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Amarr Level 4 Mission Ship

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2015-01-21 13:13:37 UTC
You can easily armour tank a nightmare btw
Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-01-21 14:00:22 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
You can easily armour tank a nightmare btw

Isn't that horribly inefficient, or am I missing something?
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#23 - 2015-01-21 14:18:53 UTC
Avan Thannis wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
You can easily armour tank a nightmare btw

Isn't that horribly inefficient, or am I missing something?

its not horrible horrible now that they have an extra low slot. 3 heat sinks and 4/5 TC's rest of slots for tank/cap with tachs still gives ~900 dps w/o drones. cap life of 5 mins with decent implants. But the nightmare can tank so much more witha shield tank and not have to worry about incoming dps.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2015-01-21 14:23:51 UTC  |  Edited by: HoruSeth
atomic killer wrote:
In my opinion, for missions you need a ship which can change damage types. Thats drone ships, missile ships and artys (can't change damage 100%). Laser boats aren't good because of the lasers, which only do EM/Thermal damage.

That's a valid, but very simple POV.

Against your valid arguments in Amarr Space there is nothing better than an Amarr boat.
Lasers have very nice, immediate damage projection. Scorch for Pulses (or INMF/Conflag for close range) and a very high Alpha with Long optimal for Tachyon Beams is what make them very easy. I had splitted my NM Beams into two Groups and were insta popping aproaching Frigs, Cruiser and even some Battlecruiser with one volley.
And the spawn distance in most Amarr Missions fits perfectly together with the optimal ranges of a full skilled Amarr Battleship! I would bet: no way you can apply the damge with Missiles, Drones or projectiles nearly as good as you can do with a Pala or Nightmare (Rattlesnake excluded due to high raw dps). Maybe the Vargur, but I haven't flown this ship yet.

@Tank: I never had an issue with the tank of my NM as most times Sansha and Blood Raider die before they are a real threat.

What I can recommend for lazy Misisonrunners really is as well the Dominix. Not the fastest Missionrunner ship for sure, but a very handy one in most missions. I tend to use that on an alt, when I can not pay a lot of attention to missions and it's just to increase some standing for him.

@Missiles: Problem with Missiles is the slow damage application. Unless you know what you do and count the cycles, you waste a lot of damage. No doubt. Easy to fly and I started my career with Caldari all the way up as well, but a good share of the paper damage is most of the times wasted as people usually do not tend to count the volleys nor do they know for each NPC how much Volleys they would need.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Agent Unknown
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#25 - 2015-01-21 15:06:24 UTC
erg cz wrote:
HoruSeth wrote:
In Amarr Space I am very happy with the Nightmare and Tachyons! For some missions swap to Pulse Laser.

Even in Apanake I got Angel extravaganza and similar missions so often, that I decided to buy second battleship, that was bonused to kintic damage at least. With time I understood, that I can use Dominix as a single ship for any kind of missions. No ammunition costs, you actually can fit up to 3 tachyon lasers there as well and still have reasonable drone contol range.

And about damage projection...
[Dominix, 170 km]
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shadow Serpentis Large Armor Repairer
Internal Force Field Array I
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Large Micro Jump Drive
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script

Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Microwave L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Microwave L
Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Drone Scope Chip II
Large Ionic Field Projector II
Large Drone Control Range Augmentor II

Garde II x5
Warden II x5
Curator II x5

Can target and hit for 170 km with almost 700 DPS (Warden II), almost 800 dps at 112 km optimal with curators and 855 DPS with Garde II and standard crystals at 65 km. Try to outproject this. ;)

You'd be better off with an EANM instead of one of the drone amplifiers...the stacking penalty doesn't make anything after the 3rd module really worth it (I see the argument for 4, but 5 is too many).
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-01-21 15:26:14 UTC
Avan Thannis wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
You can easily armour tank a nightmare btw

Isn't that horribly inefficient, or am I missing something?

What's horribly inefficient about it? You get the same number of heat sinks as you would in a shield fit (maybe 1 less but it's penalised to like 30% anyway).
Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2015-01-21 16:09:03 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
Avan Thannis wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
You can easily armour tank a nightmare btw

Isn't that horribly inefficient, or am I missing something?

What's horribly inefficient about it? You get the same number of heat sinks as you would in a shield fit (maybe 1 less but it's penalised to like 30% anyway).

True I guess, just always assumed it was better used as a shield tanked ship. Anyhow, if you or anyone else have some fits for it(Both shield tanked and armor tanked), those'd certainly be appreciated.
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#28 - 2015-01-21 17:22:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Rift
Avan Thannis wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
Avan Thannis wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
You can easily armour tank a nightmare btw

Isn't that horribly inefficient, or am I missing something?

What's horribly inefficient about it? You get the same number of heat sinks as you would in a shield fit (maybe 1 less but it's penalised to like 30% anyway).

True I guess, just always assumed it was better used as a shield tanked ship. Anyhow, if you or anyone else have some fits for it(Both shield tanked and armor tanked), those'd certainly be appreciated.

[Nightmare, New Setup 1]
Damage Control II
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Tracking Enhancer II

Gist X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script

Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
Large Core Defense Field Extender II
Large Energy Discharge Elutriation II

Hammerhead II x5

something like this is what I use to run (rigs aren't optimal for l4 pve as this is made to do incursions also)
48km optimal 960 dps. tracking is 0.026

[Nightmare, armor pve]
Core A-Type Large Armor Repairer
Core X-Type Armor EM Hardener
Core X-Type Armor Thermic Hardener
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink

Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800

Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hammerhead II x5

is the best I can be bothered with for armor the longer I had it open in eft and fit in eve the more dirty I felt doing that to this ship.
900dps 47km optimal tracking is 0.046. Rigs to taste

T2 things as you see fit. Both can fit a 100mn afterburner for the loss of a tracking computer (careful as you run out of pg really fast if you put a afterburner on the armor one along with active armor tank rigs)

Edit: sorry for the random amounts of dead space on both fits. Its what my eft had in fits for the nightmare already. I feel like the tank on the armor one would be lacking.
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