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Survey for Structures in EVE - Your opinion matters!

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CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2014-12-18 15:40:18 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Ytterbium
Fellow capsuleers.

Team Game of Drones is doing extensive investigation and discovery work for Structures in EVE
more specifically Starbases, Outposts, Customs Offices, Deployables and Sovereignty structures.

The Industry survey conducted about a year ago resulted in 24,000 responses in total and had a huge impact on the overall direction and decisions made for the Industry release. We hope you are up for the challenge to help us get an even better turnout this time around. Please take the survey and help us improve the game - Your opinion matters!

Thank you in advance for your help and support o7

On behalf of Team Game of Drones

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-12-18 15:42:16 UTC
Link does not work :/
CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2014-12-18 15:44:41 UTC
Fonac wrote:
Link does not work :/

Fixed Big smile

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-12-18 16:14:51 UTC
Been looking forward to this!

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2014-12-18 16:15:11 UTC
I hope you don't mind brutally honest
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#6 - 2014-12-18 16:21:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentient Blade

Please drag and rank (1st to 3rd) the following based on what you feel needs to be a good gameplay experience:

I'm puzzled by this question. None of the items listed could ever be what we could consider "enjoyable gameplay" at least so far as the more permanent structures go. It's purely administrative grind, spreadsheets in space stuff, I don't think it would ever be enjoyable... just make it as easy and functional as possible so we can move on to things which are fun.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-12-18 16:26:27 UTC
I suspect you're going to get quite a few unhelpful responses with the inclusion of "Sovereignty Warfare" in the "Please select which option you feel is _____" section, as I assume you are only really interested in the sov structures (probably the infrastructure hub in particular), whereas most people will parse this as "sov warfare in general."

I could be wrong though! It just felt sort of out of scope for this survey.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Yonis Pserad
Snuffed Out
#8 - 2014-12-18 16:33:20 UTC
This is a much needed survey and I'm glad it was created. That said I feel that CCP needs to differentiate between structures (like POSes and POCOs) and deployables (such as mobile depots). I feel that the impact and usefulness of owning a structure (particularly a POS) needs to be increased whereas deployables are currently in a good place, if perhaps a very situation one. POSes right now are a place to farm income or hide a Titan, and all other functions such as living or operating out of one are completely eclipsed by stations, even neutral one. Hopefully CCP can find a good way to move forward with the feedback we've given :)
Noriko Mai
#9 - 2014-12-18 16:34:12 UTC
Survey for Dark Opaqe Theme:

Bring Back: 1000000%
meh: 0.00000000000%

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Asayanami Dei
Adhocracy Incorporated
#10 - 2014-12-18 16:34:48 UTC
Kenneth Feld wrote:
I hope you don't mind brutally honest

Just try to make it constructive at the same time! :D

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I--THE CAPACITOR IS EMPTY

Youtube: /asayanami

Twitter: @asayanami

#11 - 2014-12-18 16:34:52 UTC
Could you please clarify what "co-op gameplay" means in the context of deploying structures?
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#12 - 2014-12-18 16:39:40 UTC
Querns wrote:
I suspect you're going to get quite a few unhelpful responses with the inclusion of "Sovereignty Warfare" in the "Please select which option you feel is _____" section, as I assume you are only really interested in the sov structures (probably the infrastructure hub in particular), whereas most people will parse this as "sov warfare in general."

I could be wrong though! It just felt sort of out of scope for this survey.

I answered based on the structure, not sov warfare
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#13 - 2014-12-18 16:41:09 UTC
Asayanami Dei wrote:
Kenneth Feld wrote:
I hope you don't mind brutally honest

Just try to make it constructive at the same time! :D

The parts i was most critical of were POS and i am doing the CSM roundtable in an hour, so i can expound there :)

Also, somewhat station upgrades, but based on the answers to my petitions, i may have more insight into how they work than CCP does.
ian papabear
No Regard.
#14 - 2014-12-18 16:42:00 UTC
this is me ranting


Vardaugas Family
#15 - 2014-12-18 16:43:20 UTC
Minchurra wrote:
Could you please clarify what "co-op gameplay" means in the context of deploying structures?

Sometimes I think interpreting the question is part of the survey. GAH! Feels like I'm back in school.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-12-18 16:44:25 UTC
Kenneth Feld wrote:
Querns wrote:
I suspect you're going to get quite a few unhelpful responses with the inclusion of "Sovereignty Warfare" in the "Please select which option you feel is _____" section, as I assume you are only really interested in the sov structures (probably the infrastructure hub in particular), whereas most people will parse this as "sov warfare in general."

I could be wrong though! It just felt sort of out of scope for this survey.

I answered based on the structure, not sov warfare

Yeah, same. It's just potentially misleading, is all.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Exploration Frontier inc
#17 - 2014-12-18 16:46:43 UTC
Thanks for the survey!

As usual with that kind of activity, I hope you don't only consider the metrics of people currently using the POS system, but also the people that would use the POS system if it wasn't tied to **** corporation roles and if the system itself wasn't so crap :)

ie in my corp : 10+ppl are interested but can't practice POSes atm.

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-12-18 16:49:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Boltorano
I answered "no" to the last three questions that said what answers I gave would lead me to additional questions, and then it said the survey was done.

You provided no opportunity for me to actually explain why I don't interact with structures currently, as an individual or for my corp. The reasons why I don't currently do that might have actually been helpful to you.
CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#19 - 2014-12-18 16:53:28 UTC
Boltorano wrote:
I answered "no" to the last three questions that said what answers I gave would lead me to additional questions, and then it said the survey was done.

You provided no opportunity for me to actually explain why I don't interact with structures currently, as an individual or for my corp. The reasons why I don't currently do that might have actually been helpful to you.

Ah, it says "Answer will determine if you get relevant questions or not" so it actually skips to the next section. We will re-word the question to say something like "Does your alliance currently or has it in the past participated..." so that you can also respond if you have things to say even though it doesn't apply to how things are today.

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#20 - 2014-12-18 16:59:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Vyktor Abyss
Not a fan of the "Does your alliance own or operate an outpost" or "participate in Sov War" questtion - Yes or no?

Clicking 'no' means you skip feedback.... Disappointing especially if you have participated in those activities in the past and would have valuable feedback.

The outpost thing - only a tiny subset of players in a group operating outposts will have ever even seen the outpost maintenance screen, so alliance 'line members' feedback on that is likely heresay.

I'd also suggest many players are turned off by Sov War because of the poor mechanics (structure grinding) and same stale groups occupying the "best" space since Eve began - you're missing the opportunity to also get feedback from players who perhaps would play the Sov game (again) if it was freshened up and probably only getting the 'line member' veiwpoint (which is arguably only their leaders viewpoint regurgitated) again.

Looking forward to seeing changes to these fundamentals of Eve though. Risk-tanking development is good stuff.

Edit: Ah you're already rewording it according to above post - good - can ignore my disappointment now! Hehe
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