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CCP events that the "average" player cannot attend - Free isk to major 0.0 alliances?

First post
Damage Sponge
Team Bullet Sponge
#141 - 2011-12-11 05:22:58 UTC
Unfortunitly I just missed the event, The Xmas tree had to be decorated :]

Heres a possible idea for limiting ship size to allow a more even player field to incourage new players.

Could it be possible to orgininze the CCP fleet inside a dead space complex/area that requires the use of an acceleration gate that limits ship size?

I was earlier part of the RvB Ganked night destroyer fleet, looks like they got totally whiped of the field at the CCP event by steatlh bombers :I even so young players if they join a fun corp can take part in these events.
Forum Fighter
#142 - 2011-12-11 05:27:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Forum Fighter

This is Eve Online. CCP enters the game in a fleet to interact with players, the only way to counter an organized fleet is with another organized fleet. Only 0.0 alliances or low sec pirate corps have experience with organized fleets.


Seriously. This is the coolest **** in any MMO. I've never heard of so many developers and GM's interacting live with players. This should be encouraged. Quit crying.

Or maybe they can make a Hulk fleet and have a mining op so the "average" player could participate. But that would be boring as hell wouldn't it. You want 'em to run a mission with you?

Bearer of the 1600mm Tinfoil Hat

The Greater Goon
#143 - 2011-12-11 05:35:39 UTC
Forum Fighter wrote:

This is Eve Online. CCP enters the game in a fleet to interact with players, the only way to counter an organized fleet is with another organized fleet. Only 0.0 alliances or low sec pirate corps have experience with organized fleets.


Seriously. This is the coolest **** in any MMO. I've never heard of so many developers and GM's interacting live with players. This should be encouraged. Quit crying.

Or maybe they can make a Hulk fleet and have a mining op so the "average" player could participate. But that would be boring as hell wouldn't it. You want 'em to run a mission with you?

only place I know of is cornered rat software's wwii online, they have regular "kill a rat" events including free "I killed a rat T-shirts" to the victors.

plus they frequent the forums regularly and are a much smaller staff
No Corporation for Old Spacemen
#144 - 2011-12-11 09:23:01 UTC
Forum Fighter wrote:

This is Eve Online. CCP enters the game in a fleet to interact with players, the only way to counter an organized fleet is with another organized fleet. Only 0.0 alliances or low sec pirate corps have experience with organized fleets.


Seriously. This is the coolest **** in any MMO. I've never heard of so many developers and GM's interacting live with players. This should be encouraged. Quit crying.

Or maybe they can make a Hulk fleet and have a mining op so the "average" player could participate. But that would be boring as hell wouldn't it. You want 'em to run a mission with you?

You're either trolling or illiterate.

Nary a single person is complaining about CCP having fleets. Yes, let them fly around whereever and go pew to their hearts content. Awesome. Do it every weekend, even. It's a great thing.

Just don't give away billions upon billions in isk while you're doing it. Stop making the rich richer. Stop gifting all this **** to players. Shooting CCP is fun and rewarding enough to do it on the merits of just... DOING IT. You don't need isk-laden cargoholds. It's just T20 all over again, giving billions upon billions to their friends, creating materials out of thin air to inject into what is supposed to be a player driven economy.
Section 8.
#145 - 2011-12-11 09:30:34 UTC
XavierVE wrote:
Forum Fighter wrote:

This is Eve Online. CCP enters the game in a fleet to interact with players, the only way to counter an organized fleet is with another organized fleet. Only 0.0 alliances or low sec pirate corps have experience with organized fleets.


Seriously. This is the coolest **** in any MMO. I've never heard of so many developers and GM's interacting live with players. This should be encouraged. Quit crying.

Or maybe they can make a Hulk fleet and have a mining op so the "average" player could participate. But that would be boring as hell wouldn't it. You want 'em to run a mission with you?

You're either trolling or illiterate.

Nary a single person is complaining about CCP having fleets. Yes, let them fly around whereever and go pew to their hearts content. Awesome. Do it every weekend, even. It's a great thing.

Just don't give away billions upon billions in isk while you're doing it. Stop making the rich richer. Stop gifting all this **** to players. Shooting CCP is fun and rewarding enough to do it on the merits of just... DOING IT. You don't need isk-laden cargoholds. It's just T20 all over again, giving billions upon billions to their friends, creating materials out of thin air to inject into what is supposed to be a player driven economy.

Because every player in the rank and file of major alliances each has their own tech moon amirite? The mere entrance into null gives us all untold wealth beyond the empire carebears' wildest dreams and we're totally hoarding it from everyone who doesn't want to die in a fire to the bubble camps that are set up on EVERY GATE in null.

Also all the loot that the few players were lucky enough to grab was instantly handed over to their respective alliance leader who used it to pay his rent.

Get a grip.
Forum Fighter
#146 - 2011-12-11 09:36:08 UTC
If it's really all about the loot for you guys, get in an Ibis or Rifter and hoover the wrecks. That's what folks did the last time. People in your "big bad 0.0 pvp alliances" are too busy shooting and getting shot in these live events. I went to the first one and nobody bothered me one bit except CCP when I started shooting them. So crying about these events being inaccessible to you is a farce and lie. You didn't even try to go and you know it.

Bearer of the 1600mm Tinfoil Hat

Caldari State
#147 - 2011-12-11 10:08:57 UTC
Forum Fighter wrote:

This is Eve Online. CCP enters the game in a fleet to interact with players, the only way to counter an organized fleet is with another organized fleet. Only 0.0 alliances or low sec pirate corps have experience with organized fleets.


Seriously. This is the coolest **** in any MMO. I've never heard of so many developers and GM's interacting live with players. This should be encouraged. Quit crying.

Or maybe they can make a Hulk fleet and have a mining op so the "average" player could participate. But that would be boring as hell wouldn't it. You want 'em to run a mission with you?

No! You don't understand, it should work like this - CCP fleet enters highsec(preferable OPs home system), shoots someone, CONCORD, OP loots plexesLol
Emma Royd
Maddled Gommerils
#148 - 2011-12-11 10:24:36 UTC
I couldn't care less about joining in the turkey shoot, but it would have been nice to see it more in empire than 0.0, I know people say "well you could get your lazy carebear arse into 0.0 and join in", but realistically that's not going to happen that much, the popular entry points into 0.0 will be camped, so the chances of getting up there are questionable.

There could be an easy solution to the concord issue, would it be that difficult to do an 'EvE vs CCP' wardec for the duration?

I'm glad CCP are coming out and interacting with the playerbase more, but it could be on a smaller scale, say a couple of average frigs or cruisers flying around empire, not uber fitted, with a few goodies in the hold, make it more often and less rewards, that way it might not create such a sh!tstorm when they do run them. I'm not saying exclude 0.0 or lowsec, but give the empire carebears a little taste of PvP, you never know, they might get to like it and become PvP'ers themselves.

Section 8.
#149 - 2011-12-11 10:34:15 UTC
Emma Royd wrote:
I couldn't care less about joining in the turkey shoot, but it would have been nice to see it more in empire than 0.0, I know people say "well you could get your lazy carebear arse into 0.0 and join in", but realistically that's not going to happen that much, the popular entry points into 0.0 will be camped, so the chances of getting up there are questionable.

Roll So use an unpopular entry point. If you're too lazy to find a way in, of course you don't get to play.

There could be an easy solution to the concord issue, would it be that difficult to do an 'EvE vs CCP' wardec for the duration?

Emma Royd wrote:
I'm glad CCP are coming out and interacting with the playerbase more, but it could be on a smaller scale, say a couple of average frigs or cruisers flying around empire, not uber fitted, with a few goodies in the hold, make it more often and less rewards, that way it might not create such a sh!tstorm when they do run them. I'm not saying exclude 0.0 or lowsec, but give the empire carebears a little taste of PvP, you never know, they might get to like it and become PvP'ers themselves.

No risk, no reward. Also those 2 little frigs or cruisers would be instantly blobbed by everyone in the first hisec system on a gate, and then we'd have to hear you whine about how they didn't choose YOUR system to spawn in, and CCP is excluding the Caldari hisec in favor of Amarr, or some other such crap.

If you want to play with the big fleets, you get to come out to where we are. And I'd much rather have the devs actually, you know, doing their jobs and using these fleets as in-house training into what is right and wrong about null PVP rather than pander to the unwashed horde. (protip: that's you)
Emma Royd
Maddled Gommerils
#150 - 2011-12-11 12:01:55 UTC
KrakizBad wrote:

No risk, no reward. Also those 2 little frigs or cruisers would be instantly blobbed by everyone in the first hisec system on a gate, and then we'd have to hear you whine about how they didn't choose YOUR system to spawn in, and CCP is excluding the Caldari hisec in favor of Amarr, or some other such crap.

If you want to play with the big fleets, you get to come out to where we are. And I'd much rather have the devs actually, you know, doing their jobs and using these fleets as in-house training into what is right and wrong about null PVP rather than pander to the unwashed horde. (protip: that's you)

If the devs set off unannounced (bearing in mind they can spawn from any station they choose) and aim not to get caught, then the chances of getting big blobs on gates are remote, by the time a fleet is mobilised then they will be many systems away, it would be far more an opportunistic thing.

What info are they gaining from these trecks through nullsec? and if it were purely an information gathering session, then why run it as devs, they could just use neutral characters since most nullsec is NBSI

And finally, there are hundreds times more stations in empire where I can get a wash and brush up compared to nullsec, so if anyone is likely to be unwashed, I think the finger is pointing at you Blink

Doc Severide
#151 - 2011-12-11 12:41:55 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Ospie wrote:

I've been outlaw for longer than your character's even existed. I've fought in 0.0 under a couple of different entities.

I can honestly say I've explored the galaxy and moved out of my comfort zone in eve several times.

Then you would understand how simplistic the mechanics of highsec are compared to the rest of EVE. It is a starting zone, through and through - there is little opportunity for real profit outside market manipulation, and nearly all of the risk-reward gameplay that is so fundamental to EVE is simply absent. Also, I would highly recommend you don't use relative age as a judge of knowledge or character, because this certainly wasn't my first character, and your initial post reeks of ignorance, be it willful or due to being new.

Yeah you would think the poster had more brains, I mean this alt is only 2 days old so I must clearly be uninformed...
Critical Mass Inc
#152 - 2011-12-11 13:05:16 UTC
Saw last night that I was actually able to go and see this event live. Flew 15 jumps over in a Thrasher (not wanting to risk anything else in what could be a lag fest). Passed through an incursion zone on the way there. Flew in to the middle of the fight right as the defense fleet appeared and watched in slide show awe the fight before me. Got popped.

I then ran back and got a rookie ship and returned to see if I could grab some salvage. Got popped.

So once more to the station for a rookie ship and left the system to go deeper in to null. Ended up picking up a rifter a few jumps later and arming it. Then flew in to a different Incursion area and looted several player wrecks. Dropped my loot in a trade hub, ran back to get some more salvage in the incursion area, got shot at by NPCs and players while doing so.

End result, after about 50 jumps and losing two ships I was up about 50 million isk. Sure I didn't pick up any PLEX or uber ship fitting. I didn't win any PVP fights either, but I did race out in to null at what was potentially the 'worst time to do so' from a safety standpoint, made a profit, and had some fun doing it.

-Your average mostly high-sec carebear

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Embrace My Hate
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#153 - 2011-12-11 13:17:31 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:
Saw last night that I was actually able to go and see this event live. Flew 15 jumps over in a Thrasher (not wanting to risk anything else in what could be a lag fest). Passed through an incursion zone on the way there. Flew in to the middle of the fight right as the defense fleet appeared and watched in slide show awe the fight before me. Got popped.

I then ran back and got a rookie ship and returned to see if I could grab some salvage. Got popped.

So once more to the station for a rookie ship and left the system to go deeper in to null. Ended up picking up a rifter a few jumps later and arming it. Then flew in to a different Incursion area and looted several player wrecks. Dropped my loot in a trade hub, ran back to get some more salvage in the incursion area, got shot at by NPCs and players while doing so.

End result, after about 50 jumps and losing two ships I was up about 50 million isk. Sure I didn't pick up any PLEX or uber ship fitting. I didn't win any PVP fights either, but I did race out in to null at what was potentially the 'worst time to do so' from a safety standpoint, made a profit, and had some fun doing it.

-Your average mostly high-sec carebear

Haha awesome =)

Heads up though if you know you're entering a system that might potentially be really laggy turn all of you graphics down, turn effects off and turn brackets off in your overview settings.
CCP Punkturis
C C P Alliance
#154 - 2011-12-11 14:32:27 UTC
Tanya Powers wrote:
The only things I'm sadd about is that one:
-it was too far away and wasn't willing to do almost 70/80 jumps to get hotdroped faster than I can spell it.

Oups forgot the "two" (very important internets stufz)
-couldn't get CCP Punkturis corpse Cry

I wasn't there this time but maybe you'll have better luck sometime later!

♥ EVE Brogrammer ♥ Team Five 0 ♥ @CCP_Punkturis

Schani Kratnorr
Amarr Empire
#155 - 2011-12-11 15:13:11 UTC
Not aimed at anyone in particular. General historical observations on employee participation in MMOs, and EVE in particular. If you are a current player, you may wish to skip this post entirely.
/TLDR: I am better than you because you are all stupid and CCP is ignoring their past and throwing caution to the wind.

I am reminded of the "mining laser2 Scenario"
Polaris frigate is blown up
...and drops a mining laser with stats. "corresponding to tech level 5,"
...which is then picked up by a player,
...who refuses to return it,
...forcing company in charge to compromise, offering trade for a T2 Mining laser BPO,
...creating further problems when player tells rest of community,
...forcing company in charge to admit they gave,
...ANOTHER BPO to someone else, "to make it even."

The above story is shrouded by the opaque veil of history, but I was reminded of it when I first read about CCP deciding to visit their game. My initial thoughts were positive.

By taking part in an official capacity, CCP may score points with the community, learn more about their product, build a stronger team, and so on. The way it is being done is a big risk however. In general terms, GM participation in their own persistent MMO is subject to accusations of bias and favouritism, and should be avoided completely. Hiring "actors," to play NPCs and developing the tools for them is probably better in the long run (see also, COSMOS and incursion mechanics.)

It is also worth noting, that the formation of the Council of Stellar Management (CSM,) was in large part prompted by accusations of cheating by a database administrator. As I recall, he spawned an interdictor BPO for himself, got found out by players, who in turn broke the law when they broke into fellow community members' private forums. This event effectively re-booted the "OMG! Alliance So-and-so is full of GMs"-meme.

I understand why CCP may want to do this as a team building exercise, but its not exactly "playing the game" now is it. Without play being dictated by having to overcome the death penalty (having to spend time getting isk to get new gear,) the whole thing is meaningless and belongs on a test server - this is probably the one thing that always ruins "GM participation," in most persistent worlds.

I just cannot help having a "baaaaad feeling about this..." whenever I see a GM drop juicy gear because the potential for rage is so high.

Also. It is common knowledge that we already have all the developers in the alliance. We also have the "Guldske I" gang warfare module which increases the rate of faction spawns, and so on, and so forth...
Pallidum Treponema
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#156 - 2011-12-11 15:24:42 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:
Saw last night that I was actually able to go and see this event live. Flew 15 jumps over in a Thrasher (not wanting to risk anything else in what could be a lag fest). Passed through an incursion zone on the way there. Flew in to the middle of the fight right as the defense fleet appeared and watched in slide show awe the fight before me. Got popped.

I then ran back and got a rookie ship and returned to see if I could grab some salvage. Got popped.

So once more to the station for a rookie ship and left the system to go deeper in to null. Ended up picking up a rifter a few jumps later and arming it. Then flew in to a different Incursion area and looted several player wrecks. Dropped my loot in a trade hub, ran back to get some more salvage in the incursion area, got shot at by NPCs and players while doing so.

End result, after about 50 jumps and losing two ships I was up about 50 million isk. Sure I didn't pick up any PLEX or uber ship fitting. I didn't win any PVP fights either, but I did race out in to null at what was potentially the 'worst time to do so' from a safety standpoint, made a profit, and had some fun doing it.

-Your average mostly high-sec carebear

You, Sir, are about 100% cooler than the people who complain about these events. You had no huge expectations. You brought a ship that you could afford to lose, and you created your own content. You even profited from this event. And most importantly, you had fun.
Crystal Liche
ACME Mineral and Gas
#157 - 2011-12-11 15:59:32 UTC
Mass events are one of the worst game ideas ever, UO used to have them and it was the same old ****, lag fest and only a few get to participate.

I guess these guys live in isolation somewhere near the north pole, so they keep repeating mistakes everyone elese made 10 years ago.

They probably still wear neon clothing from the 80s too.
Sinead O'Toole
#158 - 2011-12-11 16:18:27 UTC
why do people itt think PL/NCdot/anyone in nullsec gives a **** about 17b or whatever the drop was?
The Greater Goon
#159 - 2011-12-11 16:23:15 UTC
Sinead O'Toole wrote:
why do people itt think PL/NCdot/anyone in nullsec gives a **** about 17b or whatever the drop was?

our primary mission was to destroy it, so I guess you could say we cared
Dr Silkworth
#160 - 2011-12-11 18:21:18 UTC
This must be the Null Sec buff that CSM cried for.