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A Reminder Regarding Real Life Harassment

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Silent Knights.
#781 - 2014-09-12 18:40:38 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
I have decided what I'm going to do about it all, though.

No more just letting people abuse me in mails, and local, and the forums, etc. Oh I'm still gonna shoot em, and extract the tears. It's how they choose to apply the tears that I'm interested in.

Because I get abused in game on a daily basis. I'm sure plenty of people do, and refrain from reporting because they find it more amusing than actually upsetting. Well, I'm done with amusing. I'm reporting each and every single one of them as it happens.

Someone posted a thread that the other day about what statistics we'd like to see. I'd like to see statistics on how many people doing the abusing because I'll bet with enough reporting of ALL the abuse that's actually taking place, most are actually the carebears, not the pirates, gankers, or 'villains' in general. I know we won't because "privacy policy" but, those are still the stats I'd like to see the most.

LS makes a perfect case in point.

Commence Operation REPORT ALL THE THINGS!! Pirate

This is a really good idea, reporting it every single time it happens until some concrete guidance is actually given or the people in question are banned, or CCP ban me for reporting things that break their "harassment" standard. As they don't wish to tell me exactly where the line is, I'll take an educated guess whenever I'm harassed. If that leads to a ban then sobeit.
Silent Knights.
#782 - 2014-09-12 18:48:07 UTC
Marc Callan wrote:
Wheaton's Law, people. It's four words. "Don't be a ****."

It's not difficult to understand, and it's not that high a bar to clear, either. I keep saying this, but if CCP is forced to actually make a binding definition in that regard, it's probably going to leave a sizable chunk of the EVE player base screaming about how restrictive it is. And they'll only have themselves to blame.

Ugh, yet another post that misses the point. Wheaton's Law applies to ganking, piracy, awoxing, suicide ganking, scamming, stealing et al. All of these things are behaviour that society states are bad and fall under your four letter word.

To use your phrase, it's not difficult to understand. That is the reason why concrete lines have to be drawn and given. In a game where you can legitimately be a **** then you have to be given concrete concepts of where the limits of being a **** are. If this were a standard MMO where griefing was the normalised societal level of unacceptable, then sure, common sense and your post would have merit. That isn't this game. This game is harsh, it's unforgiving and people are encouraged to be ****. Like you said, it's not difficult.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#783 - 2014-09-12 18:52:34 UTC
Marc Callan wrote:
Wheaton's Law, people. It's four words. "Don't be a ****."

It's not difficult to understand, and it's not that high a bar to clear, either. I keep saying this, but if CCP is forced to actually make a binding definition in that regard, it's probably going to leave a sizable chunk of the EVE player base screaming about how restrictive it is. And they'll only have themselves to blame.

Which is why no one plays Ts in CS

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#784 - 2014-09-12 18:52:45 UTC
Be assured that CCP cared enough to delete the thread you posted back in March too, but not to actually look into the subject. They literally care more about covering up their inconsistency than about the inconsistency itself.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#785 - 2014-09-12 19:14:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Andski wrote:
Be assured that CCP cared enough to delete the thread you posted back in March too, but not to actually look into the subject. They literally care more about covering up their inconsistency than about the inconsistency itself.

I've been trying to find the thread at least, cached somewhere, but the internet confounds me sometimes. I don't care anymore, I'm tired and need a few hours sleep.

EDIT: On that note, LS dug it up and linked it in one of her venomous attacks on me just the other day actually. It's probably bookmarked in a list of "Links that will **** Remiel off for my entertainment" folder somewhere. Your obsession with me is unhealthy, LS.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#786 - 2014-09-12 19:21:20 UTC
Andski wrote:

those of us who have dealt with GMs in the past know that they aren't consistent and that they are far from impartial

In other words, they are human?


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#787 - 2014-09-12 19:27:14 UTC
Before I go to bed, I thought I'd share this. Not sure if it has been already or not, but it highlights what I've been saying - it seems to me the biggest problem is a widening disconnect of clear and concise communication between CCP and the player base. Maybe there is no inconsistency, maybe we're wrong about it, but if that's the case, it's because of poor communication.

You just can't dismiss everyone as brainless, effectively engaging in the abuse you just banned a bunch of people for, and to go figure it out themselves. It's not good enough.

Operation Report All The Things will resume a few hours after I awaken. I will need coffee, and some time with my cockatiels. They are worth more to me than a game ever could be.


“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#788 - 2014-09-12 19:38:19 UTC
evepal wrote:
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:

I see that you're trying very hard, which is always hilarious. And the answer is no, they don't nor do they have to. If the rule is "don't be a **** or we'll kick you off the bus" and they see you being a **** just outside the bus they're perfectly within their right to say "stay out of my bus, I don't want your money".

Really not difficult to comprehend. But keep threadnaughting and e-lawyering because it's entertaining as hell.

Your analogy is flawed. A better one would be that you've been riding the bus for a couple of years. While on the bus you engage in some form of behavior every day. Every day you do the same thing on the bus, and the bus driver doesnt seem to have a problem with it. Then, out of the blue one day, the bus driver kicks you off the bus. He doesnt give a reason, but the following day he makes a vague statement about the form of behavior you had always engaged in was now against the rules. A couple of weeks later he kicks your friends off the bus, too.

I am but a passenger on that bus. I'd like to know what the rules are so that I don't get a surprise kick off the bus as well.

This is a fantastic example of a strawman, thank you for your contributions.

There's no resemblance whatsoever.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#789 - 2014-09-12 19:53:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
Andski wrote:
Be assured that CCP cared enough to delete the thread you posted back in March too, but not to actually look into the subject. They literally care more about covering up their inconsistency than about the inconsistency itself.

Right so what is the solution?

When the rules are too tight it seems CCP are in the wrong for (apparently) banning innocents idling in the bonus room, and the net is going to catch people who maybe didn't deserve it.

When the rules are too lax CCP are in the wrong for letting nefarious gmail doxxers get away with their crimes.

Rules applied on a case by case basis will veer between the two and throw up inconsistencies.

You have to come down on one of three sides. Yea, the inconsistency is jarring, but there's only so many times you can yell "but ccp are inconsistent!" before it starts sounding like an Alex Jones youtube.
Scholar of Rationality
#790 - 2014-09-12 20:04:17 UTC  |  Edited by: evepal
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
evepal wrote:
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:

Your analogy is flawed. A better one would be that you've been riding the bus for a couple of years. While on the bus you engage in some form of behavior every day. Every day you do the same thing on the bus, and the bus driver doesnt seem to have a problem with it. Then, out of the blue one day, the bus driver kicks you off the bus. He doesnt give a reason, but the following day he makes a vague statement about the form of behavior you had always engaged in was now against the rules. A couple of weeks later he kicks your friends off the bus, too.

I am but a passenger on that bus. I'd like to know what the rules are so that I don't get a surprise kick off the bus as well.

This is a fantastic example of a strawman, thank you for your contributions.

There's no resemblance whatsoever.

So it's true that, as that analogy depicts, that real life harassment has been a daily occurrence in EvE, and only recently CCP have ruled harassment a bannable offence?

I won't address the rest as the discussion has moved on from that -- sans prior statements which make it clear where I stand, I think you're only attempting to derail and disrupt the discussion.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#791 - 2014-09-12 20:08:59 UTC
evepal wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
evepal wrote:
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:

Your analogy is flawed. A better one would be that you've been riding the bus for a couple of years. While on the bus you engage in some form of behavior every day. Every day you do the same thing on the bus, and the bus driver doesnt seem to have a problem with it. Then, out of the blue one day, the bus driver kicks you off the bus. He doesnt give a reason, but the following day he makes a vague statement about the form of behavior you had always engaged in was now against the rules. A couple of weeks later he kicks your friends off the bus, too.

I am but a passenger on that bus. I'd like to know what the rules are so that I don't get a surprise kick off the bus as well.

This is a fantastic example of a strawman, thank you for your contributions.

There's no resemblance whatsoever.

So it's true that, as that analogy depicts, that real life harassment has been a daily occurance in EvE, and only recently CCP have ruled that harassment a bannable offence?

That's not what the analogy says either.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Scholar of Rationality
#792 - 2014-09-12 20:10:57 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
That's not what the analogy says either.

So then, what does it say? You're going to have to define it for me, there's a lot of grey area here.
Riffasalo Heleneto
Space Priests Emergent Roleplaying Group
#793 - 2014-09-12 20:18:55 UTC
Cismet wrote:
Well, not that I expect anyone to care, but it's important that CCP understand. I just cancelled my subscription. CCP's attitude in this matter is utterly unconscionable and Falcon's passive aggressive and borderline insulting posts are unacceptable. I can only hope that CCP learn the hard way when subscriber numbers drop.

Congratulations Falcon, hope you're proud.

I resubscribed, it is important that CCP understand this will bring players back to the game.

CCP's attitude is commendable and the community management is welcome.

I can only hope CCP learn to continue down this path.

Congratulations Falcon, I'm proud of you.

Paranoid Loyd
#794 - 2014-09-12 20:21:28 UTC
Can't we all just get along blow each other up?

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

#795 - 2014-09-12 20:21:54 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto
ISD Ezwal wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
La Rynx wrote:
There is no roulette.

Yes, lets talk about a Senior GM dictating that telling people your alt is you will get you banned.

The final result in that thread isn't the issue. The fact that a Senior GM told people at any time that my saying "I am also Pipa Porto" could be against the TOS indicates that dealing with the GMs is like playing roulette.

Compare that post to GM Karidor's post earlier in that same thread:
GM Karidor wrote:
What needs to be kept in mind regarding impersonations is that all characters involved are seen as their own, independent entity, which effectively means it's quite possible that a situation may appear where a player impersonates his trustworthy main character using an alt character located on the same account.

Again, that this interpretation was later retracted (thankfully) doesn't change the fact that a Senior GM made and publicly posted it. Nor does the reason why the GM's interpretation was overturned (whether because the GM was that muddled, the rules that unclear, or the new rules changed is interesting, but irrelevant).

But this is all wildly off topic, and I would have thought that the ISDs wouldn't dive into a discussion solely to engage in an off-topic tangent. Oops

Even worse, deleting posts to make it seem as if they never happened. If you delete posts, you should certainly post that you are doing so and why to at least maintain some semblance of transparency. You know, just like every ISD does always (or at least, I hope).

EDIT: Can we get a button to advance to the next GM post already, cause finding that post was annoying.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#796 - 2014-09-12 20:23:06 UTC
Cismet wrote:
Well, not that I expect anyone to care, but it's important that CCP understand. I just cancelled my subscription. CCP's attitude in this matter is utterly unconscionable and Falcon's passive aggressive and borderline insulting posts are unacceptable. I can only hope that CCP learn the hard way when subscriber numbers drop.


AAhh ganker tears.
You bail out on rumors, having sympathy for?
A group of griefers?
Loosing those will benefit New Eden

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#797 - 2014-09-12 20:29:14 UTC

1) Where is the CSM on fighting on behalf of the players banned (and the community) to ensure guilt-by-association bans were not done as some are claiming occurred? Prove to me the CSM aren't just koolaid drinkers afraid to jeopardize their fanfest tickets...

2) Did any of these bans for "real life harassment" actually involve someone calling the 'victims' real-life phone, cell phone, show up at real life residence or workplace, or take place in the context of their real-life persona? OR, did it all take just place in the gaming context of EvE toons, roleplay and EvE gaming assets?

If it is truly 'real life harassment', wouldn't there be real life criminal mechanisms to pursue that? The fact that CCP doesn't just refer such cases to the legal systems and execute bans based on the outcome of those legal findings is sadly telling, IMHO...

CCP *appears* to be banning people under blanket abstractions of 'real life harassment' announcements, to give them cover for banning people they don't LIKE, while avoiding the 'trouble' of having to defend such accusations in the real world.

(The pansies of EvE then give them additional cover by nodding sagely, as they reflect perhaps on personal past-life real bullying or butthurt angst they experienced...)

The key here though is this. CCP should sack up and ban people because they don't like them or their playstyle, and call it as such. Then, accept the community reaction to that.

Be honest.

If you are going with 'real world harassment' claims though, you should sack up and prove it in the real world...IMHO. Don't want to get into the legal business? Fine, stop calling it 'real life harassment' then, and ban them because you don't like them, and let the community know that.


La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#798 - 2014-09-12 20:32:16 UTC
grrr CCP
grrr GM
grrr ISD

sure guys...

Not enough data to come to a final conclusion if every ban was ok.
CCP does not swing the ban hammer lightly.

Explain details to the rules?
It has been explained why not and clearly enough.
In fact it would be bad for this "holy sandbox" the same people cry about.

there is no real discussion anymore.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#799 - 2014-09-12 20:35:05 UTC
La Rynx wrote:
CCP does not swing the ban hammer lightly.

So you and other people have said.
I have my doubts.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#800 - 2014-09-12 20:36:14 UTC
La Rynx wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Why must you assume I egged them on?

Look what popped up...
Still its bad that this guy went to far.
But you can not claim innocence anymore and my assumptions did not come without reason.

You belong to a group that likes to egg other people.
You are fishing for emotional reactions, it is almost funny how surprised one can be!
Next Assumption You only act surprised.

One does not prod a tame bull with a sharp stick. Even a tame one will get at you after a while.
Said this, makes you excuses void.
You made lousy insults to cover your weak point.

You are what many codies and their friend are: A big hipocrit.

I think i "got" you better then you may like.

Admittedly, this is what makes it extremely difficult for me to empathize with these individuals. They actually enjoy taunting and provoking negative reactions from others. And they proudly post and display "tear collection" trophies publicly so that others like them can enjoy and stroke their ego. If they can get their victims to rage-quit or rage-banned, that's just the sweet cherry on top. It's very sadistic behavior.

And by no means am I suggesting "they deserve to be doxxed" or threatened in real life. No one does. But how much empathy could you have for someone like this? They enjoy making others angry, upset, and miserable for cheap laughs and giggles.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.