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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Joshua Milton Blahyi
Amarr Empire
#1941 - 2014-10-02 00:06:18 UTC
Aryth wrote:
Joshua Milton Blahyi wrote:
Aryth wrote:

I really don't know why anyone thinks this is true. These changes will not bring that reality to pass. You are correct others coming might. There are mitigation methods to these. Many are already posted. Good luck mitigating mass farmed alts CCP.

I suspect that is their real intentions. Collection of more PLEX.

Sure, make CCP look greedy while you try and preserve your renter income.

Hypocrisy much?

Again, this doesn't impact our income. Quality of life oh sure. Income no.

Just wait, it will.

In spite of your bluster, you will not be able to have 1000 man mega fleets on both sides of your territory unless you dramatically decrease your territory.
Jethro Winchester
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1942 - 2014-10-02 00:06:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jethro Winchester
Joshua Milton Blahyi wrote:

you try and preserve your renter income.

Nothing much will change for the large entities. This will mainly screw over the little guys. If renting systems becomes too difficult it will morph into a protection racket. Instead of "Pay me and I will let you use my house." it'll be "Pay me or I will burn your fucking house to the ground, hang your family, and eat your dog."
The Executioners
#1943 - 2014-10-02 00:06:26 UTC
Jeez the long term ramifications of these changes boggle the brain.

Ice prices crashing, sov empires declining into small held fortresses, cap fleets jumping gates into fleet fights..

Lol the plus 1 scout archon.Twisted

Cyno jammed your system? so what... jump in through the gate, warp to the tower. The really exciting stuff is yet to come guys, the sov changes taken in context of these changes to cap mobility will be he real jaw dropper.

Roaming fleets of RR carriers and battleships. hahahah

Fantastic times ahead.
Arsine Mayhem
#1944 - 2014-10-02 00:06:28 UTC
Sigras wrote:
Zhul Chembull wrote:
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Blue donut of entitlement tears = best tears.

You brought this on yourselves.

Sorry bud this will not effect them any. They will now control the choke points and no need to have to have their cap fleet in the outskirts of their area. You guys just don't get how big alliances work. They will work around it, however the smaller alliances will GO AWAY because not being able to logistically support their operations.

Those that think its going to correct large fleets are smoking some good crack.

I bet you a billion ISK that if these changes go through the way they are stated now that you are wrong.

Do you really think Goonswarm is going to be able to continue to hold delve after this change?

Just look at some of the damage Spectre Fleet can do putting together an NPSI group.
Savesti Kyrsst
All Cats Are Beautiful
#1945 - 2014-10-02 00:06:37 UTC

WTB 1x Moros 1.5b
1x Thanatos 800m
1x Archon 800m
Dirk MacGirk
Specter Syndicate
#1946 - 2014-10-02 00:06:58 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Pavlakakos wrote:

Suppose you're a small/medium sized renter living in B8O-KJ - Branch and you're happily ratting, mining with no reds around for the last 6 months. All you have to do is load the JF with the morphite and go sell it in Jita. With the changes, either you have to slowboat 25+ jumps thru the gates or risk weeks of fatigue.

Options? Either lower the rent or totally abandon the place. Definitely a blow to donut wallet.
More options: sell the minerals locally to a builder who creates useful items locally and sell them to the people living there

The nullsec markets would just be oversaturated with high ends like morphite, mega, etc. The mineral trade has traditionally been high ends from null taken to hisec and low ends from hisec taken to null. Both sides have what the other needs. Thinking that trade may be substantially curtailed, which probably isn't good for either end
Vinyl Scrattch
Goonswarm Federation
#1947 - 2014-10-02 00:07:51 UTC
WTB supers any flavor 10B
Zinala Oshaunnus
Storm Technologies
#1948 - 2014-10-02 00:08:12 UTC
Been playing EVE for over 5 years, which is probably too long anyhow.

I was just getting ready to buy 6 months of PLEX for my accounts to take advantage of the 10% discount; that clearly won't happen now.

My wife thanks you CCP - looks like I'll just let my accounts unsub when they run out...

No - you can't have my stuff, I'll lurk for a while and see if CCP comes to their senses.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1949 - 2014-10-02 00:08:32 UTC
A lot of people really need to ask, who will these changes hurt the most? I'll give you a hint: It's not groups like CFC, PL or N3, who have the manpower & resources to work our way completely around this.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#1950 - 2014-10-02 00:08:50 UTC
I don't even know what to say about this.

I'm not sure the game that results from these changes is going to be one that I'll want to play.
John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#1951 - 2014-10-02 00:08:51 UTC
MonkeyBusiness Thiesant wrote:
John McCreedy wrote:
This will increase the size of blue lists, not decrease it because you literally cannot get to Empire from Stain without passing through currently hostile space because you can't jump directly from Stain to Delve. Presumably the same will apply to Venal. Over night, you've created two wasteland regions that no one will want to live in.

Venal isn't nearly as bad, there's only 1 midpoint from empire, and it's npc (Mordus).

Of the other npc regions:

Curse/Wildlands need to take a gate

Geminate can still jump to Forge.

Ore can jump station to station and make it to Syndicate, then out to empire.

Fountain/Delve npc are cut off, although they could prolly midpoint in sovnull, there are lots of empty systems to choose from.

Aye, right now there is. With jump range limited to 5ly it becomes four mid points, two of which are through potentially hostile territory.

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.

Lost touch
#1952 - 2014-10-02 00:08:52 UTC
Smaller entities could just produce in NPC null.. meaning they would have to try and make a living there.

Just letting people who wasent there from the beginning capitals haven't always been in EvE.
EvE was great then it is now and it will still be after this change.
You are not FORCED to use capitals its just convenient for you.

WH's will be more travel'd
Space will have to be utilised
Cant just RR any system that needs defending in 4 regions then go blob provie or somewhere with ****, so you have to plan what NEEDS to be done.

If you just HAVE to post saying i quit then un-sub now and good glad your going bye o7

Either adapt or die simple as that.
Small gang pilots get nerfed all the time and we don't whine we adapt, become stronger.

More tears in thread tho plz :)

CCP Deserve a medal for this kudos

Fla5hy Red the wrong way, only faster

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1953 - 2014-10-02 00:08:53 UTC
alenotna wrote:
And +1 also for those that have said that people who only get a couple of hours gameplay a day at most will all suffer horribly... sitting in station waiting for a cooldown timer to expire is... well, not cool.

You can play the game without jumping via titan or capital ship.
There are these objects called Stargates.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1954 - 2014-10-02 00:09:21 UTC
Joshua Milton Blahyi wrote:
Aryth wrote:
Joshua Milton Blahyi wrote:
Aryth wrote:

I really don't know why anyone thinks this is true. These changes will not bring that reality to pass. You are correct others coming might. There are mitigation methods to these. Many are already posted. Good luck mitigating mass farmed alts CCP.

I suspect that is their real intentions. Collection of more PLEX.

Sure, make CCP look greedy while you try and preserve your renter income.

Hypocrisy much?

Again, this doesn't impact our income. Quality of life oh sure. Income no.

Just wait, it will.

In spite of your bluster, you will not be able to have 1000 man mega fleets on both sides of your territory unless you dramatically decrease your territory.

Yes we will. There will exist multiple mechanics that will allow you to project subcapitals all over the place quickly. In fact the subcap doctrines are likely to change to specifically allow this to be efficient. Ours already is.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Joshua Milton Blahyi
Amarr Empire
#1955 - 2014-10-02 00:09:35 UTC
Jethro Winchester wrote:
Joshua Milton Blahyi wrote:

you try and preserve your renter income.

Nothing much will change for the large entities. This will mainly **** over the little guys. If renting systems becomes too difficult it will morph into a protection racket. Instead of "Pay me to protect your house." it'll be "Pay me or I will burn your ******* house to the ground, hang your family, and eat your dog."

Which will turn into "Oh you are going to burn my rental unit? Well let me publicly post the time of your arrival so that anyone who is interested can kick in whatever of yours is close to them, knowing you will be occupied elsewhere."

A monolithic bloc, if you can force them to deploy somewhere and take timers, will open themselves up to attacks and losses elsewhere.
Arsine Mayhem
#1956 - 2014-10-02 00:09:53 UTC
Maraner wrote:
Jeez the long term ramifications of these changes boggle the brain.

Ice prices crashing, sov empires declining into small held fortresses, cap fleets jumping gates into fleet fights..

Lol the plus 1 scout archon.Twisted

Cyno jammed your system? so what... jump in through the gate, warp to the tower. The really exciting stuff is yet to come guys, the sov changes taken in context of these changes to cap mobility will be he real jaw dropper.

Roaming fleets of RR carriers and battleships. hahahah

Fantastic times ahead.

And you can just smell the fear in here.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#1957 - 2014-10-02 00:10:45 UTC
i seriously cannot understand this logic.
stop capitals from moving around. a.k.a let the blobs become the dominant force again, take away the one of the tools that alliances used to fight outnumbered?
It goes back to a game of who can beat the 1000 domnis again, this time with no caps. or caps after weeks.
probably not change much. CFC gains space as they field most numbers, other people lose space. smaller alliances still dont get sov as they cannot out blob the larger alliances that already live there.
Gallente Federation
#1958 - 2014-10-02 00:10:48 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Insidious wrote:
getting the general gist of this it hurts the little guy a bit too much

*Every* controversial change hurts the little guy too much. It's good that all the big guys are there to look out for them.

what big guys are you talking about? this is either a joke, which i hope it is, or its shows how clueless you are and how these changes will end up killing off a lot of the smaller alliances.

Antagonistic Tendencies
#1959 - 2014-10-02 00:10:50 UTC
Maraner wrote:
Jeez the long term ramifications of these changes boggle the brain.

Ice prices crashing, sov empires declining into small held fortresses, cap fleets jumping gates into fleet fights..

Lol the plus 1 scout archon.Twisted

Cyno jammed your system? so what... jump in through the gate, warp to the tower. The really exciting stuff is yet to come guys, the sov changes taken in context of these changes to cap mobility will be he real jaw dropper.

Roaming fleets of RR carriers and battleships. hahahah

Fantastic times ahead.

Carrier roams would be ludicrous - 100 man thanny fleet (ignoring smartbombs) could alpha capitals off the field and be fairly mobile.
Robert Fortis
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1960 - 2014-10-02 00:10:59 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
A lot of people really need to ask, who will these changes hurt the most? I'll give you a hint: It's not groups like CFC, PL or N3, who have the manpower & resources to work our way completely around this.

So why are you the ones crying about it incessantly?