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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Bearing Srl.
#6841 - 2014-10-05 09:54:16 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:


oh, but they will be able to bring their archons... i already said this before, they will replace bs fleets with carrier fleets, since now they can use the gates. why? because it's the next logic step do do: a nano carrier is able to move faster than a bs, have better dps and hp, carry their own logistics, and can refit in a moment; as an extra bonus they have "burst speed"((jump drives) that will allow them to have a HUGE tactical advantage -they can choose to change the gate they entering in a system in a moment, just one ex- so all this ppl saying carrier are dead are wrong;
they are not dead, they are just reborn: they are the new bs(fleet wise) Blink

I'm sorry but nano carriers? There is no point in reducing your EHP that much when fitting a 100mn MWD and running it hot for 1 cycle will instawarp a carrier, dont believe me? try it on Sisi or TQ the only time it doesnt work is on stations when you undock other than that your down to a few seconds to align and warp your carrier with no loss of EHP and a trivial increase in signature, which means nothing unless they drop a phoenix on you

+1 for carriers arent dead
but -1 for even considering a carrier nano fit or claiming they move faster than a Battleship, because they simply dont

but you don't reduce your ehp at all; you are aware you can refit your carrier on another carrier from your gang, yes? so you travel nano fit, then when you reach your destination you refit in 30"; yes, mwd it's ok, not sure if it wil work in a 250 man gang, considering all the bumping around; and we have mods that increase warp speed now, don't we?
and yea, it you fit for travel a carrier will travel faster than a plated bs ; there have been posts in they very thread with fittings where carriers where shaming bs in terms of regular travel, im just to lazy to dig them out Oops
Shiva Furnace
#6842 - 2014-10-05 09:56:42 UTC
Eigenvalue wrote:
davet517 wrote:

What they weren't taking into consideration is that the average 0.0 dweller doesn't really want to fight. othing will change.

This meme is so tired and lame. It's on the surface obviously untrue if you look at any actual numbers:

Null is much more sparsely populated than highsec or lowsec but has about exactly the same amount of deaths and activity. That means 0.0 players *love* fighting.

All the "nullbears" and other butthurt that goes on is coming from a bunch of lowsec pirates who are scared of bubbles, otherwise they would be pirating in nullsec and drinking all those "nullbear" tears. Because the reality is holding sov doesn't really give that strong an advantage over the non-sov holding roaming gang as long as you don't try to play station games with the defenders. It's not like the defenders can install gate guns or whatever.

So if null bears are so weak at pvp and low sec pirates are so strong you would expect to see the lowsec pirates pwning the null bears constantly.

But you don't see that and the reason is obvious - the lowbears are scared to enter null, that's why they live in low sec.

Once again you utterly fail with your actual numbers :D

Nullsec total population is MUCH higher than lowsec, yet there's still more kills in lowsec. Why? Because:

103,793,370 NPC kills
8,102,446 NPC kills

Yes, over 11x more carebearing in nullsec, no time to fight.

Elsa Hayes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#6843 - 2014-10-05 10:00:37 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:


oh, but they will be able to bring their archons... i already said this before, they will replace bs fleets with carrier fleets, since now they can use the gates. why? because it's the next logic step do do: a nano carrier is able to move faster than a bs, have better dps and hp, carry their own logistics, and can refit in a moment; as an extra bonus they have "burst speed"((jump drives) that will allow them to have a HUGE tactical advantage -they can choose to change the gate they entering in a system in a moment, just one ex- so all this ppl saying carrier are dead are wrong;
they are not dead, they are just reborn: they are the new bs(fleet wise) Blink

I'm sorry but nano carriers? There is no point in reducing your EHP that much when fitting a 100mn MWD and running it hot for 1 cycle will instawarp a carrier, dont believe me? try it on Sisi or TQ the only time it doesnt work is on stations when you undock other than that your down to a few seconds to align and warp your carrier with no loss of EHP and a trivial increase in signature, which means nothing unless they drop a phoenix on you

+1 for carriers arent dead
but -1 for even considering a carrier nano fit or claiming they move faster than a Battleship, because they simply dont

Warp speed optimized carrier warps at cruiser speed and with a little further tweaking such a Nid is only slightly less "agile" than a BS. And thats without even getting implants into the equation.
Jin Kugu
Make Luv Not War
Goonswarm Federation
#6844 - 2014-10-05 10:09:42 UTC
Aiyshimin wrote:

Once again you utterly fail with your actual numbers :D

Nullsec total population is MUCH higher than lowsec, yet there's still more kills in lowsec. Why? Because:

103,793,370 NPC kills
8,102,446 NPC kills

Yes, over 11x more carebearing in nullsec, no time to fight.

Making most of nullsec easy to defend against anything but intercepter roams will help this how? I expect to see super ratting coming back and carrier ratting to become the new norm.

It's also impossible for a character ratting far away in a dead end to quickly form up for a fleet so almost all the ratting will be done by alts and renters so don't expect many home defense fleets. People can't afford to take a jb to defend a ratter if that makes them miss the next roam.
Alavaria Fera
#6845 - 2014-10-05 10:26:17 UTC
Jin Kugu wrote:
Making most of nullsec easy to defend against anything but intercepter roams will help this how? I expect to see super ratting coming back and carrier ratting to become the new norm.

It's also impossible for a character ratting far away in a dead end to quickly form up for a fleet so almost all the ratting will be done by alts and renters so don't expect many home defense fleets. People can't afford to take a jb to defend a ratter if that makes them miss the next roam.

Well, we will have to use bubbles a lot I guess, so it will be interceptors... and carriers are a bit hard to take down with interceptors. We stopped using them as much (I think) due to interceptors. And hotdrops. But now, keeping out the non-interceptors might be worth it?

Unless I guess you get caught in a hotdrop... or perhaps nullified t3 roams.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Irya Boone
The Scope
#6846 - 2014-10-05 10:30:35 UTC
we will see now can CCP find a way to prevent the arrival of thousands of people on one cyno.

and limit the number of ships/pilots a titan/JB can drive and the number of ship which can arrive on one cyno in a system

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Enthes goldhart
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6847 - 2014-10-05 10:36:27 UTC
It’s an odd way to fix a problem, it may solve power projection, it may not.

The biggest unintended problem is this:
Harder for people to change careers so they don’t and leave.

Little Bobby Tables is sitting in his Archon in UJY-HE in at the top of Deklein, just after the Oceanus release. He wants to travel to Atioth, at the bottom of Geminate, which is around 50 LY as the space-crow flies. He consults a popular jump planning service, which gives him a route of four jumps and 53 LY. He’s travel fit and has max skills, so his jump range is 14.625 LY and he’s expecting to be limited primarily by the session change timer. The journey takes him around two minutes.

A month or so later, he’s back in UJY-HE, and Phoebe has just shipped. His Archon’s jump range is now 5 LY. He consults his jump planner, and finds that his route is now 12 jumps and 54 LY. He hasn’t jumped anywhere since the release, so he has no jump fatigue.

Little Bobby Tables is a nasty low sec pirate who has been playing less and less, his current home region is Khannid. It has become very quiet recently with no content and his poor corp is becoming more and more inactive.

He decided to make a change, Little Bobby Table is going to shake things up a bit and get back into EVE! He joins a FW corp. He then goes about planning how he is going to move all of the ships he has built up over the past year.

He could sell them? but the region is very quiet so would end up having to take huge losses. He would also just end up buying them again in his new home.

Little Bobby Tables looks at his ship hanger, puts a few on the market and decides it’s going to require 3 carrier trips to move everything he wants, so in total but this is lowsec to lowsec so it’s only 2 mid points so in total its 15 separate jumps and a hell of allot of logging on/off/moving with cyno alts. It takes Little Bobby Tables 4 hours to move everything with all the problems of moving. (cyno's getting killed, items left in a ship’s cargo hold not enough fuel and having to redock to buy more).

Little Bobby Tables ends the night Tired but happy. He is about to start something new in his EVE Career.

Now imagine this after the patch. 15 Jumps turns into 60 carrier jumps combine this with the new cool down and Little Bobby Tables has to spend the next week moving to his new home.

Little Bobby Tables never relocates to his new corp, he left most of his stuff behind. Little Bobby tables is kicked for not relocating and slowly stops playing EVE.

EVE has lasted so long because it’s about new starts, you do something for a while get bored come back and try something new, I know pilots who have left because they were too lazy to move to a more exciting place because it was so much effort before this patch.

After this patch my fear is that there is a steady stream of players who leave and never come back because it is too hard to relocate and do something new.
What’s even scarier is that it won’t be something that CCP will notice as it will be a trickle, but a steady trickle where we will not see players return.

The only way to solve this problem while still hurting power projection would be to have stations to ship Ships to new stations, you could put a week delay on the contract or something or some kind of once a month thing. Would make moving home to try new things much easier, and I bet the null guys preparing for war would love you.
#6848 - 2014-10-05 10:40:45 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Monasucks wrote:
And another thing came up my mind with all those changes.
We play eve in our free time.
Now we should wait and sped our freetime haveing less fun and just idle for some kind of cooldown or by boaring travelling by gates?

CCP - in the small amount of time I have - I want to play this game and have time todo stuff! I don't want to move every second day a jf a jump and wait for the cooldown and fly the cyno around - that much time I do not have!

Please consider this!

I think you and a lot of folks are missing the fatigue thing. CCP isn't looking to waste your time on cool down stuff. They're putting and end to large fleets of capitals zipping across new eden. You folks are just in denial. You keep saying tweak this and tweak that to make it a bit more bearable. The point of the changes are to make it stop.

I doubt they are going to make it even a little ok. They're going for ending the instant power projection, not make you waste your time. Accept it and find ways to play eve that don't involve what they are coding out of the game. You guys are putting soooooo much effort into hanging on to a system that isn't good for eve. Let it go (or freak out over timers for the next X number of years)

It's also taking out JF at the knees you say? Everyone is screaming how difficult logistics will be. That may be the point too. The bigger you are, the more the JF thing hurts. Are you getting it? They're taking steps to break the stagnation. If you insist on holding on to the present way of doing things.... It will suck by definition. The point is to innovate and find a new way and a new system.

Quoting for emphasis.

Adapt or die. It's as simple as that. EVE's meta has changed loads of times in the last 11 years. Learn to adapt to the times or get taken over by people who can.

If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all...

Alavaria Fera
#6849 - 2014-10-05 10:41:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Enthes goldhart wrote:
EVE has lasted so long because it’s about new starts, you do something for a while get bored come back and try something new, I know pilots who have left because they were too lazy to move to a more exciting place because it was so much effort before this patch.

After this patch my fear is that there is a steady stream of players who leave and never come back because it is too hard to relocate and do something new.
What’s even scarier is that it won’t be something that CCP will notice as it will be a trickle, but a steady trickle where we will not see players return.

But I thought tons of lowsec and nullsec (npc null) people were going to resub in order to take down the big blocs.

By which we just mean CFC, northerassociatedot and b0t don't offend anyone

In fact, MOA, the number 1 goon (and pet) killer for 7 years is expecting a resurgence thanks to this patch.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

#6850 - 2014-10-05 10:50:59 UTC
Enthes goldhart wrote:
It’s an odd way to fix a problem, it may solve power projection, it may not.

The biggest unintended problem is this:
Harder for people to change careers so they don’t and leave.

Little Bobby Tables is sitting in his Archon in UJY-HE in at the top of Deklein, just after the Oceanus release. He wants to travel to Atioth, at the bottom of Geminate, which is around 50 LY as the space-crow flies. He consults a popular jump planning service, which gives him a route of four jumps and 53 LY. He’s travel fit and has max skills, so his jump range is 14.625 LY and he’s expecting to be limited primarily by the session change timer. The journey takes him around two minutes.

A month or so later, he’s back in UJY-HE, and Phoebe has just shipped. His Archon’s jump range is now 5 LY. He consults his jump planner, and finds that his route is now 12 jumps and 54 LY. He hasn’t jumped anywhere since the release, so he has no jump fatigue.

Little Bobby Tables is a nasty low sec pirate who has been playing less and less, his current home region is Khannid. It has become very quiet recently with no content and his poor corp is becoming more and more inactive.

He decided to make a change, Little Bobby Table is going to shake things up a bit and get back into EVE! He joins a FW corp. He then goes about planning how he is going to move all of the ships he has built up over the past year.

He could sell them? but the region is very quiet so would end up having to take huge losses. He would also just end up buying them again in his new home.

Little Bobby Tables looks at his ship hanger, puts a few on the market and decides it’s going to require 3 carrier trips to move everything he wants, so in total but this is lowsec to lowsec so it’s only 2 mid points so in total its 15 separate jumps and a hell of allot of logging on/off/moving with cyno alts. It takes Little Bobby Tables 4 hours to move everything with all the problems of moving. (cyno's getting killed, items left in a ship’s cargo hold not enough fuel and having to redock to buy more).

Little Bobby Tables ends the night Tired but happy. He is about to start something new in his EVE Career.

Now imagine this after the patch. 15 Jumps turns into 60 carrier jumps combine this with the new cool down and Little Bobby Tables has to spend the next week moving to his new home.

Little Bobby Tables never relocates to his new corp, he left most of his stuff behind. Little Bobby tables is kicked for not relocating and slowly stops playing EVE.

EVE has lasted so long because it’s about new starts, you do something for a while get bored come back and try something new, I know pilots who have left because they were too lazy to move to a more exciting place because it was so much effort before this patch.

After this patch my fear is that there is a steady stream of players who leave and never come back because it is too hard to relocate and do something new.
What’s even scarier is that it won’t be something that CCP will notice as it will be a trickle, but a steady trickle where we will not see players return.

The only way to solve this problem while still hurting power projection would be to have stations to ship Ships to new stations, you could put a week delay on the contract or something or some kind of once a month thing. Would make moving home to try new things much easier, and I bet the null guys preparing for war would love you.

This is really funny. What are you basing all this on? Anecdotal evidence, as in, none at all?

How do you explain me having been in this game for 11 years and not even having a carrier, or even the skill to fly one? According to your logic i would have quit years ago.

I do understand where you're coming from, but please try and take a step back and look at it from another perspective. For example, from mine it just looks like people got way, way too used to an unintented convenience, their minds having rusted in such a way that they think everything is doomed if even the slightest thing changes. Think of different solutions, or even different problems.

Some people don't quit in between and don't need to move stuff.

Some people just don't play solo and can do group ops to move stuff.

Some people don't move their entire asset list into one station every single time they quit and come back, only the stuff they need.

Some people just get a JF instead of a carrier and count on mates or mercs for protection.

You do seem to be assuming that everyone and their dog has a carrier and actively uses it. Somehow i doubt that - I think it's far more likely that this is just an ingrained mindset from null- and lowsec people who have been active at one point or another in a large corp or alliance. Solo people who use carriers, or even have them, are in the vast minority i would bet.

As i see it, any problems are worth enduring if it means the (utterly boring) status quo is going to be shaken up. It's almost like everyone in the game needing to learn it from scratch again, levelling the playing field.

If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all...

Shiva Furnace
#6851 - 2014-10-05 10:54:59 UTC
Jin Kugu wrote:

Making most of nullsec easy to defend against anything but intercepter roams will help this how? I expect to see super ratting coming back and carrier ratting to become the new norm.

It's also impossible for a character ratting far away in a dead end to quickly form up for a fleet so almost all the ratting will be done by alts and renters so don't expect many home defense fleets. People can't afford to take a jb to defend a ratter if that makes them miss the next roam.

Wormhole folks will be pleased by any possible increase in ratting capitals.

Currently null "home defense" means docking up when a neutral enters local, what you describe wouldn't change much.

Alavaria Fera
#6852 - 2014-10-05 10:57:32 UTC
Reiisha wrote:
Some people just don't play solo and can do group ops to move stuff.

Oh snap.

I can't guess if this is a "solo mmorpg" reference, or a "freighter convoy" reference.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#6853 - 2014-10-05 11:04:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
One thing that would be good to see coming out at a similar time is a proper "Heavy Lift Ship" /"Heavy transport ship" for each race:

Think, bit bigger than a Freighter, can carry multiple (up to 3-4?) rigged Battleships at a time.

Edit: just so it's clear - no jumpdrive, gate-to-gate only.

War Machine:

Alavaria Fera
#6854 - 2014-10-05 11:05:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Gabriel Karade wrote:
One thing that would be good to see coming out at a similar time is a proper "Heavy Lift Ship" for each race:

Think, bit bigger than a Freighter, can carry multiple (up to 3-4?) rigged Battleships at a time.

The Carrier can hold 2, and, wait for it:

A super one can carry even more. I think 5.

Aeon can indeed carry 2.5million m3 of assembled ships, that should be 5?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#6855 - 2014-10-05 11:10:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Gabriel Karade wrote:
One thing that would be good to see coming out at a similar time is a proper "Heavy Lift Ship" for each race:

Think, bit bigger than a Freighter, can carry multiple (up to 3-4?) rigged Battleships at a time.

The Carrier can hold 2, and, wait for it:

A super one can carry even more. I think 5.

Aeon can indeed carry 2.5million m3 of assembled ships, that should be 5?
Because supers and carriers can traverse high-sec.... right? Blink

Aside from which - price; there's a definite gap in the market for something that is circa freighter prices, which can move multiple rigged Battleships gate-to-gate.

War Machine:

Bearing Srl.
#6856 - 2014-10-05 11:13:34 UTC
Reiisha wrote:

As i see it, any problems are worth enduring if it means the (utterly boring) status quo is going to be shaken up. It's almost like everyone in the game needing to learn it from scratch again, levelling the playing field.

how hard it is for you to understand? this patch won't lvl ****. where the hell did you guys got this ideea? power blocks are here and this patch won't break them; need to learn from scratch again? you need a server reset for that, and not even then; what this patch will bring, is just more localization;the big blocks will play each in their own backyard; but in their own backyard they will **** anyone moving more than 3 jumps, and that also means some big parts of low sec wll become their own backyard ;
say hello to the 250 man carrier roaming fleets!
Alavaria Fera
#6857 - 2014-10-05 11:13:45 UTC
I see, you want to make the force projection work from jita right into null eh.... thanks for confirming everyone's suspicions.

I'm sure CCP wants more of that.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#6858 - 2014-10-05 11:18:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
Alavaria Fera wrote:
I see, you want to make the force projection work from jita right into null eh.... thanks for confirming everyone's suspicions.

I'm sure CCP wants more of that.
Because everything revolves around you guys, amirite?

(no - and clearly it's sailed right over your head)

Edit: I suspect partly due to my not communicating that, you wouldn't have a jump drive on such a platform - gate to gate only.

War Machine:

Preem Palvor
ExploRiggery Inc.
#6859 - 2014-10-05 11:22:31 UTC
I kinda like the idea of nerfing the **** out of capitals but as per usual CCP's execution is poor.

The only one to benefit from this patch are the big alliances that can muster enough people to escort high value logistic.

Black Ops getting the **** nerfed out of them aswell making a specific niche useless.

Status quo is going to be achieved as nobody will be able to kill large groups anymore.

Great game CCP. I think your just achieved Idiocy lvl5.

The changes would be good if you rolled back to Red Moon Rising, too bad your brains are too limited to see every patch since is making this game worse and worse.
Fraknar Kromo
Baw-Bags Inc
#6860 - 2014-10-05 11:24:24 UTC
Pretty extreme changes but tbh nerf on capital force protection does not bother me massively but being able to move my sub cap ships around in my suitcase does.
What about a new jump capable ship class similar to a JF but smaller bay, completely non-combat capable which is able to carry fitted sub cap ships. Maybe low slot modules that increase jump range / reduce fatigue / decrease cargo that can be fitted only to this ship