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0.0 Investigation - Terminated

Axe Coldon
#21 - 2011-12-15 13:32:02 UTC
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
The Vagabonds and Brigands even come to my thread to mock me! 0.0 is home to some heartless people :(

It is. but it is also home to some very good people. I have found 0.0 to be a close knit community that doesn't trust outsiders. Generally shoot 1st and ask questions later.

And then one worries about what intel one would give out.

I would hope once word gets out you really are just writing an article about life in 0.0 that people will be friendlier to you.

No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#22 - 2011-12-15 13:33:00 UTC
Good story so far! Keep it up!

One bit of feedback: When you take your screenshot of the chat window, you should consider stretching the window out a lot more and setting the font to be a bit smaller. That way you could fit more conversation into one picture.
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2011-12-15 14:22:20 UTC
This is a very good read.

Another tips might be to include anonymity if players don't want to be caught giving out information, like greying out their name and portrait before you upload the screenshots. People tend to be more talkactive if they can't be identified. Smile

Good luck in your travels and fly safe (atleast as safely as you can in a shuttle Big smile)

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Yuki Crowfeet
#24 - 2011-12-15 17:11:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Crowfeet
Part 3

I begin the next stage of my adventure with this picture of a Solar Fleet station, clearly they are overcompensating for something; perhaps their inability to talk to me…

While I was waiting for a reply from the two UPS pilots I contacted the previous night I headed south to check out the two Sun powered alliances in Geminate. Solar Wind held a small amount of space while Solar Fleet appeared to be their bigger brother and also held a lot of space further east.

While I flew aimlessly around Solar space trying to find some actual people I managed to lure in a UPS pilot with my reporter charms, but somehow I found myself to be on the receiving end of a thorough inspection!

I managed to artfully seize control of proceedings and started to gorge myself on information, I was interested to discover the lure of null sec for the smaller alliances and what difficulties they faced.

I found it very interesting that he held such a strong view on having a presence in 0.0. I wondered if this is the rationale behind renting space – to hold some space of your own at any cost. I had also heard a lot about this DRF vs NC war, DRF appeared to consist of various Russian alliances from the east and NC are a smallish alliance in the north. Clearly I lacked a full understanding of the matters at hand and resolved to visit both NC and DRF in the near future to get to the bottom of the matter.

Tek then questioned my integrity as a truly neutral party. It appears that even those who are willing to share their stories are suspicious of everyone around them. I hope that then natural distrust of EVE’s pilots will not dissuade them from divulging their greatest secrets to me! I attempted to probe out Tek’s inner fears…

Meanwhile I had still failed to locate any pilots from either Solar alliance… I’m not sure if people were ignoring me or I had resorted to just shouting out into the depths of space.

However, I did spot an opportunity! I was alone in a hostile system with one of the greatest structures in EVE: a station. So I decided to fly up really close to it and take a picture.

I grew tired of the Sun alliance and their lack of pilots. Clearly its inhabitants were too bright to get caught in an interview with me. I plotted a course to Raiden, my first major alliance! Tek gave me some advice about entering their space

I’ll be honest with you, without a system name to avoid I just picked a random spot in Raiden’s space and followed the autopilot

I once more had a close encounter with death where I had to expertly press the jump button before the guardians of the gate violently podded me.

With that task completed with perfection I encountered some very helpful Solar alliance members on my way north - It's like the weather; cloudy when you walk to the shop then sunny when you are almost home again.

But wait… Weren’t Solar and Legion of Death part of DRF? I think he may have been telling me tall tales to trick me into going away. Or perhaps there is trouble in paradise for the Russians? Either way, I get the idea that they don’t want to talk to me. I resolve to return later when I have purchased some sun factor 50 and can shine as brightly as they do and treat with them as equals.

But at last I make it out of Geminate. Yes, that’s right you vagabonds, those that mocked my ideas, mocked my choices. I have moved in with the big boys!

Ok. I think I found that system Tek told me about…

Next time: What does that pilot have to say for himself for violently podding me? Will I ever manage to leave Geminate?

Part 4

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Thomas Abernathy
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#25 - 2011-12-15 19:06:08 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
This is a very good read.

Another tips might be to include anonymity if players don't want to be caught giving out information, like greying out their name and portrait before you upload the screenshots. People tend to be more talkactive if they can't be identified. Smile

Good luck in your travels and fly safe (atleast as safely as you can in a shuttle Big smile)

Could you identify me in a crowd? Cool

"Fighting CCD since 2139"

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#26 - 2011-12-15 19:46:54 UTC
This will be fun to watch this progess. Keep it up and good luck.

Also, ditto on flying a covert ops ship of some type. Bubbles will be hard to navigate in a shuttle me thinks.

Ariel Dawn
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2011-12-15 19:51:57 UTC
Another similar experiment that took years ago, INNONIMATE NIGHTMARE.

Was a pretty popular thing back then.
Yuki Crowfeet
#28 - 2011-12-15 20:31:45 UTC
My main is a share holder in INNONIMATE'S corporation, I loved his adventure. It somewhat inspired me to do this, but he was a lot funnier that I am - Which is why I'm tackling a more serious subject :) Don't you all go comparing me to him!

On a similar note, I also want to uncover some 'mysteries' of the past. Essentially I want some questions to answer that will require me to explore and question the right people. An example would be "Who was present when The Mittani lost his mittens and cried?" - I'm looking for questions surrounding epic events or players.

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2011-12-15 20:44:15 UTC
Thomas Abernathy wrote:
Lucien Visteen wrote:
This is a very good read.

Another tips might be to include anonymity if players don't want to be caught giving out information, like greying out their name and portrait before you upload the screenshots. People tend to be more talkactive if they can't be identified. Smile

Good luck in your travels and fly safe (atleast as safely as you can in a shuttle Big smile)

Could you identify me in a crowd? Cool

The mysterious mystery man... I do believe I spot some shades under that hood. So it would be very dificult. The only one I would have a harder time recognising would be the EVE Stig I think.Big smile

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Valkyrie Consortium
No Visual.
#30 - 2011-12-15 20:56:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Travis117
welcome to null

dont expect people to be nice though when you come in there system once your in local your considered hostile no matter wherre you are
The Lone Wolves.
#31 - 2011-12-15 21:03:40 UTC
Interesting read - Geminate is my neck of the woods, so was funny to see an outsiders perspective Smile

You started with a good alliance, there are some good guys in IMP (even if they are fun to shoot), and hopefully people will show you the same friendliness elsewhere in the game.

Again this illustrates how easy it is for people to get into null without dying in a fire.
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2011-12-15 21:47:12 UTC
FUN! Damn ganked screen two in row......Anyways, keep it coming
Lord Drokoth
#33 - 2011-12-15 22:10:14 UTC
Dont think i have ever seen a journalist blogging the adventures of various 0.0 dwellers in quite a while now... it does indeed make for an interesting read,

Dont be disheartened too much by people holding a hostile attitude though... thats rather normal in 0.0, regardless of what youre flying people will see you in local and almost immediatly you show up on intel and are hunted.

Interesting too that your shuttle has survived for so long (mostly) too.
Some people like to smack to get a fight, others just smack for fun. the rest may have some kind of an issue perhaps. but thats all part of the game these days.

Enjoy the road trip.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2011-12-15 22:57:06 UTC
Solar are non-english for one, and are famously tight-lipped even among fellow russians.
Kind of impressed you got even one answer.
Yuki Crowfeet
#35 - 2011-12-16 01:22:43 UTC
Just a quick reply to respond to some comments - Couldn't be bothered to quote them properly.

Screenshots - Yep, good advice, hadn't thought of this. You will have to wait a few updates but I have started doing this.

Anonymity - Yeah, anyone can ask for it, or to have certain bits excluded. I also offer it directly if someone has been particuarly revealing. Indeed, we have a very interesting and revealing conversation coming up - where the pilot has agreed for it to be posted with their name!

Solar - Nicolo, that is just called a challenge :)

The shuttle - It is the ultimate sign of neutrality, I will stick with it!

0.0 Investigation I am flying around the depths of space interviewing pilots about their experiences. In-game channel: EIES

Leowina Dibella
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#36 - 2011-12-16 01:48:42 UTC
This is a really great, fun read. Keep it up!
#37 - 2011-12-16 02:25:36 UTC
Tracked, will read again.
Fancypants Inc
Pandemic Horde
#38 - 2011-12-17 02:16:38 UTC
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2011-12-17 09:22:48 UTC
Oh no. This thread has dropped so far down the originator can't even find it! Don't worry, I will save you!

reddy90311 wrote: what you get while messing in our turfTwisted

Whatch out! We got us a badass over here.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2011-12-17 09:49:20 UTC
Galaxy Drones wrote:
Yuki Crowfeet wrote:
I’m hoping that new players will find this interesting and educational, high-sec players will get an insight into how the ‘other half’ live and the 0.0 players get to talk about themselves, their alliances and share their passion.

There is not the ‘other half’, less than a 5% players live in 0.0

It's a figure of speech, stop being a ****.

By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!