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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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#5621 - 2014-10-03 15:28:25 UTC
Lord Road wrote:
You guys really can't see it clear or you refuse to?
NOBODY will re-sub because of this, because nobody unsubbed because of power projection. Major power blocks will still be able to defend their space against small alliances by just sending their daily roaming fleet to scatter the attackers.

What castration of jump drives actually did is ensure that no big fight will happen again. Since CCP were unable to fix their 10 years old game mechanics, and servers still **** themselves when 50 pilots are fighting on the same grid, they decided to make sure that people won't get in time to the fight.

No more BR-like fights, no more media coverage and influx of new players.
Besides that, there will also be a probably substantial amount of unsubbs due to castration of jump drives.

So .... GG CCP, GG

So you think your avarage Joe will jump every day 60 jumps in his BS? Nowadays your avarage "goon" Joe can only sit on the teleportation (Titan) gate and click F1 he will not fallow you around 60 jumps every day.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5622 - 2014-10-03 15:30:08 UTC
Yugo Reventlov wrote:
As an exercise, I invite every nullsec inhabitant to check how their Jump Freighter supply route would look from empire to where they live.

I did the same for a previous home I had in Stain:,055/Paye:W-Q233

What used to be 3 jumps - meaning I needed 4 cyno toons - is now 10 jumps. I have a feeling I'd be very Fatigued by the time I got to my destination.

Take stargates from Efa -> 3-FKCZ -> I1Y-IU -> C-7SBM. Jump to 49-U6U. Gate to 4-07MU. Jump FAT-6P, T-8UOF, W-Q233.

You save a lot of time, use 4 jumps instead of 10, a lot less accumulated jump fatigue even if jumping on timer cooldown, and a lot less isotope usage.

I invite every nullsec inhabitant to realize that you can actually use stargates after the changes, and factor that into your new routes.

Yes, that means alliances with deep null holdings will need to secure their lines of communication accordingly. This might even, god forbid, drive some content.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

#5623 - 2014-10-03 15:33:15 UTC
Papa Django wrote:
My proposition to fix nullsec :

- Delete all npc stations in nullsec
- Delete cyno
- Delete Sovereignty skill
- Delete jump bridges
- Add a max to corp number in alliance (10 ?)
- Add alliance bookmarks
- Add capability for all cap to jump into gates
- Delete local in nullsec, show only the number of pilots in system
- Change SOV to be occupancy based with % by alliance (50pts for station, 1 pt for a POS, the alliance with the better with min 33% get the SOV, if noone reach 33% the SOV is contested)
- RF mode for all structures to 72h max stront based
- Add capacity to replace existing gates with alliance gates (+ capability to deploy a limited amount of POS combat modules to gates and stations)
- Shuffle moons but keep them locally based to force trading

Some good ideas some bad, what is the logic behind 10man alliances/corps? Just make 1000 alliances and blue them, useless idea.

NPC Null is fine as it is, only problem is they need more medical capable stations and maybe a little buff in some other areas (like add more things for their inhabitants to do etc.).

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5624 - 2014-10-03 15:33:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kassasis Dakkstromri
Pesadel0 wrote:
Jethro Winchester wrote:
Hilti Enaka wrote:
Just received this:

From: xxxxx
To: xxxxx
Dear alliance members

In light of the proposed changes to capital deployment, we have at leadership level decided to focus our activities on capital manufacturing for the next 3 months.

I want every alliance member concentrating on:
1. buying capital pilots that are currently going on firesale
2. buying and building capitals

A list of strategic systems will be posted on our forums of where to store your capitals. Many players are claiming this change will stop force projection, we thought about it and rather than not adapt our aim is to have a capital fleet at our disposal in any area of the map. Our solution is quite simple focus on capital readiness by having capitals "to-go" in any area of eve. It will only take you 20 minutes - 30 minutes to use the jump bridges to high sec and move your pod across New Eden to our strategically placed capitals.

You all know me and I am all about adapting, this is us adapting.

See you on the battlefield
Alliance leaders

Gotta love this.

Called it! Welcome to the new and improved EVE where the big guys can't possibly hold on to all that renter income and small groups will be able to hold space. WTG CCP GRAYSCALE! *Cue laughter*

I will lol when this alliance deplyos to their capital stashes and then encounters 50 supers ...

AHAHAHHAHA Welll guess: Yar! Catain Neckbeard *won't* be saving yer game! Pirate

That's what CCP gets for thinking we'd go quietly into the night!

I need to join that Alliance! Oh wait I unsubbed... nvm

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Miners Delight Reborn
#5625 - 2014-10-03 15:33:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Dwissi
Alp Khan wrote:
Dwissi wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Arsine Mayhem wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:

Also, such a scheme hurts the small entities and guys who are unable to secure logistical lines!

At least that's the propaganda you're pushing today.

Like you've ever been concerned with "small entities".

Propaganda? Please tell us how it's propaganda, and meanwhile, explain to us how a small group without numbers and resources will ever secure a gate to gate logistical line into the deep null!

The mere fact that you cannot explain how this is propaganda, or how you cannot explain how a solo guy or a small entity can ever do the logistical work you appear to be so keen on is telling. You have only been pushing an emotional, shallow and pedantic knee-jerk reaction here, probably dreaming to yourself how these changes will make you or whatever group you are involved with being the top dogs in null or something.

Your romantic daydreams, while quite adorable, has nothing to do with the facts and problems we are discussing here.

Eve always offered many levels of game play . I ruled a small entity myself - so i talk at least from personal experience. You are part of one of the biggest entities the game has ever seen - so i highly doubt you have any idea how it is to play as a smaller entity to begin with. Its niche gaming, its playing the diplo game because you cant mantle a huge force , its being sneaky and squishy to sink 'through' the big wall that tries to stop you, its choosing your fights wisely etc - that's how you play as a smaller entity. You don't try to 'conquer' the biggest blob but learn how to go around it and sneak into whatever area you want to reach. Small entities 'leak' themselves slowly and carefully - completely different to what you believe actually.

You continue to try to create an illusion of actually 'caring' for people that you simply ignore for the time being. We smaller entities don't have to explain to you how we do things - you claim to be better than us to begin with. The upcoming changes are at least opening more windows for us smaller entities - that's all there is to it. Any realistic small entity isn't even dreaming of being a top dog - that's not how we play. But we see opportunities now and based on the uproar and obvious fear many show right now i make the bold assumption that the changes are good ones.

I'm talking economics. As EVE is a sandbox, even the actions of smaller entities and how they are able to do things is intrinsically related to the bigger picture of markets. GSF is extremely pleased with these changes from a point of self-interest as it will strengthen our hold over the assets and space in which we live in, which is already one of the best regions in EVE, if not the best.

In a stark contrast, all you have presented so far is a vague hope of some easy power grab for you on something of value. You literally cannot look at the issues that will hamper logistics without your organizational affiliation.

If you are defining yourself as a small group or entity, you should wake up, and realize that anything of great value will always be controlled by a group that is larger, more organized with more bodies and resources than yours.

If you have some sort of dream that these changes are going to empower the small guy or a small entity over resources of value in null, you are dead wrong. If a game mechanic becomes more complicated by a set of changes and it starts to require more man hours and effort, a large group will be able to throw more man hours and resources to the problem by a small group or entity could and easily outcompete a smaller entity. Are you able to comprehend this axiom?

let me quickly list the words where you did not understand any of what we smaller have posted so far beause you cant apply them to us:

- empower
- easy
- great value

We dont attempt to play by those words - we chose deliberately a more difficult and challenging way but keep a minimum level of pride - thus not renting but struggling to gain whatever we might be able to achieve. Thats why you fail to support 'us' - you cant as you dont understand at all how we tick. Believing isnt knowing ;)

Proud designer of glasses for geeky dovakins

Before someone complains again: grr everyone

Greed is the death of loyalty

Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#5626 - 2014-10-03 15:35:52 UTC
Dwissi wrote:

We dont attempt to play by those words - we chose deliberately a more difficult and challenging way but keep a minimum level of pride - thus not renting but struggling to gain whatever we might be able to achieve. Thats why you fail to support 'us' - you cant as you dont understand at all how we tick. Believing isnt knowing ;)

you are in a corp called miner's delight

we most assuredly do not know what you mean by pride because by the usual definition you could not possibly have any
Miners Delight Reborn
#5627 - 2014-10-03 15:40:40 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:
Dwissi wrote:

We dont attempt to play by those words - we chose deliberately a more difficult and challenging way but keep a minimum level of pride - thus not renting but struggling to gain whatever we might be able to achieve. Thats why you fail to support 'us' - you cant as you dont understand at all how we tick. Believing isnt knowing ;)

you are in a corp called miner's delight

we most assuredly do not know what you mean by pride because by the usual definition you could not possibly have any

I am happy to see that you start to move from exchanging arguments to insults - another proof that the changes have to be good.

Proud designer of glasses for geeky dovakins

Before someone complains again: grr everyone

Greed is the death of loyalty

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5628 - 2014-10-03 15:40:44 UTC
remus wulf wrote:
264 pages of comments in 3 days and that number will rise significantly by the time you implement these changes.
That speaks volumes at the amount of disgruntled players your about to cause to quit.

That speaks volumes at the amount of whining entitled crybabies that refuse to adapt, yes. Suck it up buttercup.

In the meantime, folks from other forums are jumping with joy and resubbing due to the new life being breathed into the game.

We'll live, and enjoy the game all the more for your absence. Ta!

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Thead Enco
#5629 - 2014-10-03 15:41:37 UTC
ThreadAtar Update:

For anyone that's interested feel free to take the following Straw Poll
#5630 - 2014-10-03 15:43:07 UTC
I really think the solution to increasing density in 0.0 is by seeding "freeport NPC outposts" all over 0.0 space.

These stations would act as conflict drivers like the old 10/10 complexes...

These freeport stations would be non conquerable and have combat missions from level I-V....

There is also a chance that they would be seeded in systems that already have player owned outposts.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Cyno Police
#5631 - 2014-10-03 15:44:23 UTC  |  Edited by: SpacemanSpliff
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5632 - 2014-10-03 15:45:45 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
I really think the solution to increasing density in 0.0 is by seeding "freeport NPC outposts" all over 0.0 space.

These stations would act as conflict drivers like the old 10/10 complexes...

These freeport stations would be non conquerable and have combat missions from level I-V....

There is also a chance that they would be seeded in systems that already have player owned outposts.

At some point in the history of Goonswarm, long before I started to play EVE, the idea of a freeport was given thought to and tried. Unfortunately, it did not end well...
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5633 - 2014-10-03 15:46:46 UTC
SpacemanSpliff wrote:
I'll say it simply:

Travel is what you use to get to the gameplay.

Travel is not gameplay and making us spend vastly more time doing it will not fix EvE.

Is the size of the universe supposed to be meaningful?
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#5634 - 2014-10-03 15:48:48 UTC
The cyno mechanic is the thing that needs to be changed.

It is not the right path to take by punishing players for seeking out fun by imposing a time penalty on something that very much an immediate need.

Has CCP not done any research into their customer base? You will find out many things about the attitudes that seperate the different generations who play this game, one of which is the large emphasis on being able to get what you need right away.

Mona Me
#5635 - 2014-10-03 15:50:10 UTC
Thead Enco wrote:
ThreadAtar Update:

For anyone that's interested feel free to take the following Straw Poll

I'm going to keep an eye on this!ShockedLol
Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5636 - 2014-10-03 15:51:25 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:
Here is a good tidbit from 2011, clearly showing that CCP Greyscale's obsession with the fantasy he has on null-sec is poorly thought:

"The harder we can make logistics, the better for the game viewed as an abstract system. It would be much better for the game if we got rid of freighters, but we have to balance what is good for the game at a higher systemic level with making the player's lives a living hell. Forcing people to do convoys with lots of industrials would, from a higher level systemic view, be awesome. But for the individual players, it would suck balls.

[CCP has] gone [too far] in the direction of making players lives easy – we've got jump freighters and jump bridges and all this [stuff] – and I think there is an agreement here [at CCP] that we want to pull back from that. We would like to pull back as far as we can get away with. But how far can we go?” The underlying point is the need to get a balance between avoiding frustration and getting desirable macro-scale outcomes.

--CCP Greyscale - CSM Minutes, December 2010

CCP Greyscale's nullsec wonderland is a highly dysfunctional, post-apocalyptic society that has suffered a major economic collapse. Cool to read about. Not a fun place to live unless you're the local strong man pissing all over the peasants. And even then....

As Dr. Eyjólfur might be able to explain to his game designer, robust economies require institutions that keep the means of production and transportation secure. CCP did not provide those institutions to nullsec, so the players have evolved them over time. Despite the insecure nature of nullsec, a player can move with relative safety within the boundaries of space with which his alliance has a non-aggression pact. Dangers are there, but the coalition works together to minimize them. This makes some nullsec coalitions a good place to do business. In fact an ongoing concern with lowsec is the tendency of non-PvP players to leap over lowsec, where space is nominally less dangerous but harder to control, directly to nullsec.

Take away the ability of nullsec players to provide those institutions and the producers and traders will leave nullsec for places where they can ply their trades. This is what happens when businesses can no longer operate in safety. Some brave souls will remain as high risk can result in high profits, however the local economies will become largely non-functional.

It would certainly be awesome from a systemic level if Iceland had to go back to importing goods from off-shore using Viking era Knarr ships. Especially if we forced them to sail through various choke points heavily populated by pirates. Mind, it would totally "suck balls" for people living in Iceland. But then, they chose to live out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If someone in the EU suggested that scenario were a desirable macro-scale outcome, I'm sure a few folk in Reykjavik might object

Above part in italics is quoted from this blog post.

Well, CCP did not make logistics easy in the past. What CCP has done with including Jump Bridges, Jump Freighters and Freighters in game was increasing the quality of life for logistics players and for those who live in null, so that their lives were tenable. CCP had to do this to garner interest for it's miniscule amount of subscribers to live in null, and because their game was losing players. Now, at the present day, CCP management has made a terrible mistake and started to regard Greyscale as their bright idea fairy.

Basically, CCP gave a null sec working group to a developer who has no idea about economics, not just as a social science, but also as an abstract and isolated mechanic that applies to EVE markets. Look at Greyscale's surprised reactions in this thread. From "Oh, newbies use clone jumping?" to "T2 production was done before Jump Freighters, so I don't think jump fatigue will negatively impact T2 production" show that Greyscale has no idea about the dynamics regarding goods and production in EVE. (Yeah, say hello to a T2 cloak costing +100m ISK, just as it was before Jump Freighters, you genius!) This is a developer who is failing to show a basic understanding of the game he is attempting to change. This is a developer who is acting on the contrary to the idea that EVE is a sandbox MMO game. This is a developer that thinks EVE is a game that players need to dedicate their whole work days simply to be able to play the game in the sense that Greyscale thinks everyone should! This is a developer that thinks it is a good idea to introduce more artificial timers to EVE to slow down players, when in reality, it was the player base that was complaining about the artificial timers that game imposed on us all along!

And that developer is now proposing a change that not only will make nullsec uninhabitable except for better regions which have direct connections to empire, but will also negatively impact EVERY REGION in EVE because T2 production materials come from null.

What can I say? This will not end well for CCP.

That is why I say:

Yar! Captain Neckbeard will save yer game! Pirate

Oh and bro - THANK YOU for this amazing Hero post that is sooooooooo needed; speaking truth to power.

The ONLY thing that is going to get Hilmar's attention, now that there isn't a resident economist around anymore, is to Unsubb - even only as a protest... DO IT, like I did ... all and sundry so they get the message loud and clear and fire this clown.

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Chandra Labs
#5637 - 2014-10-03 15:51:44 UTC
Best threadnought ever. Love the fact the null-bear alliances are bawling their brains out, like spoiled children.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5638 - 2014-10-03 15:52:48 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Thead Enco wrote:
ThreadAtar Update:

For anyone that's interested feel free to take the following Straw Poll

Why is there no "Yes, but the changes don't go far enough. 4 LY cap or bust." option. I'm profoundly disappointed by its absence.
Dirt Nap Squad
#5639 - 2014-10-03 15:53:40 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
I really think the solution to increasing density in 0.0 is by seeding "freeport NPC outposts" all over 0.0 space.

These stations would act as conflict drivers like the old 10/10 complexes...

These freeport stations would be non conquerable and have combat missions from level I-V....

There is also a chance that they would be seeded in systems that already have player owned outposts.

At some point in the history of Goonswarm, long before I started to play EVE, the idea of a freeport was given thought to and tried. Unfortunately, it did not end well...

So what you are saying is you weren't around when goon was the little guy. Now it is all making sense.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#5640 - 2014-10-03 15:55:36 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
I really think the solution to increasing density in 0.0 is by seeding "freeport NPC outposts" all over 0.0 space.

These stations would act as conflict drivers like the old 10/10 complexes...

These freeport stations would be non conquerable and have combat missions from level I-V....

There is also a chance that they would be seeded in systems that already have player owned outposts.

what a good idea, more npc outposts in conq space

(the code doesn't allow for multiple stations in a system with an outpost though and probably would choke and die with an npc outpost in a sov system)