted to add a fresh coat of perspective on this topic, from a player that has only one active toon, one account, and over 57mil SP.

Be warned, this might get long.

So, I've been in WH, null, and high. I've also done many low roams.
I'm not too grand at PVP, but can get by, if need be.
I prefer the carebear ways.
I've been around since '08, and have taken breaks here and there.

So, I began in Eve before there was much work on the "New Player Experience", and have battled through many hardships, especially when you consider I'm a casual player and prefer not to PVP.
My first bit of time was spent mining, as it's the only thing I could figure out. Now, this was before griefing/trolling/baiting/etc. was bannable in noob systems. So, needless to say, I lost a lot of ships before someone, who killed me 4 times in 10 minutes, decided to explain to me how the aggression mechanics worked. Once I heard this, I was able to actually start mining and making a profit. Mined and mined and mined, all while training for a Gallente BS, in hopes i would be able to blow something up. I thought I could just train into a BS and go blap NPCs out of the universe. Boy was I wrong.
Especially starting as a Gallente pilot, training Gallente ships. Man was I surprised to see my first Megathron get blapped by NPCs. Wish I would have known there was more to life than flying a ship at the time.
T1 BS, with T1 fittings, slim to no support skills, and no idea how to build a fit.. Needless to say, I lost that ship, and all the isk I had. So, I got back into mining. By this time, I had likely been in a corp, and possibly more than one, and had seen mining barges/exhumers. So, I knew there was a place to go.. So, while crappily mining one day in a barge, I decided I was bored and would go explore. Somehow, I managed to figure out how to probe.. Don't ask me where those skills came from.
in my (high sec) scanning adventures, I managed to come across the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I would forever change my direction in Eve, and likely was the cause of my retention, and why I continue to come back to Eve.
It was the "Awe" of seeing a GOLEM. It amazing!!! On top of that, the player I scanned down was using 3 accounts, ALL IN GOLEMS!!!! THE TRIFECTA OF PERFECTION!!! When you're sitting in a frig, and this is your first time out of a 1.0 noob system, these things look like BEASTS.. This is when I began to study, and learn the ease of use for missiles.
I learned that, unlike turrets, missiles could be effective with low skill.
Unfortunately, I didn't have anything in shields, missiles, or Caldari ships. So, with a solid focus in mind, I grinded HARD...mining... That sucked quite a bit, but I was building Isk, building SP, buying books, and slowly buying up to the Golem... I finally got to the point where I could finally pilot a BS class missile boat.... THE RAVEN... Little brother to the Golem!!!
IT WAS TIME TO BLOW SOME $H!T UP!!!! For example, my Raven.... Yeah... turns out, though missiles can be effective with low skill; your fit, tank, dps, and everything else is also pretty important.
So, I was back to the mining grind stone, in order to build skills and get back into a functional Raven. Unfortunately, I got in the mining trap. I wanted more efficiency, thus more isk/hr. So, I cut off training for the Raven and worked my way into the HULK... At the time, it was the beast of mining. Nothing else could tank, produce, or carry near as much.
To make a long story short, after some Hulk losses, Raven losses, attempts at getting into worthwhile corps, trying low and null sec, trolls, baits, bumps, camps, etc. etc. etc... I finally made it into the GOLEM!!!
Only to find out, it was an utter pile of crap!!!... No wonder why that guy had 3... This was before Bastion, before NPCs swapped targets, and all the other things. He had one Golem tanking/drawing damps/jams, and two with TPs and cruise to actually be able to apply reasonable damage and complete mission. (BTW, this was pre-missile changes as well.)
I even tried the Torp Golem, only to find that it face melted even worse; because, by the time you could apply damage, you were getting hit for max damage... Not to mention that if you're not lvl 5 range skills, with T2 range rigs, BS's orbiting at max NPC range (somewhere around 50km) could actually out range your torps... AHHH!!!
I hated life at this point... However, I still had my mining career to fall back on, and I had trained myself up into an ORCA!!! HAHA!!! This would get me into a decent corp for sure!
Finally got invited to a Corp and wanted to show that I could be a helpful part of socie....wait what??? Oh, you already have 4 orca pilots with max skills and boosts.... Great.... Guess I own this big 800 mil (at the time) ship for nothing... Glad I sold all my other goodies in order to afford it... Good news though... I was able to sell it and afford a Hulk AND a Raven.
So, I maxed out my hulk capabilities, so that I could be a great asset to fleet mining. I also got a good bit more focused with the Raven, IE max missile support skills. Unfortunately, I was now in Caldari space, where the Golem had failed so badly, and was still spending a lot of time jammed by NPCs. this is when I found out about that sneaky little b@stard, the Tengu...
900 dps, 100km range, over 200m/s without props, strong sensors, better tank than a Golem(not even factoring sig), AND it was a missile boat??? SOLD... Got all the skills, got myself setup, spent the 1bil on the ship itself(they cost a lot more back in the day). NOW I was missioning like a champ!!! BAM HML NERF!! SON OF A .....!!!!! I can't win, even if the task is losing!!
Oh well... I was thinking about getting into lasers anyway... Tired of buying ammo all the time.... This is where the Nightmare came in... GREAT PVE ship... I loved that thing... Oh, BTW.......
Gallente Federation
#357 - 2015-05-20 19:19:03 UTC
... Before the Tengu, was the SNI, which is another great PVE boat for those of you who aren’t aware…
Anyway… I built up the skills for the Nightmare, and was ready to sell the Tengu, in order to fully afford the ship and fit, and did it all before the HML nerf hit… I was in good shape. This is when I learned about how easy it was to rip someone off when trading… Numbers bounced around, I caught him trying to rip me off… However, with the ease of trade scamming, I still got ripped off… Sold the Tengu for about 400 mil, fully fitted, with a very expensive shield booster. I love my life.. But I wasn’t too upset, because that’s all I really needed to buy and fit the nightmare exactly how I wanted.. So, gj on the scam to that guy, but I was happy enough.
This seems to be dragging on long enough, so to the end of the story, I eventually ended up back in the Golem, after the bastion module was added and now it’s the beast I thought I was soooo long ago.

What’s the point of this story?
Well, for one, it’s an entertaining story for those that love carebear tears.
Also, this brings to light where all my SP is…..
Now, we can all agree, this is partly my fault… Though, I would argue that A LOT of this SP I have, and no longer use, is due to game mechanics, lack of guidance through game mechanics, lack of knowledge due to game mechanics not providing it, as well as patches/expansions.
Due to these factors, I have skills in ships I wouldn’t have otherwise trained. Gallente ships, hybrid turrets, Tengu, Rook, Basilisk, Orca, and many other things, had I known beforehand.
For instance, if the Golem had worked from the start, I wouldn’t have trained into Tengu and likely many other things, including the Nightmare. That said, i don't feel bad about the Nightmare, as I kinda like having the lasers and the options for Amarr, in the invent I ever PVP.. (love Oracle blapping)
I wouldn't have trained the Orca, Basilisk, Rook, and other ships had I known how prevalent they were, and the fact that you either need to be max skill (Orca), they want pilots to have experience to fly (basilisk), or they don't fit into any fleet (rook).

That said, I probably have a minimum of 5mil SP that I wouldn't have, had the game been a bit more balanced and uneducated friendly throughout my lifetime in Eve.

With all in mind, this is why I support SP remapping.
Unlike other games, you can't just up and do something else when you get bored.
it takes a lot of dedication and investment in order to take a different path in Eve.
It's my personal belief that this hinders players retention due to boredom.
HOWEVER, there should be some limitations on it..

1) You can't remove just one level of a skill... If you choose to remap SP from a skill, you must remap all points from that skill, and the skill itself is destroyed.. This means, if you want to "hotswap", you're going to be buying a lot of books.

2) This SHOULD NOT cost SP loss. You pay to play Eve, your character is what makes Eve, and SP is what makes your character... Therefore, you paid for that SP... That is your subscription and taking that from the player is no different than if I were to take my money back for all the time I waisted before the Golem was worth flying.

3) While there is the loss of the skill books when remapping, I don't feel that's enough of a cost.. I would agree to it costing a PLEX. I feel one PLEX is enough. It should also NOT be based on PLEX per SP amount, as this is essentially punishment to vets whom have remained dedicated to Eve and thus CCP.

4) while we can debate this, I don't feel the a time limit longer than 1 day is really necessary. If you're losing the skills you remove from, this means you have to locate books and burn through isk. However, having the 1 day time limit means you can't dock up and "hotswap" to counter the meta of your opponent.
It's a bit like jump cloning, in that it's a dedicated commitment, but unlike neural remaps, it's not a hindrance on you playing and enjoying the game how you want to, when you want to.

5) It's a game!!! We're supposed to have fun!! If one day I want to have fun mining, the next missioning, and the next PVP'ing; I should be able to have fun however I see fit. This doesn't mean players will stop training SP since they can just swap... You'll be able to be more versatile if you train all those skills up, but for the time being, you'd still be able to enjoy yourself on a daily basis.

6) For the love of all that is holy, remove attributes and attribute implants. We can sit here and argue all day about the "risk vs reward" but in the end, it's not good for player retention to make them choose between getting crucial skills trained up faster, or enjoying the game how they see fit. remember, I'm a carebear, so this isn't effecting me.. I roll around in +5s pretty much all the time, but I bet i'd get myself into podding situations a lot more if I didn't have to worry about losing training time, or losing several 100 mil in isk.
Besides, this effects players that everyone wants to see more of. Those players whom are willing to come out to null/low and fight with the masses. When they come out there, they can't afford to be losing +5s all the time, and are likely well behind the curve on skills needed to be where they are. The sooner they get to where they need to be, with the least amount of isk loss possible, the more likely they will be to stick around... Attributes and their implants are a hindrance on that.
Not to mention, it goes back to my point of, you pay for Eve, Your character is Eve, and SP is your character; therefore you pay for SP.

Lastly, the changes to clones and what CCP said in regards to why those changes were made is in strong support of attribute changes.
Skill point acquisition is very much tied to your subscription and the real money you spent on the game

Gallente Federation
#358 - 2015-05-20 19:38:03 UTC
Oh, and BTW, It's a big NO from me on being able to purchase SP.
If you spent the time required earning that SP, you should be able to do what you want with it, but there definitely SHOULD NOT be a way to buy SP.
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#359 - 2015-05-20 23:13:35 UTC
HELLBO i'm with you mate! You've melted my feelings and got my tears off. Glad to hear on your honest story.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

MechaJeb Kerman
MechaJeb Kerman's Thrasher Fund
Novus Ordo.
#360 - 2015-05-22 19:31:21 UTC

in my (high sec) scanning adventures, I managed to come across the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I would forever change my direction in Eve, and likely was the cause of my retention, and why I continue to come back to Eve.
It was the "Awe" of seeing a GOLEM. It amazing!!!

This reminded me of one time I was ninja salvaging, and warped in on an Armageddon doing some sort of a high level mission. I think that was the first time I had seen a battleship up close, so yeah, I just cloaked and stood there watching in awe as he just blapped the rats one after another. The best part was that he made all the wrecks blue as he warped away. Best day ever.

In regards to the topic, ehhh, If I wanted, and could afford, I'd just go to the bazaar and buy a 140m SP toon. That still wouldn't make me much better at EvE, as no amount of SP can replace IRL skills.

I'll crudely Photoshop an image of Helen Thomas onto a picture of your choosing for 30m. PM me.