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possible fix for Closed Socket error.

First post
Grinning Dragon
Mythical Exiles
#761 - 2014-09-05 03:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Grinning Dragon
I started getting this issue yesterday.
Tash-Murkon several systems.

Today they are so much more frequent - Domain - Penirgram - that while I was reading a mission description I was "closed" 5 times within 30 minutes.
I took this as an [Amar Cruiser Name] and regretfully declined the mission.

Thought it would be a good time to clean up my hangar - Socket Closed happened another two times successively.

I'm also a Network Administrator and as Eyecandyten mentioned, there are a myriad of tools to detect and help troubleshoot the problem.
Hopefully it's resolved before the Alliance Tournament [puts on aluminium foil hat - there's NO conspiracy really] frustrating would be an understatement.

Anyhow, I guess it's an evening to watch the skill training blinker- socket closed - ah, can't even do that. Ugh

Update: In my super-powerful 20:20 Hindsight, I contacted my ISP and found that my network connection (to the house) needed to be reconfigured. After several hours, including a visit today by a Field Tech, our internet issues should be resolved.

I should have read this first!
Eyecandyten Yassavi
Confederate States of Eve
Kanen Industrial Guild
#762 - 2014-09-07 23:43:45 UTC
Grinning Dragon - Thanks for the link to the socket closed.

See the problem with their simple explanation, I don't buy. If it were only happening to people in a small area, they yes that would be very logical that one of the hops (routers) was having difficulty. I have several toons (as most do) and sometimes today it was only one toon that would get the socket closed. Now that really doesn't make sense!

My Corp has members all over the world and our Alliance is very large. I have many of the important players set up to let me know when they are coming online or going offline. I was speaking to several Corp members in the UK and they were getting frustrated with it.

As Grinning Dragon put it, couldn't have anything to do with the tournament (also dons a tin foil hat because they are becoming stylish).

I mine while I am working on my last 2 classes in an IT Masters degree (risk management is one of the classes I recommend CCP take). I am too busy to PvP, not that I have the temperament for it. This cyber chest beating...sad. I am a vet that just wants to play something to keep from losing my marbles while working on school. Maybe I will quit playing this and will sign up for a game that really works. I put in a ticket over a week ago and no response.
Eyecandyten Yassavi
Confederate States of Eve
Kanen Industrial Guild
#763 - 2014-09-08 04:04:46 UTC
Grinning Dragon had the link for Socket Closed : What it means and FAQ which lead me to Problems connecting to port 26000 which I did (had to modify it because my default install went to the x86 folder).

Still got the socket closed.
Garak n00biachi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#764 - 2014-09-09 17:10:58 UTC
Stop thinking its you, its CCP.....when you have 1000s of games that give no problem and on the other side EVE dust and the website\forum constantly dying its a bit ******** to keep on pointing the finger to the customer as if theyre idiots.

Just tell us that you have some code problems and cant fix it, or hardware stuff that just cant be fixed ever and honest for a change, but stop telling people its their problem or their ISP etc....its insulting.
Goonswarm Federation
#765 - 2014-09-10 05:32:46 UTC
I'm just thinking I should make bug reports of my clients when i get dropped sockets. this strikes me as one of those things that needs to become a two-way street...
Wobbly Ron
Failed Diplomacy
#766 - 2014-09-12 00:12:24 UTC
Over 2 years since this thread started and still no fix from CCP (except to blame their customers) . Way to go with customer service CCP

Sentenced 1989
#767 - 2014-09-12 08:30:03 UTC
Yea, lately increased number of socket closures, not to mention server dropping up to 20k players at once usually once or twice pey day (usually around 19:00, 01:00 or 07:00 eve time). Looking on eve offline you can see how servers are experiencing "something"

This has to be CCP related or CCP's ISP related since it drops players from worldwide, it's not localized effect. In any case nothing we can do about it.

But it would be very nice from CCP to post some news about this, something along the lines "we are looking into it, so far we think problem is here and there with this and that" and keep updates like every 12-24 hours. Even if there is nothing new to report, just posting message "we are still working on this" every 12-24 hours is a nice feedback.
Goonswarm Federation
#768 - 2014-09-13 00:10:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6637
experimental things

have no option but to implement

deny deny deny

just get it figured out soon kthxplox

curious: what region of space is everyone in when they get DC'd

highsec, lowsec, null, wormholes?
Grinning Dragon
Mythical Exiles
#769 - 2014-09-13 02:08:27 UTC
In my case, the Socket closed was related to my ISP. Not saying this is the same for everyone.
However, I also play LOTRO and have had zero issues logging in to that game when I was getting Socket closed errors with Eve.

I was noticing Lag spikes in the other game.
I'm also a System Administrator and while Remoted into our servers, had my Remote connection drop and then reconnect repeatedly - as this was very unusual behavior - it prompted me to contact my ISP and learn that a recent change to my Optik connection had been "fuddled".

For the record, I was in High-Sec when the socket error triggered.

Good Luck on your IT course Eyecandyten!

Now I have a brand new issue: The Launcher stalls at 0/1 validating Client. I have submitted a bug report and the Repair feature also throws an error. I'm not sure I'll have the time (soon) to be able to uninstall/reinstall Eve. I know there used to be a way to bypass the launcher, but now the EVE.exe triggers the Launcher just like the launcher.exe does.

I guess if I was an American, I'd be living in the State of Denial Ugh

Goonswarm Federation
#770 - 2014-09-13 02:17:37 UTC
#771 - 2014-09-16 15:40:26 UTC  |  Edited by: nahjustwarpin
just a reminder that this issue still exists. eve time 1am and 3pm some folks get their clients disconnected. this is not a problem with our networks. this is a problem with CCP architecture or client
#772 - 2014-09-16 17:16:57 UTC
I read strange behaviour of pingplotter, when under windows DLL and no 26000 specified, I can see the actual route, through Telia backbone i notice spikes in packet loss. Stats are green.

Same pingplotter session but with TCP and port 26000. Even now, that I am not Dc'ing from 15 minutes (...) it still give me 99.8% of packet loss. It doesn't indicate any routes, it just say impossible to log on to server. Socket error on non socket.

What does that mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can play EVE and at same time pingplotter cant work TCP packets out.... what's the bug here?
Why do I have to run the test in the first place if it can run EVE with no TCP connection by Pingplotter???

DC It's increasing, one hour before DT to late 23, eve time. At the same time EVE down see a little % of player loss. Minutes later it is like 25% more player in last hour... I sub a ticket. Anyone with same issue? ( pingplotter cant connect with TCP protocol but Client works - dc'ing but works?? )
Wobbly Ron
Failed Diplomacy
#773 - 2014-09-23 18:14:21 UTC
Last night at 19.00 eve time i got the closed socket once again. I noticed that the number of people logged in went from about 35,000 to just over 8,500. So of course its either their fault of their ISP's fault because 25,000 people from all over the world using multiple ISP's all getting closed sockets MUST be their fault as referenced by the Dev sticky on this subject. Come on CCP get this fixed or at least give your customers some feedback on the issue and what you are doing to fix it (besides sticking your head in the sand and saying its their ISP's fault)

Sylvester Slake
Eve Gamer's Structure Tanking Association
#774 - 2014-09-24 11:38:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sylvester Slake
Wobbly Ron wrote:
Last night at 19.00 eve time i got the closed socket once again. I noticed that the number of people logged in went from about 35,000 to just over 8,500. So of course its either their fault of their ISP's fault because 25,000 people from all over the world using multiple ISP's all getting closed sockets MUST be their fault as referenced by the Dev sticky on this subject. Come on CCP get this fixed or at least give your customers some feedback on the issue and what you are doing to fix it (besides sticking your head in the sand and saying its their ISP's fault)

Do you even read CCP bulletins?? They have been getting DDos'd non stop.

Straight from CCP Falcon

For the past several weeks, Tranquility has been the target of a persistent series of DDOS attacks, which have been responsible for connection issues that our players have been experiencing.

Up until this point, for security reasons we have been referring to these attacks as “network issues” so as not to provide the attackers with increased visibility. However, we can see that these issues are at times proving to be frustrating for our players, and as such we would like to be more transparent about the issue to allow better understanding of the situation.

Our teams have been working tirelessly to address these attacks, but by their nature they are extremely difficult to predict. We will continue to counter these attacks as they occur, in our efforts to provide you as much uninterrupted internet spaceship fun as possible.

Thank you for your understanding, and apologies for any inconvenience the interruptions have been causing.


Although I do think they should have this info on the launcher, but still.. just takes a couple secs searching around..