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[Proteus] Reduction in Fighter and Fighter Bomber scan resolution

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Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#361 - 2015-01-07 16:28:39 UTC
actually, "disconsolate, sub-human" is a good set of adjectives to keep in mind while perusing this thread
Nick DeLorean
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#362 - 2015-01-07 18:01:25 UTC
I am quite dissapointed to have wasted the last 9 months training to get my first carrier only to see CCP nerfing them to the ground 2 weeks after I got it.

First, jump drive BS, then this.

I think if you guys want to nerf the capital ships, you should also reduce training time for them.

Enough goontears for y'all now.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#363 - 2015-01-07 18:24:18 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Haidere wrote:

Now I admit I have not read the coding as far as drones are concerned, but you do bring up a valid point on reducing server load. I would like to take this a step further, CCP wants to reduce server load, is there a noticeable difference in server load when legions of drones are cycling normally and when a legion of drones are scooped? Now please, I am being sincere here. does the server not have a drastic change in load when those cycle times are reset? Would the load, in effect, not be the exact same if CCP made the cycle continue when your drones are in your drone bay?

You apply the timer to the player not the drones. Stop Access to the drone Hangar, stop access to Launch command or whatever.

Drones on grid already put more strain on the servers than players (CCP last year after HED) as they are counted as individual objects. Extending objects to the hangar only increases the overall peak load. Currently when you recall a drone it will produce less load than one with timer on it in any capacity.

Which is why you don't go on the drone level and go on the player level. It doesn't change drone behavior at all, and only limits what the player has access to. In this case launching drones. If you initiate the relaunch timer, essentially it is like reloading weapons, you no longer can control that module, in any capacity.

In this case the module is the drone bay, and the ammo is drones.

Remember CCP a year ago cited the same reasoning for the drone bunny nerf. In that thread numerous time it was stated that the size of ship launching drones was irrelevant. Mostly by me. We are now here a year later with the same problem Drones.

Maybe its time CCP actually defined what they see in drones as a weapon system. As it stands you have several ships capable of
Different damage types
Numerous Ranges
Effective against all ship sizes
Ewar options
No Reloading

Its been a over a year and drones are still an issue. It started even before the Halloween War, before the Fountain War. CCP has honestly spent like 2 years balancing drones, and still refuses to just write the code so they can actually fix the problem.

It baffles me how some can sit here and accept yet another CCP can kick.
Another can maybe, but the same road.

I hadn't thought of applying a timer to the PLAYER instead of drones, that would significantly reduce server load.

Also folks, despite what you think and wanting CCP to make a fix with the least amount of work, remember, this coding is more than a decade old, they seriously need to go in and a major overhaul, otherwise small fixes and patches will add up and eventually it will become so convoluted and inefficient that they would have to redo it all anyways. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer getting that work out of the way now and be done with it for another decade.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#364 - 2015-01-07 18:31:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Frostys Virpio
Haidere wrote:

I hadn't thought of applying a timer to the PLAYER instead of drones, that would significantly reduce server load.

Also folks, despite what you think and wanting CCP to make a fix with the least amount of work, remember, this coding is more than a decade old, they seriously need to go in and a major overhaul, otherwise small fixes and patches will add up and eventually it will become so convoluted and inefficient that they would have to redo it all anyways. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer getting that work out of the way now and be done with it for another decade.

Except in this case, the fix does not add a single line of code and does not have to be tested for non intended behaviour because all they need to do is change the scan res data value on the affected drones.

You don't redo a large part of your code-base when what you want to fix can be dealt with by a mere data change...
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#365 - 2015-01-07 18:47:33 UTC
Haidere wrote:

Also folks, despite what you think and wanting CCP to make a fix with the least amount of work, remember, this coding is more than a decade old, they seriously need to go in and a major overhaul, otherwise small fixes and patches will add up and eventually it will become so convoluted and inefficient that they would have to redo it all anyways. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer getting that work out of the way now and be done with it for another decade.

With a perfect plan to solve all the drone issues already laid out and ready to go, and with plenty of programming resources not already allocated to other projects, yes, this would be the way to go.

Clearly at least one of these things is missing, so we got a minor data change to prevent the spread of an exploitable mechanic instead.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#366 - 2015-01-07 18:53:15 UTC
Niskin wrote:
This doesn't seem that hard to figure out. POS/Sov arrays don't move. You can sit at zero on them. You can launch fighter bombers, then scoop/recall them, then launch them, then scoop/recall them, over and over again. This provides for up to a 50% DPS increase on any target that can be attacked in this way. They changed the scan res to prevent this from happening, maybe not the perfect fix but it solves the problem with minimal impact in other areas.

Having the damage applied at the end of the cycle is another potentially good fix, as another poster mentioned. Another way to go at it would be to lower the signature of the mods most likely to be shot in this way, but that would take a lot more effort and might not catch all the scenarios.

OK we are getting closer to the heart of the matter. There's a partial explanation, but break it down. Fighters still do really little to no more damage than sentries against structures. Why are they getting the same treatment, and sentries aren't. In a capital structure grind supers will use FB's carriers are probably going to drop sentries. And I don't know who sits at zero on a structure grind either. Anyone who's smart is not going to sit at zero and wait to get counter dropped by PL or goons or whoever.

Reduce scan res, make all drones one animation (instead of 10 drones make them one), delete supers, make it Ishtars Online, I don't really care.

Just give me the REAL scoop, give me the numbers to back that sh!t up, tell me where it's going. Just be freakin honest.

But this specific situation, where scan resolution of two, and two only specific drones, in an extremely limited scenario, seems to be more back burner stuff. There is more important stuff that needs to be addressed in the game. If tears and smug was a power source, there would be no energy crisis.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#367 - 2015-01-07 18:55:37 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Haidere wrote:

I hadn't thought of applying a timer to the PLAYER instead of drones, that would significantly reduce server load.

Also folks, despite what you think and wanting CCP to make a fix with the least amount of work, remember, this coding is more than a decade old, they seriously need to go in and a major overhaul, otherwise small fixes and patches will add up and eventually it will become so convoluted and inefficient that they would have to redo it all anyways. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer getting that work out of the way now and be done with it for another decade.

Except in this case, the fix does not add a single line of code and does not have to be tested for non intended behaviour because all they need to do is change the scan res data value on the affected drones.

You don't redo a large part of your code-base when what you want to fix can be dealt with by a mere data change...

Doesn't sound like a fix. It sounds like an excuse.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, if it's in Eve it's a bandaid for a larger problem.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#368 - 2015-01-07 19:00:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Promiscuous Female
all of this "you should devote development time to adding a timer or other fix" talk sounds a lot like the "you are not allowed to touch this game mechanic that I like until this host of barely-related problems whose completion time is measured in star lifetimes has been sorted first" talk that the bevy of disconsolate posters on these forums unpack every time their precious pearl is being touched in an impure manner
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#369 - 2015-01-07 19:22:05 UTC
Panther X wrote:

Doesn't sound like a fix. It sounds like an excuse.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, if it's in Eve it's a bandaid for a larger problem.

The only gameplay getting nerfed by this is if you change target close to every cycle with your fighter/fighter-bombers. When does that happen for it to be such a massive pain in the ass to you that make the really easy way of fixing the deploy/scoop loot cycle abuse?

Tell me why this fix is such a bad idea by telling me which situation it breaks and why your carrier/super gets completely wrecked because you are un-able to make your fighter/fighter-bomber swap target every other attack cycle.
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#370 - 2015-01-07 19:34:24 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Panther X wrote:

Doesn't sound like a fix. It sounds like an excuse.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, if it's in Eve it's a bandaid for a larger problem.

The only gameplay getting nerfed by this is if you change target close to every cycle with your fighter/fighter-bombers. When does that happen for it to be such a massive pain in the ass to you that make the really easy way of fixing the deploy/scoop loot cycle abuse?

Tell me why this fix is such a bad idea by telling me which situation it breaks and why your carrier/super gets completely wrecked because you are un-able to make your fighter/fighter-bomber swap target every other attack cycle.

If you are seriously asking me, then you never read a word I actually wrote.

But ok I'll bite.

1. It doesn't happen to me.
2. a.) It doesn't break anything that I know of. I haven't gone on SiSi and been on the Masstest and tried it out to confirm or deny that it "breaks" or "fixes" anything.
b.) My super is still fine, thank you very much. Not wrecked. Haven't hotdropped anyone yet today, or assigned my 3 sets of 5 fighters to 3 interceptors and tested that either. But if you are volunteering, come to my end of town and we will test it out with some other friends, and the guy who was complaining about having the literally "hundreds of fighters being assigned to hundreds of interceptors" and you can tell me if it's "broken" or "fixed"


My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Goonswarm Federation
#371 - 2015-01-07 19:36:56 UTC
Panther X wrote:

Doesn't sound like a fix. It sounds like an excuse.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, if it's in Eve it's a bandaid for a larger problem.

band-aids have their use when full-blown surgery and skin grafts for a skinned knee seem over the top
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#372 - 2015-01-07 19:48:36 UTC
Panther X wrote:

If you are seriously asking me, then you never read a word I actually wrote.

But ok I'll bite.

1. It doesn't happen to me.
2. a.) It doesn't break anything that I know of. I haven't gone on SiSi and been on the Masstest and tried it out to confirm or deny that it "breaks" or "fixes" anything.
b.) My super is still fine, thank you very much. Not wrecked. Haven't hotdropped anyone yet today, or assigned my 3 sets of 5 fighters to 3 interceptors and tested that either. But if you are volunteering, come to my end of town and we will test it out with some other friends, and the guy who was complaining about having the literally "hundreds of fighters being assigned to hundreds of interceptors" and you can tell me if it's "broken" or "fixed"


So basically, you are complaining here because you think they should put more effort into it while their proposed fix has less cost and does fix what they are intending to fix?
Viktor Corgo
Goonswarm Federation
#373 - 2015-01-07 19:49:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Viktor Corgo
Panther X wrote:

Fighters still do really little to no more damage than sentries against structures. Why are they getting the same treatment, and sentries aren't.

Okay, so, if you're *really* going to be this dense about it, I can explain in babbywords why sentries aren't affected by this:
Rate of fire: 4 s
Rate of fire: 15 s

Let's assume you're sitting at 0 of your target.

"Normal Sentry"
After initial launch, 1 shot for every 4 tick.

"Exploit" Sentry:
Launch sentry: 1 tick
Sentry locks, fires: 2 ticks ( I believe, for sentries, without having a scan res, this is a flat activation time, either way, it's short)
Pull drones: 1 tick
Launch drones: 1 tick

Now, 5 ticks have gone by, and even if sentries activated 1 tick after launch instead of 2, they'd still have not have gained any dps. They are still 1 shot per 4 ticks at best.

Normal FB:
After initial launch, 1 shot for every 15 ticks.

Exploit FB:
Launch FB: 1 ticks
FB locks, fires: X ticks, dependent on scan res/signature of target.
Pull FB: 1 tick
Relaunch FB: 1 tick
FB locks, fires: X ticks.

So, if X is something along the lines of a sentry (which, for Cyclops attacking an ihub, it almost exactly is), in 7s, you've gotten off 2 volleys, instead of 1 in 15s.

THAT is why all your whining about sentries not being included in this is a joke -- because it literally doesn't work. HTH
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#374 - 2015-01-07 19:51:31 UTC
Promiscuous Female wrote:
all of this "you should devote development time to adding a timer or other fix" talk sounds a lot like the "you are not allowed to touch this game mechanic that I like until this host of barely-related problems whose completion time is measured in star lifetimes has been sorted first" talk that the bevy of disconsolate posters on these forums unpack every time their precious pearl is being touched in an impure manner

You aren't far from the truth. But isn't that like every other change?

For example the whining by the entire wormhole community about the changes to Recons? Ohhhh noooeeesss I can't d-scan recons! Woes is me! You've broken wormholes! Imma gunna quit"
At least that's what I gleaned.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#375 - 2015-01-07 19:51:39 UTC
Panther X wrote:
But if you are volunteering, come to my end of town and we will test it out with some other friends, and the guy who was complaining about having the literally "hundreds of fighters being assigned to hundreds of interceptors" and you can tell me if it's "broken" or "fixed"


Fighters being assisted to interceptors is not the issue being addressed here:

CCP Fozzie wrote:

One of the tweaks we are making in Proteus is to the scan resolution of Fighters and Fighter Bombers, both of which are being reduced quite significantly.

The primary goal of this change is to ensure that rapidly scooping and relaunching fighters and fighter bombers never gives a dps advantage. This practice has not been widespread thus far, but any possible advantage gained this way would both provide imbalanced DPS and cause significant server load so we want to nip it in the bud.

See? Not their intent at all. However, he does mention it...

CCP Fozzie wrote:

I know that some people who are hoping for a major nerf to assigned fighters will be unhappy that this change will only have a small-moderate effect on that activity. We have been keeping a close eye on the way fighters are used ever since our recent rounds of drone rebalancing and we aren't ruling out any potential future changes at this time. However we are not going to rush into any larger changes to fighter mechanics.

tl;dr: This change has a small effect on assigned fighters - future changes are not ruled out - they're keeping an eye on things.

What was your point again? They didn't fix things they said they weren't fixing? You are correct sir!

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#376 - 2015-01-07 20:00:52 UTC
Viktor Corgo wrote:
( I believe, for sentries, without having a scan res, this is a flat activation time, either way, it's short)

There's the problem right there. Drones like sentries have NO scan res, while fighters and fb's have a scan res. Yes?

So... and I'm sorry if my babbywords (whatever the hell those are) aren't up to your obviously PhD level of eduma cashun why wasn't the scan res just...taken away? If the fighters and bombers have a higher scan res than the carrier itself, doesn't it make sense to treat it like other drones to not have a scan res?
Why the arbitrary 90% reduction? Supers have a horrible scan res anyway.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#377 - 2015-01-07 20:01:24 UTC
Panther X wrote:
OK we are getting closer to the heart of the matter. There's a partial explanation, but break it down. Fighters still do really little to no more damage than sentries against structures. Why are they getting the same treatment, and sentries aren't. In a capital structure grind supers will use FB's carriers are probably going to drop sentries.

That's a fair question, I don't know why Fighters got the same adjustment. It's possible there is a fighter based exploit that they didn't go into detail about. Maybe somebody else around here knows?

Panther X wrote:
And I don't know who sits at zero on a structure grind either. Anyone who's smart is not going to sit at zero and wait to get counter dropped by PL or goons or whoever.

I think the point is that one would only sit at zero on a structure when they wanted to use this exploit. It's riskier, but up to 50% more damage is a huge damage boost when talking FB's on a structure. Essentially two SC's could do the damage of 3 in the same amount of time.

Panther X wrote:
Reduce scan res, make all drones one animation (instead of 10 drones make them one), delete supers, make it Ishtars Online, I don't really care.

Just give me the REAL scoop, give me the numbers to back that sh!t up, tell me where it's going. Just be freakin honest.

But this specific situation, where scan resolution of two, and two only specific drones, in an extremely limited scenario, seems to be more back burner stuff. There is more important stuff that needs to be addressed in the game. If tears and smug was a power source, there would be no energy crisis.

Others have explained it already, but the difference between a data change and even the simplest code change could be the difference between an hour of work and weeks of work. Fixing exploits is important, enough so that they feel they need to make this change now.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#378 - 2015-01-07 20:04:03 UTC

tl;dr: This change has a small effect on assigned fighters - future changes are not ruled out - they're keeping an eye on things.

What was your point again? They didn't fix things they said they weren't fixing? You are correct sir

Fantastic. I can breathe again. I thought I might have to go and re-sh!t-poast that whole string of crap at the beginning.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Viktor Corgo
Goonswarm Federation
#379 - 2015-01-07 20:06:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Viktor Corgo
Panther X wrote:
Viktor Corgo wrote:
( I believe, for sentries, without having a scan res, this is a flat activation time, either way, it's short)
why wasn't the scan res just...taken away?

Why the arbitrary 90% reduction? Supers have a horrible scan res anyway.

...because unless they made the activation time sufficiently high, you'd be able to get a dps increase via the exploit, because of the long cycle time on the FBs. Super scan res is as irrelevant as your sentry tangent, as, in case you're not aware, recalling drones doesn't drop your lock.

Now, I suppose they could convert fighters/fibos to normal drones, remove scan res, and give them a significantly higher activation time, but... that sounds like a much bigger change than just a number tweak.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#380 - 2015-01-07 20:09:45 UTC
Panther X wrote:
Viktor Corgo wrote:
( I believe, for sentries, without having a scan res, this is a flat activation time, either way, it's short)

There's the problem right there. Drones like sentries have NO scan res, while fighters and fb's have a scan res. Yes?

So... and I'm sorry if my babbywords (whatever the hell those are) aren't up to your obviously PhD level of eduma cashun why wasn't the scan res just...taken away? If the fighters and bombers have a higher scan res than the carrier itself, doesn't it make sense to treat it like other drones to not have a scan res?
Why the arbitrary 90% reduction? Supers have a horrible scan res anyway.

If you remove the scan res and have them activate like other drones, you make it even more worthwhile to drop/scoop them at 0 since you don't even lose ticks to the targeting delay. You might get close to 5 time the supposed amount of DPS to down a structure assuming you can drop (1st tick), shoot (2nd tick) and scoop (3rd tick) at the correct rate. 3x is more probable with errors but it does not fix the issue of the cycle resetting when the drone is scooped.