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Option to disable corp friendly fire.

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Test Alliance Please Ignore
#101 - 2015-01-16 16:23:10 UTC
I have no problem with duel baiting. You get a nice pop-up that asks "Do you want to do this?" click yes or no. I was in a DST in the Amarr gate once and got asked by some random. Clearly, no.

If you actually want to tank-test or what have you, 1v1s are available through this method.

Neut RR logi without consequences is ******** imo. They should get some sort of a flag so that the enemy of the person being repped can shoot them. Suspect flag sounds about right. Consequences need to be had.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2015-01-16 16:27:37 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
I have no problem with duel baiting. You get a nice pop-up that asks "Do you want to do this?" click yes or no. I was in a DST in the Amarr gate once and got asked by some random. Clearly, no.

If you actually want to tank-test or what have you, 1v1s are available through this method.

Neut RR logi without consequences is ******** imo. They should get some sort of a flag so that the enemy of the person being repped can shoot them. Suspect flag sounds about right. Consequences need to be had.

Duel bait in Hek, Rens, Jita, Amarr, etc all you want. A least there peeps tend to have a couple days behind them and are old enough to start learning the hard way. It's despicable to do so in Noob systems. I've sat there and watched it be done on my high sec alts. I think that is the only time I've reported anyone.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#103 - 2015-01-16 16:27:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
Make the option off by default (allowing in-PvP by default), so people who don't think or pay attention and just assume they're safe can still be punished for not paying attention to tools they're given.

Soldarius wrote:
Neut RR logi without consequences is ******** imo. They should get some sort of a flag so that the enemy of the person being repped can shoot them. Suspect flag sounds about right. Consequences need to be had.
That's already implemented.

Currently, if you repair someone with a suspect timer or a limited engagement timer, then you become suspect. Unfortunately, if someone aggresses that neutral logi (if it's on station, anyway), then the logi docks up and undocks in a combat ship and kills the person who aggressed him.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#104 - 2015-01-16 16:28:12 UTC
Besides, no real awoxer goes around looking for new players to blow them up. They're only in it for the shiny kills.

       Sladislov Director of Silly semantics       Broksi Kurth    xXxBlack LegionxXx

Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#105 - 2015-01-16 16:31:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
Sladislov wrote:
Besides, no real awoxer goes around looking for new players to blow them up. They're only in it for the shiny kills.
There's a whole article that showcased people who did it specifically to kill new players and not only shiny kills.

"There are people in this game who are not playing for monetary gain. They’re not playing for killmails. They’re here to blow you up because (a) it’s funny and (b) **** you."
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#106 - 2015-01-16 16:36:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Sladislov
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Sladislov wrote:
Besides, no real awoxer goes around looking for new players to blow them up. They're only in it for the shiny kills.
There's a whole article that showcased people who did it specifically to kill new players and not only shiny kills.

"There are people in this game who are not playing for monetary gain. They’re not playing for killmails. They’re here to blow you up because (a) it’s funny and (b) **** you."

edit im bad

ye this was 5 years ago, im not sure if jihadsquad is still infiltrating corps to do this

       Sladislov Director of Silly semantics       Broksi Kurth    xXxBlack LegionxXx

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2015-01-16 16:39:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Sladislov wrote:
Besides, no real awoxer goes around looking for new players to blow them up. They're only in it for the shiny kills.
There's a whole article that showcased people who did it specifically to kill new players and not only shiny kills.

"There are people in this game who are not playing for monetary gain. They’re not playing for killmails. They’re here to blow you up because (a) it’s funny and (b) **** you."

ha. that article is not about people who do it specifically to kill new players. That article is about killing players for fun and/or profit. That just happens to be easier on newer players, as a general rule, but certainly not always.

EDIT: more specifically suicide ganking, like the guy above me said.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#108 - 2015-01-16 16:43:28 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Make the option off by default (allowing in-PvP by default), so people who don't think or pay attention and just assume they're safe can still be punished for not paying attention to tools they're given.

Soldarius wrote:
Neut RR logi without consequences is ******** imo. They should get some sort of a flag so that the enemy of the person being repped can shoot them. Suspect flag sounds about right. Consequences need to be had.
That's already implemented.

Currently, if you repair someone with a suspect timer or a limited engagement timer, then you become suspect. Unfortunately, if someone aggresses that neutral logi (if it's on station, anyway), then the logi docks up and undocks in a combat ship and kills the person who aggressed him.

Doesn't work for awoxxing. No flags happen. RR sits behind concord.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#109 - 2015-01-16 16:43:55 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Sladislov wrote:
Besides, no real awoxer goes around looking for new players to blow them up. They're only in it for the shiny kills.
There's a whole article that showcased people who did it specifically to kill new players and not only shiny kills.

"There are people in this game who are not playing for monetary gain. They’re not playing for killmails. They’re here to blow you up because (a) it’s funny and (b) **** you."

new players? where?

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Black Pedro
#110 - 2015-01-16 16:51:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Sladislov wrote:
Besides, no real awoxer goes around looking for new players to blow them up. They're only in it for the shiny kills.
There's a whole article that showcased people who did it specifically to kill new players and not only shiny kills.

"There are people in this game who are not playing for monetary gain. They’re not playing for killmails. They’re here to blow you up because (a) it’s funny and (b) **** you."

New players are not the target of awoxing. I collected all the highsec awoxing kills as I described in the GD thread and you can see the average age of an awox victim is over three years in the game. Only a handful of new players get caught up in awoxes which makes sense as you are after juicier targets if you go to the trouble of training a spy and infiltrating a corp.

This change only makes it safer for these established players with assets, and does nothing for new players that don't even know what awoxing is. Hopefully it makes these established corps more willing to take on new players, but it will also increase the number of failcorps and scam corps trying to attract new players for tax farming.

It's not clear to me that this change helps new players at all.
Kane Ceres
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2015-01-16 18:17:23 UTC
Corps already have more than enough tools to avoid being awoxed 99% of the time.

If you accept someone with a mile long corp history - you deserve to be awoxed.

If you accept someone with a blank app and no API check - you deserve to be awoxed.

If you accept someone with lots of blue on blue on their killboard - YOU DESERVE TO BE AWOXED.

With the kick at downtime feature the damage an awoxer can do is harshly limited.

All this does is protect lazy people who are not willing to vet their applicants.
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2015-01-16 19:21:07 UTC
It was a good fix to a dumb rule. The switch to turn it on/off removes the only hesitation I had because of the effect a blanket rules would have on corp free-for-alls and RvB.

Nothing I have read, here, has made me think otherwise but I will follow this thread looking for diamonds in the mud.

As to a tax to have it on? No. I would be willing to consider having a tax or fee everytime you want to CHANGE the settingt excluding the first time when it is set.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Kaesong Kosmonauts
#113 - 2015-01-16 19:35:33 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
It was a good fix to a dumb rule. The switch to turn it on/off removes the only hesitation I had because of the effect a blanket rules would have on corp free-for-alls and RvB.

Nothing I have read, here, has made me think otherwise but I will follow this thread looking for diamonds in the mud.

As to a tax to have it on? No. I would be willing to consider having a tax or fee everytime you want to CHANGE the settingt excluding the first time when it is set.


RIP decisions with consequence.
Steppa Musana
#114 - 2015-01-16 19:46:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Steppa Musana
Last time I checked, the most famous awox in a while was against JT Clone Ares in stealing his alliance. Actually this is always the case. Pick any time period, the top stories on awoxing are never blowing up a corp member in highsec.

This doesnt change anything except forcing pusses to take some risk while shooting corp member ships. But like eveyr other group of sissies, they whine to CCP instead of dealing with the change. I know guys, having some ACTUAL risk while shooting someone, it sounds all scary and stuff. Deal with it.

Why does it help new players? Because it makes it far far easier for them to be accepted into a corp.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#115 - 2015-01-16 21:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Kane Ceres wrote:
Corps already have more than enough tools to avoid being awoxed 99% of the time.

If you accept someone with a mile long corp history - you deserve to be awoxed.

If you accept someone with a blank app and no API check - you deserve to be awoxed.

If you accept someone with lots of blue on blue on their killboard - YOU DESERVE TO BE AWOXED.

With the kick at downtime feature the damage an awoxer can do is harshly limited.

All this does is protect lazy people who are not willing to vet their applicants.

If you accept a character with no employment history beyond their initial NPC corp and nothing suspicious on their API, do you deserve to be awoxed?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2015-01-16 21:51:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
If you accept a character with no employment history beyond their initial NPC corp and nothing suspicious on their API, do you deserve to be awoxed?

If you do even basic observation, it's usually not too hard to spot the real noobs from the pretenders.


Mike Azariah wrote:
It was a good fix to a dumb rule. The switch to turn it on/off removes the only hesitation I had because of the effect a blanket rules would have on corp free-for-alls and RvB.

Nothing I have read, here, has made me think otherwise but I will follow this thread looking for diamonds in the mud.

As to a tax to have it on? No. I would be willing to consider having a tax or fee everytime you want to CHANGE the settingt excluding the first time when it is set.


Any arbitrary restriction placed on Eve is bad. This whole 'no capitals in high sec' restriction is stupid, to pick one. You can have capitals in other Empire space(Low sec is still empire space), but after .4 Empire magically says 'nope can't do that here!'? How arbitrary, and nonsensical. Now you're suggesting implementing another arbitrary restriction of magically not being able to shoot corp members because of a tickbox somewhere that some CEO or director can arbitrarily change at whim? That isn't exploitable at all....

If you're going to do it, at least do it right. Make it a setting in each individual's corporation window, that THEY have to turn on or off. A responsible recruiter will then make sure all his noobs shut it off as soon as they join, and the Darwinism of the less than intelligent can carry on blissfully.

To make that not arbitrary: A couple of dudes are out having a shooting contest at one of the dude's farm, so they have plenty of room and no danger to neighbors. While they're having a friendly contest, they're both happy with the arrangement. or they decide to have a boxing match, whatever. But when one of them get's angry, the police don't just magically show up. The other dude has to call and say 'Hey, I don't want this going on here, please stop it.' So you can flip your personal allow corp friendly fire switch on when you want to tank test, corp free for all, etc, but if you forget to turn it off later, someone can't do it for you. You have to call the police and say 'Help!'

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Swiftstrike Incorporated
#117 - 2015-01-16 21:59:37 UTC
Why is there so much concern about the removal of friendly fire?

ArrowYou will still be able to shoot anybody you like in hisec, but you will have to accept the consequences of breaking the law (i.e. Concord).

ArrowYou will still be able to infiltrate corps and use your roles to empty their corporate wallets and hangars

ArrowYou will still be able to con people into "exploring this wormhole"

ArrowYou can still offer to jump their ships to the other side of hisec in your JF/carrier if they bring them to lowsec first

In my honest opinion, corp friendly fire has been a bug in the code for nearly 12 years and needs to be removed ASAP. Everyone else in EVE has to work hard to achieve their goals so why should hisec awoxing be such an easy "career"?

Casual Incursion runner & Faction Warfare grunt, ex-Wormholer, ex-Nullbear.

Kane Ceres
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2015-01-16 22:01:56 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Kane Ceres wrote:
Corps already have more than enough tools to avoid being awoxed 99% of the time.

If you accept someone with a mile long corp history - you deserve to be awoxed.

If you accept someone with a blank app and no API check - you deserve to be awoxed.

If you accept someone with lots of blue on blue on their killboard - YOU DESERVE TO BE AWOXED.

With the kick at downtime feature the damage an awoxer can do is harshly limited.

All this does is protect lazy people who are not willing to vet their applicants.

If you accept a character with no employment history beyond their initial NPC corp and nothing suspicious on their API, do you deserve to be awoxed?

This only works once and there is almost always something that you can use to tell its an alt. It's just a matter of if people are actually going to put in the effort to protect their corpmates.

The other problem I have with this change and the people saying its a good thing are people that have never tried both sides.
I have been on both sides. I have been awoxed and have awoxed and the community for it is great and very supportive.
I haven't done it since the last time I played but I don't understand how people with no idea about the playstyle.
CCP has given people all the tools they need and now people need to get off their ass and protect their corps from awoxing or just pay some tax so that since they have no risk anymore they have less reward.

Kaesong Kosmonauts
#119 - 2015-01-16 22:25:09 UTC
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
Why is there so much concern about the removal of friendly fire?

ArrowYou will still be able to shoot anybody you like in hisec, but you will have to accept the consequences of breaking the law (i.e. Concord).

ArrowYou will still be able to infiltrate corps and use your roles to empty their corporate wallets and hangars

ArrowYou will still be able to con people into "exploring this wormhole"

ArrowYou can still offer to jump their ships to the other side of hisec in your JF/carrier if they bring them to lowsec first

In my honest opinion, corp friendly fire has been a bug in the code for nearly 12 years and needs to be removed ASAP. Everyone else in EVE has to work hard to achieve their goals so why should hisec awoxing be such an easy "career"?

Better remove J-space poses then too since they are a bug. Oh wait emergent gameplay.

You sure sound like someone who has never highsec awoxed before. At the end game it requires multiple accounts with heavy training into logistics and pvp, as well as the knowledge of how to fly ships in pvp and find others in space. In my case I spent years in nullsec "Getting Good" along with ~600m in ships to set up my dude.

If you want to talk about easy careers why don't we look at highsec incursions? 80m-200m/hr on the regular, extremely small risk for competent players and you can do it while watching netflix.
Maqari Kinraysuwa
Oruze Cruise
White Stag Exit Bag
#120 - 2015-01-16 22:37:43 UTC
Make intra-corp PvP trigger a LE or Suspect timer. That way the 'invincible' untanked logi can now be shot at and all you dumb ******* highsec pub shitlords can go back to mining or grinding l4s or whatever you do, instead of trying to **** on an actual interesting form of emergent content.