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Let's talk about Capitals and Supercapitals

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Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#481 - 2015-04-28 15:53:23 UTC
Agent 711 wrote:
I am not sure if I am getting this right but you are afraid that cap pilots will be pissed off due to caps losing part of their usefulness after fozziesov, causing them to unsub too, no?

But would CCP rather look after the number of cap pilots instead the of the number of players who would like to fight for their small alliance/corps and a new chance to sov? Also this problem with the sov meta has been ongoing for too long. Vast sectors of nullspace (whole constellations) being deserted and unpopulated, underbuiled even (save from some poses) due mega-coallitions like to show off their big sticks (supercaps, caps etc) and cockblock anyone who could actually make use those systems. Just because, big **** mentality. And yeah, cap fleets are the issue here...

I am not saying, remove caps or anything like that but , as it was already mentioned, I dont think CCP ever intended to have 200 supercaps/caps on one side of a "fight"... and its time to adress that issue. Sure some people will be displeased but I doubt the outnumber the amount of people who see this as a new opportunity to sieze or at the very least as new content.

Also cap pilot numbers (and presuming accounts) < potential new and old-bitter players who might concider trying the new sov. And in any case Cap-pilots < rest of non-cap pilots. They are not that many to care for (at least not as main chars), even if we talk businesswise for CCP, they can make up for the loss of cap-pilot accounts unsubbing by selling plex to the sovholders who instead of hotdropping double digits of caps have to pay for the losses of subcaps ships and modules for mentaining a large sov with the new mechanics.

PS: dont start the "it's unfair for the old players and people who have trained or bought cap-pilots". Tough luck. The current sov is unfair for A LOT more people for years now.

CCP would rather look after both. You are far too hung up on the massive superiority of capitals under the current system, and are wearing blinders about what would be and could be under Fozziesov. Stop acting like the only possible "solution" is to nerf capitals into uselessness so it's just a subcap funpark. It is entirely possible to change carriers so they are useful to bring to the battlefield without them being able to dominate the battlefield when you bring a lot of them. But even if they were not changed...


Honestly, how difficult is that for people to understand. Capitals are not going to be a problem in Fozziesov. There is no chance of them domination a constellation wide king of the hill match because they are slow as ****, and people who divide their forces get those smaller forces face smashed in one by one.

Also, capital ownership is not rare at all. Not even a bit. There is no tiny elite with capitals hording it over the masses of players without them. In any alliance of decent age, the majority of players own a capital, or could own one anytime they feel like purchasing one. Remember little baby TEST alliance during Fountain? A player alliance comprised of relatively newer players, still able to field fleets of over 100 carriers?

Pretending that people unsubbing capital accounts (And in a lot of cases their subcap accounts too) would only influence a tiny portion of the game is sticking your head deep in the sand, or a willful "Well it doesn't influence me directly, so I'm happy to see everyone else getting the shaft" attitude that is horribly toxic to the game.

P.S: Your plex comments are to put it bluntly, stupid as ****. People buy plex to sell it to people who need it, or people stockpiling it for anticipated future demand. If the people who drive demand by buying the plex off market unsub, and take the large isk income they used to buy it with them, plex prices experience a double whammy. Suddenly not only is there less demand for the plex, but the people who kept the price high by being willing to pay high prices are gone at the same time.

Absolutely no part of that involves suddenly people buying more plexes to sell at lower prices to less demand than they do under the current system.
Agent 711
State War Academy
Caldari State
#482 - 2015-04-28 16:47:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Agent 711
Anhenka wrote:
CCP would rather look after both. You are far too hung up on the massive superiority of capitals under the current system, and are wearing blinders about what would be and could be under Fozziesov. Stop acting like the only possible "solution" is to nerf capitals into uselessness so it's just a subcap funpark. It is entirely possible to change carriers so they are useful to bring to the battlefield without them being able to dominate the battlefield when you bring a lot of them. But even if they were not changed...


Honestly, how difficult is that for people to understand. Capitals are not going to be a problem in Fozziesov. There is no chance of them domination a constellation wide king of the hill match because they are slow as ****, and people who divide their forces get those smaller forces face smashed in one by one.

Also, capital ownership is not rare at all. Not even a bit. There is no tiny elite with capitals hording it over the masses of players without them. In any alliance of decent age, the majority of players own a capital, or could own one anytime they feel like purchasing one. Remember little baby TEST alliance during Fountain? A player alliance comprised of relatively newer players, still able to field fleets of over 100 carriers?

Pretending that people unsubbing capital accounts (And in a lot of cases their subcap accounts too) would only influence a tiny portion of the game is sticking your head deep in the sand, or a willful "Well it doesn't influence me directly, so I'm happy to see everyone else getting the shaft" attitude that is horribly toxic to the game.

P.S: Your plex comments are to put it bluntly, stupid as ****. People buy plex to sell it to people who need it, or people stockpiling it for anticipated future demand. If the people who drive demand by buying the plex off market unsub, and take the large isk income they used to buy it with them, plex prices experience a double whammy. Suddenly not only is there less demand for the plex, but the people who kept the price high by being willing to pay high prices are gone at the same time.

Absolutely no part of that involves suddenly people buying more plexes to sell at lower prices to less demand than they do under the current system.

Talking about butthurt attitude..... Just because you disagree with me and try to insult my point of view, doesnt make yours valid.... just saying.

I never said they need to nerf caps more so than they are. Or that they are going to be a problem in fozziesov. That all came from your own assumption somehow based on my statements.... If anything I said they are doing a fine job nerfing them as it is with fozziesov... I am glad about it and I cant keep hearing complains about it cause I know well where they are coming from.

CCP is not know for its babysitting attitude. If that was the case the scummers wouldnt be a thing. Adapt or leave... for better of for worse thats what EVE is about and that's why we keep coming back for more.

Oh dont get me wrong! I can owe many caps as well! The point is that the game is not called Supercaps battle 2015! And not everything should be hanging on how many caps a side has. That's just might make right or brute force, not tactical battle. At least we agree that caps should be there but not play a major role.

What we dont agree on, is people usubbing cause of caps. Cap Pilot are indeed a smaller portion of the player base. Look at highsec population and also dont tell me that every nullsec corp out there is 50% or more filled with cap pilots. Null players are much much less than highsec "carebears" and lowsec pirates and from out of them even less care or can fly a cap.

Just as the case with most patches and changes, certain group of people will be "offended". It's just the way it is.
All I am saying is that the upcoming changes benefit more people than not. The rest will adapt.

Dont tell me about plex.... I could use the same kind of reasoning and "prove" your comment complete bullcrap. You imply that the people having supercaps and willing to lose them, plex their account (or at least most do) instead of subbing... I disagree. If anything most of the big sharks dont care to spend a few $ to keep their arsenal full even after losses. People will start wasting caps cause fozziesov. They are already giving them a chance every time they get the chance. Also null is going to be lots of fun after such changes meaning lots of losses of any kind of ship. Losses will have to be covered quickly, for some, by buying plex from CCP and supplying the market for quick isk. And even concidering what you say... people taking their wealth with them doesnt affect plex. They dont spend that isk anyway unless they need to buy to sub or invest for more profit (ie plex rising). Hoarding is just hoarding.
Plus you can ponder on the fact that if people spend a lot of isk due to fozziesov changes and warfare, plex prices will fall due to less demand. Plex offers are over for now... Plex is rising. You think its a coincidence? Maybe but I doubt CCP lets such a thing go random. They are a very successful business they know how to manage their financials very well.
I am not saying thats what is going to happen but it's as much a possible scenario as any other so dont tosh unsubstancial insults about my comments so freely.
Gemini Tordanis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#483 - 2015-04-28 16:55:37 UTC
Anhenka wrote:
Agent 711 wrote:
I am not sure if I am getting this right but you are afraid that cap pilots will be pissed off due to caps losing part of their usefulness after fozziesov, causing them to unsub too, no?

But would CCP rather look after the number of cap pilots instead the of the number of players who would like to fight for their small alliance/corps and a new chance to sov? Also this problem with the sov meta has been ongoing for too long. Vast sectors of nullspace (whole constellations) being deserted and unpopulated, underbuiled even (save from some poses) due mega-coallitions like to show off their big sticks (supercaps, caps etc) and cockblock anyone who could actually make use those systems. Just because, big **** mentality. And yeah, cap fleets are the issue here...


Honestly, how difficult is that for people to understand. Capitals are not going to be a problem in Fozziesov. There is no chance of them domination a constellation wide king of the hill match because they are slow as ****, and people who divide their forces get those smaller forces face smashed in one by one.

Agree. With the new jump navigation restrictions + fozziesov, why is it not obvious that capital power projection is no longer multiple constellations at any given moment.

Fozziesov will allow a small, unskilled, and sub-capital alliance a chance in 0.0. I don't see why you see capitals as continuing to be a threat. Final thought, most of the 0.0 playerbase will end their sub if this becomes frigates-and-cruisers online.
Agent 711
State War Academy
Caldari State
#484 - 2015-04-28 17:00:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Agent 711
Gemini Tordanis wrote:

Agree. With the new jump navigation restrictions + fozziesov, why is it not obvious that capital power projection is no longer multiple constellations at any given moment.

Fozziesov will allow a small, unskilled, and sub-capital alliance a chance in 0.0. I don't see why you see capitals as continuing to be a threat. Final thought, most of the 0.0 playerbase will end their sub if this becomes frigates-and-cruisers online.

Better frigate fights than 15% time diletion due to supercap fleets clashing...
Even better since new players can get into a frig and cruiser a lot faster than a cap. More newbie friendly and I am sure CCP likes that...............

PS: I am not implying that fozziesov is going to be golden and work 100% perfect. But I do believe its a step forward to something better in sov experience in a game that hadnt seen any improvement in this aspect of gameplay for ages...

EDIT: Also... concider how many players went away due to the state of sov the past years... trust me I met quite a few coming both from the "minion" heep that didn't like to serve an all too powerful coallition cause there was no other option to live in null as well as the few aspiring people who tried to make a stand and ofc failed, causing them to lose any interest in the game's meta. I bet they will give a second thought about resubbing.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#485 - 2015-04-28 19:14:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Anhenka
Agent 711 wrote:
Gemini Tordanis wrote:

Agree. With the new jump navigation restrictions + fozziesov, why is it not obvious that capital power projection is no longer multiple constellations at any given moment.

Fozziesov will allow a small, unskilled, and sub-capital alliance a chance in 0.0. I don't see why you see capitals as continuing to be a threat. Final thought, most of the 0.0 playerbase will end their sub if this becomes frigates-and-cruisers online.

Better frigate fights than 15% time diletion due to supercap fleets clashing...
Even better since new players can get into a frig and cruiser a lot faster than a cap. More newbie friendly and I am sure CCP likes that...............

PS: I am not implying that fozziesov is going to be golden and work 100% perfect. But I do believe its a step forward to something better in sov experience in a game that hadnt seen any improvement in this aspect of gameplay for ages...

EDIT: Also... concider how many players went away due to the state of sov the past years... trust me I met quite a few coming both from the "minion" heep that didn't like to serve an all too powerful coallition cause there was no other option to live in null as well as the few aspiring people who tried to make a stand and ofc failed, causing them to lose any interest in the game's meta. I bet they will give a second thought about resubbing.

Both frigate fights and capital brawls are important to the game. That subcaps should be important is in no way a reason to make capitals useless.

If you have not noticed, Fozziesov has accomplished what you are looking for without any capital nerfs whatsoever. CFC pulled up out of three regions, and then over 500 systems worth of renter space is in the process of being abandoned by former landlords. There is so much space available it's ridiculous. There is no more iron hand of capitals to lord over vast tracts of land.

Fozziesov constellation control changes render the capital blob inefficient in space control even on a constellation level. Phoebe made long distance movements of capitals impossible. Recently fighter assignment was removed to stop use of assigned fighters by subcaps. Signature changes made it less effective to use fighters against subcaps even if directly controlled.

And yet despite all this, people continue to sit there and proclaim over and over and over again that capitals are still overpowered, that the big alliances will continue to oppress the little people, and the only solution is to take what little non triage utility they have remaining, and to remove it. It gets really tiring the way people chant it over and over again like a political talking point, unable to consider anything that would disturb their deeply held conviction that if only CCP would nerf capitals one more time they would suddenly start rolling in the lap of luxury without the big bad alliances holding them down.

P.S: My entire time in EVE is basically being on the losing end of the war over and over and over again. I have been driven out of what seems like half the regions in EVE at this point. And during this entire time there has always been mid-small alliances and coalitions scattered around, primarily in less desirable or NPC space.

Fozziesov is going to allow a ton more people and smaller groups out into nullsec to establish space, that is true.

And when they run into long established alliances, they are going to get smashed, because running and defending an alliance is work. It takes time and effort to build up knowledge, experience, funds, to train FC's, run alliance services, to get your pilots used to responding quickly to FC commands and not ******* it up.

I look forward to to finding out what people blame then instead of capitals. Or maybe they will continue to complain about capitals despite what is going to be relatively limited use of them. Critical thinking not exactly being the strong suite of most of the "Nerf capitals even further" crowd in this thread.

Agent 711 wrote:

Dont tell me about plex.... I could use the same kind of reasoning and "prove" your comment complete bullcrap. You imply that the people having supercaps and willing to lose them, plex their account (or at least most do) instead of subbing... I disagree. If anything most of the big sharks dont care to spend a few $ to keep their arsenal full even after losses.

Do it. That people with capital and supercap alts plex those accounts far in far greater proportion to the rest of the playerbase is not really a question. Go around asking people with supercaps and you will find it's not uncommon to leave them unsubbed during times when they are not needed. It's a bit of a running joke that the number of subscribed accounts in PL jumps by 50% in hours each time a major supercap brawl happens as they all go replex extra supercap alts.

I'll personally say I own four accounts, two I pay with cash, two I plex on and off, allowing them to run out when I don't need them. Unsurprisingly, the two accounts I plex are the capital only alts and the cyno alts accounts.

I really want to see the sort of mental gymnastics required to say that when demand drops sharply, somehow the number of people buying them to sell increases.
Jatok Reknar
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#486 - 2015-04-28 19:32:34 UTC
I think the idea of having different modes on capitals and supercaps is definitely a good one. Would make these ships a lot more interesting. But the changes need to be carefully weighted so that:
- It is not a straight up buff. For example, perhaps you have less base ehp or resists, but you get back to current (or even slightly better) ehp/resists in defensive mode. It shouldn't be just that much extra on top of current base states. This would be similar to what happened to freighters for example, when low slots were added. Base stats were reduced, but users can tank it more than before at the trade-off of other things. (cargo capacity in the case of freighters)

- The bonuses should not undo CCP's SOV changes. I see things like 4% per level jump range increase in "Mobility mode" in OP's proposal. That would partially undo the power projection changes CCP has implemented. So this and the Jump fatigue buffs should not exist imho in any mode. (Or, just like above, base values are lowered and you only get back to current values in mobility mode). But then, it becomes a non-choice. If you are relocating, you will need to be in this mode anyway. And, choices that add no real tradeoffs are not useful imo.

A few other random thoughts:
- Fighters : They are not special anymore. No more assigning fighters and they do not warp. CCP needs to find a reason to make them have some use?

- fighter bombers : If super carriers are going to be non-DPS roles, what happens to these?

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#487 - 2015-04-29 00:27:36 UTC
There's nothing wrong with Pilots wanting a different role for their ship, especially when the old role becomes obsolete. Like someone said earlier, they did the same thing for the old mining frigates and cruisers after the ore variants took over. Remade ten into logistics ships which was a drastic improvement in my eyes.
Dantelion Shinoni
Empirical Inventions
#488 - 2015-04-29 02:35:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Dantelion Shinoni
Anhenka wrote:
Agent 711 wrote:
I am not sure if I am getting this right but you are afraid that cap pilots will be pissed off due to caps losing part of their usefulness after fozziesov, causing them to unsub too, no?
I am not saying, remove caps or anything like that but , as it was already mentioned, I dont think CCP ever intended to have 200 supercaps/caps on one side of a "fight"... and its time to adress that issue. Sure some people will be displeased but I doubt the outnumber the amount of people who see this as a new opportunity to sieze or at the very least as new content.

Also, capital ownership is not rare at all. Not even a bit. There is no tiny elite with capitals hording it over the masses of players without them. In any alliance of decent age, the majority of players own a capital, or could own one anytime they feel like purchasing one. Remember little baby TEST alliance during Fountain? A player alliance comprised of relatively newer players, still able to field fleets of over 100 carriers?

Pretending that people unsubbing capital accounts (And in a lot of cases their subcap accounts too) would only influence a tiny portion of the game is sticking your head deep in the sand, or a willful "Well it doesn't influence me directly, so I'm happy to see everyone else getting the shaft" attitude that is horribly toxic to the game.

That's precisely the problem.

What was supposed to be rare and balanced as such is now common. This is the problem right there that has to be solved, you cannot have something that is made to be overly powerful because it is rare, and yet not be rare, AND then have those things become useless with a new system, that's like the final nail on the coffin.

I think what Agent is trying to convey, although in a somewhat aggressive manner, is that Caps pilots have to be part of the solution. Them letting go of some aspects of Capital Ships as they are, and that in good faith, can be the key in allowing a healthier state for both the game and Capital Ships themselves.

I can only see two paths here for them:

- Either make all those who have Caps and trained for them able to pilot them in great numbers, but then the concession here will have to be that Caps become a more common part of the ecosystem here. Frigates can annoy ships of all sizes, Destroyers kill frigates but are killed by everything else, Cruisers are literally in the middle, BattleCruisers hunt Cruisers and are then hunted by Battleships, and countless other interactions.
Caps can't keep having their ecosystem revolve around themselves, with Caps being needed to kill Caps.
But then what will be the interactions of Caps with their subpar comrades?? What could even be the counter of such ships?
Whatever it is, Caps pilots will have to accept that counter in good faith.

- Or make it so that a lot less of those who have Caps and trained for them can pilot one. Caps become a prestige to pilot, even among seasoned players. The number of Caps decreases over time, and suddenly they can see their power be actually increased over all the other types of ships.
Here Caps pilots will have to accept to not be eternally entitled to pilot a Capital Ship, and that for the benefit of the game at large.

What the discussion with you and Agent showed is that part of what can make it possible to find a role for Caps reside in the hands of those piloting them, it's up to them to actually make a solution possible without throwing a fit.

Or maybe CCP could just consider that it is too late to make them rare and awesome, that the players made that commonness a part of what they are, and that in an organic and emergent way, and thus make that level of large-scale accessibility that they have a part of their design.
And then create a new class above Capital Ships, supposed to be everything those ships were supposed to be, the pinnacle of Power and Prestige in EVE.

Good luck though finding a name for something that is supposed to be bigger than a Titan...
#489 - 2015-04-29 03:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
I think we need to stop looking at capital rebalance in the light of super capital ships being rare. The fact is that the days to preventt supercapital proliferation have long since passed.

.Everyone accepts that super capitals was a stupid idea but yet no one is willing to part with thier silly end game toy. What needs to happen is a complete redesign of capital ships in general and a redesign of super capitals ships to make them just capital ships or in the case of the titan a moveable outpost that gets renamed to the mothership.

. I would propose making current carriers pocket carriers or light carriers. They would loose the ability to use fighters but have bonus to gekco's. They would have reduced hp and loose the RR bonus but stil retain tge triage.

. .Super carriers would now become fleet carriers where they would gain about 50% extra hp as a standard carrier today.

Pilots who' have super caiers will get reinbured in capital components relative to the amount of hp and damage lost to compensate for the new price.

Fleet carriers will be aloud to use fighters and fighter bombers and the use of triage or siege. If you want to use fighter bombers you use a siege module.

The triage moduel will get a bonus to RR as the fleet carrier will not get a native bonus to RR or range.

'' Fighter and fighter bombers will now get limited fittings such as 3 high slots and 5 mix of mid and low example:

Ammar fighter: 3 high slots 1 mid 4 low. also there would be a new slot for pilot.

FIghters have pilots in them trust me zoom in next time. So the pilot should be the bonus for the fighter acting like a null bonud on a ship. Example Fighter pilot A has a bonus of 5% per level to small pulse lasers.

'' '' Dreadnaughts get a booost. the damage bonus is now removed from the siege moduel
and built into the hull bonus. But when not in siege dreads will get the Titan tracking penilty meaning if you wan to blap you go into siege. This will give dreads two roles. One as a high damage anti capital ship that can get RR and Two a blappy anti bs ship that cant get RR.

'' ''THis leaves titans. Titans were the worst thing brougt into the game. They are no longer war ships. THey are now motherships that are pretty much mobile outposts. once anchored the mothership will act as a destructable outpost and be subject to fozzie sov mechanics but when you caputer the mothership its a loot pinyata with a km. The MOthership takes one hour to anchor and can only be unanchored when its not in reinforce mode or in a fozzie sov capture event

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Generic Corp Name
#490 - 2015-04-29 04:23:32 UTC
Anchoring ships is a pointless endeavour because there's little, if not nothing, you will want to stay around for an hour in preparation for in FozzieSov.

The days of sitting down and defending a patch of ground are over. When someone anchors, the best option for the opponents is to go elsewhere and fight there instead.
Lyra Gerie
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#491 - 2015-04-29 04:33:12 UTC
I propose the idea that supers don't actually change. In the current meta they are useless, but the nature of the change is not a rebalance but a repurposing.

If we are going to change that much about them, I propose they not be changed and rather new ships that can fit the current meta be added.

Why is this? Because the ships still serve as a show of military might. They are fearsome on the battlefield and demand a presence. I propose minimal changes/rebalancing on current supers while introducing new either capital and or super capital ships that work better in the current meta.

Their direct counter will now be the old supers capable of taking down these newer ships with relative ease or provide a sub cap fleet with the means to do so easier. This way titans can simply be rebalanced rather then entirely repurposed while adding new ships to the game having a counter already in place. This also lifts restrictions of what we think a titan can do as opposed to a new ship entirely being able to do whatever we need it to.

Plus this means more spaceship, everyone loves more spaceship.
Agent 711
State War Academy
Caldari State
#492 - 2015-04-29 07:34:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Agent 711
Anhenka wrote:

I really want to see the sort of mental gymnastics required to say that when demand drops sharply, somehow the number of people buying them to sell increases.

A) Plexing through null activites will be postponed or scaled down at least for a few weeks after fozziesov, ie demand drops on plex cause people prefer to pay $ instead of using isk they cant keep at constant levels or will need for war.
B) Prices on a lot of commodities, materials etc will rise due to null farming going down. Plus stuff will go boom with all the mayhem and uncertainty going around.
C) Need for isk by alliances who want to cover losses fast (and there will be losses on all sides....)

to sum up: Isk is spend on non-plex items. Plex demand drops (CCP is making $ by selling subs instead), supply grows (everyone tries to sell off while the price is still where it is). Is'nt that how prices fall? Surplus of supply... what do you think?
In other words you dont know how plex will react if you dont have those numbers. So stop trying to convience me that CCP is going to lose on cap pilot accounts unsubbing.................
CCP knows their financial **** as I mentioned before better than both of us. It's a business and it's what they do. And we leave it at that.

And to get back on topic:
Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. The old days of supercap/cap floods are over and good ridance at that. I don't say nerf the capitcals more since we havent even seen the actual implications of fozziesov and how the audiance adapts to it.
But just as I am not saying nerf the caps more, I cant accept people saying: Buff them somehow! Don't make them lose their value!

They will lose some of their previous tactical value. That's the way it is. Meaning the amount of cap pilots we have now wont be needed and for good reasons. Sure, find a use for caps and supercaps but dont go nuts about it before you let the game adapt to the change (that hasnt even been deployed yet). Maybe some players come up with an ingenious way to use caps. It's not the first nor the last time that could happen. And that is even more of the case with EVE that so much of the content is created through player community interactions. We've seen countless occassions that players surprised the developers with they ways they found to manipulate mechanics.

And again I agree that caps and supercaps shouldnt be abandoned from the meta altogether. But for crying out loud dont whine if you see them used less or doomspeak of them being obsulete straight away on assumptions. I trust CCP wouldnt like that either or any of the players.
It's nice to have these huge beasts around. It's not nice to have only those beasts (and especially in respect to numbers) deciding the fate of sov.
Big Sister Exploration
#493 - 2015-04-30 15:30:18 UTC
Agent 711 wrote:

A) Plexing through null activites will be postponed or scaled down at least for a few weeks after fozziesov, ie demand drops on plex cause people prefer to pay $ instead of using isk they cant keep at constant levels or will need for war.
B) Prices on a lot of commodities, materials etc will rise due to null farming going down. Plus stuff will go boom with all the mayhem and uncertainty going around.

Are you kidding, plexing will go up, the mats needed to build everything went up on T1 goods meaning miners will be making more isk if they follow build requirements and mine those ores in an increased demand. Higher prices for all T1 ships to be expected.
Agent711 wrote:

to sum up: Isk is spend on non-plex items. Plex demand drops (CCP is making $ by selling subs instead), supply grows (everyone tries to sell off while the price is still where it is). Is'nt that how prices fall? Surplus of supply... what do you think?
In other words you dont know how plex will react if you dont have those numbers. So stop trying to convience me that CCP is going to lose on cap pilot accounts unsubbing.................
CCP knows their financial **** as I mentioned before better than both of us. It's a business and it's what they do. And we leave it at that.

Absolutely correct.
Agent711 wrote:

And to get back on topic:
Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. The old days of supercap/cap floods are over and good ridance at that. I don't say nerf the capitcals more since we havent even seen the actual implications of fozziesov and how the audiance adapts to it.
But just as I am not saying nerf the caps more, I cant accept people saying: Buff them somehow! Don't make them lose their value!

They will lose some of their previous tactical value. That's the way it is. Meaning the amount of cap pilots we have now wont be needed and for good reasons. Sure, find a use for caps and supercaps but dont go nuts about it before you let the game adapt to the change (that hasnt even been deployed yet). Maybe some players come up with an ingenious way to use caps. It's not the first nor the last time that could happen. And that is even more of the case with EVE that so much of the content is created through player community interactions. We've seen countless occassions that players surprised the developers with they ways they found to manipulate mechanics.

And again I agree that caps and supercaps shouldnt be abandoned from the meta altogether. But for crying out loud dont whine if you see them used less or doomspeak of them being obsulete straight away on assumptions. I trust CCP wouldnt like that either or any of the players.
It's nice to have these huge beasts around. It's not nice to have only those beasts (and especially in respect to numbers) deciding the fate of sov.

Caps are in a fine place as they are now, I don't believe there is a need to change them, but Supers...well I have no clue why anyone would want to fly a coffin anyways.
Gemini Tordanis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#494 - 2015-04-30 17:20:02 UTC
Agent 711 wrote:

They will lose some of their previous tactical value. That's the way it is. Meaning the amount of cap pilots we have now wont be needed and for good reasons.

They have already lost some tactical value with the current jump limitations, and therefore are used to blob less.

Agent 711 wrote:

And again I agree that caps and supercaps shouldnt be abandoned from the meta altogether. But for crying out loud dont whine if you see them used less or doomspeak of them being obsulete straight away on assumptions. I trust CCP wouldnt like that either or any of the players.

I don't think folks here are crying, just suggesting there are a lot of pilots that have made significant investment on capital ships, and it could prove disastrous if the rug is pulled out from under them too swiftly or too harshly. If you have the most fun flying covert ops and the game changed drastically to which covert ops is no longer a viable, I assume you would be fairly upset.

CCP is smart enough to implement changes over time so that they can measure the aftereffects of each phase, listen to feedback and adapt. As a result, the effects are less of a heart attack and the change is more assimilated.

Agent 711 wrote:

It's nice to have these huge beasts around. It's not nice to have only those beasts (and especially in respect to numbers) deciding the fate of sov.

Totally agree. Most folks here do. CCP has a high task ahead of them to find a way to make Capitals unique, useful, and worth the investment without allowing them to blob and win fights.
Agent 711
State War Academy
Caldari State
#495 - 2015-04-30 18:03:35 UTC
Yeap, I can't do anything but agree with you...
The only thing is that it's hard to start making suggestions on what should be regulated before the patch has been deployed. It does sound like craziness to me... wait to see the effects first and then argue on what was done poorly and needs fixing.

As for cap pilots again..... that's the way it is with patches and MMOs. Sad but true. This too has has been done to me, in other areas I have invested and took a blow with a patch (in some cases I didn't even get the chance to make up for the training time investment). It happens all the time with big changes. I know I am getting annoying but still these changes benefit more people than not.... I doubt it is the other way around.

As for CCP, you are right! The do try to impliment changes one step at a time and measure the effects they have on their audiance and the game mechanics. The jump fatigue was one such step and slowly we are taking more and more steps towards the final outcome for supercaps. It's not nerf after nerf, it's small steps towards the complete change.
Kazaheid Zaknafein
Zaknafein Tactical Reconnaissance
#496 - 2015-05-02 02:41:20 UTC
Honestly though, only dreadnaughts need an overhaul with the new sov. With no structures to shoot they will be barely used. Carriers in their current form still have logistics and Titans still can bridge fleets, both of which are less hampered by the new sov than the stationary guns we call dreads.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#497 - 2015-05-02 15:36:17 UTC
I like how virtually everyone who wants to further gut supers and titans are in noob corps. Please tell me your experiences flying these shps. And no, watching Youtube of them does not count. You want them removed becauze you are jealous and will never own one. Simple as that. And I am sorry thar your noob corp cannot hold the field against players wbo have accumulated wealth over ten years of playing this game. No, little noob, I am sorry you were late to the game. This is not WoW.
Git R Done Resources
#498 - 2015-05-03 01:01:18 UTC
I don't think ccp should nerf supers.

I think super carriers should get new roles and become motherships like they were intended to. It the new structures can dock ships why not the super carriers. I would love to have the reason to get one.

Titans can bridge large fleets why not give the ability to super carriers in a limited capacity.

Either have pilots be able to dock in their ships wait until after the jump then Undock or give them the ability to bridge pods then on the other side the pilots grab their ships and go to fight.

I mean a rorqual can do jump clones.

There has to be something to make people want these ships.

Also maybe make dreads and carriers be better support for super carriers and Titans.

When I first started this game I wanted a carrier so much and then after that I wanted a super. Then the nerfs started happening to these large ships. They are easier to kill and pilots have less security. However they have been nerfed to death.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#499 - 2015-05-03 03:15:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Justin Cody
Here's my take on the current Cap/Supercap/Titan setup.

Caps Dreadnought & Carrier

Dreadnought Roles Currently:

  • Anti-Capital
  • Anti-Sub Capital (with support)
  • Anti-Structure
  • Low/Null Sec Entry Tier Capital

Carrier Roles Currently:

  • Suitcase/Moving Van
  • Big Ishtar with hideously effective remote repair that scales in a non-linear fashion
  • Triage - force multiplier/sacrificial bait carrier for small gangs and large alliances alike
  • Effective Null Sec NPC killer

Issues Arisen - Carrier

  • Longer Training Time for Full Functionality
  • Revenue Generator
  • Utility Uses outside of Combat
  • Useful in K-Space and J-Space equally

Issues Arisen - Dreadnought

  • Entry Level Capital
  • Specialized role
  • PvP restricted in K-Space
  • PvE/PvP in J-Space as a necessity in C5 & C6 (PVP in any class that you build them in)
  • Limited to 0 Utility

K-Space Only Issues:
Super Carriers Do Dreadnought Work But Better (excluding Starbases for the moment)
Titans relegated to killing Super Carriers and Head shotting carriers and dreadnoughts. Additional role of bridging currently restricted to 5LY range.

Garage Dooring Now removed!

The Problem - Super Carriers do dread work better - harder to tackle and have 10x the EHP
They maintain the ability to maneuver and GTFO aligning in a single MWD cycle

The problem is role overlap and eclipsing of the role.

Dreadnought advantage: Cheaper by about 10x Entry Level Capital
Super Carrier Advantage: More Useful in all situations except shooting a tower - still useful for incapacitating modules extremely fast as towers cannot hold them on grid.

Will New Structures have a counter to supers? Like a HIC like module that reaches out to 250km with a targeted infinite point?
If so - Keep them as they are with damage and give them an ability to boost fleet with wormhole bonuses like Magnetar. Don't allow FB use while giving command bonuses. Add additional 4%/level resists to primary defense by race when in command mode. Disallow the fitting of propulsion modules since they are immune to Ewar anyhow.

Dreads - Good as they are except the rev that needs a rebalance
Carriers - fighters totally no OP (sarcasm); utility is fine; Triage needs a boost - Chimera capacitor especially; Pantheon/SlowCat is fine as it is.
SuperCarrier - Force a choice between boosting and damage and giving it an additional role is fine
Titan - Counters Super Carrier - Should be able to open a portal from either end (no cyno required) to move sub-capital forces
That is Titans should be able to link their bridging modules like Bridges are linked in sov space.

What is needed:
A new class of Super - The Mothership

The SC used to be a MS but a true MS should offer limited station services.

Size - Outpost
Can Jump To Cyno: Yes
Becomes Temp Station with Repair/Refit & CloneVat/Bay services: Yes
How? Bastion Module (or something like it) consuming small amounts of strontium. Transforms physically to resemble a station of some sort. Docking allowed.
HP: Titan HP while mobility mode engaged: Outpost HP while anchored - no RF timers and no vulnerability to Entosis Modules
Offensive Ability - Fighter Bomber and Fighter Bays (useful in mobility or station mode)
Augmented Doomsday: DD as Titan but only when in Station Mode (immobile) - Same 10 minute cycle time
Can Cloak: No cloak nor propulsion modules can be fit
Immune to EWAR in all modes

Cost to Construct - (32-50Bn)

Purpose - Spearhead of an invasion force - allows sov force to contest and provide a logistical hub.
Hangar Space - Fleet Hangar of 100,000 m3 - No Corp or personal hangars: Repair and refit only from fleet hangar or personal ship cargo.

Cannot Jump while Pilots docked including those logged off. Pilots that DC or log off will be ejected into space in their current ship. Packaged ships can be stored in the Fleet Hangar. Un-packaged ships are ejected into space if the pilot is not present and logged in.

Also I drew some pictures because why not right? Yes they're crap quality but it gives you an idea.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#500 - 2015-05-04 01:58:26 UTC