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Torpedoes - No damage...

Jurico Elemenohpe
Flipsid3 Tactics
#21 - 2014-12-30 16:42:46 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
Assuming that you are flying the bomber on this character, your #1 issue is the fact that you're flying a bomber with a 2 month old character. Yes, you can fly it, and yes, you can use torpedoes. But torpedoes are intended for use against large targets and don't do nearly as much damage to smaller targets. If you want to use bombers effectively against smaller targets you need to spend lots of time training support skills.

I'm not trying to dissuade you from roaming around in your bomber right now. Far from it actually, they're a blast to fly. But you have to have realistic expectations about your performance. Just understand that until you have all of your missile support skills trained to IV, CovOps IV, and, ideally, T2 torpedo launchers, your ability to engage frigates, and to some extent cruisers, will be very limited.

Also, make absolutely certain that you fit a target painter. They are really essential to making sure that you do as much damage as possible to frigates and cruisers. Two is better if you can fit them.
eh. If you've been flying missile boats the entire time before hopping into an SB, it's probably safe to assume your supports are 3/4s, if you haven't really touched drones/guns. And if you've run only frigates, you probably have frigate V (probably caldari since it's missiles), so you've only got electronics upgrades/covops left. T2 torps would be the only thing missing but from what I've read, faction applies damage better anyway. Even if they didn't specialize into frigates, if they've specialized into missiles the point still stands.
Quanah Comanche
#22 - 2014-12-30 18:09:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Quanah Comanche
If all applicable skills are at 5 hopefully you know not to use torps on frigs. Mine are and I don't.

If you are hunting explorers, just skill up rockets in the short term. Most, not all (as I have found out) explorers in frigs do not fight back or have much defense.
Chance Ravinne
WiNGSPAN Delivery Services
WiNGSPAN Delivery Network
#23 - 2015-01-05 01:47:43 UTC
Quanah Comanche wrote:
If all applicable skills are at 5 hopefully you know not to use torps on frigs. Mine are and I don't.

If you are hunting explorers, just skill up rockets in the short term. Most, not all (as I have found out) explorers in frigs do not fight back or have much defense.

I have never found a benefit to using rockets against explorers. With dual painters and/or dual rigor catalysts, I have killed every exploration frig (Asteros notwithstanding) in 1-3 volleys using torpedoes.

Obviously this depends greatly on your torpedo damage and support skills, but even if they're 100% even, using rockets means you can ONLY engage frigates. Torpedoes keep your options open to larger ships, as well as structures. Good luck taking down a warp disruption bubble or an MTU with rockets in a reasonable timeframe!

You've just read another awesome post by Chance Ravinne, CEO of EVE's #1 torpedo delivery service. Watch our misadventures on my YouTube channel: WINGSPANTT

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#24 - 2015-01-05 02:36:58 UTC
Chance Ravinne wrote:
Torpedoes keep your options open to larger ships, as well as structures. Good luck taking down a warp disruption bubble or an MTU with rockets in a reasonable timeframe!

Confirming that this is a thing.

Get your skills up and make sure you're fitting properly (painters, rigs), and keep those torps.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Ryomaru Reaper
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2015-01-05 17:20:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryomaru Reaper
(Chance Ravinne posted on my topic, keep your inner fanboy down boy, down!)

Yeah, that's correct it is a thing. Chance has proven that ten times over already. I figured out the problem was my own doing, not the torpedoes.

Skills are getting trained, and already see a huge increase in DPS.

Thanks everyone, much appreciated!
Quanah Comanche
#26 - 2015-01-05 18:14:43 UTC
Why just the other day one of the Wingspan newbs tried to blow up my Hound with Torps in a WH. Did not go his way as I used rockets. Then tried to tell me that they saw a video where it worked. Keep watching the vids.

You know you can carry a depot to switch weaponry?
Chance Ravinne
WiNGSPAN Delivery Services
WiNGSPAN Delivery Network
#27 - 2015-01-05 20:05:07 UTC
Quanah Comanche wrote:
Why just the other day one of the Wingspan newbs tried to blow up my Hound with Torps in a WH. Did not go his way as I used rockets. Then tried to tell me that they saw a video where it worked. Keep watching the vids.

You know you can carry a depot to switch weaponry?

How dare you sully the name of my enterprise with your lies. WINGSPAN agents would never try to "blow up" anyone. You ordered torpedoes, and that's what you got. If you weren't happy with the products' explosion radius that is your problem. Let's try to remain professional, shall we?

You've just read another awesome post by Chance Ravinne, CEO of EVE's #1 torpedo delivery service. Watch our misadventures on my YouTube channel: WINGSPANTT

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