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I want your little things!

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Talaan Stardrifter
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1461 - 2011-12-14 12:42:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Talaan Stardrifter
- Function: CCPEVE.openTab('url here') :: so I can point users to the API page without closing my site down
- Function: CCPEVE.giveMoney(EntityId, Amount, Reason) :: Financial apps just dont work atm
- Function: CCPEVE.xferMoney(CorpWallet, OtherCorpWallet) :: as above
- Remember and actually honour trust state after restarting browser :: nothing worse than seeing the green tick but site says not working

- Public lab slots (or poke Greyscale Twisted)
- Some easier way of removing offline but anchored towers in highsec (Hacking maybe? With some soul-crushingly small chance of success)
- Fuel Cells

Specifically with public lab slots, I seem to recall that the problem is with the escrow of funds and BPs if the tower/lab offlines or is destroyed or otherwise removed before the job is done. I'm sure it could be set up that: if the lab fails to run the print then the print and the funds are returned; if the job is cancelled, then the print is returned unmodified but the funds are paid; and, of course, if the job completes then the updated print is returned and the funds paid.
Shik'aria Morse'ya
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1462 - 2011-12-14 12:53:59 UTC
As a WH dweller the new corp bookmarks are indeed very useful, however, we are unable to make full use of them due to the security risk they pose as we have members in the corp on probationary periods when they're not allowed to come into or wormhole.

Can we please have a way of restricting access to Corp Bookmarks? Some role like 'Corp Cartographer': it would be very easy to give out and would allow us to make full usage of this excellent new feature.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#1463 - 2011-12-14 13:04:24 UTC
During extended downtimes (esp. major releases when the web-related services are also taken down), please point to a temporary, yet functional, web site (and not the somewhat uninformative "EVE Online is down" page).

This simple web site should include:

a) Updated news on the status of the downtime.
b) A full copy of the patch notes for the release.
c) A single thread forum to allow players to discuss the patch, as well as rant and rave about the downtime.
d) Links to the Clear Skies videos. :)
Tasko Pal
Spallated Garniferous Schist
#1464 - 2011-12-14 13:14:20 UTC
End the buy order that can't be filled scam. If I don't have the isk to cover a buy order at its minimum quantity, then that order should go away.

Searching assets in containers. Ability to merge stacks of the same commodity remotely.

A means to view NPC standing, even if it's through the limited API.

Automate the release of interesting economic, military, and social data. Enable the Eve Gate calendar to be able to keep track of these releases.
Nike Calistar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1465 - 2011-12-14 13:41:57 UTC
Please fix the titan bridge bug where sometimes people show up neutral and without alliance in your overview. This can pretty confusing when you got two blue alliances bridge into the same place and show neutral to each other on the overview. You can always see which neutrals that are bugged as the alliance column is empty but anyway, this bug has been around for ages now.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#1466 - 2011-12-14 13:43:57 UTC
On a major release patch day, during which players will be required to spend hours to download a multi-GB client patch, make the bulk of the patch data available for download at the *start* of the extended downtime. This will help to make patch day much less painful for the majority of the player base.

I'd be willing to bet that most of the data in a multi-GB patch consists of texture maps and geometry - stuff which is much less likely to require any last minute fixes by CCP devs on patch day. It should be possible to separate the graphics data from the code updates, into separate downloads. So, the graphics stuff can be downloaded by players during downtime; and the code stuff gets downloaded after downtime. Client patching takes place after both downloads are completed.
Aleena Doran
#1467 - 2011-12-14 13:44:43 UTC
Please make it possible to launch multiple invention or manufacturing jobs simultaneously.

Would significantly reduce the risk of RSI, particularly for industry jobs with short time span, like ammo or drones.
Talaan Stardrifter
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1468 - 2011-12-14 13:49:49 UTC
Sizeof Void wrote:
On a major release patch day, during which players will be required to spend hours to download a multi-GB client patch, make the bulk of the patch data available for download at the *start* of the extended downtime. This will help to make patch day much less painful for the majority of the player base.

I'd be willing to bet that most of the data in a multi-GB patch consists of texture maps and geometry - stuff which is much less likely to require any last minute fixes by CCP devs on patch day. It should be possible to separate the graphics data from the code updates, into separate downloads. So, the graphics stuff can be downloaded by players during downtime; and the code stuff gets downloaded after downtime. Client patching takes place after both downloads are completed.

The reason this doesn't happen is in case the patch doesn't actually get applied.
Dealing with server rollbacks is bad enough, but to also have to rollback clients is a nightmare.
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#1469 - 2011-12-14 13:56:25 UTC
GavinCapacitor wrote:
Brunaburh wrote:

It was a bad example. FIxed below

Deriah Book wrote:
- Intellegent Skill Training Cue. Ok, so I have Gallente BS V in the cue. It has 2 hours left on it. I have to go to work in an hour but I can't put Gallente Carrier I in the cue? I should think the skill cue could just check to see that V is finished before starting the next skill in the queue.

You shouldn't change quotes, much less quote yourself and change it. But that is besides the point.

You weren't around when there was no skill queue, and if you wanted to train all the time you either had to wake up at ungodly hours -or- have short skills you could train while playing and long ones that were more than a day (some of which you probably didn't need). You'll pardon me if this 'complaint' seems like so much whining.

First of all, I (the player) have been around since 2007. So I know what alarm clock skill flips are, and remember them with no fondness whatsoever. Your stupid attitude belongs with the luddites who don't like advancement for the sake of disliking advancement. Stop showering, living in your heated, insulated, powered home and live naked in a grass hut if you think it was better back then.

Your arrogant "i'm better than you crap aside" there is no reason this can't be addressed, as well as a per-account queue change. In your little world, the AOE TItan DD ruined fleet combat for years, but that should never have been changed because that's the way it was. And then the the doomsday shouldn't have been changed so it can't hit subcapitals.

Is it a little thing? No idea. But they are valid ideas, regardless.
Talaan Stardrifter
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1470 - 2011-12-14 13:58:28 UTC
Oh, also

- Have state filters process correctly and not drop out at the first match

ie, pilot is neutral and in fleet
Filter states: neutrals unticked and fleet ticked
Since neutrals are higher on the queue than fleet members, filters hits neutrals, sees it's unticked and hides the ship from overview. Does not even process the fleet member state.

Solutions, in order of complexity:
1) Hide entities by default and then see if they match a ticked state.
2) Make filters a tri-state setting (Show, Hide, Ignore)
3) Allow us to reorder state filters, like the background and tag colours
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#1471 - 2011-12-14 14:01:22 UTC
Tasko Pal wrote:
End the buy order that can't be filled scam. If I don't have the isk to cover a buy order at its minimum quantity, then that order should go away.

If the requirement is to have enough ISK in wallet to cover all active buy orders, then Margin Trading is useless.

If the requirement is to have just enough ISK in wallet to ensure that any particular active buy order is covered, then the first order which is fulfilled would cancel the other orders, due to insufficient wallet funds to cover - again, making Margin Trading useless.

I think that the correct way to fix this problem is to allow negative ISK in wallet, in cases where Margin Trading is used. Thus, the order would be fulfilled and the player's wallet would show a debt. This is pretty much how it works in RL.

A player with a negative ISK balance would also need to be required to fix this balance. Failure to do so should result in either funds being transferred automatically from any other toon on the same account, a deduction in game time (equivalent to the current PLEX prices), or in a ban (for repeated abuses). Again, this is how margin trading works in RL.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#1472 - 2011-12-14 14:15:16 UTC
Talaan Stardrifter wrote:
Sizeof Void wrote:
On a major release patch day, during which players will be required to spend hours to download a multi-GB client patch, make the bulk of the patch data available for download at the *start* of the extended downtime. This will help to make patch day much less painful for the majority of the player base.

I'd be willing to bet that most of the data in a multi-GB patch consists of texture maps and geometry - stuff which is much less likely to require any last minute fixes by CCP devs on patch day. It should be possible to separate the graphics data from the code updates, into separate downloads. So, the graphics stuff can be downloaded by players during downtime; and the code stuff gets downloaded after downtime. Client patching takes place after both downloads are completed.

The reason this doesn't happen is in case the patch doesn't actually get applied.
Dealing with server rollbacks is bad enough, but to also have to rollback clients is a nightmare.

Yes, I agree - been there, done that. Rollbacks are evil.

This is why I suggested that the actual client patching process is only executed *after* both downloads - graphics and code - are completed. If the patch doesn't happen on CCP's side, then the second (code) patch would not be downloaded, and the client does not patch itself. The graphics data download would just sit on the player's computer until CCP is ready to release the code patch download, and finish the patch process. Players should have the option to delete the graphics data download, ofc, if they are tight on disk space and are willing to download it again later.

There is very little risk involved in allowing players to download graphics assets.
Zedia Zhane
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1473 - 2011-12-14 15:06:57 UTC
1) When I right-click a blueprint in a lab, assembly array, or other POS structure, and choose 'invention,' 'manufacturing,' or another task, have to go through several clicks to 'Select Installation.'

These clicks are all useless, and only serve to contribute to users' carpal tunnel syndrome. There is only one possible installation that I could be using: the one in which the blueprint is currently located. Please make the game smart enough to realize that and go straight to the 'Choose Assembly Line' step. That will save thousands of pointless clicks.

2) Mail bug: When I read a mail that was sent to a list and hit 'Reply All,' the message I am sending shows both the individual sender and the mailing list as recipients. However, if I hit 'Send,' it only goes to the original sender, not the mailing list.

For some inexplicable reason, this bug has been in the game for about a year, despite being reported numerous times. Please fix it so the resulting message actually gets sent to the mailing list.

3) New bug with player-owned Customs Offices: Setting 'allow access by standings' does not allow access by individual pilots who have an individual standing set by your corporation. Their access is based on the standing of the corp to which they belong. Please fix this.
Xavier duLac
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1474 - 2011-12-14 16:22:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Xavier duLac
Bounty System Changes

Matshushima wrote:
- to fix bounties: to prevent a character to pod himself with alt/friend, give them huge penality, i was thinking loose of skill point just like been poped without clone (maybe revoke med clone once they have low status then they need to make med clone in pirate owned station ?) To prevent abuse of this, one can only put bounty on someone when he have kill right on it. I may agree this will change a lot on suicide killing and pvp in low sec, but either you make it working or just remove it because at this time this is just not working at all.

I agree - the bounty system needs to be fixed. As it is right now it's completely unusable in the way it was intended, and actually benefits the person with the bounty on their head!

One simple fix would be to make the collection of the bounty hurt, and the ONLY way to do that is to hit the player where it hurts the most: his skill points.

I would suggest making the loss of points work just as though they had no medical clone (as Matshushima has also suggested). This has the effect of an aggrieved player paying to invalidate another player's medical clone.

Low-skill pilots will suffer less than high-skill point pilots (as they should) and the size of the bounty is what will make killing the player attractive to bounty hunters.

Because the bountied player effectively no longer has a medical clone, if they are a null-sec dweller, they will have to be even more careful not to get killed as part of regular fleet fights. This will have the effect of driving bountied players into low-sec in order to avoid losing skill points unnecessarily.

One addition to this, could be to allow a bountied player to buy his 'freedom', and I would suggest that to clear the bounty, and thereby regain use of his medical clone, a player could be able to pay off the bounty to the person(s) who has put a bounty on them at a rate of 10 to 1. E.g. If a player has a bounty of 250k isk on their head, they would need to pay 2.5m isk. The payment should go to the players who put up the bounty.
Goonswarm Federation
#1475 - 2011-12-14 16:58:15 UTC
Please bring back window pinning. As soon as possible. TIA.

Before posting in Features and Ideas, please remember that Eve is in no way obligated to change based on your stupidity, ineptitude, or well honed sense of personal butthurt.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1476 - 2011-12-14 17:38:12 UTC
Deep space transports lack a turret slot. I want a turret slot on my deep space transports.
Talena Majere
Cult Cthulhu
#1477 - 2011-12-14 17:44:46 UTC
It would be really nice if we didnt have to reconfig the Orca/Rorqual for fleet usage EVERY F***ING SESSION CHANGE!

It seems everytime I blink, I have to reconfig the damn orca for my fleet. Running it in an alliance is a pain in the ass when you have to keep jumping systems because you run out of belts to mine.
Critical Mass Inc
#1478 - 2011-12-14 18:23:43 UTC
Have an option to put your bookmarks (aka Locations) in to the overview for the system you are in.
Have a checkbox/toggle that only shows bookmarks (locations) in the system you are in. A nice extension of this would be to allow only bookmarks within a given radius to be shown (like 1-5 jumps).

The bookmark/location window can take up a lot of real estate on the screen and is pretty archaic. An easier way to get to those links that was not akin to the Rolodex would be very handy.


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"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Legion Reaver
#1479 - 2011-12-14 18:43:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Legion Reaver
I'd like to be able to add bookmarks to the overview.... Example : Create book mark for friendly towers and then add those bookmarks to the overview.

If there could be a way to select which folders would appear on the overview that would be even more awesome but if not then just being able to put them up there at all would be nice.

yeah didn't bother to read the list before i made this one so i'm agreeing with the post above mine with out knowing it .... derp
#1480 - 2011-12-14 19:11:44 UTC
Maybe not so little things but..
Navy Cruisers (like Navy Scythe, Osprey etc) need rebalance to be more usable. Now they are just expensive souvenirs.

Some LP stores need boost. Khanid LP store is totally underrated because there are few good agents, no BPCs and all modules mirrored in Imperial and Caldari Navy stores. Same story with Ammatar Store.