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WH sites not spawning?

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Net 7
#1 - 2014-08-30 04:31:03 UTC
I'm just wondering if my understanding is off or if there is a bug going on. Sense Hyperion, my wh has had no sites spawn except other wormholes. I have anomalies, but no sigs. So i'm curious if its just me and i'm misunderstanding the respawn rate of a C5, or if others are seeing the same thing. (granted my sites could be picked clean but travelers before i get off work, but still figured i'd ask)

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Eve For life.

#2 - 2014-08-30 04:49:17 UTC
Perhaps people in your region have just not run many since Hyperion and the pool of sites that have been run have gone to others in your region...

RNG is what it is.
Net 7
#3 - 2014-08-30 04:49:54 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
Perhaps people in your region have just not run many since Hyperion and the pool of sites that have been run have gone to others in your region...

RNG is what it is.

ah yea i did not think of that.. hmm

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Pro TIps
#4 - 2014-08-30 12:27:16 UTC
We have not seen any new sites spawn recently, either. Seems odd as the same three have been there, so no visitors took them.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-08-30 12:33:13 UTC
This could well be a knock on effect of all the hyperion changes. with it making it alotless safe to run sites people arent and so no new sites are spawning.

I've been chatting to CCP Fozzie about numbers for various things and hopefully after a week or so we might see some changes, we may have to wait a bit longer mind for things to take effect though.

But iam looking in to this and your not the first people to notice this either.
#6 - 2014-08-30 12:46:35 UTC
corbexx wrote:
This could well be a knock on effect of all the hyperion changes. with it making it alotless safe to run sites people arent and so no new sites are spawning.

I've been chatting to CCP Fozzie about numbers for various things and hopefully after a week or so we might see some changes, we may have to wait a bit longer mind for things to take effect though.

But iam looking in to this and your not the first people to notice this either.

I sure hope they don't magic buff the site spawn pool or % upwards as a kneejerk reaction to less sites and in a few months when everything has settled down to a natural equilibrium forget about adjusting things downward again.

I would be concerned that a few weeks of post patch data is not enough to change things.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-08-30 13:02:27 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
corbexx wrote:
This could well be a knock on effect of all the hyperion changes. with it making it alotless safe to run sites people arent and so no new sites are spawning.

I've been chatting to CCP Fozzie about numbers for various things and hopefully after a week or so we might see some changes, we may have to wait a bit longer mind for things to take effect though.

But iam looking in to this and your not the first people to notice this either.

I sure hope they don't magic buff the site spawn pool or % upwards as a kneejerk reaction to less sites and in a few months when everything has settled down to a natural equilibrium forget about adjusting things downward again.

I would be concerned that a few weeks of post patch data is not enough to change things.

aye agree.

although after a patch (espeically the first wh patch in 3 years) stuff should be up even if its just due to people trying **** out. so if its down early on that could be a issue, although the oposite is true and it coudl be people need a month to figure it out.

need to wait for numbers. although my worry is by the time we get them **** will already be in a really bad stage.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#8 - 2014-08-30 15:11:28 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
corbexx wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
corbexx wrote:
This could well be a knock on effect of all the hyperion changes. with it making it alotless safe to run sites people arent and so no new sites are spawning.

I've been chatting to CCP Fozzie about numbers for various things and hopefully after a week or so we might see some changes, we may have to wait a bit longer mind for things to take effect though.

But iam looking in to this and your not the first people to notice this either.

I sure hope they don't magic buff the site spawn pool or % upwards as a kneejerk reaction to less sites and in a few months when everything has settled down to a natural equilibrium forget about adjusting things downward again.

I would be concerned that a few weeks of post patch data is not enough to change things.

aye agree.

although after a patch (espeically the first wh patch in 3 years) stuff should be up even if its just due to people trying **** out. so if its down early on that could be a issue, although the oposite is true and it coudl be people need a month to figure it out.

need to wait for numbers. although my worry is by the time we get them **** will already be in a really bad stage.

Your worries are shared, people who leave WH space or let their game time expire, are lost forever in most cases.

It's no good CCP saying an hour after they have gone, "good news, we are doing X as our metrics showed whatever" they will no longer be listening.

It is already too late for some, and their numbers will grow by the hour, and the day.

For those who pay for gametime monthly, a month is long enough to lose all those players who are not prepared to accept this "upgrade" they might have a little more time if they only want to keep those tied into long subscriptions.

The interesting thing is that wormhole space is heavily biased towards experienced and thoughtful players who are used to making long term decisions, and not the sort just seeking instant gratification.

If you lose those, and force them to take painful and irreversible decisions, they will not just flip flop due to a few words, ones actions are what are judged, when those players are gone, you really have ripped out a major organ keeping the game as a whole alive.

But you know that already, persuading the people who are busy hurting themselves, and think they have all the time in the world, is more of a challange.

CCP are used to reacting to anger, and rage, and organised out of game media manipulation, before they make decisions.
With this demographic however, they will discover to their horror, that thoughtful people react in a different way, once discussion fails, they just cease to try to talk to the deaf, and make their plans and decisions without another word.

Your voice will be one of a very few still actually trying at this point to be heard.

Good luck, I hope to still be here next month, but I am believing it less and less by the day.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Maduin Shi
#9 - 2014-08-30 16:50:43 UTC
corbexx wrote:

aye agree.

although after a patch (espeically the first wh patch in 3 years) stuff should be up even if its just due to people trying **** out. so if its down early on that could be a issue, although the oposite is true and it coudl be people need a month to figure it out.

need to wait for numbers. although my worry is by the time we get them **** will already be in a really bad stage.

It could be symptomatic of a big drop in WH groups farming their static connections, since its now a lot harder to secure an inactive static. "Parking lot" wormhole systems may be becoming a bigger problem.
Keith Planck
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2014-08-30 17:05:01 UTC
You could just give anoms a timer so they disappear regardless of being run, im thinking longer then 4 days but shorter then it is now if there is one.
Pro TIps
#11 - 2014-08-30 17:06:15 UTC
You guys seem to know something about the mechanics behind sites spawning. Are there a certain number of sites (or spawn rate) shared across a region of space? Does that explain why my C4 gets 1-2 sites a day (typically; it's zero since the patch), but others talk about having new sites spawn in their systems more frequently?

corbexx wrote:
need to wait for numbers. although my worry is by the time we get them **** will already be in a really bad stage.

Everyone in my corp took their mains to K-space even before we realized this was a thing. That's not unusual for us, we go back and forth sometimes, but our pilots won't come back until there is content. I hope CCP doesn't sit on their hands and ignore this anom spawn thing.

I'm not saying the sky is falling. We have fuel for months. We just didn't see a reason to be in W-space right now, given the dramatically increased risk and no sites to farm.
Maduin Shi
#12 - 2014-08-30 18:54:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Maduin Shi
Pro TIps wrote:
You guys seem to know something about the mechanics behind sites spawning. Are there a certain number of sites (or spawn rate) shared across a region of space? Does that explain why my C4 gets 1-2 sites a day (typically; it's zero since the patch), but others talk about having new sites spawn in their systems more frequently?

There's a "pool" of sites that are shared by... a given constellation or region of w-space I forget which. Though the meaning of those terms is sort of lost given how w-space works. But if you run a site, it will respawn in some other w-space system that TQ associates with your constellation/region.

w-space systems where nobody lives and are hard to access will accumulate more and more anoms/sigs over time because nobody is warping to them or running them. I think there's a de-spawn timer on sites even if there is no player interaction with them but its pretty long, perhaps a week or more. Anyway these empty/inaccessible systems become "parking lots" for anoms/sigs.

You'll occasionally get a connection to one of these systems with a huge number of sites, but if you don't farm them or warp to them then they stay there and they will take far longer to cycle and respawn in your home system or elsewhere.

If I got any of this wrong, someone correct me pls. Thx :)
Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#13 - 2014-08-30 19:14:26 UTC

Net 7
#14 - 2014-08-30 20:40:53 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:


I have not noticed this **** up your talking about. I saw a lot of people whining because its a bit harder to roll holes or you have to be smart about it. I just wanted to see if they accidentally broke the non wh part of the signature spawning. Seems its a no. So i wont worry about it n give it another few days

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Bear Paws
The Hells Bells Club
#15 - 2014-08-30 20:52:25 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:


This +1

Pages and pages of "input" since the update from folks who have obviously never been in a WH for more than 5 mins are just going to confuse things for CCP.

Meanwhile the systems are emptying fast, we're out of our C4 and 3 of the 5 systems we had scouts based in have emptied already too.

As a result 2 corp main accounts expire in the next 7 days and wont be re-subbed, 2 more expire a week later Sad
Net 7
#16 - 2014-08-30 20:54:44 UTC
Bear Paws wrote:
Angsty Teenager wrote:


This +1

Pages and pages of "input" since the update from folks who have obviously never been in a WH for more than 5 mins are just going to confuse things for CCP.

Meanwhile the systems are emptying fast, we're out of our C4 and 3 of the 5 systems we had scouts based in have emptied already too.

As a result 2 corp main accounts expire in the next 7 days and wont be re-subbed, 2 more expire a week later Sad

Then what exactly is broken?

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#17 - 2014-08-30 22:29:05 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

Then what exactly is broken?

CCP's thought process.

They decided to balance the rewards of w-space by making it HARDER, not RISKIER. Reward should be balanced around risk not the amount of effort/grind that has to be put in. It's baffling that they both have made w-space harder and less risky at the same time. (NPC kill api and the WH mass jump range changes).

Net 7
#18 - 2014-08-30 22:47:04 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:
DaReaper wrote:

Then what exactly is broken?

CCP's thought process.

They decided to balance the rewards of w-space by making it HARDER, not RISKIER. Reward should be balanced around risk not the amount of effort/grind that has to be put in. It's baffling that they both have made w-space harder and less risky at the same time. (NPC kill api and the WH mass jump range changes).

I'm not sure how any of what you said had to do with rewards, they have not seems to changed. the npc kill data being blocked is meh, just means you have to hunt a bit before you know if a systems is generally active. and The WH spawn changes.. well i thought most wh corps love pvp, so shouldn;t the ability to catch dreads and the like easier make then happy? I still don;t see how wh;s are broken and i've lived in them off and off form day one and for a over a year now. I see it more as HTFU and adapt or die then broken.

But on topic. i got a gas site spawned today first one since hyp came out. yay!

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Tzar Sinak
Mythic Heights
#19 - 2014-08-30 23:06:38 UTC
I have has gas, relic and data sites spawn in my system.

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Surrian O'Connor
Probe Patrol
#20 - 2014-08-30 23:37:08 UTC
3 **** gas sites and finally a combat site im my c5. gg ccp, you win. moth balling the system at the next appropriate entrance i think.
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