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Conflict. Opportunity. Destruction. Excitement.... Sabriz for CSM10

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Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#241 - 2015-01-22 23:15:43 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
The functionality of the proposed 'corp lite' is really the same as the Minerbumping chat channel in game (a moderated chat channel), except that a 'corp lite' would exclude people who are members of traditional player corps joining unless they are willing to leave their 'real corp'.
This is pretty far off what is currently being proposed and discussed by the CSM. Page 16 of the Day 1 minutes speaks more about this subject, I recommend you give it a look IOT familiarize yourself.

I just reread it. The 'social group/societies' functionality in the minutes is something more in line with the Minerbumping channel but with improved features (mailing list, fleet finder, etc). That's fine as it doesn't really compete with or interact with the corporation function.

That's quite different to a lot of the 'corp lite' proposals that have been made independently of the CSM which are for 'corporations' with immunity to wardecs and friendly fire, and with no rights to anchor structures. That idea would actively harm the game by reducing conflict drivers.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#242 - 2015-01-22 23:48:31 UTC
corbexx wrote:
You mention in your capstable interview that people over the last 18 months have been leaving c1 to c5 to go to run incursions could you provide some more info on these numbers, facts that sort of thing.

you mention that the corp on corp change will be a huge detriment to w space since they will all move to hisec and run incursion, If this was the case they would just do incursions in a npc so this change wouldnt effect them in anyway.

could you give me a bit more info on how you think w space is doing its obviously going badly as you say.

do you honestly think the corp on corp agression will totally ruin w space?

Firstly, the only evidence I have as to the state of WH space is annecdotal, from my own visits there, from information from corp thieves that prey on wormholers, and the like. Everyone I've spoken to indicates that C1 to C3 holes are quieter than they used to be without having had any major mechanical changes. C4s are quieter although they have also seen mechanical changes that make them harder to defend. C5/C6 cap esc fleet whelps tend to be big enough news to get an article on EVE sites, and these articles are becoming less common.

I'm confident that this annecdotal evidence is sufficient to say that WH space is presently in a decline that is neither at, nor near crisis proportions, and C6 holes are somewhat insulated.

For players that use game theoretical methods to balance risk and reward to optimize returns, immunity to AWOX predation is another factor pulling them toward highsec mission and/or incursion grinding at the expense of wormhole PVE. It's not clear if this is *the* tipping point, or if the actual tipping point will be another future change to highsec safety, but the single most viable way to kill marauders in highsec just disappeared from the game.

I don't claim that large numbers will move out of wormholes on day 1, or that everyone will abandon wormholes over time. But the prevailing wisdom among PVE players will shift over time in favor of running multiple accounts grinding incursions or missions in high, rather than running a smaller number of accounts running wormhole PVE.

Reduce the number of prey and you will reduce the viabiltiy of predators - just look at the mess non-FW lowsec is in if you want to see what happens to space when, for a long period of time, it offers little to incentivise prey.

Some people will, of course, ignore any changes to the prevailing wisdom and will act in a game theoretically incorrect way due to their personal preference, just as some people continue to grind missions in Dodixie 9-20 rather than the 'optimal' approach of doing missions for the Sisters. These people might be enough to sustain an ecosystem in wormholes. Time will tell.

As for incursion runners in single-player or NPC corps - I consider this a serious issue that needs fixing, and have proposals that would rebalance incursions payouts to make fielding a single corporation fleet (and possibly defending it from hostiles) viable.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#243 - 2015-01-23 00:11:24 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
Sabriz, how would you feel about having a "Channel Advertisement" system similar to the corporation advertisements?

As a follow up, how would you feel about seeing corporation advertisements on in game billboards and on the big screen in the captains quarters. (The what? That's a thing? I never go there...)

I have captain's quarters turned off, as I sacrifice the game looking pretty for the game running as smoothly as possible. (I also operate on the absolute minimum graphics settings despite having a middle of the range computer). So I'd never notice them there and am not qualified to answer if that would be a useful place. Billboards

I would endorse a channel advertisement system, either one where channels opt-in or opt-out, as long as it was not mandatory for all channels to be there. But I do so with one important caveat.

It is important to recognise that experienced players can both train AND mistrain rookies. It is necessary to convey to new players that they *can* matter in PVP before they have ten million SP, and I'm concerned that rookies might gravitate toward mining or missioning channels where they would receive actively bad advice. I did, after all, begin EVE believing that I needed to both field a lot of ISK and have a lot of SP to PVP at all, and this is the prevailing wisdom amongst many carebears.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#244 - 2015-01-23 00:31:46 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:

Firstly, the only evidence I have as to the state of WH space is annecdotal, from my own visits there, from information from corp thieves that prey on wormholers, and the like. Everyone I've spoken to indicates that C1 to C3 holes are quieter than they used to be without having had any major mechanical changes. C4s are quieter although they have also seen mechanical changes that make them harder to defend. C5/C6 cap esc fleet whelps tend to be big enough news to get an article on EVE sites, and these articles are becoming less common.

I'm confident that this annecdotal evidence is sufficient to say that WH space is presently in a decline that is neither at, nor near crisis proportions, and C6 holes are somewhat insulated.

Thats some really bold statements to make on annecdotal evidence. All the people i have spoken to seem to say the opposite that c1 to c4 are doing really well. I wonder who's right ;) you can find alot of the info in the wormhole winter summit minutes.

by not having any major changes, you mean things like a huge increase in pay outs for c1 to c4, the fact relic and data sites from k space have been added.

You do also realise that finding specific c6 wh's are also by far the easiest wormholes to find? I'd hardly call them insulated.

Sabriz Adoudel wrote:

For players that use game theoretical methods to balance risk and reward to optimize returns, immunity to AWOX predation is another factor pulling them toward highsec mission and/or incursion grinding at the expense of wormhole PVE. It's not clear if this is *the* tipping point, or if the actual tipping point will be another future change to highsec safety, but the single most viable way to kill marauders in highsec just disappeared from the game.

First its not awoxing, you mean corp on corp and if people want immunity they can do it right now just by being in a npc corp. If this was as much of a issue as you say people would have been leaving w space ages ago to run incursions in npc corps. so your arguement really falls down here.
Lanctharus Onzo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#245 - 2015-01-23 03:02:47 UTC
Cap Stable Interview

Executive Editor, CSM Watch || Writer, Co-host of the Cap Stable Podcast || Twitter: @Lanctharus

Tim Timpson
Solitude Trading
#246 - 2015-01-23 07:20:33 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
While Feyd is being a little dogmatic on purpose to highlight the many recent changes to the game that have indeed reduced conflict and therefore content (and have made the game more boring), his core point is correct - changes to the game should be considered primarily as to whether to promote conflict (perhaps I might qualify this as "entertaining" conflict). Sure, there are some changes that do nothing to change the conflict in the game - re-skinning a ship for example, and there are other changes to the game where two reasonable people can disagree on whether the net effect will be more conflict or not - like the force projection changes, but at its core this game is primarily only interesting because of the direct conflict against, or competition with other players.

You say a "good idea" is a still a "good idea" but "good" is a meaningless term unless you define what you are trying to achieve. Can you actually name a change to this game that most people consider "good" but that actually decreased conflict between players? Because this is a complex game sometimes a change can rebalance conflict or reduce it in one place but increase it elsewhere, but I think all the changes to the game considered "good" by most players have driven conflict overall, not reduced it.

There are many ways to play Eve, but almost all of them are only interesting because you live in a sandbox with other players. Carebears can play on the test server and mine and build whatever they want in 100% safety but none of them do this because these activities are meaningless in the absence of the competitive sandbox around you. There is no actual use for your goods, not to mention no risk, so therefore there is no sense of accomplishment. Conflict between players drives everything in this game, and therefore every change to game mechanics should be primarily considered as to whether it increases conflict or not, because otherwise the game becomes more boring and people will stop playing if there is no content/conflict to be had.
This is arguable. It's only interesting to you because of conflict. Some players are quite happy without it. There are all types in this game and everyone should get a say, not just your guys. There are numerous reasons not to play on the test server - no social interaction potential resets, more downtime. People pay to play this sandbox game in whatever way they see fit, and that's what they do. CCP support that. You supporting only conflict driven content makes you no better than someone supporting only non-conflict combat. If you can't understand that there should be a balance between the two, there's no talking to you.
Tim Timpson
Solitude Trading
#247 - 2015-01-23 07:36:52 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
The problem is that CCP itself has lost the plot here, and in blind pursuit of MOAR SUBS have clearly shown with each newly proposed nerf (like giving corps a 'no AWOXing' switch, and 'social corporations' that cannot be wardecced...WTF?!) they are willing to sell their souls to the devil for a quick fix to achieve that.

Not achieved through more compelling content
Not through a better new player experience
Not through better education of newbros on the realities of EVE life when they join
I and many others agree with those changes. You don't like it because it takes away easy awoxing, but I'm more of the opinion that if newbies get recruited more and more into the game, when you and your ilk inevitably try to gank them, they'll stick with the game rather than leaving. You can whine all you want about how it should be done in other ways, but those other ways require players to change their ways, to actually teach newbies instead of just ganking and trolling them. Well that's not going to happen. CCP can't patch players behaviours, so they patch what they can to steer it.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
No, CCP has decided to just turn off aggression in hisec, in slow paper cuts so people don't notice over time. Do we content-creators just keep assuaging ourselves that 'this is just another small paper-cut infringement on our freedoms, we can live with it, we can just lay low and ride it out...after all, we still have ganking!' As if suicide ganking is the one and only measure of 'HTFU' and 'sandbox' we weigh hisec content-creation by?
Perhaps you should have thought of the consequences of targeting people who are primarily newer. While you think you are a content creator, you're not really. You create content only for yourself, denying content for your targets. You do this under the impression that CCP value what you do more. Well wake up, CCP are running a business and they will act in whatever way they see fit to ensure the health of that buesiness. If that means changing direction a bit to accommodate more players, that's where they will go.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
We are going to wake up one day and realize hisec IS a separate no-pvp shard of EvE online, and every CSM who should have been guarding against that over the years was asleep at the f#cking switch.
I doubt highsec will ever be completely safe, but highsec is a place where PvP is done in a different way. A lot of PvP doesn't take place with turrets.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
The battle for EvE's very soul is being waged, NOW, but our existing CSM's and most players aren't even showing up to fight. Carebears cheer in short-sightedness. Null-bears cry tears that Tora's guys are murdering them in hisec (while claiming l33tness for being in a null alliance?..).
Null bears generally have no issues with the worst offenders in their alliances being taught by someone else. The only thing they have issue with is when it's alluded to that it's elite combat. The primary issue I have with wardeccers is the sheer number of wardecs able to be performed. It was all designed so you have a grudge with someone, there's a way to be able to fight with them. What it's used for instead is to farm kills, with smaller independent corps being the ones that suffer the most from it.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
What we need is more Sabriz (and Tora) on the CSM, and less Mike Asariah & Sugar Kyle. I submit, we don't need more trained-seal clapping applause to CCP nerfing and pansifying EvE for the fapping pleasure of WoW-rejects. We need Sabriz (and Tora) as counterpoint to those intentions, and hold the line.
Even if they do get on, they'll quickly realise that their opinions won't suddenly hold more power. When CCP want to do something to aid player retention, no kicking or screaming about the "spirit of EVE" will make them jeopardise their company. They certainly aren't going to get listened to if their primary decision is based on "extra conflict = automatically good, less conflict = automatically bad".
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#248 - 2015-01-23 08:38:50 UTC
Tim Timpson wrote:
This is arguable. It's only interesting to you because of conflict. Some players are quite happy without it.

If I buy Call of Duty, and then go on their forums and complain that other people are allowed to shoot me, I would probably be banned for trolling, and rightfully so.

EVE Online is no less a PvP game. Whether you partake of that or not, you should still recognize and accept it.


There are all types in this game and everyone should get a say, not just your guys.

If your say consists of "what other people like about the game should be deleted!", then no you really shouldn't.

See the Call of Duty example above. You don't get to have a say when it comprises complete opposition to the spirit of the game. If you hate it that much, why are you playing it in the first place?

If you can't understand that there should be a balance between the two, there's no talking to you.

Read the FAQ. It says, in no uncertain terms "EVE Online is a PvP game". If you can't understand that, then you can't be redeemed as a player.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

ujanga Cobon-Han
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#249 - 2015-01-23 09:30:10 UTC  |  Edited by: ujanga Cobon-Han
I pref the market to be floaded and to pay CCP 20$ and they would give me 1.5 billion isk so i can get some cheap stuff to lose since i have no time to grind, then to buy a plex and sell it on the market to greedy isk people who play 24/7 and only think of themselfs.
Everything expensive to fly even a firgate makes playing eve for those who cant play 24/7 unplayable.
it's not verry fun to pay sub and need to buy plex to sell for 800million wich makes playing eve and have some fun cost 40$,
to lose expensive T1 frigs, cruisers and modules to feed isk whores pockets again. everything cheap in eve would make losing ships in low sec fights more fun
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#250 - 2015-01-23 09:47:34 UTC
I don't get where these people claiming that CCP are changing AWOXing to protect newbies.

I do not advocate this, but if you wanted to make a change to PVP to protect newbies, you would prevent lowsec gatecamping. THAT is where newbies lose ships to mistakes all the time, particularly in lowsec systems that sell skillbooks.

Removing AWOXing is nothing but a change to protect career highsec players and to reward recklessness. Competently led corporations were seldom infiltrated, and if a disloyal member got in, they seldom did damage with blue on blue highsec attacks - the disloyal member might land tackle, but other loyal members would arrive on grid before anyone was killed.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Tim Timpson
Solitude Trading
#251 - 2015-01-23 10:25:40 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
If I buy Call of Duty, and then go on their forums and complain that other people are allowed to shoot me, I would probably be banned for trolling, and rightfully so.

EVE Online is no less a PvP game. Whether you partake of that or not, you should still recognize and accept it.
EVE Online is a sandbox virtual world. The appeal is that you can do what you want. Sure, all actions affect other players and in that sense it's PvP, but that doesn't mean that every change *must* generate conflict.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
If your say consists of "what other people like about the game should be deleted!", then no you really shouldn't.

See the Call of Duty example above. You don't get to have a say when it comprises complete opposition to the spirit of the game. If you hate it that much, why are you playing it in the first place?
It's a balance. You want to have more conflict, which takes away their ability to play while being relatively safe. They want to play in safety while you are unable to shoot them. CCP finds a balance between the two. What's funny is that your quote of "what other people like about the game should be deleted!" is exactly the same from the other side. There are plenty of people that want more conflict in high sec by removing opportunities to play PvE safely, or want changes like 0.5s to be concord-free or level 4 missions to only appear in lowsec.

Referring to the Call of Duty strawman again doesn't make it any more relevant. Call of Duty's primary gameplay is based around guns and shooting. Removing that would be like removing spaceships from EVE which is what EVE is built around. Shooting people is just a part of the game, just like PVE is. To make you analogy more correct, changes to one or the other are like changes to team based mechanics like CTF or deathmatch mechanics, both of which are valid styles of play in CoD.

And yes, I get to have a say. I also play this game, and have don for a long time. What YOU think is not automatically correct. Until the day that CCP decides to delete PvE from the game, it will remain a completely valid playstyle, and should also receive as much attention as any other part. If improving that gameplay upset yours and CCP still decide to go ahead, then tough luck buddy. That's what happens when you play a game with more than one playstyle being catered to. If you don't like it you have as much right to quit as anyone else.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
If you can't understand that there should be a balance between the two, there's no talking to you.
Read the FAQ. It says, in no uncertain terms "EVE Online is a PvP game". If you can't understand that, then you can't be redeemed as a player.
PvP as in what you do affects other players, not as in "The game is only about shooting other people". EVE is a lot more complex that that, hence my claim that ideas should be judged on their individual merits and not automatically accepted and rejected based on how much conflict they create. And until you run CCP, you have no say in whether or not I'm "redeemed as a player".
Tim Timpson
Solitude Trading
#252 - 2015-01-23 10:32:32 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
I don't get where these people claiming that CCP are changing AWOXing to protect newbies.

I do not advocate this, but if you wanted to make a change to PVP to protect newbies, you would prevent lowsec gatecamping. THAT is where newbies lose ships to mistakes all the time, particularly in lowsec systems that sell skillbooks.

Removing AWOXing is nothing but a change to protect career highsec players and to reward recklessness. Competently led corporations were seldom infiltrated, and if a disloyal member got in, they seldom did damage with blue on blue highsec attacks - the disloyal member might land tackle, but other loyal members would arrive on grid before anyone was killed.
It's not to "protect" newbies in that way. It's not to stop newbies being shot. It's to encourage people to recruit newbies by removing one of the major risks with recruiting newbies. If a newbie can't be a corp attacker (I use this term as Awoxing covers other activities still allowed), it means there's no problem in giving a newbie a chance in a corp.

Career highsec players already have protection. They can be in NPC corps or in corps of just their alts which protect them as much as this change does. A lot of people are simply blowing this change way out of proportion so they can make their objections sound more grand.
Thea Yulivee
Hobbs End Industries
#253 - 2015-01-23 10:37:24 UTC
After listening to the interview on capstable i have a few questions

1. You stated there that you would like to see Industry/Highsec Corps fight back against organisations such as your own - how would you say the effects of "highsec warfare" (neutral scouts, logistics and the like) influences this ability? I have been in mercenary high sec corps before and what we were hearing from our targets was mostly "we can't fight you anyway, as you'll have a horde of neutral chars backing you up" - any ideas on that problem?

2. You are very actively talking about "the end of awoxing" and the you have any ideas of how big the contribution of highsec in-corp kills has been? Any numbers on that? because the way you talk about this change, one gets the impression this is a huge topic
Follow up on this - how is your oppinion on the thesis that more intra-corp conflicts will make more people stay in NPC or single-player cops?

3. during your interview i kind of felt that you were promoting a point of "play the game the way i enjoy to play it in highsec or don't play it" - any comments on that?
As someone who runs highsec activities to participate in the markets and industry, but lives in wspace, i'm curious to why i should be considered a "risk averse carebear" while on my highsec characters

4. Regarding freighter ganking - is it ok from your point of view that you currently can not even fill a freighter with max cargo fitting with tritanium without beeing a somewhat worthy gank target? (700M cargo with trit, about twice that much on pyerite) What is in your oppinion the job of ships like freighters, if you can't even move cheap, basic materials with them, without bringing a webber along

5. Regarding wspace i can only agree with corbexx - please get some data before you make bold assumptions and statements on "annecdotal evidence"
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#254 - 2015-01-23 10:51:05 UTC
Tim Timpson wrote:
EVE Online is a sandbox virtual world. The appeal is that you can do what you want. Sure, all actions affect other players and in that sense it's PvP, but that doesn't mean that every change *must* generate conflict.

EVE's biggest strength is the depth of player interaction. That is undeniable.

Changes don't have to generate conflict. But changes that take away from conflict by definition take away player interaction.

That is not a good thing.

What's funny is that your quote of "what other people like about the game should be deleted!" is exactly the same from the other side. There are plenty of people that want more conflict in high sec by removing opportunities to play PvE safely, or want changes like 0.5s to be concord-free or level 4 missions to only appear in lowsec.

Except that I am not advocating that missions be deleted. I don't want their playstyle to go away entirely.

They do want the elimination of mine, that has been made clear many, many times over the years. There's a good indicator of that going on right now in fact, with awoxing being deleted.

Don't try to pretend like there is any moral equivalency between the two sides, because there is not.

Call of Duty's primary gameplay is based around guns and shooting.

And if I go there, and hatefully demand that my "playstyle" involves walking around in that game being immune to bullets, people will laugh at me.

That's exactly what we have here. When you have someone demanding something entirely contrary to the reality of the game.

Why that is even being entertained, I cannot imagine.

And if you haven't figured it out yet, I am not talking about "PvE", which although I truly despise it, has a place in this game. I am talking about the kind of people who insist that they should be immune to the actions of other people. The people who want to pretend like an MMO is a single player game.

The last thing this game needs is more safety. It has too much already, that's why everything is so inflated compared to a few years ago.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Tim Timpson
Solitude Trading
#255 - 2015-01-23 11:37:42 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
EVE's biggest strength is the depth of player interaction. That is undeniable.

Changes don't have to generate conflict. But changes that take away from conflict by definition take away player interaction.

That is not a good thing.
That *entirely* depends on the change, and that's my point. A blanket statement of "that is obviously bad because it reduces conflict" isn't a good way to look at ideas. A CSM member should be able to look at the individual merits of an idea and not rules them out based on such a simplistic view.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Except that I am not advocating that missions be deleted. I don't want their playstyle to go away entirely.

They do want the elimination of mine, that has been made clear many, many times over the years. There's a good indicator of that going on right now in fact, with awoxing being deleted.

Don't try to pretend like there is any moral equivalency between the two sides, because there is not.
And most don't want ganking to go away entirely either Sure, some people do, but some people also want concord completely gone too. If you're only going to take the most extreme opinions you have to do the same for both sides. If you want to look at it realistically, some people want more safety, some people want less, that's all. Neither is categorically right or wrong, and balance needs to be found.

And awoxing isn't being "deleted". Corp aggression - the easiest form or an awox - is being removed to give highsec corps more freedom to recruit newbies. It's not the end of the world, so stop trying to play it up like it is. Sure, it's negative to your playstyle, but then change always are negative to someone. When they released the refining changes, a whole category of PVE players was nerfed and they got over it, so just HTFU and get on with it.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
And if I go there, and hatefully demand that my "playstyle" involves walking around in that game being immune to bullets, people will laugh at me.
Except that's not a valid playstyle in CoD while it is in EVE. You can avoid being killed. Hell, my traders have a 0% chance of being killed, since they never leave stations and they make orders of magnitude more isk than other forms of PvE.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
That's exactly what we have here. When you have someone demanding something entirely contrary to the reality of the game.

Why that is even being entertained, I cannot imagine.

And if you haven't figured it out yet, I am not talking about "PvE", which although I truly despise it, has a place in this game. I am talking about the kind of people who insist that they should be immune to the actions of other people. The people who want to pretend like an MMO is a single player game.

The last thing this game needs is more safety. It has too much already, that's why everything is so inflated compared to a few years ago.
That's not what we have here. What we have here is someone of the opinion that any change that reduces conflict is automatically bad. You're the one then dragging that into being against an argument that isn't being put forward. It's a common thing for you these days. Anytime anyone says anything that suggests a that PvE players deserve some effort from CCP is instantly met with you arguing against the idea that PvP should be removed. That argument is in your head.

My statement was incredibly simple: Any idea, regardless of whether it increase or decreased conflict should be looked at for it's own merits. Any CSM candidate who will automatically disregard ideas because they reduce conflict without giving them a second look is not a good candidate.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#256 - 2015-01-23 11:40:57 UTC
Tim Timpson wrote:

My statement was incredibly simple: Any idea, regardless of whether it increase or decreased conflict should be looked at for it's own merits. Any CSM candidate who will automatically disregard ideas because they reduce conflict without giving them a second look is not a good candidate.

That's the whole point.

There is no merit to ideas that reduce player interaction. None. They should be dismissed out of hand.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Tim Timpson
Solitude Trading
#257 - 2015-01-23 12:36:44 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
That's the whole point.

There is no merit to ideas that reduce player interaction. None. They should be dismissed out of hand.
You sir are incorrect. There is more to EVE than the specific way you play it, and to improve some styles of play requires some changes which reduce interaction in one way or another. You obviously can't look objectively at these things, so good day to you.
Thea Yulivee
Hobbs End Industries
#258 - 2015-01-23 12:45:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Thea Yulivee
Well - Kaarous in what category would the jump fatigue changes fall?

more interaction because of less risk involved to get hotdropped, thereby promoting more small/medscale fights?
less interaction because of slower movement there reducing the number of players at battles?

you can't put every change into a category like increases or decreases interaction - it doesn't work that way
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#259 - 2015-01-23 13:00:38 UTC
Thea Yulivee wrote:
Well - Kaarous in what category would the jump fatigue changes fall?

more interaction because of less risk involved to get hotdropped, thereby promoting more small/medscale fights?
less interaction because of slower movement there reducing the number of players at battles?

you can't put every change into a category like increases or decreases interaction - it doesn't work that way

If you read what I mentioned above, it is possible for a change to be a net neutral. I firmly believe that the jump range changes were such, but promoted a greater increase in small scale conflicts, particularly subcapital fights, than it did to discourage capital fights.

So I'd say it ended up as a net positive for wider spread conflict.

But that was just one of those "we'll have to wait and see" kinds of things. A change that on it's outset clearly detracts from potential player interaction is a different matter entirely.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#260 - 2015-01-23 13:03:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
Tim Timpson wrote:
There is more to EVE than the specific way you play it, and to improve some styles of play requires some changes which reduce interaction in one way or another.

Then they shouldn't be improved in that way. There are plenty of ways to improve this game's PvE without crippling player interaction.

Personally, I think they were on the right track with Burner rats, and that more missions should involve elite enemies instead of blowing away wave after wave of zerging rats.

You're trying to claim that the only way PvE can be improved is at my expense, and that just exposes it for what it really is.

It's not about improving your gameplay, and it never was. It's about hurting mine. And that's why people like Sabriz need to be elected. Because CCP needs to hear my voice, and the voice of people who care about PvP and the sandbox all over EVE.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.