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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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MonkeyBusiness Thiesant
Pandemic Unicorns
#5601 - 2014-10-03 15:08:10 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

It's years that the game is stagnating witih the current rules.

All complain the game is stagnating and CCP want to throw a giant boulder in the tranquil lake and see what happens.

Leaving the game as is, EvE stays stagnant for sure. Going out to the wild MAY fail to change anything but MAY also work.

Which of the two approaches is more practical? Stay as is as you say and sit in a stagnant ethernity or at least try doing something?

Yep. We don't know exact subscription numbers because CCP stopped releasing them (for fairly obvious reasons), but we can see from eve-offline that the weekly average logons is down by a third in the last year. Lowest since 2007, and no sign of the plummet stopping. That's exactly why they're taking this drastic a step - they see the writing on the wall.

Two big invincible blobs dominating Eve and then squeezing the life out of it was probably always inevitable at some point - I suspect they've long known this was likely, and had a rough plan to deal with it.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#5602 - 2014-10-03 15:08:54 UTC
This looks very interesting.

I look at this more from an industrialists point of view. But what I see is not just the nerf to capital projection, but the nerf to logistics.

The idea of jump freighter pilots receiving only 10% of the fatigue of combat pilots will help. But the nerf to range will hit hard.

The deepest null sec systems, the valuable ones with the best true sec, will be hit heavy by the increased effort required for logistics. this change may seem small, but every jump is a risk for a jump freighter. needing 10 jumps to reach deep null will have a big impact on logistics. The fatigue reduction will not help much, as most jump freighter pilots jump to points within docking range of stations. they will just have to wait a little longer between jumps. It is the requirement of significantly more jumps that will really hurt.

Those null sec systems, will become that much less accessible. I see this as a very good thing. To truly thrive those living there will either have to maintain a much more complex jump network to get those valuable supplies in and out, or become much more self sufficient living in those deep space systems.

Null sec industry has gotten much more viable with recent changes. As a direct result it has grown in leaps and bounds, and I believe this will give it another big boost. Why rely on the increasingly more difficult logistics networks to supply everything, when you can produce what you need locally? Even the most pure blooded PVP alliance, will need at the very least indy alts, if not entire industrial branches to live and thrive in deep space where the ratting pays the best.
Dave stark
#5603 - 2014-10-03 15:11:49 UTC
I'm just going to throw it out there, after fiddling with the formula and having a bit of maths fun.

for a game this **** is too convoluted. just slap an arbitrary 1hr timer on every jump and remove the fatigue mechanic.
#5604 - 2014-10-03 15:11:51 UTC
MonkeyBusiness Thiesant wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

It's years that the game is stagnating witih the current rules.

All complain the game is stagnating and CCP want to throw a giant boulder in the tranquil lake and see what happens.

Leaving the game as is, EvE stays stagnant for sure. Going out to the wild MAY fail to change anything but MAY also work.

Which of the two approaches is more practical? Stay as is as you say and sit in a stagnant ethernity or at least try doing something?

Yep. We don't know exact subscription numbers because CCP stopped releasing them (for fairly obvious reasons), but we can see from eve-offline that the weekly average logons is down by a third in the last year. Lowest since 2007, and no sign of the plummet stopping. That's exactly why they're taking this drastic a step - they see the writing on the wall.

Two big invincible blobs dominating Eve and then squeezing the life out of it was probably always inevitable at some point - I suspect they've long known this was likely, and had a rough plan to deal with it.

I doubt they had a plan for it , i'm more inclined to think that they shrugged it off for years saying ''well if coalition X dies to coalition Y then i am sure everyone in coalition Y will also go back to playing as small coalitions again '' and we all know that never happened.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Pure Ebil
The Ebil Empire
#5605 - 2014-10-03 15:12:35 UTC
Finally, a reason for me to buy a carrier, now I can roam in a carrier/battleship fleet!
For those who will say about it being painfully slow, I have been on freighter null sec
escorts with SirSqueebles & the speed isn't an issue when you're having a laugh.
Plus this sounds like it will shake eve up, which given the state of null currently is
much needed change, painful for some, maybe, but benificial for the greater good
of EVE
Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5606 - 2014-10-03 15:13:04 UTC
voetius wrote:
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:
You know some words and phrases from CCP Greyscales devblog really eat at me:

"...we would anticipate..."

"This seems likely to ..."

"... ,we see the potential for..."

"... it seems plausible that..."

"... , but we don't want to make any firm predictions in this area."

Is it just me, or does this type of language really bother anyone else regarding such an important change?

I think he is being realistic. In a complex system such as EVE or other virtual world, any non-trivial change is going to have unforeseen consequences. The best you can do once you have determined what you think is the right approach to a change is to eliminate obvious loopholes and consider edge cases - the community feedback in threads like is and CSM feednback to a working group are ways to serve that purpose.

Other people than you have said that CCP needs to come up with a "better" plan or test things or simulate them : unfortunately there is only so much you can do along those lines because when the players get involved with changes like this "emergent" effects will come out.

Okay - but with no economist on staff anymore, is there 'anyone' reputable and can actually speak with authority that something like this isn't going to throw the virtual economy into a recession/depression??

I don't trust that CCP isn't simply HOPING that their space magiks developement alchemy... suddenly Caps can gate jump nao! solution, and the warbling comments I quoted ... well they don't leave one with a lot of confidence on how scientific this theory crafting process was.

I miss the old Devs Cry

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#5607 - 2014-10-03 15:13:38 UTC
I do not personally support this drop in all jump ships available range change whatsoever, but i do support this fatigue change i have personally been pushing for jump drive cooldowns for a while now and this is something like what i had in mind albeit a lot more harsh than i would have proposed.

That said initial speculation is going to crash the capital ship market as people rage quit the game over the loss of something they spent more than a year training just for that. Isotope prices will probably drop 20% as fuel stores are sold off, and maybe 15% of accounts will unsub. Not to mention what this does to blackops which at this point i really think have been forgotten, because they keep getting kicked over and over while theyre down and CCP just strolls by rather than helping them back up each time. Seriously though my sin and my widow feel like novelty's right now.

In short
Jump cooldowns - yes
Jump range nerf - probably not so good
Black ops - RIP
Tear tank - filling rapidly

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5608 - 2014-10-03 15:15:07 UTC
Viceversa wrote:
What is the reason of nerfing JF?

Has anyone been afraid of JF drops?

I believe they are under the impression that it will stimulate local economies and local production.

Either that or they just want to triple the number of cyno alts that you need.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Moon Of The Pheonix
#5609 - 2014-10-03 15:17:25 UTC
Grave Digger Eriker wrote:

remus wulf wrote:
That is if you still want to see this game around in another 10 years !
Years!!! this will end in months not years

Eve has become a lovable pet kinda like a dog, It plays nice when it's not chasing its tail, But after some time it gets annoying barking at every other dog and at one point when its lame it just needs to be put down.

Eve has been the vet and the prognosis is not good
Traska Gannel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5610 - 2014-10-03 15:17:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Traska Gannel
I've read the dev blog.

I haven't read the 282 pages of replies ... I hope the devs have since it might give them an idea of the playerbase feedback.

Here is mine ...

I think the changes will make it FAR too hard to move capitals around.

In your example, under the current system, it takes 2 minutes to move the Archon ... I agree that might be too fast ... it allows people to respond across large distances in EVE very quickly.

However ...

In your revised system .. the player has to give up and fly through gates since it would probably take them over a YEAR to actually move the 12 required jumps to move 54LY. ... it is up to hours worth of waiting after just 4.

However, it is not even remotely safe to fly 40 jumps through nullsec in a capital. It isn't happening without a fleet to support it.

I used to live in nullsec. I moved my ships for PVE/PVP out to the area we were based using my carrier. Not happening using this revised system. It breaks individual logistics. It now becomes an alliance level op to move stuff around EVE.

How does this system reduce blobby fleets in nullsec? Instead of hot drops you get even blobbier fleets with the capitals moving along with their support ships ... saving their jump fatique so that they can evac rather than jump onto target.

If you want to slow down the movement of capitals then add a jump drive cool down timer so that it can't be used more than once every time window (whether this is 5 minutes, 10 minutes or whatever). Allowing for fatigue to build to ridiculous levels is just a broken game mechanic.

Another example, it sometimes happens that your area of 0.0 gets over-run and you have to evac. Often this means moving as much material as possible to the closest NPC station out of sov space. This will be IMPOSSIBLE under your revised system ... since an evac relies on multiple repeat jumps by carriers and jump freighters moving stuff out ... which can't happen with shorter jump ranges and fatigue ... everyone gets to lose access to their assets as the station changes hands. Do you have any idea the amount of ragequit this could generate? It means that you can only operate out of a sov controlled station using assets that you can afford to lose.

I realize that this is probably an "alpha" state idea ... but it really is broken as you have described it in my opinion ... and I think you really do need to rethink it or you could end up losing a lot of players who are uninterested in wasting immense amounts of time moving capital ships, dealing with 0.0 logistics, or losing all their stuff when sov changes hands.

One last point ... these changes will make it logistically much MORE challenging for small organizations to operate in null sec. Large organizations will be able to operate large fleets and escorts to move material and people ... small organizations won't. I don't think these changes will really help the smaller organizations.

Perhaps you need to consider separating the capital ship logistical roles from the capital ship combat roles. Freighters and jump freighters require less restrictions that you have outlined. 10% is probably still too high and fatigue needs to be capped.

You also need an assembled ship logistical capacity ... perhaps increase the Ship storage on a carrier to 2 or 3 million m3 and limit the fighters to 5 (or eliminate altogether), and give it similar jump limits to freighters and jump freighters. This creates a logistical carrier with limited or no combat capability. Combat capital ships would have greater constraints on jump drive operation. If you want BS explanations you could always say that the presence of weapons systems requires longer for jump drive re-calibration after a jump.

The key things to keep in mind are that you want to try to limit projection of force and combat ability in 0.0 ... limit hot drops perhaps ... but if you seriously screw up 0.0 logistics you will be having a much greater impact on the economy than you plan and unevenly impacting large and small organizations since it is challenging or impossible to move substantial resources out to null through gates without a high level of organization and player participation.

(As an example ... as a member of a small sov holding organization in 0.0 we needed to bring in a freighter with a hub upgrade ... there was no way we could fly it through normal space since even with a couple of hundred people in the organization it was a logistical nightmare to try to get enough people together to try to escort a freighter from high sec through choke point gate camps to null ... so we brought it in through a wormhole ... no other choice. With your changes there will be far more resources affected by this issue than just gigantic system upgrades).
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5611 - 2014-10-03 15:18:51 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Viceversa wrote:
What is the reason of nerfing JF?

Has anyone been afraid of JF drops?

I believe they are under the impression that it will stimulate local economies and local production.

Either that or they just want to triple the number of cyno alts that you need.

No. They want the freighters to be moved with SCOUTs and escort and not be super safe. They want to add content, conflict. Things to hunt Make trade routes have systems, not only a start and end point magically linked. They want piracy back.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Bones Outten
Council of Economic Advisors
Bitter Vets n Noobs
#5612 - 2014-10-03 15:19:43 UTC
CCP think tank: Thought of a new feature, player built stargates, expensive to build & use (nice ISK sink).
But players will just use bridging, Jump drives etc.
Not if we hobble them first :)

CCP new feature/new ship/new module/ new skill = hobble all features that may impinge on new feature/ship etc., ie reduce feature of old ships modules skills etc & remove their perceived values enthusiastically named "Re-balancing"

Maybe I am getting too old and .......
Komi Toran
Caldari State
#5613 - 2014-10-03 15:20:03 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
All complain the game is stagnating and CCP want to throw a giant boulder in the tranquil lake and see what happens.

Leaving the game as is, EvE stays stagnant for sure. Going out to the wild MAY fail to change anything but MAY also work.

Which of the two approaches is more practical? Stay as is as you say and sit in a stagnant ethernity or at least try doing something?

"Something must be done! This is something! It must be done!"

And so civilizations have collapsed.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#5614 - 2014-10-03 15:21:45 UTC

I understand that at the end of the day your a company that's here to make money. Now not really being good at money making or running a company this new travel waz makes no sense your going to destroy super capitals and titans buy wrecking jump range then you jump get this new timer.

Now excuse me if I'm wrong to to make money you need to keep people interested in the game make people want to either buy plex for super capitals or pay for alts to grind isk for supers..

Now with your new proposed change you will first of all make people leave. As the super cap you have just spent the last 6month training for and grinding is for is now only useful as a ratting ship. They can't bridge across the stars to start massive fights. You can't travel from one side of eve to the other to whore on a titian kill. You have to jump through a gate.

Honestly what's the point. I've played eve for 9 years I've been there when you wrecked the speed changes, when you wrecked super caps by reducing there HP all of which you lost subscribers.

I honestly through that the more people you had subscribed the more you made,now with the likes of elite dangerous, star citizen hot on your heels for being the best SPACE MMO....WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!

You are going to destroy the best space MMO out there either the DEV that came up with this idea wants to jump ship so they throughout what they would do is balls eve up lose hundreds if not thousands of subscribers then goband work for the makes of other BETTER MMO's the game will die CCP.
Lord Road
People's Democratic Republic of Gatecamping
Muh Zkill...
#5615 - 2014-10-03 15:22:18 UTC
You guys really can't see it clear or you refuse to?
NOBODY will re-sub because of this, because nobody unsubbed because of power projection. Major power blocks will still be able to defend their space against small alliances by just sending their daily roaming fleet to scatter the attackers.

What castration of jump drives actually did is ensure that no big fight will happen again. Since CCP were unable to fix their 10 years old game mechanics, and servers still **** themselves when 50 pilots are fighting on the same grid, they decided to make sure that people won't get in time to the fight.

No more BR-like fights, no more media coverage and influx of new players.
Besides that, there will also be a probably substantial amount of unsubbs due to castration of jump drives.

So .... GG CCP, GG
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5616 - 2014-10-03 15:24:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Alp Khan
Dwissi wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Arsine Mayhem wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:

Also, such a scheme hurts the small entities and guys who are unable to secure logistical lines!

At least that's the propaganda you're pushing today.

Like you've ever been concerned with "small entities".

Propaganda? Please tell us how it's propaganda, and meanwhile, explain to us how a small group without numbers and resources will ever secure a gate to gate logistical line into the deep null!

The mere fact that you cannot explain how this is propaganda, or how you cannot explain how a solo guy or a small entity can ever do the logistical work you appear to be so keen on is telling. You have only been pushing an emotional, shallow and pedantic knee-jerk reaction here, probably dreaming to yourself how these changes will make you or whatever group you are involved with being the top dogs in null or something.

Your romantic daydreams, while quite adorable, has nothing to do with the facts and problems we are discussing here.

Eve always offered many levels of game play . I ruled a small entity myself - so i talk at least from personal experience. You are part of one of the biggest entities the game has ever seen - so i highly doubt you have any idea how it is to play as a smaller entity to begin with. Its niche gaming, its playing the diplo game because you cant mantle a huge force , its being sneaky and squishy to sink 'through' the big wall that tries to stop you, its choosing your fights wisely etc - that's how you play as a smaller entity. You don't try to 'conquer' the biggest blob but learn how to go around it and sneak into whatever area you want to reach. Small entities 'leak' themselves slowly and carefully - completely different to what you believe actually.

You continue to try to create an illusion of actually 'caring' for people that you simply ignore for the time being. We smaller entities don't have to explain to you how we do things - you claim to be better than us to begin with. The upcoming changes are at least opening more windows for us smaller entities - that's all there is to it. Any realistic small entity isn't even dreaming of being a top dog - that's not how we play. But we see opportunities now and based on the uproar and obvious fear many show right now i make the bold assumption that the changes are good ones.

I'm talking economics. As EVE is a sandbox, even the actions of smaller entities and how they are able to do things is intrinsically related to the bigger picture of markets. GSF is extremely pleased with these changes from a point of self-interest as it will strengthen our hold over the assets and space in which we live in, which is already one of the best regions in EVE, if not the best.

In a stark contrast, all you have presented so far is a vague hope of some easy power grab for you on something of value. You literally cannot look at the issues that will hamper logistics without your organizational affiliation.

If you are defining yourself as a small group or entity, you should wake up, and realize that anything of great value will always be controlled by a group that is larger, more organized with more bodies and resources than yours.

If you have some sort of dream that these changes are going to empower the small guy or a small entity over resources of value in null, you are dead wrong. If a game mechanic becomes more complicated and demanding by a set of changes involving artificial and arbitrary blocks and it starts to require more man hours and effort, a large group will be able to throw more man hours and resources to the problem over a small group or entity ever could, therefore, outcompeting a smaller entity. Are you able to comprehend this axiom?
#5617 - 2014-10-03 15:24:31 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Viceversa wrote:
What is the reason of nerfing JF?

Has anyone been afraid of JF drops?

I believe they are under the impression that it will stimulate local economies and local production.

Either that or they just want to triple the number of cyno alts that you need.

You mean logistics alts, not cyno alts since what will that bring...
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5618 - 2014-10-03 15:24:33 UTC
Lord Road wrote:
You guys really can't see it clear or you refuse to?
NOBODY will re-sub because of this, because nobody unsubbed because of power projection. Major power blocks will still be able to defend their space against small alliances by just sending their daily roaming fleet to scatter the attackers.

What castration of jump drives actually did is ensure that no big fight will happen again. Since CCP were unable to fix their 10 years old game mechanics, and servers still **** themselves when 50 pilots are fighting on the same grid, they decided to make sure that people won't get in time to the fight.

No more BR-like fights, no more media coverage and influx of new players.
Besides that, there will also be a probably substantial amount of unsubbs due to castration of jump drives.

So .... GG CCP, GG

aa wrong. I know several that left EXACLTY because of capital ship online. I still ahve one accoutn unssubed since then exaclty because of that.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Komi Toran
Caldari State
#5619 - 2014-10-03 15:25:22 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
remus wulf wrote:
What cap pilot in their right mind is going to risk billions of isk to use gates ? Come on seriously people.

So, the null-sec tough guys who scorn the hi-sec 'care-bears' for being risk averse, are not so tough after all.

"Risk-averse" is actually a misnomer for hi-sec carebears. "Risk-stupid" would be a better description, as people who autopilot loaded freighters are definitely not afraid of risk.
Papa Django
Materials Harvesting Kombinat
#5620 - 2014-10-03 15:26:06 UTC
My proposition to fix nullsec :

- Delete all npc stations in nullsec
- Delete cyno
- Delete Sovereignty skill
- Delete jump bridges
- Add a max to corp number in alliance (10 ?)
- Add alliance bookmarks
- Add capability for all cap to jump into gates
- Delete local in nullsec, show only the number of pilots in system
- Change SOV to be occupancy based with % by alliance (50pts for station, 1 pt for a POS, the alliance with the better with min 33% get the SOV, if noone reach 33% the SOV is contested)
- RF mode for all structures to 72h max stront based
- Add capacity to replace existing gates with alliance gates (+ capability to deploy a limited amount of POS combat modules to gates and stations)
- Shuffle moons but keep them locally based to force trading