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Amarr Level 4 Mission Ship

Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-01-20 08:36:32 UTC
I'm currently flying an Apocalypse, the standard hull, not the navy version, and I'm wondering where to go from there. I've got T2 pulse lasers as well as T2 drones, having recently finished training for T2 sentry drones.

I've been considering getting a Navy Armageddon, but I'm unsure if that'd be the best choice, and if it is, what sort of fit to run with it. I'm still very much a rookie, so any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
erg cz
Blood Blind
Short Bus Syndicate
#2 - 2015-01-20 11:39:24 UTC
Take a look here.

But still you will be much better off with Dominix or Rattlesnake. Adjustable type of damage, effective range sniping... al the L4 newbee needs. When you learn the game, you can also try Machariel to get some action.
Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-01-20 12:04:32 UTC
erg cz wrote:
Take a look here.

But still you will be much better off with Dominix or Rattlesnake. Adjustable type of damage, effective range sniping... al the L4 newbee needs. When you learn the game, you can also try Machariel to get some action.

Much appreciated. And I'd prefer to stick with a laser using ship, to not entirely waste the skillpoints I invested in getting T2 lasers. Training for an entirely different damage source, seems like it'd take a long time.
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2015-01-20 12:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Spugg Galdon
[Apocalypse Navy Issue, L4 PvE]
Damage Control II
Large Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Co-Processor II

Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II, Optimal Range Script
Large Micro Jump Drive

Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L

Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I
Large Energy Collision Accelerator I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I

Curator II x3
Hobgoblin II x5

I'd go for this more than the Navy Geddon that was posted but that's just personal preference. Use this the same way as that Navy Geddon.

Switch out the tank to be mission specific.
Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-01-20 13:24:40 UTC
Spugg Galdon wrote:
[Apocalypse Navy Issue, L4 PvE]
Damage Control II
Large Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Co-Processor II

Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II, Optimal Range Script
Large Micro Jump Drive

Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L

Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I
Large Energy Collision Accelerator I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I

Curator II x3
Hobgoblin II x5

I'd go for this more than the Navy Geddon that was posted but that's just personal preference. Use this the same way as that Navy Geddon.

Switch out the tank to be mission specific.

Any reason why you'd go for this one, instead of the Geddon? Easier to fit for, higher damage, better survivability, or a mix?
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-01-20 13:28:23 UTC
problem with laser heavy platforms and missioning is that some missions are going to give you problems as they are heavily resistant to em/thermal damage.

Thus laser boats aren't the most efficient at missioning, they are great in almost all other aspects of pve though.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2015-01-20 13:31:44 UTC
In Amarr Space I am very happy with the Nightmare and Tachyons! For some missions swap to Pulse Laser.

But in General nowadays I am flying as well Rattlesnake.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-01-20 13:32:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Avan Thannis
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
problem with laser heavy platforms and missioning is that some missions are going to give you problems as they are heavily resistant to em/thermal damage.

Thus laser boats aren't the most efficient at missioning, they are great in almost all other aspects of pve though.

I know, it's a problem and in hindsight I should've probably gone a different route. At this point, I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation, getting a fit that works while sticking to areas of space where I get missions against rats with resistances that won't -completely- screw me over.
In Amarr Space I am very happy with the Nightmare and Tachyons! For some missions swap to Pulse Laser.

But in General nowadays I am flying as well Rattlesnake.

The Nightmare is a bit outside of my price range, it's nearly a billion for just the hull, isn't it? I'm trying to stick with navy ships, so I won't go completely broke. That said, I'm still curious about fits for various ships, so I have something to aim for in the future.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-01-20 13:49:12 UTC
I would keep going down the drone route and pick up a geddon, you can stick lasers on that as supplementary damage and use sentries for your damage selection.

Or, you could move away from missioning and start doing incursions, null ratting or even wormholes.
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2015-01-20 15:17:41 UTC
Avan Thannis wrote:
Spugg Galdon wrote:
[Apocalypse Navy Issue, L4 PvE]
Damage Control II
Large Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Co-Processor II

Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II, Optimal Range Script
Large Micro Jump Drive

Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L

Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I
Large Energy Collision Accelerator I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I

Curator II x3
Hobgoblin II x5

I'd go for this more than the Navy Geddon that was posted but that's just personal preference. Use this the same way as that Navy Geddon.

Switch out the tank to be mission specific.

Any reason why you'd go for this one, instead of the Geddon? Easier to fit for, higher damage, better survivability, or a mix?

Mostly damage application.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-01-20 15:24:58 UTC  |  Edited by: HoruSeth
Avan Thannis wrote:
The Nightmare is a bit outside of my price range, it's nearly a billion for just the hull, isn't it?

No. That was long time ago.

And for Fitting I worked with simple T2 / cheap Faction Fitting. My Nightmare is worth 850M ISK, but just because of Faction Damage Mods. Full T2 (incl. T2 Rigs) it is just approx. 650M ISK. ;)

At the Moment it looks like training for Drones is the way to go, but usually in EVE when you start to train for something that is mor than just good when you started it, CCP has nerfed that at the latest when you finished the Skill Queue :)

Nevertheless drones was and is always something useful!

I like the Nightmare because you can pull out >1k dps without drones, immediate damage (compared to missiles), a very nice alpha and without need to skill T2 skills at V, even though it's tough to fit Tachyons on it. But even with T1 Meta Faction Guns this ship is very nice in Amarr Space! Though T2 Tachyons are desirable!

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

erg cz
Blood Blind
Short Bus Syndicate
#12 - 2015-01-20 15:44:41 UTC  |  Edited by: erg cz
HoruSeth wrote:
In Amarr Space I am very happy with the Nightmare and Tachyons! For some missions swap to Pulse Laser.

Even in Apanake I got Angel extravaganza and similar missions so often, that I decided to buy second battleship, that was bonused to kintic damage at least. With time I understood, that I can use Dominix as a single ship for any kind of missions. No ammunition costs, you actually can fit up to 3 tachyon lasers there as well and still have reasonable drone contol range.

And about damage projection...
[Dominix, 170 km]
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shadow Serpentis Large Armor Repairer
Internal Force Field Array I
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Large Micro Jump Drive
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Optimal Range Script

Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Microwave L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Microwave L
Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Drone Scope Chip II
Large Ionic Field Projector II
Large Drone Control Range Augmentor II

Garde II x5
Warden II x5
Curator II x5

Can target and hit for 170 km with almost 700 DPS (Warden II), almost 800 dps at 112 km optimal with curators and 855 DPS with Garde II and standard crystals at 65 km. Try to outproject this. ;)
Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-01-20 16:00:19 UTC
HoruSeth wrote:
Avan Thannis wrote:
The Nightmare is a bit outside of my price range, it's nearly a billion for just the hull, isn't it?

No. That was long time ago.

And for Fitting I worked with simple T2 / cheap Faction Fitting. My Nightmare is worth 850M ISK, but just because of Faction Damage Mods. Full T2 (incl. T2 Rigs) it is just approx. 650M ISK. ;)

At the Moment it looks like training for Drones is the way to go, but usually in EVE when you start to train for something that is mor than just good when you started it, CCP has nerfed that at the latest when you finished the Skill Queue :)

Nevertheless drones was and is always something useful!

I like the Nightmare because you can pull out >1k dps without drones, immediate damage (compared to missiles), a very nice alpha and without need to skill T2 skills at V, even though it's tough to fit Tachyons on it. But even with T1 Meta Faction Guns this ship is very nice in Amarr Space! Though T2 Tachyons are desirable!

Hah, well that goes to show outdated some of my information is. The downside of a Nightmare is that it's shield tanked though, and my tanking skills are all focused on armor, as that's what I've been using as Amarr up until this point. The drone bandwith doesn't allow for a full flight of sentries either, so that'd be a bit of a waste too.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14 - 2015-01-20 16:34:49 UTC
Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-01-21 07:28:19 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

That'd be out of both my price as well as skill range. Will probably end up going for the suggested Navy Geddon, as it'd take advantage of both my laser and drone skills.
Chainsaw Plankton
#16 - 2015-01-21 08:11:48 UTC
shield tanks have low skill requirements. t2 shield hardeners only require tactical shield manipulation to level 4. xl shield boosters need shield operation 3. beyond that I'd put in a few levels of shield compensation for the cap reduction. yea the sentry skills are a little wasted, but that is true on nearly every amarr boat. the nightmare certainly makes the most of the gunnery skills.

I'd take the nightmare all the way, especially since it costs almost the same as a navy boat. Paladin when you can get around to it.

As for angels extra, I always decline it and I can fly a mach with AC spec 5.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Avan Thannis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-01-21 08:35:48 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
shield tanks have low skill requirements. t2 shield hardeners only require tactical shield manipulation to level 4. xl shield boosters need shield operation 3. beyond that I'd put in a few levels of shield compensation for the cap reduction. yea the sentry skills are a little wasted, but that is true on nearly every amarr boat. the nightmare certainly makes the most of the gunnery skills.

I'd take the nightmare all the way, especially since it costs almost the same as a navy boat. Paladin when you can get around to it.

As for angels extra, I always decline it and I can fly a mach with AC spec 5.

Well that's two votes for the Nightmare, so it's starting to look rather tempting. Anyone happen to have a solid fit for one? Solid for running missions, I mean, not entirely blinged out for top dps in incursions, can't quite afford that yet.
Dalloway Jones
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2015-01-21 10:15:30 UTC
When I lost my first Apoc in a Gurista mission I switched to Raven for a while. So much more versatile and so much tankier. I almost never have to move at all. Just take a beating and pop the shield regen every now and then whilst my pretty missiles with their cool animations fly off and kill the enemy.

But I love Amarr ships so much I am working my way up to Paladin and just bought a Navy Apoc the other night. I'm going to keep the Raven around though for Gurista missions.
atomic killer
#19 - 2015-01-21 10:33:59 UTC  |  Edited by: atomic killer
In my opinion, for missions you need a ship which can change damage types. Thats drone ships, missile ships and artys (can't change damage 100%). Laser boats aren't good because of the lasers, which only do EM/Thermal damage.
Catalytic morphisis
Deep Space Coalition
#20 - 2015-01-21 13:05:08 UTC
The paladin is the daddy of Amarrian mission running, However the nightmare is a hell of a boat, Both are laser centralized so fit into your skills. Although I'd say with the Budget you have I'd go for a Navy Apoc, They run missions relatively quickly and painlessly

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

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