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The Greater Fool Bar

First post
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2861 - 2014-09-17 19:52:10 UTC
(meta: This Jailbreak story is a follow up of an older one... I think you can get updated by starting from this message: )
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2862 - 2014-09-17 19:59:22 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
(meta: This Jailbreak story is a follow up of an older one... I think you can get updated by starting from this message: )

Correct, thanks Indah!

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Scope Works
#2863 - 2014-09-22 13:57:31 UTC
((Bump to encourage others to get involved))

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2864 - 2014-09-24 17:18:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Laudenum Hayes
Jailbreak, Part next...

The small group exited the bar and began a circuitous route through the lesser used passages to the hangar bays. The moved unobtrusively through the hangar and took shelter under a luxury yacht parked on the landing zone. Random led the group under the liner and moved to the underside ramp. Everyone, at that time, was told to press the green stone on the rings they wore. Several of the covert band looked wide eyed as the nanite injection started altering their appearance.

Laudenum and Lailyana's hair and eyebrows changed to a sleek stark black and their exposed skin darkened to a more olive complexion. Sam's beard and hair turned a reddish-blonde while Random actually grew short curled blond locks. The most radical change occured to Indahmawar who's naturally sleek black hair transformed in a wave to a lustrous white. She looked with horror at Laudenum as her cascade of hair changed before her eyes.

"Explain again why this is necessary." Sam hissed through clenched teeth, spasms of tension moving across his forehead in rippling waves.

"Cover." Random said with tension of his own. "Everything here is recorded. If the security office is worth anything, they will look into the appearance of a gaggle of lawyers. We appear to be from the yacht." he said, gesturing to the ship they hid under. "Hopefully, our presence will cause enough of a stir that they wont check too closely." He finshed, his breath coming easier.

"Ok, but Dewey, Screwem and Howe™?" Sam said, shaking of the last effects of the nanite transformation. "Lawyers. And the worst and nastiest of the whole lot."

"The real salesperson in all of this will be Indah." Laud said, chiming in. "She has to pull off being Shurika Sage, the legendary Ice Queen of the firm. She will be the closest to the real power of the firm that anyone will ever meet."

Indah looked up with pale blue eyes the color of a winter sky at midday. "What if I cannot do it?" she asked, almost meekly.

Laudenum rested a hand gently on Indah's shoulder. "This will be easy." Laud said with a reassuring smile. "Just remember never raise your voice, don't show anything close to an emotion and for nebula's sake, do not smile."

"Perhaps I can survive in hard vacuum as well?" Indah asked, a hint of nervous humor in her voice.

"Get it all out now." Laud said with a sly smile. "You don't even want to associate humor with Shurika Sage." She turned to the gathered group catching each eye in turn. "Sage is mean as a pit viper. She keeps two assistants, " Laud motioned to herself and Lailyana, "and two muscle." she finished by gesturing at Sam and Random. "She speaks softly, but with power. People who had dealings with the firm know that if you cross Sage, your life, your family's life and the lives of anyone you know, are over." She turned a hard look on Indahmawar. "Cold. Emotionless. Power." Laud said seriously. "You can do this. Thirty minutes tops."

The group formed up a half circle around Indah and strode from under the yacht with purpose. They moved with authority to the lifts that would take them to the security offices.

"How do you know all this?" Lail whispered to Laud as they walked.

"I briefly dated a junior partner." Laud whispered back.

The group looked concerned as Indahmawar, walking regally just in front of the group, worked to suppress a fit of giggles.

(to be continued...more)
Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2865 - 2014-09-25 15:01:58 UTC
Jailbreak. Part yetsomemore

Indahmawar led the group past the outer security doors and into the main offices. If it weren't for the security operative sitting at the desk, she may have led them all the way to the holding cells.

"Um...excuse me! Who are you people?" the operative stammered. Then, having remembered his training added more sternly, "You are not allowed in the holding cell area without an escort." The operative, having found his backbone, stood and began drawing his sidearm. His other hand poised over the alarm.

Indah stopped in place with her back to the operative. She cast a quick glance at Laudenum who took the cue. As Laud turned, she smiled tightly and stepped up to the desk. She had been very careful to make sure her blouse was borderline naughty, per Random's instructions, and was inwardly pleased when the guard glanced at her face, down to her cleavage, made the circuit again before locking his eyes to hers.

Laudenum smiled inwardly. She felt she had him.

"Officer," she began, "we are the legal council from Dewey, Screwem and Howe™ sent to look in on our client, Matokin Lemant" She turned and gestured to Indahmawar. "This is his council, Shurika Sage."

Indah turned slowly to face the desk officer with an expressionless porcelain face. She glanced unconcerned at Sam and Random who had a taken defensive posture should the officer draw a weapon. With barely an acknowledgement to her "muscle", she locked her gaze on the guard and glided determinedly to the desk. "I am here to see my client." Indah said, her voice clear and barely above a whisper. "Make happen what you must but understand," she said, her wintery eyes narrowing, "I am not accustomed to waiting."

"Do you have identification, ma'am?" the guard asked, shaken but holding his professionalism.

Indah's icy stare flicked to Laudenum who was unlocking a metallic valise. She produced the coded chip and handed it to the officer. The man shied his gaze away from Indahmawar and fumbled the identity chip into the reader. He turned to look at his screen and read quickly through the information. Skimming much to quickly to be thorough, he removed the chip and handed it back to Laudenum.

"It appears all is in order, Miss Sage. If you will give me a moment, I will summon an agent to escort you and your party to the holding area."

Indah hissed serpentlike in annoyance just loud enough to be heard but was enough to spur the guard to haste. As she turned away from the desk, her eyes locked on Random's and went wide in excitement. She returned immediately to the cold glare and Random stifled the pride at Indah's performance.

As Laudenum returned to Indahmawar's side, returning the identity chip to it's place in the valise, the woosh of the door opening caught her off guard. She spun and bumped into the chest of the agent summoned to escort them. Off balance on her heels, Laud tumbled to the deck in a sprawl. Cursing silently, she gathered up her dignity but froze when her eyes met the escort's eyes. He was the same man who was in the cell guarding Lemant when she was in earlier. A flash of fear coursed through her at the idea that he may recognize her.

"I'm so sorry." the man said, "I'm Agent Curran. Here, let me help you." Curran squatted down to help Laud but Lailyana, noticing Laud's tension, moved quicker. Agent Curran gave the two his most dazzling smile and stayed crouched.

His survey of Laudenum and Lailyana was cut short when Indahmawar glided up to him cutting his line of sight. He looked up to her face and saw that her gaze was held down the hallway that the Agent had come from. A dozen heartbeats ticked by when Indah slowly shifted her gaze to the crouching agent and in a voice like frostbite said, "If you are finished flirting with my assistants, would you be so kind as to take us to my client?"

Agent Curran's smile wilted as he stood. "Of course, ma'am. Right away."

(to be more continued...)
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2866 - 2014-09-25 17:21:13 UTC
*bumped to show that there has been progress*

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2867 - 2014-09-25 18:56:54 UTC
Meta: (In a cold, frosty voice) I am pleased by your performance so far, Mr. McNally

(bursts in giggles until her face turns cherry red) Lol
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2868 - 2014-10-16 07:58:18 UTC
Random: I am reading what you are typing, but hectic time is hectic time at the moment. So feel free to use Sam as you need to.
WhyYouHeffToBeMad IsOnlyGame
#2869 - 2014-10-17 19:12:30 UTC
I'll have All The Things, please...

Everything's a game if you make it one - Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci

CCP: Continously Crying Playerbase - Frostys Virpio

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2870 - 2014-10-29 20:21:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
*turns on video jukebox*

Huh, what are these guys talking about? And why is this tune so catchy?

*start singing "predator, predator", albeit it sounds more like "pedashor, pedashor" with her lovely Khanid accent*
Yiole Gionglao
#2871 - 2014-10-31 10:26:20 UTC
*Yiole Gionglao gets into the bar, then she listens someone singing*

"Em a pedashor, pedashor..."
"Indah, did I ever tell you that your accent goes crazy when you're singing?"
"Pedashor, peda... Yiole! You here!"

Indahmawar Fazmarai runs to Yiole and they embrace, none minding how Indah's head just crushes Yiole's bosom as the Achuran lady is quite taller than the Khanid cutie.

"Yiole, I didn't knew you were here at the bar", says Indah.
"Well, i think I've been here since before you returned from your home, but I've been mining a lot and doing stuff so I haven't had much time to be here..."
"Oh, yes, I've returned a week ago... nobody warned me that you were around. Do you have news on Random?"
"No, not exactly... I've been questioning Laudenum but she just said something about probing for wormholes... I don't hink he's hiding in a wormhole, but, who knows. He does the craziest stuff..."
"Well, looks like everyone aroudn just does their best to leaves us alone...", answers Indahmawar.
"So there's no enws on Ish yet...?"
"No, We're alone, apparently. But, let's not talk about the awol epople... you said you've been mining? Come and take a seat!"

The friends seat to a table by the bar, and Yiole starts explainign her latest busienss to Indah. How she's been mining space ices, first in Minmatarr space and how she's moved to Caldari space.

"Also, I've started running some misisons for standing, you know"
"Wow, I never thought you were into combat misisons..."
"Neither me, but they'rre excitign, in their way. anyway I am not ish, I don't mind that violence later. I can just mine ice and chat with the miners and relax afterwards..."
"That sounds nice. May not be the most glamurous business in space but mining keeps the wheels turning for all those pod warriors who just love to see stuff burn"
"Right. Anyway, I made a remap some weeks ago, as I've planned to train for more ships. I really hope to fly a freighter someday"
"Capital ships, that's serious stuff"
"Yes it is, but then sometimes you just need a lot of hauling space"
"So you took a remap... I never did it"
"It's completely harmless. They just plug you and a few minutes later you don't notice anything dfiferent, just that the skills progress faster."

Yiole looks at Indah, appreciating her new dress, adn then comments:

"I see that you made good use of those aruums I got for our license..."
"Oh yes, thank you! There are some nice clothes in offer now, just for capsuleers. But, you don't look bad neither."
"Heh, don't look bad? Well, maybe you don't pay attention, but I've noticed something. Apparently i'm gaining weight no matter what I do and... well... also my boobs are just starting to sag. Or so I feel."

Inbdah looks at Yioles' bosom, but can't notice anything unusal. She's always been a large woman and Indah knows that Yiole's bosom can't defy gravity better than any other, but also knows that it looks great and men love it as much as women envy it. After years of friendship, it's the first time Indah hears Yiole complaining about her size.

"Well, they look right, from here"
"Because I'm wearing a bra, but I tell you... i just had to move to a larger cup and that extra weight is all going down"

Inbdah smirks and says, playfully:
"But, you've taking your shot, right?", and then she giggles.
"My shot...? What...? Oh, you're mean! I'm not pregnant!", says Yiole, blushing and then bursting in laughs.
"Sorry, but I just found it funny... gaining weight and boobs and you all so worried..."
"Well, I am worried. I don't like that my body haves its own ideas. Actually..."
"Well, I've been thinking about having a clone resculpt..."
"A clone resculpt! But, how will you look after?"
"Don't get too carried, I would just... you know... remove some of the fat, rebuild some of the muscle I've been losing with all those years in pod, and put my boobies back where they used to be"
"Well, if you want to... but I never figured that you were vain.. i mean not in a silly way, but, well..."
"Yes, i know. I've always tried to look good, specially to take out the planetary miner crust. But I haven't seen Random in..."
"OH!", shouted Indah, involuntarely
"Yes, yes. I'm stupid. I have no reason... no objective reason... to worry about that. But I feel I hurt him when I quit the way I did, and then if he sees me... decaying... well.."
"Oh, oh... I think i know..."
"Yes, don't worry. You're young and aging is not an issue to you. But hey, I'm 31 and this clone hasn't been updated in 5 years. And all in all, aren't we immortal?"
"Our body shells are. But I don't think our minds are ready for that"
"Oh my, that was SO Ishtanchuk!", said Yiole, smiling.
"OK, let's shift matters, then."

Indah tilted forward and lowered her voice to a whisper, then said: "You said you aren't pregnant. But, that's because of the shot, or because there's no chance...?", and then Indah blinked. Yiole looked at her and blinked back, and then she also lowered her voice and they started talking about other matters...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2872 - 2014-10-31 12:28:00 UTC
Laudenum bursts through the door and sprints to her rented room in the bar, long legs eating the distance. Indah and Yiole look up from their conversation their eyes widen when they recognize Laud and what has become of her. Both gasp at the dramatic change.

Laud, in mid stride, sees the expression and screeches to a halt, nearly knocking over a chair as she grabs it for balance.

"Laudenum...." Yiole manages to say
"What..." Indahmawar stumbles out.

Laud blushes as she realizes that her friends are speechless. "It's, uh, a celebration for the dead." she says awkwardly. "Dont worry, I'll be back to myself in no time." Laud smiles her bright cheery smile but realizes that it only looks eerie and ghastly on her 'modified' face.

She rushes to Yiole and hugs her sisterly. "Congratulations!" she said but Yiole gave her a look of confusion.

"I heard you were pregnant!" Laud said as Yiole's eyes widened for a second time.

"Have to run! Besides, you need to hear the rest of my Jailbreak story!" Laud sprinted back to her quarters leaving Yiole fuming and blushing.
Yiole Gionglao
#2873 - 2014-10-31 13:17:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
"Oh, won't you stop THAT", says Yiole, as Indahmawar giggles histerically. But the imrpession a fter seeing Laudenum's special face and the misconception about Yiole's state is too much for Indahmawar and she eventually bursts in laughs, shaking and bending in half as she holds her sides...
"Won't you keep some dignity", says Yiole, indignant and blushing. Then she sees Twinkle, the bar's weird assistant, walking to her with his loony smile and the usual tilted head. "No, this can't...", thinks Yiole, but not fast enough to avoid Twinkle embracing her and saying:
"Oh Miss Gionglao! What good news! A little Gionglao! Can I touch your belly...?"
"Stop!, stop! I need to go to the restroom now!", moans Indahmawar before she rushes to the toilets, avoiding a flock of waitresses who also want to congratulate Yiole...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Scope Works
#2874 - 2014-10-31 14:52:23 UTC
The hell was that noise? What's all the rushing? I better check it out.

OK just peep over the top of the booth, don't draw attention to yourself. Someone might wanna sit down. But then maybe a sneer would chase em off? Oh totally that'll work. Perfect plan. Smooth Anslo, smoo-what the **** who's that scary chick??? Oh nice legs though...wait and now she's gone? Wait, why is everyone hugging that busty chick from before? Now everyone's walking to her? Oh crap is she in trouble?

Naw she's blushing...Eh, she looks ok, maybe embarrassed. Man she is actually kind of hot. Not bad. But what the hell is going on with all these people?

...did I hear pregnant? Weird. Oh well, back to my booth.

Aaah, much better...and no one's come over. Perfect. Quiet. Relaxation...

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2875 - 2014-11-04 08:51:20 UTC
Crashing into the door and propping himself up against the door, Sam tried to focus his vision as he prepared to stumble to the bar. His pristine white shirt was now covered in blood stains and unbuttoned to apply bandages to the torso, blood could be seen seeping through and from his pale sweaty gaze it was clear he should be in a medical facility.

*coughs* Arrggghh!! Fff…. He let out a yelp as he attempted to clear his throat. Stumbling towards the bar slowly but surely, he dropped his blazer on the floor and stared at it for a few seconds. Realising if he were to bend down to pick it up he probably wouldn't get back up again, he pressed on wards eventually making it to the end of the bar and slumped on a bar stool next to the wall. He grabs the attention of the barman and simply raises a finger to indicate "one please"
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2876 - 2014-11-16 23:07:46 UTC

After some 25 days, I've finished the first draft of the second part of Ishtanchuk's shooting story. It seats comfortably at 10,000+ words and stil is just a draft... but at least, it's done and everything I wanted to tell has been put in place. Hang me if I know how it ended up being so difficult...

Yiole Gionglao
#2877 - 2014-11-23 14:59:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
"It's a bit eerie", giggled Yiole, nervously.
"Many of our customers say the same, madame. The first times at least"

Yiole looked into the cloning vat, where she was laying... a copy of herself, at least; a fresh, inactive clone. The vat had a small projector unit so she could compare her current self to the real piece of meat waiting to receive her consciousness, if she wanted.

The differences were subtle. A bit less fat. A bit more muscle. Some lines were softer, others were more marked. One more size of breast, with the same cup. Greater tension on the ligaments for a firmer and higher bosom. The line of her neck was different too; a bit thinner, at the expense of some of the muscle. The same face... maybe thinner, with a more homogenous skin color as no sunlight had ever touched it. It was Yiole Gionglao, Mk II. Still as tall and muscular and voluptuous, with a creamy, perfect skin.

"So, how we do it?"
"If you like your new clone, we can transfer your mind on the spot. Just pay our fees and take that empty clone vat. We will plug you in, check everything and will transfer you into the new clone. It's harmless and safe"
"Do I need to undress?"
"Only enough to show your plugs. We already ordered a new set of clothes with your new size. You can keep the old clothes if you want to, otherwise they will be incinerated along with the old clone"

Yiole felt a shiver down her spine. Of course, any reputable cloning facility would assure that the original disposed clones weren't recycled as biomass, but the idea of incineration triggered a primal fear in Yiole. What if the procedure failed? What if she was wetgraved, and then cremated, with her consciousness still alive...?

"As a formality, we'll need you to authorize manually the euthanization of the old clone", said the woman from the cloning faiclity, as if she had read Yiole's thoughts. Of course. The old clone was euthanized...

Yiole took a decission and then the procedure was quite fast. Just twenty minutes later, Yiole Giongla was inside the clone vat, dressed in undergarments and waiting for the lid as it closed on her. Fresh air entered the vat as a breeze, carrying a slight floral scent.

"Carnations", thought Yiole. It smelled of carnations... and it was very soothing.
"There is a little neural agent in the air flow, mistress Gionglao, to assist you relaxing for the procedure. Please wait for three minutes now"

Time passed and Yiole relaxed. She could see a TV screen above her, showing a beautful scene of green rolling hills and a sky dotted with white fluffy clouds. The clouds moved slowly across the sky, pushed by a gentle breeze. Yiole relaxed and then the cloning technician spoke again:

"Please mistress Gionglao, we need you to authorize the euthanization procedure. Can you read the text on the lid of the vat?"

The text was projected on the lid and Yiole read it aloud:

"I authorize the procedure to transfer my mind to a new clone, whose specifications are fully as agreed. The current clone unit I am using now will be euthanized during he procedure and I understand the minimal risks involved in transfering my mind to a new clone. I understand that the procedure will start when I answer to the technician."
"Are you ready, mistres Gionglao?"
"Is this the final question?"
"No. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am"
"Please, answer: do you want to proceed with the clone transfer?"
"Yes, I want"

Then Yiole noticed a enormous ease of mind, flooding her from every direction and every sense as her eyes watched beauty without seeing, her ears listened love words without hearing, her nose smelled the finest fragance, her tongue tasted sweetness and her skin flooded her in a myriad caresses. She wanted to express her awe in such peacefulness, but then something dark swallowed her.

Outside of the vat, a counter increased to 100% in less than ten seconds, and the cloning vats rotated so the new clone was now in the same position as the old one. The technicians waited for the authomated procedure as all checks were performed and returned green lights, then the chief specialist checked twice that every reading was within nominal, and typed on a keyboard the words: "Come to life".

Yiole opened her eyes. The air smelled of carnations and she missed the unnatural ease of mind from a second ago. She waited as the lid of the cloning vat opened, and then she sat on it. She felt the weight from her bosom dropping as she was not wearing anything. Then she realized that she was inside of her new body, but couldn't notice any difference. A robo-aide entered the cloning room with some clothes; the same apparel Yiole was wearing when she had entered the facility. Nobody said nor did anything as she dressed, and then she exited the room and was welcome by the same technician as before.

"You look magnificent, madame", said the commoner.
"Thank you. It's been a pleasure and you've carried out the procedure perfectly"
"We take pride of our job, madame. We are specially fond of our disconnection procedure. Just one last question and we will not bother you further: Do you want to bid farewell to your former clone?"

Yiole thought for a few seconds, but decided that it would be a little too creepy. She was she. That body was hers as much as the other. Why bother with a discarded shell?

"No, I don't want to. I'm in a bit of a hurry, actually...", she lied.

Then Yiole Gionglao walked towards the exit, striding her new legs which just felt as the old ones; and not even the clothes, one size larger both at the chest and hips, felt any different. With a hint of pride, she wondered whether anyone would notice her new shape, and also she damned Random McNally for being absent...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2878 - 2014-12-04 15:52:07 UTC
...continued from Jailbreak yetsomemore....

Laud tipped her glass up, draining the last of the contents. She grimaced as the harsh liquor assaulted her palate but smiled as the warmth glided through her. She set the tumbler gently on the table and closed her eyes blissfully.
“What, are you going to leave us hanging?”
The sentence ushered in a choir of complaints that stretched a grin on the wicked redhead’s face. She reached back on to the table and grasped the empty glass. She rocked it noisily against the surface of the table; the heavy ‘clack clack’ cutting through the din of her audience. She opened her eyes and beamed as the collected group of servers in the bar began tossing tip money onto the center of the table. Fair Angelina gathered the collected funds with a mock withering look and walked up to the bar.
Laud waited patiently as she returned with another bottle of dark liquor. She refilled Laudenum’s glass with a practiced polite smile and resumed her seat at the table. “So, what happened next?” she said as she settled in.
Laud raised the refilled glass making a production of sniffing and inspecting the contents. Her shrewd look drew jeers and thrown debris from the assembled group. “Ok , ok, ok!” Laudenum said, her hands raised to placate the assembly. “The rest of the story…”, she paused to gulp a mouthful of the liquor as her audience quieted to listen.

Agent Matokin Lemant looked up as the door to the room opened sharply. He saw the cocky expression of Agent Curran a moment before a large blonde man in a suit shouldered him out of the way. “Thug or idiot, he’s way too obvious.” Matokin thought to himself as he watched the man scan the room. He smirked as Curran tried to reestablish control only to turn and stare into the chin of the largest Caldari he had ever seen. Lemant glanced back to the blonde thug. He was watching Lemant over the rims of the darkened glasses. “Those eyes…”
The thought shot through him but decades of training asserted itself and his face betrayed no emotion. “It’s McNally. Things are happening.” He began to draw tension into his body, preparing to react to whatever the Matari had cooked up.

Matokin locked eye contact with Random and nodded slightly. The Matari returned the nod and side stepped to clear the door. A shapely blonde was now standing next to the big Caldari. Did he know her from the bar? He heard her flirting with the idiot Agent about where her eyes were in relation to her breasts, but his nervous glances were to the big man in the suit. Another blonde, tall and shapely, entered the room escorting a tiny white haired woman. The little woman was porcelain and he was sure he’d never seen her before but the tall woman…

If McNally was here, that had to be Laudenum Hayes. He smiled inwardly.

The white haired woman stopped opposite of Lemant and eyed him icily. “Secure the room.” She hissed in a whisper.

The flirt spun away from Agent Curran and lithely entered the room but completely drew the agent’s attention. When the big Caldari yanked the door from his hand, the look of shock nearly sent Matokin into spasms of laughter.

“Uh….wait!” Curran stammered to the big man. “Protocol states that an agent must be present.” His backbone had returned quickly as he called on his precious protocol, wearing it like a suit of armor.

A hissing snarl erupted in the room as if from a great hunting cat. Lemant and all the conspirators turned to look at the tiny white haired woman. She turned slowly to the door and Agent Curran; eyes narrowed but with an intensity that would liquidate flesh.

“I am counsel and my discussions with my client are private.” She hissed venomously. “Leave.” Her voice raised only slightly but with the sound of authority.
Agent Curran stood gawking a mere heartbeat too long when Sam placed a huge hand on his chest, shoved him into the hallway and closed the door.
Indahmawar shuddered and turned to Random. “Please, let’s finish this quickly. I nearly wet myself.”

Indah walked past the gathered group listening to Laudenum tell the Jailbreak story. She cleared her throat lightly which immediately drew the attention of her employees, and not without a few looks of awe.
“I did not say that to Random.” She said calmly but with her hands on her hips.
“Poetic license, m’dear.” Laudenum said with the hint of a slur. “Every good storyteller has one.” She jammed a hand into a pocket and said “Here, lemme show you mine.”

“Miss Hayes,” Indah snapped icily, “if you are going to distract my staff with your story, do so quickly. They have work to do.” She glared at Laudenum in silence and suddenly burst into a fit of giggles.
As the tension drained, one of the enthralled busboys chimed up, “C’mon Miss Hayes, what happened next?”
Laudenum refilled her glass from the rapidly emptying bottle. “This…” she said, squinting and drinking deeply, “is where things get crazy.”
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2879 - 2014-12-05 08:49:40 UTC
Great read... Please dont make us wait months for the next addition. ☺
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2880 - 2014-12-05 13:59:36 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
Great read... Please dont make us wait months for the next addition. ☺

Rumor has it a that *someone* is preparing to dump 10,000+ words worth of story here *cough*