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The Greater Fool Bar

First post
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2941 - 2015-03-01 23:20:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai

"Eugerelia...", mumbled Ruggenor.
"Yes my dear..."
"I said, I wanted to talk about something."
"I see. I interrupted you... what was that?"
"We couldn't celebrate our anniversary properly, and I've been thinking of something special for us. So I've located and rented our window"
"Our window...?", asked Eguerelia, puzzled.
"Well, not just the window. The appartment. At...
"Bijtlander Fork?!", shouted Eugerelia, understanding.
"Yes, Bijtlander Fork. Do you remember?"

Remember... Eugerelia remembered, of course. Bijtlander Fork was a small section of a mountain range in the southern hemisphere. There, the range splitted in half around a massive valley, dominated by two peaks linked by several smaller mountains to the main range. That was the "fork", and it had been named after the man who discovered that it was the best spot for skiing in the whole planet... at least, once the Khanid grew interested in skiing, a uncommon activity for people who craved warm climates.

The southern peak at Bijtlander Fork was home to a coveted ski resort, usually out of reach for people without good connections. Even as a young couple, Eugerelia Baiyarim (still without the "wf" denoting her marriage to someone with a higher name) and Ruggenor Fazmarai had the contacts and family to have a spot at the resort... and it had been there, in a modest appartment with a single but large and priceless window overlooking at the valley, where Ruggenor had proposed to Eugerelia.

"Our window... My, aren't you fool?", said Eugereli, smiling.
"Yes, I plead guilty"
"We're in peak season. How... no don't tell me"
"It had to be done, it's been done. The appartment is ours for a week... if you say yes."
"Of course I say yes!"
"Thank you, Eugerelia..."
"No, thank you, Ruggenor. I... I will make it worthy. This will be my gift for you, I swear. You will not regret taking me to Bijtlander Fork... if you can forgive me for my humour, my... sadness. fro being a bother and..."
"No, no... stop. Eugerelia, stop, or I'll have to kiss oyu."
"Then stop me..."

Eugerelia stood up, tooking out the visor. She walked to Ruggenor hoping that her bones weren't so visible, her limbs so weak, and she looked a bit more like the woman she was when she weighted 12 kilograms more. Then Ruggenor tilted his head and kissed her, and again (after so many years, and four children, and the horror of a mortal disease) his kiss hit her and left her mind blank, in a state of infinite grace. And as usual she tried to hold that state, but her mind started turning again and she opened her eyes and enjoyed her lips and his lips, and separated from him and regained her breath... But Ruggenor still was there. At the blissful blank space... Maybe that was a Khanid thing. Or a Fazmarai thing. Or... Ruggenor.

Eugerelia let Ruggenor hold her, hugging her fleshless bones against his sturdy, chubby frame. And she thought of Indahmawar... her precious flower, Mawi... would she experience the blank space? Or something like it? Or maybe the capsuleer had taken that from her? And how about other feelings? Was she human...? Or was she becoming like her cousin Ishtanchuk, who had been missing for six months and had spent exactly seventeen words to tell her parents that she was back and fine?

Eugerelia kissed Ruggenor back, but inside her mind, she wanted to know what could Eugerelia do so her death didn't hurt her precious Mawi, and yet fearing that maybe the capsuleer had taken that from her.
Yiole Gionglao
#2942 - 2015-03-08 22:28:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
Yiole Gionglao poured more IrnBru on her glass, emptying the can, and then sipped from what had started as a Iron Monkey and now had only a flavor of whisky in it. Then she looked around and said:

"And, there they are again. Is my impression or that guy is chasing Ishtanchuk?"
"Who?", asked Indahmawar Fazmarai
"The Brutor guy with the glasses"
"Oh, we know them. His name is Mavrick, and he works for Laudenum"
"So he's that freighter pilot? And what business does he have with Ish?
"Nothing that I know... but he's been around the bar since she took Ish to dinner", said Indahmawar
"Well, maybe Ish got and admirer? Not strange, wearing that white miniskirt..."
"It's gray.", objected Indah.
"Well, that light gray miniskirt. Gives her a nice ass. And that Mavrick guy noticed... look, look!" said Yiole pointing at Ishtanchuk Fazmarai as she walked towads the table "That's how you look at an ass, yes sir", said Yiole. Indahmawar Fazmarai turned around, and Mavrick noticed and turned away from Ishtanchuk's derriere.

"Hello ladies", said Ishtanchuk Fazmarai "What are you doing?"
"Oh, you see, just drinking. And wondering why that guy has been coming to the bar each day"
"Who? Mavrick? There's nothing unusual. Laudenum is operating in the area and so he just drops by..."
"Oh. And that hasn't anything to do with you, right, Ishtanchuk?"
"Completely. He's friendly but formal" said Ishanchuk, staring at Yiole.
"Yes, very formal", said Yiole winking at Indahmawar.
"Of course. I'm not in a mood for nonsenses", said Ishtanchuk
"Well, obviously that miniskirt is completely non-nonsensical..."
"And? I already had it, didn't bought it for... I just like it"
"Oh yes, it suits you perfectly. You have quite a shape to wear those skirts that profile the hips"
"Right", said Ishanchuk, bored.
"By the way... what were those news in local comms? Of someone who just lost a Machariel? Someone whe know...?" said Yiole, looking at Ishtanchuk. Ish swallowed, looked back at Yiole and said, calmly:

"Yes, I lost my Machariel"
"Ish! That's terrible", shouted Indahmawar.
"Oh, not so terrible, Indah. It's just a ship", said Ishtanchuk, smiling shily.
"Well, but it's quite a loss... how much was it? A bilion?"
"Roughly. It was all my fault, though... I fell for a baiter"
"Long story, he had lost his ship in a failed bait before. So when I saw him again, I just decided to kill him faster... didn't notice how he was engaged only by his flight mates. And then did everything wrong... from bringing the Mach with a mercenary fit to not staying clear from scrambler range. Was something really, really stupid"
"Well, sh*t happens. Now you got more experience dealing with rogue capsuleers..." said Yiole.
"Hah, experience. That's how they call what you get once you don't need it!", answered Ishtanchuk, laughing softly.
"No, no. Experience is something you never have enough!", objected Yiole.
"That's true too... in all paths of life"
"But you can also learn from the experience of others", added Indahmawar.
"That's one interesting point", answered Yiole. And then she asked for some more whisky to refill her Iron Monkey, and the conversation kept going...

The only one to notice how Mavrick looked at the three women and then leaved with a nod of the head was Ishtanchuk, who had seated in a way so Mavrick could see her profile, and she could see him just turning her head... only to be polite and wave goodbye, of course, to a man who was being just friendly but formal.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

#2943 - 2015-03-27 12:44:42 UTC
*stumbles into the bar*

Barkeep .. give me a drink! Because of reasons.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2944 - 2015-03-27 14:51:12 UTC
*Indahmawar watches as Succus serves a strong drink to Flamespar*

"Huh... Isn't that like, hazardous?"
"Don't worry Miss Indahmawar, the small print in our Terms & Conditions says that we are not responsible of the consequences of ingesting what's been ordered" -answer Succus the barman.
"Oh, good, good... but, since when do we have T&C?" Shocked
"Trust me miss Indahmawar, nobody can prove we don't have them..."

*Flamespar face turns red, then white, then he slips off the stool with a satisfied grin in his face*
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2945 - 2015-03-27 15:35:43 UTC
Ezwal smiles lightly while raising an eyebrow in amusement.
I do not fancy what that fine gentleman is having thank you, another beer would do just fine.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2946 - 2015-03-27 15:56:04 UTC
*Watches Flamespar slither to the floor*

"I'll have what he's hav......" She said, and notices Indah's disapproving expression.

"Water. I'll have, uh, water."
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#2947 - 2015-03-27 23:17:44 UTC
*watches Laudenum Hayes drinking water*

That's going to save me a laundry bill...

*climbs the stairs leading to the owner's table, then overlooks the bar and orders a cold dinner*

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

#2948 - 2015-03-27 23:23:47 UTC
*lies on floor wondering who turned the stations gravity up*
Gaellia Bonaventure
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2949 - 2015-03-28 13:09:12 UTC
*falls off the bar stool drunk as a hoot owl and hits the floor*

"Let us pray."

Bring your possibles.

Yiole Gionglao
#2950 - 2015-03-28 14:06:26 UTC
*tiptoes her way around passed out patrons laying on the floor, carefully avoiding the ones who try to peek under her skirt*

My god, Indah! Did you celebrate a Drunkageddon and didn't warn me? Shocked

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Celise Katelo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2951 - 2015-03-28 17:19:31 UTC
In the distance i notice "The Greater Fool Bar" , as i head home from a heavy intense battle. Thus leaving me rather poor & my tail between my legs. I glance in the window of this rather intriguing establishment. The winter months have been harsh, my body so cold & covered in chilblains. I slowly place my hands into my pockets, searching for some coin.

I look upon my hands as i place them infront of me, held out as if i had some coin in them.... Then i glance back at the window with a sad feeling. My pride of throat i swallow, I long for a drink!!!!... but my unfortunate events turn me away from such a place.

Back onto the long road i go.... Blink

EVEBoard ...Just over 60million skill points, each skill was chosen for a reason. I closed my eyes & clicked another skill to train... "BINGO...!!!" ... "This time i got something usefull"

WhyYouHeffToBeMad IsOnlyGame
#2952 - 2015-03-28 17:34:38 UTC  |  Edited by: WhyYouHeffToBeMad IsOnlyGame
This bar is still open?! Shocked wow.

okay... I'll have a um... HotDrop Surprise. whatever that is. I'm willing to go crazy tonight.

Also, do you advertise here?

Everything's a game if you make it one - Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci

CCP: Continously Crying Playerbase - Frostys Virpio

WhyYouHeffToBeMad IsOnlyGame
#2953 - 2015-03-28 17:36:10 UTC
Celise Katelo wrote:
In the distance i notice "The Greater Fool Bar" , as i head home from a heavy intense battle. Thus leaving me rather poor & my tail between my legs. I glance in the window of this rather intriguing establishment. The winter months have been harsh, my body so cold & covered in chilblains. I slowly place my hands into my pockets, searching for some coin.

I look upon my hands as i place them infront of me, held out as if i had some coin in them.... Then i glance back at the window with a sad feeling. My pride of throat i swallow, I long for a drink!!!!... but my unfortunate events turn me away from such a place.

Back onto the long road i go.... Blink

Allow me to invite you for a treat. anything you like, on me.

Everything's a game if you make it one - Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci

CCP: Continously Crying Playerbase - Frostys Virpio

Vector Symian
0 Fear
#2954 - 2015-03-29 03:17:02 UTC
*Wanders in bloody and tired*

"the war has yet to begin and the battles already rage"

"something to drink please mam ..anything will do though heavier the better"

*sits down an contemplates the chaos around him silently chewing a out of date space pretzel*
Gaellia Bonaventure
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2955 - 2015-04-02 12:50:27 UTC
*calls from the floor*

Hey, barkeep, another round down here.

Bring your possibles.

Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2956 - 2015-04-10 15:51:10 UTC
*Walks slowly out of bar*
Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2957 - 2015-04-14 16:09:55 UTC
Laudenum looked up from her datapad at the motion outside the bar’s window. A smile crossed her face as she watched Mavrick and Ishtanchuk say their ‘goodbyes’. He was a little awkward as he bent to kiss the tiny Khanid woman on the cheek. She chuckled at the idea of Mav treating Ish like a porcelain doll when she could probably drop the big Brutor with a firm right. No, Mavrick Maximum wasn’t weak, but he was a gentleman in an age when gentlemen were rare.

She watched as they chatted outside the door. He looked happy and the smile he had was so much like his brother’s. Emotions welled up slowly of his brother, her fiancé, and the smile slide away leaving her face a neutral mask. She was happy for him; truly happy. But the look he gave Ishtanchuk as they chatted and laughed was like an icicle in her heart. Laud’s hands shook slightly and she reached down for her datapad and drink and retreated to her room.

She had just enough time to freshen up when Mav knocked on the door. Even though she suspected he’d check in with her, the sound jarred her from memories. “Come..”, she began, but her voice cracked so badly it barely carried across the room. She cleared her throat and restarted. “Come in.”

Mavrick opened the door with a smile spread wide across his face. “Hey boss, got anything for me?”

Laud cast him a sly look and she reached inside her desk, withdrew a bank chip and casually tossed it to him. He glanced at the sum and his smile grew even wider. There were a LOT of zeros on that chip and he had earned each and every one of them.

“Well?” Laud said, her grin already showing Mav that she knew.

“She is wonderful company, beautiful and charming.” He said. “I had a lot of fun.” Mav sat down in the chair facing Laudenum at her desk. “She chose that venue, now it’s my turn to come up with something.”

“AH, so there will be a second date.” Laud responded, more a statement than an actual question. “What do you have in mind?”

“Something unusual. Perhaps a picnic.” He said, his eyes giving a mischievious twinkle. “But, I need your help.”

Laudenum perked up. “What can I do?”

“I have a lot of work ahead of me and to pull this off and I am in need of your connections to import a few things for me.” He settled back in his chair and stretched his legs. He looked relaxed and casual but she knew he was all business.

Laud leaned forward with a smile, “What do you need and what kind of budget are we operating with?”

Mav knew that the glimmer in Laudenum’s eyes had very little to do with her interest with his date. She smelled a challenge along with a potentially expensive shopping trip. He looked ruefully at the newly acquired bank chip and tossed it back to her. “I would like a picnic lunch fit for a Khanid princess.” He said, and turned a little sheepish. “I don’t even know what they eat there.” He recognized the Cheshire grin on her face as she stowed the bank chip back in her desk. It was the same smile she used when she purchased capitol blueprints. He winced inwardly. This was going to cost a lot, but it was worth it.

He rose and walked to the door. Laud asked, “So where planetside are you doing this?”

“Not going planetside.” He responded. “It will be here on station.” His smile returned to his face and he winked at the redhead. “It’s a secret.”
Critically Preposterous
#2958 - 2015-04-15 12:18:29 UTC
some prosthetic oil please...
Karina Schiffer
Valkyrie's Curse
#2959 - 2015-04-22 00:25:42 UTC
*walks in shyly*


"can someone tell me where the restrooms are?"

I love chocolate

Zealous Miner
#2960 - 2015-04-22 00:47:34 UTC
*Zealous Miner walks into the bar.*

"Bartender! I'd like a glass of your stronge-"

*A shot glass flies by his head smashing against the door frame*

"Hey, have a nice day everyone!"

*Runs out of the bar.*

Fedo. Fedo? Fedo!